Yang Chan's eyes flashed with fierceness, and he clenched his sword tightly, feeling in his heart that the other party was more and more sentenced to death. The man who dared to challenge his authority and reveal his secrets of many years must pay the price.

"Speed ​​up, no matter what, I will catch him with my own hands!" Yang Chan's voice was filled with unquestionable determination. He led the knights in black and followed the clues left by Fang Yue.

at the same time,

Fang Yue had arrived at a large Chu city hundreds of miles away.

"What is this? It has such weird power?"

In an uninhabited house, Fang Yue looked at the mysterious jade book in his palm, his eyes full of confusion and surprise.

He got this thing from the secret base of Hou Yangchan, the champion of Da Chu.

The mysterious jade book in Fang Yue's hand exuded a faint light. While holding it in his hand, a mysterious feeling arose in his heart.

And at the same time, there was actually a strange energy pouring into his body.

Fang Yue felt the strange energy pouring into his body, feeling both surprised and happy.

This energy seemed to be closely related to the jade book in his hand. It was warm and gentle, but it carried an indescribable power.

It actually made him feel that his strength was increasing!

Fang Yue felt an indescribable shock in his heart. He felt that his strength was gradually increasing, as if there was an invisible force nourishing his body.

This power comes from the jade book in his hand, it is not just an ordinary treasure!

"What is the origin of this jade book? Why does it have such magical power?" Fang Yue was filled with doubts and curiosity.

"No, there's something wrong with this power. It's actually eroding my vitality!"

For a moment, Fang Yue's expression suddenly changed. He noticed that the originally gentle energy suddenly became violent, impacting his meridians like a tide, trying to erode the foundation of his vitality.

Fang Yue was shocked and hurriedly activated his vitality to rid his body of this alien energy.

"It's so insidious. If this energy is completely entangled with my vitality, I'm afraid my foundation will not be pure enough! In fact, if someone can activate this power, I will be manipulated by others!"

Alarm bells rang in Fang Yue's heart. He knew that if his foundation was damaged and not pure enough, there would be no hope of climbing to a higher level in this life.

"Also, that energy seems to be able to control others?"

Could this be the true function of this thing?

Were the masters we met in Yang Chan's secret base controlled by this thing?

Fang Yue felt a strong shock and speculation in his heart.

He began to recall everything he had seen in Yang Chan's secret base. The eyes and actions of the masters seemed to be under some kind of invisible control.

And now, he himself is going through the same change, but he is stronger than those people, and he can forcefully get rid of this influence.

"Since this object is a key item used by Yang Chan to control those black knights and masters, I'm afraid this person will not give up!"

Fang Yue understood in his heart that the jade book in his hand was not only the source of power, but also the key to Yang Chan's control of others.

He knew that once Yang Chan found out that this object was missing, he would do whatever it took to get the jade book back.

However, this is exactly what he expected.

It was just in time to take a look at the condition of this great Chu champion who had been hiding behind the scenes.

Fang Yue made secret calculations in his mind, and decided to use the jade book in his hand as bait to lure out Yang Chan and kill this person completely.

However, the injury must be recovered before that.

Fang Yue knew that the decisive battle with Yang Chan was inevitable, but before that, he had to make sure that he was in the best condition.

So Fang Yue went to several medicinal shops in the city to buy some special medicinal materials for recovering from injuries.

In the medicine shop, Fang Yue carefully selected the required medicinal materials. His eyes wandered among the various herbs, thinking about how to prepare the most effective healing medicine.

"Sir, what do you need?" Upon seeing this, an elderly medicinal merchant came up and asked.

"I need some medicinal materials that can quickly restore my vitality and heal internal injuries." Fang Yue said bluntly. He knew that this medicinal materials merchant was quite famous in the city and the medicinal materials in his hands were of high quality.

"Oh, to restore vitality and heal internal injuries, we need some good Ganoderma lucidum, Tianshan Snow Lotus and Hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum." The medicinal materials merchant pondered for a moment and said slowly.

"Are they in stock?" Fang Yue asked. He knew how precious these medicinal materials were, but he couldn't care less about them at the moment.

