Fang Yue's calmness and rhetorical questions made the four men in black in the room look shocked. They didn't expect this stranger who suddenly broke in to be so calm and composed, so arrogant, how brave!

This is the place where the champion secretly trains the black knights. It is related to the great cause of the emperor and must not be lost.

Therefore, any outsider who knows the secrets here must die!

"Hmph, you are so brave. Boy, hurry up and capture him, otherwise you will die a miserable death when we wait for you!" The leader of the knights in black said with a sneer.

Faced with the shock and threat of the man in black, Fang Yue raised a faint smile on his lips, and a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes.

He slowly glanced around the room. Although the four men in black were wearing night clothes and their faces were hidden in the shadows, Fang Yue seemed to be able to penetrate them all and look directly into their souls.

"Humph, just a few of you?"

Fang Yue's voice was not high, but it carried an unquestionable majesty: "If the champion is really that capable, why should he hide his head and show his tail and train you shady lackeys?"

When the men in black heard this, their expressions changed suddenly, and one of them shouted angrily: "How dare you insult the champion, a mad man! Today, you have thrown yourself into a trap, and you can't even think of leaving this place alive!"

Fang Yue chuckled and did not move, but shook his head slightly. "Since I dare to come, I can leave with confidence. However, before I leave, I want to see what is in the secret room down here that is worthy of your four masters' protection."

Fang Yue's words made the faces of the people in black even more gloomy. They did not expect that this intruder would be so arrogant. Not only was he not afraid of their threats, but he even promised to explore the secret room below.

"You are looking for death!" the leader of the knight in black shouted angrily, and suddenly swung out the long sword in his hand, bringing with it a sharp sword wind, heading towards Fang Yue's vitals.

However, Fang Yue seemed to have seen through the blow, and he easily dodged the sword with a light body move. At the same time, a mocking smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if to say: "Is this your strength? It's really disappointing."

When the people in black saw this, they shouted angrily. They no longer held back their hands, and swung out four long swords at the same time. The sword light flashed and filled with murderous intent, forming a death sword array, shrouding Fang Yue.

However, Fang Yue didn't seem to care. His figure shuttled through the sword light, and every dodge was just right, as if his body had integrated into this space and became a part of this space.

"Hmph, just you, the masters, want to keep me?" Fang Yue chuckled. Although his voice was not high, it was full of confidence, "Today, I am going to show you how powerful I am. Yue’s strength!”

Before he finished speaking, Fang Yue's figure suddenly stretched out, and he rushed towards the nearest man in black like a bolt of lightning. The long sword in his hand brought a sharp sword wind, and suddenly collided with the long sword of the man in black.

In an instant, the light of swords flashed in the room, the sound of metal clashing resounded in the ears, and a fierce fight began. However, Fang Yue didn't seem to come just for the fight. He kept his eyes on every corner of the house, trying to find the mechanism leading to the secret room.

He knew that this battle was only part of his quest to explore the secrets. His real goal was the secret room below and the secrets hidden there.

In the fierce clash of sword shadows, the battle between Fang Yue and the men in black became increasingly fierce. While he flexibly responded to attacks from all directions, he used his sharp eyes to search for clues that might hide the mechanism.

"Hmph, who do you think you are? A mere outsider who wants to pry into the secrets of the Champion?" A man in black yelled angrily, his sword moves becoming more and more fierce, as if he wanted to use this method to scare Fang Yue.

Fang Yue chuckled lightly, tapped the tip of his sword, and easily defused the opponent's attack. "Me? I'm just a person who is curious about the truth. And you are just pawns in the hands of the champion, and you can't even control your own destiny."

"Shut up!" Another man in black roared, and his sword stabbed Fang Yue like a poisonous snake. "It is our honor to be loyal to the Champion! You can't even think of tarnishing this loyalty!"

Fang Yue moved to one side, his sword light flowing, and he neutralized the opponent's attacks one by one. "Glory? Hiding in this dark corner, guarding ulterior secrets. Is this what you call glory? How ridiculous."

