Fang Yue sat down in a hidden place, leaning against a boulder, and began to heal his wounds. He carefully placed the collected medicinal materials in front of him one by one, his eyes shining with concentration.

Then he started to mix the medicine. When the medicine was ready, he swallowed it in one gulp.

He knew that this injury should not be underestimated and he must go all out to recover as soon as possible.

He took a deep breath, waved his hands gently, and the vitality in his body surged into a warm airflow, surrounding him.

He closed his eyes, his mind sank into his body, and began to guide the air flow along specific meridians to nourish the injured body.

As time passed, Fang Yue's face gradually became rosy and his breathing became more steady.

The injuries in his body began to recover at an alarming speed under the combined effect of the medicinal materials and vitality.

One day later, Fang Yue woke up from his trance.

After a brief feeling, the injury has been mostly healed, and it basically does not affect the movement.

As long as you don't encounter masters of the same level, there will be no problem.

Fang Yue woke up from trance and felt that the injuries in his body had improved significantly, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. He understands that although he has not yet fully recovered, his current condition is adequate for normal challenges. As long as he doesn't encounter a master of the same level, he is confident that he can protect himself.

Fang Yue, who decided to continue going out to search for medicinal materials, packed his bags and embarked on a new journey. He traveled through the mountains and forests, relying on his keen intuition and deep understanding of nature to look for those rare medicinal materials.

However, just as Fang Yue was concentrating on searching for medicinal materials, he unexpectedly discovered a group of elusive black knights. These knights wore black armor and rode tall war horses, exuding an extraordinary aura in their movements. Fang Yue's heart moved, and he immediately realized that these knights were probably the subordinates of Hou Yangchan, the champion of Da Chu.

A burst of curiosity arose in his heart, and he decided to quietly follow these black knights to see what their purpose was. Fang Yue used his physical skills to quietly follow the knights, keeping a certain distance to avoid being discovered.

After a period of tracking, Fang Yue discovered that these black knights had arrived at a hidden valley.

In the valley is a small village.

Fang Yue was secretly surprised. He didn't expect these knights in black to come to such a small village in a hidden valley.

He became more curious and decided to continue tracking to see what these knights were doing in this small village.

He approached the village cautiously, using the surrounding trees and terrain as cover to try not to be discovered.

At the same time, he is always vigilant in case of emergencies.

After entering the village, Fang Yue found that although the village was not big, its layout was very clever, with well-proportioned houses and clean and tidy streets.

Moreover, the residents in the village seem to be well-trained, and their actions reveal an extraordinary atmosphere.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately realized that this village might have some connection with Hou Yangchan, the champion of Da Chu.

Perhaps, this is a secret stronghold of Yang Chan, or a place to train his knights.

In order not to alert others, Fang Yue decided not to enter the center of the village, but found a secluded place to hide on the edge of the village.

He quietly observed everything in the village, trying to find some useful information.

After some observation, Fang Yue discovered that these black knights stayed in the village for a while and then left on their horses.

After Fang Yue witnessed the knight in black leaving, he became more convinced that this village was inextricably linked to Hou Yangchan, the champion of Chu. He decided to take a risk and explore. He might be able to find some useful healing materials here, and he might even learn some of Yang Chan's secrets.

He carefully shuttled around the edge of the village, using his body and concealment skills to gradually penetrate deeper into the village. As he went deeper, he discovered that the layout of this village was indeed very clever. Not only were the houses well-proportioned, but there were also many hidden passages and secret doors, obviously to prevent invasion by foreign enemies.

Fang Yue secretly admired that such a layout and facilities were indeed a good place to train his knights.

He continued deeper and suddenly heard a loud noise, which seemed to come from a large warehouse.

With a thought in his mind, he immediately realized that there was probably a large amount of supplies stored in this warehouse. These supplies were probably prepared by Yang Chan to train his men.

Thinking of this, he decided to take a risk and see what was in the warehouse.

He quietly approached the warehouse and found that the entrance to the warehouse was heavily guarded, with several knights in black patrolling the door.

He was secretly wary, knowing that it would not be easy to enter the warehouse.

However, he did not give up, but began to observe the environment around the warehouse, looking for opportunities to sneak into it.

After some observation, he found a small window on the side of the warehouse. Although the window was not high, it was enough for him to climb in.

He was overjoyed and immediately decided to sneak into the warehouse through this window. He quietly approached the window, and then used his body skills to climb in easily.

After entering the warehouse, Fang Yue was stunned by the sight in front of him.

The warehouse is filled with all kinds of supplies, including medicinal materials, weapons, armor, and even some rare ores and gems.

He secretly marveled, he didn't expect Yang Chan to store so many supplies here.

He knew that these supplies would undoubtedly be a huge asset to anyone.

Fang Yue walked around the warehouse, carefully observing the supplies. He couldn't help but secretly think that if he could take some of these supplies away, it would not only be of great benefit to his healing, but also provide considerable help in his future cultivation.

"However, it is not an easy thing to take these supplies away." Fang Yue said to himself.

After all, no matter how high his cultivation was, he could not take so many supplies away by himself.

At this moment, a slight noise came from the corner of the warehouse. Fang Yue was startled and immediately looked over vigilantly. He saw a young man in gray clothes hiding in the corner, holding a gem in his hand, obviously trying to take it away secretly.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Fang Yue asked in a low voice, he did not want to alarm the black knights.

The young man was obviously startled by Fang Yue's appearance, and the gem in his hand almost fell to the ground. He quickly put the gem in his arms and whispered, "Sir, spare me, I won't dare to do it again, I won't dare to do it again."