"Yes, but these medicinal materials are expensive. Are you sure you want to buy them?" the medicinal materials merchant reminded.

"Price is not an issue. As long as the medicinal materials are of high quality, I will buy them immediately." Fang Yue said without hesitation, knowing that his injury could not be delayed.

When the medicine merchant saw this, he said no more. He turned around and took out a few Ganoderma lucidum plants, a Tianshan Snow Lotus as white as snow and a hundred-year-old Polygonum multiflorum shaped like a human head from the medicine cabinet.

Fang Yue took the medicinal materials, checked them carefully, and after confirming that they were correct, he paid the money readily.

He was well aware of the preciousness of these medicinal materials, and also understood that his injuries should not be underestimated.

Only by restoring strength as soon as possible can we cope with the upcoming decisive battle.

Fang Yue hurried back to his deserted house with the purchased medicinal materials. As soon as he entered the room, he couldn't wait to start preparing the medicinal ingredients one by one according to the prescription he had already planned in his mind, preparing to refine the healing elixir.

He lit the fire and put the herbs into the medicine furnace one by one. As the herbs gradually melted, a strong aroma of medicine began to spread in the house.

Fang Yue concentrated on controlling the temperature. He knew that refining healing pills required extremely high patience and precise control. Any mistake could cause the pill to fail.

After several hours of careful refining, the pill was finally ready.

Fang Yue looked at the healing pill in his hand that was emitting a faint light, and an indescribable excitement surged in his heart.

He knew the importance of this pill to his recovery from injuries. Once taken, his strength would be greatly restored.

He took the pill without hesitation. Suddenly, a warm and powerful force surged in his body, and he began to feel that his injuries were recovering at an astonishing speed.

His strength was also gradually recovering, and he seemed to be able to feel that his body was getting stronger at an unprecedented speed.

A few days later, Fang Yue's injuries had basically healed, and his strength had returned to its peak state.

He stood up, feeling the surging power in his body, and a strong sense of confidence surged in his heart.

He knew that he was ready for the decisive battle with Yang Chan.

He held the jade book tightly in his hand, with a determined light in his eyes.

He decided not to hide anymore, but to take the initiative to attack, lure Yang Chan out, and compete with him.

He wanted to let this champion of Da Chu, who had been hiding behind the scenes, see how strong Fang Yue was.

At the same time, after Yang Chan had been chasing Fang Yue for several days without success, his face was as gloomy as the sky before a storm. He realized that Fang Yue obviously did not intend to show up easily, which made him more angry.

"Since you are hiding and not coming out, I will start with the people around you!" Yang Chan's eyes flashed with a trace of viciousness, and he decided to change his strategy and start with the people around Fang Yue to force Fang Yue to show up.

He immediately thought of Zhu Linlang, a woman who had a close relationship with Fang Yue. He believed that as long as Zhu Linlang was controlled in his hands, Fang Yue would definitely come to him.

So, Yang Chan immediately led the black knights and headed straight for the valley where Zhu Linlang was hiding.

So, Yang Chan immediately led the black knights and headed straight for the valley where Zhu Linlang was hiding. They were like a black torrent, quickly and silently passing through the forest and mountains and heading straight for the destination.

Zhu Linlang was healing in a hidden cave in the valley at this moment. She had been injured in a battle with Yang Chan's men before, and had been living in seclusion here to recuperate. She didn't know that Yang Chan had changed his strategy and was coming towards her.

When the black knights appeared in the valley like ghosts, Zhu Linlang noticed something was wrong. She immediately became alert and walked out of the cave to check the situation. However, when she saw the figures of the black knights, a strong fear surged in her heart.

She knew that these black knights were Yang Chan's men, and their arrival meant that Yang Chan had already taken action against her. Zhu Linlang knew in her heart that she had to leave this place as soon as possible, otherwise she would be caught by Yang Chan and become his bargaining chip to force Fang Yue to show up.

However, Zhu Linlang's injuries had not fully recovered, and her movements were restricted. She knew that she could not compete with these black knights, so she could only escape as soon as possible.

So, Zhu Linlang endured the pain and began to flee in the valley. She used the terrain and obstacles to avoid the pursuit of the black knights, trying to find a way to escape.

