Fang Yue reacted immediately when he heard Zhu Linlang's reminder. He quickly adjusted his position to ensure that he was always between Zhu Linlang and Princess Dachu in order to better protect them. At the same time, he also sensed the enemy's intentions and knew that they must break out of the encirclement as soon as possible, otherwise the situation would be even more unfavorable once they were surrounded.

"Linlang, eldest princess, follow me!" Fang Yue shouted, his figure suddenly accelerated, turning into a stream of light and rushing deep into the dense forest. The light of his sword was like a violent storm, violently tearing apart the enemy's defense line.

Zhu Linlang and Princess Dachu followed closely behind, and the three formed a tight triangle formation to support each other and jointly resist the enemy's attack. The soft sword in Zhu Linlang's hand danced like a snake coming out of its hole, sometimes as flexible as silk, sometimes as strong as a blade. Each swing accurately repeled the approaching enemy.

The eldest princess of Da Chu showed her extraordinary vitality cultivation. Her palm wind was sharp, and every blow was accompanied by a whistling sound, causing the surrounding leaves to fall one after another. Although her power is not as direct and fierce as Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, she provides strong support to them at critical moments.

The battle lasted for a while, and Fang Yue and others finally found a flaw, successfully broke through the enemy's encirclement, and quickly disappeared into the dense forest. Although the masters of Dachu's internal guards wanted to pursue them, the darkness and dense forests provided them with excellent cover, making the pursuit extremely difficult.

After escaping for some distance, the three found a hidden cave and decided to rest temporarily and discuss countermeasures. Zhu Linlang was breathing heavily, with a blush on her face. She said nervously: "This attack was too sudden, and it was obviously well-prepared. We must be more careful, I'm afraid our whereabouts have been completely exposed. "

Fang Yue nodded in agreement, his brows furrowed and he was secretly thinking of countermeasures. He knew that this attack was just the beginning, and they would face more dangers and challenges next. But he also firmly believes that as long as they are united, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

Princess Da Chu looked unusually calm. She pondered for a moment and said: "Our target has been exposed, and the enemy will definitely strengthen tracking and obstruction. We need to change our strategy, and perhaps use some bait and confusion methods to distract the enemy's attention. "

After some discussion, the three finally decided to adopt a separate strategy. They will be divided into two groups. One group will be composed of Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, who will continue to carry the animal skin map to search for secrets; while the other group will be led by Princess Dachu, who will be responsible for attracting the enemy's attention and buying time for Fang Yue and the others. and opportunities.

After clarifying their action plan, the three quickly packed up and prepared to separate when night fell.


The night was dark, and the sounds in the dense forest seemed to hint at the coming storm.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang walked through the dense forest, taking every step carefully to avoid alerting the lurking enemies.

"We must act carefully and not let the enemy discover our true purpose." Fang Yue whispered to Zhu Linlang, his eyes firm and alert.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang walked through the dense forest, carefully avoiding the enemy's sight.

They know that only by remaining hidden can they successfully complete their mission.

Suddenly, there was a strange noise, and Fang Yue immediately signaled Zhu Linlang to stop.

He listened carefully and found a small animal jumping in the forest.

"We must be more careful." Fang Yue whispered to Zhu Linlang, his eyes shining firmly in the darkness.

Zhu Linlang nodded, holding the soft sword in her hand tightly, ready to deal with possible dangers at any time.

Suddenly, a black shadow passed over their heads. Fang Yue reacted immediately and pulled Zhu Linlang to hide behind a big tree.

They held their breath and waited quietly.

After a while, the black shadow flew back again and landed in front of them.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang took action at the same time to subdue the black shadow. It turned out that it was a homing pigeon with a secret letter tied to its leg.

Fang Yue unlocked the secret letter and saw that it read: "The eldest princess is in danger, come to the rescue quickly!"

His heart tightened, it seemed that the situation with Princess Da Chu was not optimistic. He immediately said to Zhu Linlang: "We must find the eldest princess as soon as possible. She may be in danger."

Zhu Linlang nodded in agreement, and the two of them immediately changed directions and ran towards the direction where the carrier pigeon was flying.

On the way forward, they encountered some enemy obstructions, but with their tacit cooperation, they successfully defeated the enemies.