Fang Yue immediately understood that he was mistaken for a black knight.

It just so happened that he was wearing a black suit now. If you don't look carefully, he really looks like those black knights.

"Really? Tell me, what else did you do? If you tell me well, I'll let you go this time!" Fang Yue smiled slightly.

Fang Yue deliberately lowered his voice with a hint of majesty in his tone, trying to take this opportunity to get some information about this secret village and the black knights from the young man.

The young man's face turned even paler when he heard this, and he replied in a trembling voice, "Sir, I was just greedy for a moment and wanted to steal a gem to exchange for some money. I know I was wrong, please spare my life!"

Fang Yue thought to himself when he saw this.

He knew that if he asked directly, it would probably make the other party wary, and he would not be able to get any useful information.

So, he changed his tone and said, "Okay, I can spare you this time. But you must tell me, what secrets are hidden in this village? Why did those black knights come here?"

The young man heard this, and a hint of hesitation flashed in his eyes.

But he also understood instantly that the black-clad men in front of him were not those black-clad knights.

He wanted to shout loudly, but he hesitated for a long time and didn't dare to do it.

If he shouted and attracted the black knights, he didn't know what would happen to the man in front of him, but he would definitely have no way to survive.

"My friend, there are so many treasures here. You take yours and I take mine. Isn't it just right for us to keep to ourselves? Why bother to make a fuss?"

The young man tried to persuade Fang Yue to share the benefits and resolve the current crisis. There was a hint of pleading in his words, and he obviously didn't want to conflict with Fang Yue.

Fang Yue heard this and smiled slightly: "This is not up to you!"

Fang Yue's Yuanqi handprint easily controlled the young man, making him unable to move. A trace of fear flashed in the young man's eyes, and he realized that he could not resist the power of the mysterious man in black.

"Now, tell me what I want to know." Fang Yue's voice was calm and firm. He did not intend to tangle with the young man for too long. After all, his main purpose was to explore the truth of this secret village.

The young man's voice trembled. He knew that he had no choice. So he began to tell everything he knew.

"This village is indeed a secret base of the champion of Da Chu, Hou Yangchan. Those black knights are his men. They often come here to transport supplies and train. This warehouse stores a large amount of supplies, including medicinal materials, weapons, armor, etc., and even rare minerals and gems. That's all I know, please don't kill me!" There was a hint of pleading in the young man's words.

After listening to the young man's story, Fang Yue nodded secretly in his heart. He knew that the young man should be telling the truth.

But he didn't finish it. This person must have hidden some information.

Fang Yue's eyes locked onto the young man, and his tone was filled with an unquestionable majesty: "I have guessed most of what you said. But I also want to know, in addition to being a material storage and training place, is there anything else special about this village? For example, is there some secret experiment or research hidden here?"

The young man's eyes flashed with a trace of panic. He didn't expect Fang Yue to ask so deeply.

He hesitated for a moment, but then felt the pressure of Fang Yue's Yuanqi handprint became stronger, so he had to bite the bullet and continue:

"I... I only know that sometimes some strange people come here. They wear clothes different from the black knights, and look like... like people engaged in some special research. But I really don't know what they are researching. I just occasionally hear some strange noises, as if coming from underground."

Fang Yue's heart moved when he heard this.

He realized that this village might not only be a simple material storage and training place, but it might also hide some secret research of Yang Chan.

This discovery made him more convinced that this village was worth his in-depth exploration.

"Very good, take me there." Fang Yue nodded slightly and then withdrew the Yuan Qi hand seal.

When the young man heard this, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, but then turned into fear. He knew that once he took this mysterious man in black to the place where those mysterious people were, his fate would become even more unpredictable. However, he also understood that he had no choice but to obey.

"Yes, yes, I'll take you there." The young man replied with a trembling voice, and then turned and walked towards the depths of the village.

Fang Yue followed closely behind the young man, his heart full of vigilance and curiosity. He knew that he was about to uncover another secret of this village, and this secret might be related to some unknown research of Yang Chan.

They passed through several narrow streets, bypassed several houses, and finally came to a seemingly ordinary courtyard. However, Fang Yue keenly noticed that the atmosphere around this courtyard was completely different from other places, and it seemed to hide some mysterious power.

"This is it, those strange people often come and go here." The young man stopped and whispered to Fang Yue.

Fang Yue nodded slightly, then motioned the young man to step aside. He took a deep breath, gathered the vitality in his body, and then gently pushed open the gate of the courtyard.

Inside the gate was a spacious courtyard with some exotic plants planted in the courtyard, exuding a faint fragrance. In the center of the courtyard, there was a seemingly ordinary house, but Fang Yue could feel that there was a powerful aura hidden in that house.

He walked towards the house carefully and then gently opened the door.

Suddenly, the eyes of the four men in black in the house all came over.

Suddenly, the eyes of the four men in black in the house all turned to Fang Yue, their eyes were full of vigilance and surprise.

The four men in black obviously did not expect someone to suddenly break into this secret courtyard, and they did not expect that the intruder was actually a stranger in black.

Fang Yue's eyes were equally sharp. He quickly glanced at the situation in the house, where some medicinal materials and minerals he had never seen before were piled up, emitting a faint light.

"Who are you? Why are you here?"

One of the men in black asked in a deep voice, and he had quietly clenched a short knife in his hand, obviously ready to deal with any possible emergency at any time.

Fang Yue smiled slightly, and did not directly answer the question of the man in black, but asked back: "What are you doing here? What are these medicinal herbs and minerals used for?"

The man in black heard this, and his face changed slightly. He didn't expect the visitor to be so arrogant! (End of this chapter)

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