However, given Fang Yue's cultivation level, those dangers to mortals and even low-level warriors are nothing but a piece of cake for him.

His body is light and his steps are steady, even on rough mountain roads.

In his eyes, the threats from venomous snakes and beasts are just minor troubles that need to be dealt with carefully, and his wisdom and experience are enough for him to resolve them easily.

As Fang Yue moved forward, he paid attention to the surrounding environment, and couldn't help but have some doubts about the guidance of the old man of the Cai tribe.

It seems that there are no large groups of people passing by here!

In the mountains and forests, birds were chirping, but there was no sign of the large group of people. Occasionally, a few small animals hurried through the grass, but they were just ordinary sights in nature, far from the "big groups of people" the old man said.

"Did that person lie to me?" Fang Yue was instantly sure.

Although Fang Yue felt unwilling, he also understood that this was not the time to pursue the case.

He took a deep breath, temporarily suppressed the doubts and anger in his heart, and focused on the task at hand.

He knew that Zhu Linlang's safety was far more important than personal gains and losses, so he had to rush to Chu State as soon as possible.

He quickened his pace, moving through the mountains and forests like a light wind.

His eyes were sharp, scanning the surroundings, not letting go of any possible clues. Although the old man may have deceived him, Fang Yue still remained vigilant, just in case.

While on the road, Fang Yue kept recalling the scene of his encounter with the old man, trying to find some clues.

He thought about the old man's words, demeanor and every detail, trying to deduce the old man's possible motives and purposes.

However, no matter how much he thought, he could not come to a clear conclusion.

There seemed to be no obvious flaw in the old man's words, and his demeanor was very natural, without any trace of panic or uneasiness.

This made Fang Yue even more confused and didn't understand why the old man wanted to deceive him.

At the same time, Shen Tuba, the elite Chu army stationed at the border of Dachu and Zhenguo, received the letter from Fei Ge.

The letter described Fang Yue's traces and whereabouts in detail, claiming that this person was an enemy of Da Chu and must be captured. Shen Tuba frowned, a stern look flashed in his eyes.

He knew that Fang Yue's strength should not be underestimated, but as a general who governs the country, how could he tolerate the enemy's evildoers to go unpunished under his nose?

He immediately summoned his elite soldiers and arranged a rigorous pursuit plan.

Shen Tuba knew very well that if he wanted to capture Fang Yue, he had to take him by surprise and attack him unprepared.

He ordered the soldiers to dress up in disguise and disperse into small teams to search and arrest Fang Yue along the routes he might pass through.

At the same time, three major martial arts masters were dispatched, namely "Invincible Iron Palm" Lei Zhentian, "Sword Shadow Piaomiao" Yun Feiyang and "Ba Dao" Kuang Zhan.

These three masters are all well-known strong men in the Chu army. They have profound cultivation and each have amazing martial arts and unique fighting styles.

Shen Tuba had high hopes for them and believed that they could help him successfully capture Fang Yue.

Lei Zhentian is famous for his pair of iron palms, which are powerful and powerful, and can easily break mountains and rocks; Yun Feiyang is good at swordsmanship, and his sword moves are elegant and agile, like ghosts; Kuang Zhan is a domineering sword, with wild and uninhibited sword skills and amazing power .

After receiving the order, the three masters immediately led their respective teams to search for Fang Yue along the routes he might have passed.

At this time, Fang Yue was concentrating on his way, completely unaware that he had become the target of the Chu army, let alone that there were three martial arts masters approaching him.

His figure is light and his steps are steady, moving through the mountains and forests like a black lightning.

However, the crisis is quietly approaching, and a life and death battle is about to begin.

Just as Fang Yue was walking through the mountains and forests, thinking about how to get to Chu State as soon as possible, suddenly, a burst of rapid horse hoofbeats pierced the silence of the mountains and forests.

Immediately afterwards, dozens of disguised elite soldiers of the Chu army rushed out from all directions and surrounded Fang Yue.

They were armed with long spears and had stern looks on their faces, obviously they were coming with bad intentions.

Fang Yue was shocked, but remained calm on the surface. He looked around and found that these soldiers were dressed differently from the ordinary Chu army. It was obviously a carefully planned manhunt.