Finally, they came to a valley and saw the princess of Chu being besieged in the center by a group of enemies.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang quickly approached the valley and found the eldest princess of Chu fighting fiercely with several enemies dressed in black.

"Hurry and help the eldest princess!" Fang Yue said to Zhu Linlang, while drawing out his sword and rushing towards the enemy.

Zhu Linlang nodded and joined the battle waving the soft sword. Her swordsmanship is agile, like a dancing butterfly, shuttling between enemies and neutralizing their attacks.

When the eldest princess of Dachu saw the arrival of reinforcements, she perked up and her palm wind became more fierce, forming an indestructible iron triangle with Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

The battle lasted for a while, and the enemy gradually felt the pressure and began to retreat. Fang Yue seized the opportunity and pierced the enemy's defense line with a sword, opening a way out.

"Princess, leave quickly!" Fang Yue shouted.

Princess Dachu nodded, broke out with Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang, and quickly evacuated the battlefield.

The three of them fled to a secluded place. Princess Da Chu gasped and said, "Thank you. If you hadn't arrived in time, I would have fallen into the hands of the enemy."

Fang Yue shook his head: "We are partners, and we should help each other. However, this attack is obviously premeditated, and we must be more careful."

But at this moment, a burst of laughter that shook the sky rang out.

"It's too late. Hand over the animal skin map and I will let you live!"

Along with the deafening laughter, a burly general led many elite warriors to step out from the surrounding shadows. Their eyes were cold and full of fighting will.

This general was obviously the leader of the enemy army. His eyes were as sharp as a hungry wolf and fell directly on Fang Yue and the others.

Fang Yue looked solemn, and he whispered to Zhu Linlang and Princess Dachu: "It seems that we have fallen into a carefully arranged trap."

Zhu Linlang nodded slightly, her eyes shining with unyielding light.

Princess Dachu, on the other hand, seemed calm and composed. She had already recognized the person: "General Chen, please let my two friends go. I am willing to go back with you."

General Chen sneered and looked around, seemingly assessing the situation.

"Elder Princess, you should understand the purpose of my trip. Anyone who comes into contact with the true king's secret map will die. What's more, this should be the Empress of Wei. Now that we are here, there is no reason to leave."

Fang Yue gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, his eyes blazing, and it seemed that there was nothing left to talk about.

In the final analysis, strength must speak for itself.


at the same time.

On the other side of Shiwanda Mountain is Zhuque Mountain.

"Master Marquis, this altar still cannot be opened!"

On the other side of Shiwanda Mountain, on Zhuque Mountain, a man in red was standing in front of an ancient altar. His forehead was covered with beads of sweat. It was obvious that he had just experienced a fierce attempt.

This man is none other than Hou Yangchan, the champion of the Chu Dynasty. He is the most powerful person in the Chu Dynasty. He commands an army of millions and has countless masters under his command to serve him.

The purpose of his trip was to open the legendary true king's secret treasure, hoping to use the power of the secret treasure to unify the two countries of Chu and Wei and gain supreme power.

Yang Chan frowned, her eyes filled with reluctance and doubt: "What's the reason? Is there some key point that hasn't been touched?"

A counselor-looking person beside him hurriedly said: "Master Marquis, maybe we haven't found the correct way to open it, or we lack some specific conditions."

Yang Chan took a deep breath and suppressed the irritability in her heart: "Continue to investigate, and we will never stop until we find a way to open it!"

Yang Chan clasped his hands behind his back and paced back and forth, the urgency in his heart becoming more and more obvious.

He stopped, looked at the mysterious and ancient altar again, and said to the counselor beside him: "Send my order and ask Mr. Lin and Mr. Li to come."

Not long after, two masters who were famous in the Chu Dynasty hurried over.

Mr. Lin is tall and has deep eyes, while Mr. Li is thin but exudes a shrewd spirit.

Yang Chan pointed at the altar and said seriously: "You two, this altar has not been opened so far. I specially invite you to come and find out the key."

Mr. Lin stepped forward and carefully observed the runes and patterns on the altar. Sometimes he reached out to touch them, and sometimes he fell into deep thought.

Mr. Li walked slowly around the altar, his eyes slightly narrowed, as if he was capturing details that were difficult for ordinary people to detect.

After a moment, Mr. Lin said: "Master Marquis, the structure of this altar is extremely complex and seems to be related to some ancient formation. But the specific formation needs further research."

