Fang Yue quietly approached the remote tent. His cultivation was so advanced that even without using special hiding methods, the surrounding guards could not detect his presence at all.

He stayed close to the tent and listened carefully to what was going on inside. The weak cries became clearer and clearer, and each sound seemed to tell endless grievances and despair.

He felt moved and decided to take action.

Gently opening a corner of the tent, he quickly glanced inside and saw a woman huddled in the corner, with tearful eyes and a haggard face.

Fang Yue did not hesitate. He quickly and silently entered the tent and came to the woman's side.

"Who are you?" he whispered.

The woman looked up at him, with a trace of surprise and confusion in her eyes, but more of a desire for help.

Fang Yue's sudden appearance made the woman panic, but she quickly calmed down and replied in a trembling voice:

"I...I am the maid of the eldest princess of the Great Chu Dynasty. The eldest princess was unwilling to marry the champion, so we thought of escaping to the Kingdom of Wei, but we did not expect to be captured by the defenders at the border."

The woman's voice was full of grief and despair, and her eyes shone with the desire for freedom.

Fang Yue frowned slightly when he heard this, and a complex emotion surged in his heart. He did not expect that this woman turned out to be the maid of the eldest princess of the Chu Dynasty, and that their experience was so miserable. However, he also knew that the purpose of his trip was not to save people, but that he had other tasks to complete.

He looked at the woman, a trace of hesitation and struggle flashing in his eyes. He knew that he couldn't stay here for too long, otherwise he might cause unnecessary trouble. However, he could not ignore the help and despair in the woman's eyes.

"I...I can't take you away, I can only send you out of the military camp."

Fang Yue's voice was low and firm. He knew that he still had to rush to rescue Zhu Linlang, but he couldn't just watch this woman continue to suffer. He decided to at least send her out of the military camp to give her a chance of survival.

When the woman heard this, a trace of surprise and gratitude flashed in her eyes.

She didn't expect that this mysterious man would take the risk to help her. She held Fang Yue's hand tightly, as if grasping the hope of life.

"Thank you so much. As long as I can leave the military camp, I will have a way to escape." Although the woman's voice was weak, it was full of firm belief.

Fang Yue nodded and said no more.

He quickly lifted the woman up and took her out of the tent quietly.

His movements were light and agile, and he passed through the military camp like a gust of wind without attracting anyone's attention.

Finally, they succeeded in reaching the edge of the military camp.

Fang Yue stopped and hid the woman in a hidden bush.

"You wait here, I will distract the guards and you can escape." Fang Yue whispered, his eyes shining with determination.

The woman looked at Fang Yue gratefully, her eyes full of gratitude and admiration. She knew that this mysterious man had taken great risks to save her.

"My benefactor's great kindness will never be forgotten by me."

The woman whispered, "If I can regain my freedom one day, I will definitely repay my benefactor for saving his life."

Fang Yue smiled slightly and said no more. He turned away and began to draw the guard's attention.

After some twists and turns, he finally succeeded in luring the guards away, and the woman took the opportunity to escape from the military camp.


At the same time, in the city near the military camp, the champion was sitting in the spacious meeting hall, looking gloomily at the three masters kneeling on the ground, covered with scars.

These three people were once his right-hand men and were highly skilled in martial arts. However, they were easily defeated by Fang Yue of Great Wei not long ago and fled back in embarrassment.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Champion Hou's voice was cold and filled with unquestionable majesty.

One of the three masters reluctantly raised his head, with a trace of fear and reluctance flashing in his eyes: "That man... that man has a very high level of cultivation, and the three of us working together are no match for him. He... He seems to have become a great master.”

When the champion Hou heard this, a trace of shock and solemnity flashed in his eyes.

Grandmaster is the pinnacle of martial arts. Once reached, it means having extraordinary strength and status.

He did not expect that such a powerful person would appear in the Wei Dynasty, and he seemed to be related to the Empress of the Wei Dynasty.

"Grand Master..."

The champion repeated it in a low voice, then stood up, walked to the window, and stared at the sky in the distance, "It seems that the water behind this is deeper than I thought."