He thought to himself: "It seems that I have become the target of the Chu army."

At this moment, the three martial arts masters Lei Zhentian, Yun Feiyang and Kuangzhan also walked out slowly, their eyes tightly locked on Fang Yue.

Lei Zhentian's rough voice sounded: "Fang Yue, as a master of the great Wei Dynasty, you dare to sneak into the territory of our great Chu state. Today is the day of your death!"

Fang Yue sneered and said: "Humph, how dare a mere Chu army speak nonsense in front of me? I want to see how capable you are of capturing me!"

Yun Feiyang had an elegant figure, pointed his sword at Fang Yue, and said: "Fang Yue, you may have some strength, but in front of our three masters, you are just like an ant. I advise you to capture him without mercy, so as not to suffer physical pain."

Three martial arts masters!

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he heard this. Before he decided to come to Chu State, he had also learned about Chu State's martial arts forces through relevant channels. He knew that Lei Zhentian, Yun Feiyang and Kuang Zhan, the three masters, were the top in the Chu army. Each master possesses extraordinary martial arts and profound cultivation.

But Fang Yue did not feel intimidated by this. On the contrary, his eyes revealed a sense of challenge.

"Huh, ants? It depends on who it is for."

Fang Yue sneered, his body did not move, but his momentum had already reached the extreme, "Although I am not talented, I am not a soft persimmon that can be easily manipulated. Today, let me see what methods you three so-called masters have!"

As he said, Fang Yue moved, like a ghost, and instantly attacked the three masters.

His movements were swift and sharp, and every move and every style contained powerful strength. It was obvious that he wanted to fight these three masters head-on.

Lei Zhentian saw this and waved his iron palm, and the palm wind whistled, and it collided with Fang Yue's palm force.

Yun Feiyang's sword light flashed, and his sword moves were like flowing water, intertwined with Fang Yue's moves.

Kuang Zhan waved his tyrant sword, and the sword energy was crisscrossed, colliding with Fang Yue's strength, making a deafening roar.

For a time, the mountains and forests were full of swords and shadows, and the energy was crisscrossed.

The battle in the forest became more and more intense. Lei Zhentian, Yun Feiyang, and Kuang Zhan, the three masters, joined forces to fight Fang Yue, but were surprised to find that even with the combined efforts of the three of them, it was difficult to suppress Fang Yue's offensive.

Lei Zhentian's iron palm was like thunder rolling in the sky, and each palm carried the power to split mountains and rocks. However, Fang Yue, with his unfathomable cultivation, easily resolved Lei Zhentian's palm power, and even occasionally counterattacked, forcing Lei Zhentian to retreat again and again.

Yun Feiyang's swordsmanship was elegant and agile, like a continuous stream of water, but when facing Fang Yue, he found that his swordsmanship was somewhat stretched. Fang Yue's body movements were too strange, and his moves could always unexpectedly break Yun Feiyang's sword moves, making Yun Feiyang's sword light unable to touch his body.

Kuang Zhan's tyrant sword was amazingly powerful, and each knife seemed to tear the air apart. However, when facing Fang Yue, Kuang Zhan found that his swordsmanship was somewhat powerless. Fang Yue's strength was too strong. Every time he attacked, he could easily resist Kuang Zhan's sword energy, and even counterattacked, forcing Kuang Zhan to dodge again and again.

The three masters were horrified. They never thought that this seemingly young spy had such amazing strength. The three of them joined forces, but they couldn't suppress Fang Yue's offensive. Instead, they were forced to retreat step by step by Fang Yue.

Fang Yue's figure was like a ghost, shuttling between the three masters. Every time he attacked, he contained a powerful force, which made the three masters feel more pressured. The three of them looked at each other, their eyes full of disbelief. They knew that today's battle might be inevitable.

However, even in the face of such a powerful enemy, the three masters did not give up. They knew their mission well. For the safety of Chu, they must do their best, even at the cost of their lives.

So, the three of them joined forces again and launched the final offensive. Lei Zhentian's iron palm, Yun Feiyang's swordsmanship, and Kuang Zhan's tyrant sword, the martial arts of the three reached their peak at this moment, and they tried their best to launch the final attack on Fang Yue.

