Zhu Linlang's eyes stayed on the animal skin in Fang Yue's hand for a moment, and a trace of curiosity flashed in his eyes: "The animal skin in your hand seems to contain extraordinary power. Can you tell me where it comes from?"

When Fang Yue heard this, his heart moved. He did not answer immediately, but asked instead: "Linlang, do you know the background of Yang Chan? The power in his hands seems to be related to the animal skin."

Zhu Linlang frowned slightly, and after recalling for a moment, he said, "Yang Chan, this person's whereabouts are mysterious, and I don't know much about him. But there seems to be an ancient inheritance behind him, and that power is definitely extraordinary. Have you fought against him?"

Fang Yue nodded and briefly recounted the previous battle, including Yang Chan's display of strange power and Wei Ya's tragic ending.

After hearing this, Zhu Linlang looked solemn: "It seems that this animal skin is indeed inextricably linked to the power controlled by Yang Chan. Fang Yue, we must be careful. If this power falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be It’s unimaginable.”

"I think so too." Fang Yue agreed, "So, I plan to unlock the secret of this animal skin first and understand the nature of this power before making any plans."

"Then let me help you." Zhu Linlang said without hesitation, "Although I am not good at martial arts, I have done a lot of research on ancient books and documents, and I may be able to find clues from them."

Fang Yue glanced at Zhu Linlang gratefully, and then the two began to study the animal skin together.

As they discussed, they exchanged information they knew, trying to find breakthroughs in every detail.

Time passed quietly, but the atmosphere in the cave became increasingly tense and focused.

However, this piece of animal skin was just ordinary. The two of them studied it for a long time and found nothing unusual about it.

"This, this, I seem to know this piece of animal skin!"

At this time, Princess Da Chu, who followed Zhu Linlang, spoke at this time.

When Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue heard this, their eyes flashed, and they both looked at Princess Dachu who suddenly spoke.

"Princess, do you know the origin of this animal skin?" Zhu Linlang said with a hint of urgency in her tone.

Princess Dachu nodded slightly, with a solemn expression: "I have indeed seen records of this kind of animal skin in some ancient books. It seems to be related to a long-lost mysterious power."

"Mysterious power?" Fang Yue frowned, "Is this related to the power controlled by Yang Chan?"

The eldest princess pondered for a moment and said slowly: "I'm not sure whether there is a specific connection. But according to the description in the classics, this kind of animal skin is an indispensable part of some ancient ritual. It is said that it can unlock the true king's period. A secret treasure."

Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue were shocked when they heard this.

The secrets of the true king's period may sound like a fantasy, but they are also full of irresistible temptations.

After all, in the legendary era of the True King, demons, gods and ghosts coexisted throughout the world.

It was this supreme king who ended all inhuman rule and established a powerful dynasty that was entirely dominated by humans.

However, the true king died in the same dynasty, leaving many unsolved questions for future generations.

"Open the secret treasure from the True King period?"

Zhu Linlang's voice was trembling a little, "Elder Princess, can you tell us in detail what is the connection between this animal skin and that secret treasure?"

The eldest princess of Chu nodded slightly and began to slowly tell the secrets that were sealed in ancient books.

She said: "According to the classic records, there was a powerful prince during the True King's period. He mastered a power that could communicate with the heaven and earth and control the wind and rain. In order to prevent his power from being abused, this man used most of his power and knowledge to prevent his power from being abused. They are all sealed in a secret vault, and this piece of animal skin is the key to opening that secret vault.”

Princess Dachu continued: "That prince is said to be a wise man from the True King period. He not only possesses extraordinary power, but is also proficient in all kinds of ancient knowledge and power. He foresees that if his power and knowledge are misused, Using them may bring disaster to the world, so we decided to seal them and leave them to future generations.

"And this piece of animal skin is the key thing he used to seal the secret treasure. It is recorded in the classics that there are special totems and runes drawn on the animal skin. Only by unlocking the secrets of these totems and runes can the secret be found. Discover the true location of the hidden world and unlock the power and knowledge within it.