However, the strength of the black knights was too strong, and they chased after her like ghosts. Although Zhu Linlang tried her best, she still couldn't get rid of their pursuit.

Finally, on the edge of a steep cliff, Zhu Linlang was surrounded by the black knights. She looked at these ruthless killers, and a strong despair surged in her heart.

"Yang Chan wants to get me, and then get the Great Wei Dynasty? Humph, he really made a wrong calculation!"

Zhu Linlang stood on the edge of the cliff, the cold wind blowing her hair, and her eyes revealed firmness and determination.

She knew that once she was captured by Yang Chan, not only would she be in danger, but she might also bring endless war to the Great Wei Dynasty.

"I will never be your pawn!" Zhu Linlang gritted her teeth, and a strong will to resist surged in her heart.

She looked around, and the black knights surrounded her like an iron barrel, each of them exuding a strong breath, as if to swallow her completely. However, Zhu Linlang did not retreat, and her eyes flashed with a resolute light.

"If you want to catch me, you have to see if you have the ability!" Zhu Linlang shouted coldly, and her figure flashed like lightning, heading straight for the black knights.

She knew that her injuries had not healed and her strength was greatly reduced, but she still chose to face the enemy head-on. She wanted to prove with her actions that even if she was seriously injured, she would not surrender easily.

A fierce battle broke out on the edge of the cliff, and Zhu Linlang fought a desperate battle with the black knights. She was agile and her swordsmanship was sharp, and every time she swung her sword, she carried a resolute breath. However, the strength of the black knights was too strong, and they surged like a tide, making Zhu Linlang feel more pressured.

As time went by, Zhu Linlang's strength gradually depleted and her injuries began to worsen. However, she still gritted her teeth and persisted in fighting. She knew that once she fell, she would never have a chance to escape.

In the fierce battle, although Zhu Linlang's swordsmanship was sharp, the attacks of the black knights were like a tide, wave after wave, making it difficult for her to resist. Her physical strength was gradually exhausted, and her injuries became more and more serious. Every swing of the sword became more and more difficult.

Zhu Linlang knew that she was approaching her limit. She looked around. The black knights had no expression on their faces, and their cold eyes seemed to have foreshadowed her end. A strong sense of grief and indignation surged in her heart, but she knew that even so, she could not give up easily.

However, reality is cruel.

Zhu Linlang was unable to withstand the fierce attacks of the black knights. Her body was cut by a sharp sword, and her clothes were stained red with blood.

She gritted her teeth and endured the severe pain, but her physical fatigue and worsening injuries made her unable to support it.

"I will never be your pawn!"

Zhu Linlang shouted in her heart. She knew that she could not escape, but she was still unwilling to bow to fate.

In despair, Zhu Linlang made the final decision.

She glanced around at the ruthless black knights, then turned around and walked towards the cliff behind her.

"If you want to catch me, you have to see if you have the ability!"

Zhu Linlang's voice echoed in the wind, and she jumped off the cliff with a resolute smile.

The black knights were stunned. They didn't expect Zhu Linlang to choose such a resolute way.

They rushed to the edge of the cliff, but could only see Zhu Linlang's gradually receding figure.

"Damn it!"

A black knight cursed angrily. They knew that the mission had failed, and Zhu Linlang's determination caught them off guard.

Upon hearing the news that Zhu Linlang jumped off the cliff, Champion Marquis Yang Chan was furious. He clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with uncontrollable anger, as if he wanted to burn the whole world to ashes.

"She actually dared to jump off the cliff! Did she think she could escape from my palm like this? It's so stupid!" Yang Chan roared, and his voice echoed in the secret room, shaking the walls as if they were about to tremble.

He turned to look at the black knights beside him, his eyes revealing ruthlessness and determination: "You bunch of rubbish! You can't even catch a woman, what use do I have you for?"

The black knights looked at each other, their hearts filled with fear and anxiety. They knew that once the anger of the Champion Marquis was ignited, the consequences would be disastrous.

"My Lord, calm down, we will go down and search for Zhu Linlang's whereabouts, alive or dead!" A black knight said in a trembling voice, trying to calm Yang Chan's anger. (End of this chapter)

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