However, Fang Yue just sneered, and his figure passed by like lightning, easily dissolving the offensive of the three masters. His cultivation has reached the realm of a great master, and he has long seen through all the flaws in the attacks of these three masters.

In the end, after a fierce battle, Fang Yue successfully defeated the three masters by himself. His figure stood between the mountains and forests, like an invincible god of war, which made the three masters feel extremely shocked and awed.

Fang Yue's figure was upright, standing like a mountain, and his eyes revealed an indescribable majesty and depth. After a fierce battle with him, the three masters were all out of breath, and it was obvious that they were at the end of their strength.

Lei Zhentian's iron palm trembled slightly, and he looked at Fang Yue in disbelief, as if he was looking at a monster. He had never thought that his palm power, which he was so proud of, would be so vulnerable in front of this young man.

Yun Feiyang's sword tip drooped, the sword light dimmed, his face was pale, and he had obviously exhausted all his strength. His originally elegant and agile sword skills seemed so clumsy and powerless in front of Fang Yue's ghostly body movements.

Kuang Zhan's tyrant sword was inserted into the ground, and he held the hilt tightly with both hands, as if he wanted to pour all his strength into it. However, even if he tried his best, he could not leave even a scar on Fang Yue.

The three masters looked at each other, and they all saw deep despair and helplessness in each other's eyes. They knew that they might not be able to leave this mountain forest alive today.

Fang Yue looked at them, and there was no pride or arrogance in his eyes. He just said lightly: "Your strength is indeed good, but it is still too small in front of the grandmaster."

As he said, he moved his body and rushed towards the three masters like a ghost. His movements were swift and fierce, and each move contained a powerful force, as if to tear the air apart.

Seeing this, the three masters gritted their teeth and tried their best to resist. However, their attacks were like child's play in front of Fang Yue, and he easily resolved them.

In the end, after a fierce battle, Fang Yue defeated the three masters again with his own strength.

His figure stood like a god of war in the mountains and forests, which made the three masters feel extremely shocked and awed.

They knew that they had lost to a real strong man today, an existence that they could not reach.

Although they were unwilling in their hearts, they could only accept this fact helplessly.

Fang Yue looked at them, without any killing intent in his eyes. He just said lightly: "Go, I won't kill you. But remember, if you dare to stop me next time, don't blame me for being ruthless."

The three masters breathed a sigh of relief when they heard this.

They knew that they were lucky to be able to leave this forest alive today.

They didn't dare to say anything more, but turned around and left.

"Follow them, I should be able to find Zhu Linlang."

Fang Yue thought to himself as he watched the backs of the few people leaving.

He knew that although he defeated the three masters, the real challenge might have just begun. Since the Chu army had already set out, Zhu Linlang's situation was undoubtedly more critical.

He must speed up his pace, find her as soon as possible, and rescue her from possible danger.

Fang Yue did not stop for a moment, and immediately followed the direction where the three masters left.

His figure shuttled quickly through the mountains and forests, as agile as a cheetah, and each step was just right, without wasting physical strength and maintaining a very fast speed.

The scenery in the mountains and forests unfolded like a scroll in Fang Yue's eyes, but he had no time to appreciate it.

He only had Zhu Linlang's safety in his mind and only wanted to find her as soon as possible. He knew that time was more precious to him than anything else at this moment.

As the tracking deepened, Fang Yue gradually discovered some clues.

Although the whereabouts of the Chu army were secretive, they were as conspicuous as a beacon in the eyes of a warrior of Fang Yue's level.

Based on the footprints on the ground, the broken branches, and the residual breath in the air, he approached the Chu army camp step by step.

Fang Yue approached the Chu army camp cautiously, thinking about how to sneak in quietly and find Zhu Linlang's traces. He knew that breaking in directly would only alert the snake, and he had to outsmart it.

The camp was heavily guarded, with patrolling soldiers coming and going, but Fang Yue easily avoided all the guards with his superb skills and keen insight, and quietly sneaked into the camp.

In the camp, the lights were bright, and the Chu army soldiers were standing or sitting, ready for battle. Fang Yue hid his body and shuttled through the camp, looking for any clues that might be related to Zhu Linlang.

Suddenly, a faint cry caught Fang Yue's attention. He immediately followed the sound and found that the sound came from a remote tent. (End of this chapter)

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