"However, the dangers of this power are also mentioned in the classics. It may be used by people with evil intentions, causing unpredictable consequences. Therefore, in the process of searching for the secrets and unlocking the secrets of the animal skins, we must Be extremely careful.”

After Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue heard this, they both fell into deep thought. They understand that this power is both a huge temptation and a potential threat. If they can master this power, they may be able to bring endless benefits to themselves and those around them; but if this power falls into the wrong hands, the consequences will be disastrous.

"Elder Princess, thank you for your information." Zhu Linlang said sincerely, "We have decided to search for that secret vault and uncover its secrets. But we will act cautiously to ensure that this power will not be abused."

Fang Yue also nodded in agreement. He knew that this was a road full of unknowns and dangers, but they were ready to face the upcoming challenges.

"Then let's set off together." Princess Dachu said, "I am also full of curiosity about this secret treasure, and I hope to uncover its secrets with you."

"Okay, let's go together." Zhu Linlang said firmly, with determination and expectation in her eyes. She knew that this was not just a treasure hunt, but also an exploration of unknown forces and a grasp of the fate of herself and her companions.

Fang Yue also clenched his fists and expressed his determination. He knew that the road ahead was full of unknowns and challenges, but he believed that as long as they worked together, they would be able to overcome all difficulties and uncover the secrets of the hidden treasure.

The eldest princess of Dachu smiled and nodded, her heart was also full of expectations. Although she was the eldest princess, she was full of yearning for ancient knowledge and secrets in her heart. This time, it was undoubtedly a rare opportunity for her to explore the secrets of the True King period with Zhu Linlang and Fang Yue.

The three of them packed up and prepared to set off. They knew that this journey would be full of hardships and dangers, but they were ready to face and overcome any difficulties together.

Before setting off, Zhu Linlang carefully studied the animal skin again. She tried to find more clues from it to help them better find the secret treasure. Although she had not found anything unusual on the hide before, she believed that as long as she looked carefully, she would be able to find the hidden secret.

Fang Yue began to prepare some necessary tools and weapons.

He knew that they would encounter various unknown dangers, so they had to be fully prepared.

He checked each weapon to ensure that they were in the best condition so that they could play a role at the critical moment.

The eldest princess of Da Chu was responsible for contacting some of her confidants and subordinates.

She knew that they would need more help and support to better complete this mission.

She explained the situation in detail to her confidants and asked them to provide necessary assistance.



The capital of the Da Chu Dynasty.

Deep in the inner guards and prisons, a cold and solemn atmosphere enveloped.

This is the most confidential and core place of the Da Chu royal guards, responsible for handling all major matters related to royal security and state secrets.

The leader of the prisons, a middle-aged man with a stern face and sharp eyes, was sitting at the table, examining a secret report that had just been delivered.

The content of this secret report is exactly about the mysterious animal skin and the information that it may be related to the secret treasure of the True King period.

"Animal skin... Secret treasure of the True King..."

He murmured in a low voice, and every word seemed to carry a heavy weight, "This power must not fall into the hands of others, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous."

He knew very well what the secret treasure of the True King period meant. It was not just an ancient treasure, but also a power that could subvert the entire continent.

Therefore, he must take action to ensure that this power is in the hands of the Great Chu royal family.

"Come here!"

He suddenly raised his head and shouted sternly, "We fought with Yang Chan and lost so much, but someone else took the lead. This must not be allowed!"

"Immediately mobilize people to track Fang Yue and his group. At all costs, take back the animal skin and find out the truth about the secret treasure!"

Following his order, the elites of the Internal Guard Criminal Prison Department acted quickly. Like shadows, they spread out silently and began to track the traces of Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang and the Princess of Great Chu.

The elites of the Internal Guards and Prisons Department shuttled through the night like ghosts. Their actions were swift and secretive. Everyone knew the importance of this mission.

That piece of animal skin, and the secret treasures from the True King period that might be hidden behind it, were of great significance to the Great Chu Dynasty.


Three days later, at night.