The men in black were angered by Fang Yue's words, and their attacks became more fierce. The sword light was like a weave, almost covering Fang Yue's entire figure. However, Fang Yue swam in the sword light like a fish, and every dodge seemed so calm and leisurely.

"You four are nothing more than that." Fang Yue's voice rang out in the sword light, with a hint of ridicule, "If the champion Hou is really so powerful, why should he let you master-level experts guard this secret? What is he afraid of? ?”

When the people in black heard this, their expressions became even more gloomy. They knew that Fang Yue's words had touched their sore spot. They are indeed chess pieces in the hands of the champion, sent to guard this secret, but even they don't know what the secret is.

"You are looking for death!" The leader of the knight in black shouted angrily again, his sword shining like a dragon, going straight for Fang Yue's head. However, Fang Yue had already seen through his attack and easily dodged the attack with a flash of his body.

"Hmph, you want to kill me? You are still a little immature." Fang Yue chuckled, and his eyes suddenly locked on a corner of the room. There was a seemingly ordinary candlestick there, but Fang Yue was keenly aware of the subtle differences between it and the surrounding environment. His heart moved, and he suddenly dodged, swung his sword, and knocked down the candlestick.

The moment the candlestick fell to the ground, there was a sound of a machine turning in the room. A stone slab slowly rose, revealing a passage leading to the secret room. When the people in black saw this, their expressions changed drastically. They all wanted to stop Fang Yue from entering the secret room, but Fang Yue had already dodged and rushed towards the entrance of the passage.

"Hmph, you want to stop me? You are still too naive." Fang Yue's voice echoed in the passage, and his figure had disappeared into the darkness. The people in black looked at each other, knowing that this stranger who suddenly broke in had broken the secret they had guarded for many years. And they are about to face an unknown fate.

Seeing Fang Yue disappearing into the passage of the secret room, the people in black looked at each other, feeling a little at a loss for a moment. They had never encountered such an arrogant and powerful intruder, and they never thought that the secret they had guarded for many years would be easily revealed by an outsider today.

"What should we do? Should we chase him in?" One of the men in black asked in a panic.

The leading knight in black had a gloomy face. He held the long sword in his hand tightly. After pondering for a moment, he said coldly: "Chase! We must not let him leave this secret room alive, otherwise, the secret of the champion will be exposed!"

As he spoke, he moved and took the lead towards the passage of the secret room. Seeing this, the other three men in black also followed. They know that this battle is no longer simply about protecting secrets, but about their own life and death.

In the secret room passage, Fang Yue's figure quickly shuttled through the darkness. With his keen intuition and extraordinary lightness, he easily avoided various traps in the passage. His heart was full of expectation and curiosity. What kind of secrets was hidden in this secret room? Why does the champion guard it so carefully?

As Fang Yue went deeper, the light in the secret room gradually became brighter. He saw a spacious room with a huge stone platform in the center. The stone platform was engraved with complex runes and patterns. In the center of the stone platform, there is a jade box that emits a faint light.

Fang Yue's eyes were instantly attracted to the jade box, and he could feel the mysterious aura emanating from the jade box. He knew that the secret of the champion must be hidden in this jade box.

Just as he was about to step forward to check the jade box, the angry shouts of people in black suddenly came from behind him. They held long swords and chased after him with murderous intent.

Fang Yue snorted coldly. He did not turn around to fight, but instead flashed his body and flew directly towards the stone platform.

His fingers lightly touched the jade box, and he immediately felt a warm power pouring into his body.

"Hmph, you want to stop me? You are not qualified enough!"

Fang Yue's voice echoed in the secret room, and his figure had launched another attack.

This time, he no longer just dodges and defends, but takes the initiative to attack. As the long sword swings, the sword light is like weaving, and the attacks of the people in black are resolved one by one.

When the people in black saw this, they shouted angrily. They knew that this battle had reached a critical moment of life and death.

They all used their strongest sword moves one after another, hoping to kill Fang Yue here.

However, Fang Yue's strength far exceeded their imagination. His sword moves were sharp and accurate, and every attack hit the vital points of the men in black just right.