Elder Li continued: "In my opinion, maybe the time to open it has not yet arrived, or we lack a certain token."

Yang Chan frowned even more: "No matter what, we must find a way as soon as possible. Elder Lin, you lead a team of people to search nearby for clues that may be related to this altar; Elder Li, you continue to research here without any slack." ”

Elder Lin and Elder Li responded in unison: "Yes!"

Mr. Lin led his men to leave quickly and search every corner of Zhuque Mountain. They leave no stone unturned in any cave or ruins that may hold secrets.

Elder Li stayed in front of the altar, meditating hard with other counselors and experts, and constantly trying various possible methods.

As time passed by, Yang Chan became more and more anxious. Just when he was about to lose his patience, Mr. Lin returned in a hurry.

"Master Marquis, we found an ancient cave in the south of the mountain, and there seems to be records related to this altar." Elder Lin's voice was filled with excitement.

A glimmer of hope flashed in Yang Chan's eyes: "Let's go and have a look!"

When everyone came to the cave, they saw some vague words and patterns carved on the cave wall.

After careful identification and interpretation, the key clue to opening the altar was finally found.


"It seems that you have already made your choice. Sorry, Your Royal Highness, the general has no choice but to take action!"

As soon as General Chen finished speaking, he waved his sword in his hand, and the elite warriors behind him surged towards Fang Yue and others like a tide.

The eldest princess of Da Chu was not afraid, she raised her sword to face the enemy, the shadow of the sword flashed, and she instantly clashed with the enemy rushing in front.

Zhu Linlang was not to be outdone, her soft sword flew like a nimble poisonous snake, defusing the enemy's attacks time and time again.

Fang Yue's eyes were fixed on the leader, General Chen.

Because this person is also a martial arts master!

Fang Yue knew that General Chen was the key to the outcome of this battle. He flashed and rushed towards General Chen, with a whistling sword and a resolute momentum.

Seeing this, General Chen sneered and raised his sword to meet him. In an instant, the swords intersected and burst into dazzling sparks. The two of them fought back and forth, and each move contained a deep vitality, and the air around them seemed to be torn apart.

The eldest princess of Dachu and Zhu Linlang also showed extraordinary strength in the battle with other warriors. The eldest princess of Dachu had a sharp sword, and each strike carried the majesty of the royal family, so the enemy dared not approach easily. Zhu Linlang's soft sword was flexible and changeable, making it difficult for the enemy to defend.

However, the number of enemies was large, and they gradually felt powerless. At this moment, Fang Yue spotted a flaw in General Chen and stabbed with a sword. General Chen was startled and quickly dodged sideways, but his arm was still scratched.

"Damn it!" General Chen was angry and his swordsmanship became more and more fierce. Fang Yue responded calmly, constantly looking for the opponent's flaws.

Suddenly, Fang Yue felt a strong vitality coming from behind him. It turned out that a master hidden in the dark attacked him. He was hit in the back and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

"Fang Yue!" Zhu Linlang exclaimed. The Princess of Da Chu also looked at Fang Yue distractedly, and was scratched on the shoulder by the enemy.

The situation became more and more critical. Fang Yue endured the pain and fought with General Chen again. Just when they were in a desperate situation, a shout of killing came from a distance.

I saw a group of soldiers dressed in Da Chu costumes rushing over, led by the trusted generals of the Princess of Da Chu. It turned out that the Princess of Da Chu had already arranged a back-up before setting off.

The situation reversed instantly, and the enemy began to panic. General Chen saw that the situation was not good and wanted to retreat. How could Fang Yue let him do as he wished, and stabbed General Chen in the chest with a sword.

"General!" Seeing General Chen fall, the enemies fled.

Fang Yue and the others finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the Princess of Great Chu looked at the trusted generals who came with gratitude.

"It is not advisable to stay here for long, let's leave quickly." Fang Yue said.

The other two women nodded and quickly evacuated the place.

Along the way, Fang Yue and the others did not dare to stop for a moment until they came to a relatively safe valley.

"Thanks to Mr. Fang for coming to rescue us, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." The Princess of Great Chu said, her face still pale.

Fang Yue waved her hand and said, "Princess, you are too serious, this is what I should do. It's just that although we are temporarily out of danger now, the crisis has not been resolved." (End of this chapter)

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