One hundred thousand mountains, Suzaku Mountain.

Under the night sky, Suzaku Mountain was majestic and lush, as if hiding endless secrets.

Yang Chan, the champion of the Great Chu State, led his men to shuttle silently through the mountains under the cover of the night.

Their steps were light and their actions were fast. They were obviously very familiar with the terrain here.

"My Lord, this is Suzaku Mountain!" A subordinate whispered.

Yang Chan smiled slightly, then took out an animal skin map and looked at the lines drawn on it: "Continue to the east, our destination is not far to the east."

The animal skin map in his hand was the real animal skin map that recorded the secret treasures of the True King.

Fang Yue took the one that he had put out as bait.

Because only in this way can the eyes of the world be diverted

Yang Chan's eyes flashed with cunning light in the night. He whispered to his men: "I got this animal skin map from an ancient inheritor. It guides us to the secret treasure of the True King. As long as we find it, we can master endless power and wisdom. At that time, the entire Great Chu Dynasty, and even the entire continent, will surrender to us."

The men heard this, and their eyes showed greed and expectation. They knew that following Yang Chan, they might gain unprecedented glory and power. So, they strengthened their determination and followed Yang Chan's footsteps, heading towards the depths of Zhuque Mountain.

As the night deepened, the fog in the mountains became heavier. But Yang Chan and his men seemed to be unaffected by anything, and their steps were still firm and fast. According to the instructions on the animal skin map, they passed through dense forests, crossed mountains, and finally came to a hidden valley.

The valley was filled with an ancient and mysterious atmosphere, as if it was hiding endless secrets. Yang Chan knew that this was where the True King's secret treasure was. His heart was full of excitement and anticipation, but at the same time he remained vigilant and cautious.

"Everyone be careful, there may be hidden mechanisms and traps here." Yang Chan reminded in a low voice. He led his men to move forward carefully, and every step was full of caution and caution.

After some exploration, they finally came to an ancient altar. The altar was engraved with mysterious runes and totems, which were exactly the same as the description on the animal skin map. Yang Chan knew that this was the key to opening the secret treasure.


Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang and the eldest princess of Da Chu, the three of them took the "animal skin map" obtained from Yang Chan, and also embarked on the journey to find the True King's secret treasure.

Along the way, they crossed the vast Ten Thousand Mountains and experienced countless hardships and obstacles.

Zhu Linlang relied on her deep research on ancient books and documents to constantly interpret the clues on the animal skin map and guide them forward.

Fang Yue was responsible for dealing with all kinds of sudden dangers. He was skilled in martial arts and had escaped danger many times.

The Princess of Da Chu used her status and influence to provide them with a lot of help and support.

However, they did not know that their whereabouts had been discovered by the masters of Da Chu's inner guards. These masters followed them like ghosts, always ready to seize the animal skin map and find out the truth of the secret.

One night, when the three were resting in a dense forest, they were suddenly attacked by the masters of Da Chu's inner guards.

These masters were agile and skilled in martial arts, and they launched a fierce offensive as soon as they came up.

Seeing this, Fang Yue immediately stepped forward and fought a fierce battle with the masters of the inner guards.

The long sword in his hand swung like lightning, and every swing was accompanied by a sharp sword energy, which resolved the offensive of the masters of the inner guards one by one.

Zhu Linlang and the Princess of Da Chu were not to be outdone. They respectively displayed their martial arts and strength and launched a fierce battle with the masters of the inner guards.

For a moment, the dense forest was filled with swords and figures flying around, and the scene was extremely intense.

In this sudden encounter, Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang and the eldest princess of Da Chu showed extraordinary tacit understanding and strength. Although the masters of Da Chu's internal guards were well-trained and fierce in their offensive, the three of them gradually stabilized their position with their own expertise and tenacious will.

Zhu Linlang dodged the attack while quickly analyzing the enemy's tactics, and her eyes revealed calmness and wisdom.

She suddenly shouted loudly: "Fang Yue, pay attention to their formation, they seem to be trying to surround us!" (End of this chapter)

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