Soon, the people in black fell under his sword.

When the last man in black fell, Fang Yue put away his sword, and his eyes fell on the jade box again.

He knew that the secret hidden in this jade box would be the key to changing his destiny.

He took a deep breath and slowly opened the jade box...


At the same time, champion Hou Yangchan has led people to approach Zhu Linlang's hiding place. He was riding a tall horse, followed by a group of elite black knights. Everyone looked solemn, holding long swords, and they were heavily guarded. Yang Chan's eyes shone with a cold light, and he was full of determination and expectation for today's actions.

"Master Marquis, we have approached Zhu Linlang's hiding place, do you want to take action immediately?" A knight in black stepped forward and asked.

Yang Chan nodded slightly and sneered at the corner of her mouth: "Humph, this Zhu Linlang dared to betray me and hide the secret of my champion. Today, I will make her pay the price!"

As he spoke, he waved his hand, and the knights in black behind him took action. They quickly surrounded Zhu Linlang's hiding place, preparing for a fierce battle.

But at this moment, a golden eagle flew down from the sky and landed on the arm of the champion Hou Yangchan.

The sudden arrival of the golden eagle made the champion Hou Yangchan's expression become solemn instantly. He unhooked the secret letter from Golden Eagle's lap and read it hastily, his expression suddenly changed.

"What? Someone dares to break into my secret base!" Yang Chan shouted angrily, and the secret message in his hand instantly turned into powder. He looked up at Zhu Linlang's hiding place, a trace of hesitation flashing in his eyes. But soon, he made a decision.

"Everyone listens to the order and changes the plan immediately! Some people stay here to continue to monitor and capture Zhu Linlang. The rest follow me to the secret base. We must capture the intruder and never let him leave alive!"

When the knights in black heard this, they all acted in response.

Some of them stayed where they were and continued to surround Zhu Linlang's hiding place, while others followed the champion Hou Yangchan and hurried to the secret base.

On the way to the secret base, Yang Chan's heart was filled with anger and anxiety.

He never thought that the secret he had guarded for many years would be easily revealed by an outsider.

He must catch the intruder himself and ask him how he knew the secret.

The black knights followed Yang Chan closely, and they could also feel the anger and anxiety of the Marquis.

They knew that this secret base was of vital importance to the Champion Marquis, but now an outsider broke in, which was undoubtedly a great provocation to the Marquis.

They all said that they must cut the intruder into pieces to vent their hatred.

Finally, they arrived at the entrance of the secret base.

Yang Chan and his party walked into the valley village on the edge of the Shiwan Mountains.

This village looks ordinary on the outside, but it hides his secrets and hard work for many years.

Now, it was broken into by an outsider, which made him feel extremely angry and anxious.

He held the long sword tightly and led the black knights to quickly pass through the village and headed straight for the entrance of the secret base.

Along the way, his eyes were cold, as if he could shoot out cold light and freeze all obstacles that blocked his way forward.

When they arrived at the entrance of the secret base, Yang Chan saw a stone door that had been forced open, and the bodies of the black knights lying on the ground.

His face became even gloomier, and the anger in his heart burned even more vigorously.

He tightly grasped the long sword in his hand and shouted angrily: "He must not have gone far! Chase him!"

The black knights were refreshed upon hearing this, and followed Yang Chan closely, rushing out of the base.

They quickly followed the trail left by Fang Yue, and they were all holding back their energy, vowing to capture the intruder to vent their hatred.

Yang Chan rushed all the way, and his heart was filled with complex emotions.

Anger, anxiety, confusion... He never thought that the secret he had guarded for many years would be so easily revealed by an outsider.

Who is this intruder?

How did he know this secret?

These questions kept circling in Yang Chan's mind, and he was eager to find the intruder and ask all the answers.

"The man who could kill four pseudo-grandmasters must be Fang Yue!"

Instantly, Yang Chan, the champion of the Great Chu State, understood.

If anyone was against him and had the ability to take down this matter, it was only Fang Yue who came from the Great Wei Dynasty recently! (End of this chapter)

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