The champion was silent for a moment, the thoughts in his heart were like a sea of ​​rolling clouds that could not be calmed down. He realized that the appearance of this great master might not be as simple as rescuing a maid.

Behind this, Wei's deeper layout and intentions may be hidden.

"It seems that we must capture the Empress of Wei as soon as possible, otherwise our plans will be greatly affected when she joins them!"

The champion's eyes became cold and decisive, and he knew that if they could not act quickly to allow the Grand Master to join forces with the Empress of Wei, their plan would face a huge threat.

He had to get ahead of it and break this potential alliance.

"Pass my order and the entire army is ready to go. Early tomorrow morning, I will personally lead the army to the border of Wei to meet with the so-called Empress of Wei."

There was unquestionable determination in the champion's voice. He turned to look at the three masters kneeling on the ground, "As for you, go down and recuperate first. When your injuries recover, you can join me in the battle."

When the three masters heard this, their hearts trembled. They knew the temper of the champion, and they also understood the serious situation at this moment.

They kowtowed quickly to express gratitude and then exited the meeting hall.

As the champion's order was conveyed, the entire military camp suddenly became busy, and the soldiers were getting ready for the upcoming war.

The champion stood alone in front of the window, staring at the distant sky, thinking about his next move.

He knew that this battle would determine his fate and the future of the Chu Dynasty. He must go all out and not make any mistakes.

At the same time, he was also full of curiosity and expectations for the Grand Master. He wanted to know how powerful this Grand Master was and whether it could become a stumbling block on his way forward.

After Fang Yue left the military camp, he did not go directly to the border of Dawei. Instead, he chose to come to a small town on the border of Dachu.

He knew very well that in order to successfully rescue Zhu Linlang and uncover the conspiracy behind it, he must first understand the enemy's movements and layout.

Although this small town is remote, because it is close to the border, merchants and travelers often pass by, and the news is relatively well-informed.

Fang Yue found a seemingly ordinary teahouse, which was actually a news distribution center, and quietly took a seat.

The teahouse was buzzing with people, and all kinds of news and rumors came and went.

Fang Yue pricked up his ears, carefully capturing any information related to the Champion and the Empress of Wei.

He knew very well that key clues were often hidden in this chaotic news.

"Have you heard? The champion is going to personally lead his army to the border of Wei to have a showdown with the empress of Wei!"

A man who looked like a businessman said loudly, his face full of excitement and anticipation.

"Yes, I heard about it too. The champion is the top master of Da Chu. If he personally takes action, the Empress of Wei will be left with nothing to eat."

Another person echoed, his words full of admiration and awe for the champion.

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart moved. He did not expect that the Champion Hou would move so quickly and actually lead his army to the border of Wei in person.

This made him even more worried about Zhu Linlang's safety and made him realize that he had to act as soon as possible, otherwise it would be too late.

He continued to listen to the news in the teahouse, trying to find more useful clues.

Suddenly, a low and mysterious voice came into his ears: "I heard that the great master also appeared, and he seemed to be secretly helping the Empress of Wei. If the champion can fight with him, it will be a real battle between dragons and tigers. !”

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart trembled.

He knew that this "Grand Master" probably refers to himself.

Fang Yue was about to leave the teahouse quietly. Suddenly, a man with simple clothes and an ordinary face walked up to him quickly and whispered: "Master Fang, my master has invited me to tell you important news about the Empress of Wei. ”

Fang Yue was shocked, but then calmed down. He looked around, made sure no one was paying attention, and responded in a low voice: "Lead the way."

The man nodded, turned around and led the way, passing through several narrow alleys and arriving in front of a seemingly ordinary house. The man opened the door and motioned for Fang Yue to enter.

Fang Yue walked into the house and saw that the furnishings in the house were simple, but there was an extraordinary atmosphere. A middle-aged man in a gorgeous robe was sitting on the main seat, looking at him with a smile.

"Grandmaster Fang Da, I have long admired your name." The middle-aged man bowed his hands in a respectful manner.

Fang Yue nodded slightly, secretly wary: "Who are you? What's the news?"

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and spoke slowly: "I am a secret agent of the Chu Dynasty, responsible for collecting intelligence from all parties. This time I came to inform Grandmaster Fang that the champion has led an army to the border of Wei, intending to attack Wei The Empress is disadvantageous.

Moreover, I also learned that the champion holds a mysterious treasure in his hands, which is said to be able to greatly enhance a warrior's cultivation. His current action is to use the power of this treasure to defeat the Empress of Wei in one fell swoop. "

When Fang Yue heard this, he frowned slightly and thought to himself. Are what this middle-aged man said true or false? If it is true, then the mysterious treasure in the hands of the champion is undoubtedly a huge threat. He must tell Zhu Linlang the news as soon as possible so that she can be prepared.

"Do you know the origin and efficacy of this treasure?" Fang Yue asked in a deep voice, staring at the middle-aged man, trying to catch a trace of lies in his expression.

The middle-aged man shook his head and expressed his ignorance: "I don't know the specific origin and efficacy of this treasure. I just accidentally learned such news from the conversations of some high-level people."

"Why are you telling me this!" Fang Yue did not trust the other party gullibly.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly, with a hint of cunning in his eyes: "Grandmaster Fang Da, the reason why I tell you this is because I believe that you and we have a common enemy, and that is the Champion. Moreover, I also know that the Champion How big of a threat is the mysterious treasure in Hou’s hands to you? I think we might be able to work together to fight against the champion Hou.”

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart moved.

He understood that the cooperation mentioned by this middle-aged man was undoubtedly a win-win choice.

Fang Yue stared at the middle-aged man with deep eyes, trying to catch any possible signs of falsehood in his words and expression.

However, the middle-aged man's expression seemed very sincere, without any concealment or deception.


Fang Yue repeated in a low voice, weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

He knew that cooperating with this secret agent of the Chu Dynasty might be able to provide him with more information about the Champion and the Empress of Wei, and might even help him better deal with the upcoming crisis.

"What exactly do you mean by cooperation?" Fang Yue asked in a deep voice, his tone revealing an unquestionable majesty.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and seemed not to care about Fang Yue's wariness. He stood up slowly, walked to Fang Yue, and whispered:

"Grandmaster Fang Da, what I mean by cooperation is to fight against the champion together.

I know that you have some connection with the Empress of Wei, and I also hope to stop the ambition of the champion. We can join forces to expose his conspiracy and protect the safety of the Empress of Wei. "

When Fang Yue heard this, he thought to himself. He knew that the middle-aged man's proposal was not unreasonable.

The champion's ambition not only poses a threat to the Empress of Wei, but may also bring disaster to the entire Chu Dynasty.

Moreover, the mysterious treasure in his hand is a huge hidden danger that must be solved as soon as possible.

"Why should I trust you?"

Fang Yue asked in a deep voice, his eyes fixed on the middle-aged man, trying to catch a hint of sincerity in his eyes.

The middle-aged man smiled slightly and seemed not to care about Fang Yue's doubts. He said slowly:

"Grandmaster Fang Da, I believe you have your own judgment and insight. You may not believe me, but you must not believe the threat of Champion Hou.

Moreover, when I say cooperation, I don’t mean that you completely believe me, but I hope that we can jointly deal with this crisis.

You can maintain your vigilance and vigilance, but you can also consider our cooperation. After all, our goal is the same, which is to stop the champion Hou's ambition. "

When Fang Yue heard this, he nodded secretly in his heart. He knew that what this middle-aged man said was not unreasonable.

Moreover, he also understood that he could not fight against Champion Hou and the entire Chu Dynasty on his own. He needs more information and allies to help him.

"Okay, I can consider your proposal."

Fang Yue said in a deep voice, his tone revealing a sense of determination and firmness.

He knew that this battle would determine his fate, as well as the future of the Empress of Wei and the Chu Dynasty.

He must go all out and not make any mistakes.

Hearing this, the middle-aged man showed a hint of joy on his face.

He knew that his proposal had been approved by Fang Yue. (End of chapter)

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