Zhu Linlang answered worriedly: "Yes, the enemy may be chasing us again soon. We have to think of a foolproof strategy."

The eldest princess of Dachu nodded slightly, with a firm gaze: "Let's take a rest here first to restore our strength and vitality. At the same time, we will also discuss the next actions."

The three of them found a corner with leeward wind and sat down. Fang Yue took out some dry food from his arms and handed it to the two women: "Eat something first to replenish your strength."

Princess Da Chu took the dry food, took a bite, and said thoughtfully: "I think we can't passively evade like this all the time. Maybe we can take the initiative to disrupt the enemy's deployment."

Fang Yue pondered for a moment: "The eldest princess's idea makes sense, but the enemy is very powerful. If we act rashly, we may fall into a more dangerous situation."

Zhu Linlang also said: "How about we investigate the enemy's situation first and then make a decision?"

At this moment, a burst of noisy footsteps suddenly came from outside the valley.

Fang Yue's expression changed: "No, the enemy is chasing us so quickly!"

The three of them quickly stood up and prepared for battle. I saw a group of black-clad soldiers appearing at the entrance of the valley. The general at the head shouted loudly: "You have nowhere to escape. Hand over the animal skin map obediently, and maybe your lives will be spared!"

Fang Yue snorted coldly: "Delusion! Come and get it if you can!"

The general's face darkened, and he waved his hands to signal his soldiers to attack. In an instant, soldiers in black surged toward Fang Yue and the others like a tide.

Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang and Princess Da Chu were not afraid and quickly faced the enemy. Fang Yue's sword was like a gust of wind and rain, with every blow carrying a fierce momentum, killing several enemies in an instant.

Zhu Linlang's soft sword dances like a snake, and its moves are tricky, making it difficult for the enemy to catch it.

The wind roared in the palm of Princess Da Chu's hand, causing enemies to fall to the ground wherever she went.

However, the enemies are numerous and keep coming.

Fang Yue and others gradually felt the pressure.

After all, the opponent has a large number of people. Even if Fang Yue and others are stronger in martial arts, they can't help but change their expressions when faced with the continuous attack, regardless of life and death.

Fang Yue shouted loudly: "You can't be in love with fighting, leave quickly!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Linlang and Princess Dachu quickly got rid of the enemies around them and followed Fang Yue towards the depths of the valley.

The enemy was chasing after them, and Fang Yue and the other three ran with all their strength, not daring to stop for a moment.

After running for who knows how long, the three finally came to a fast river.

Fang Yue looked at the river and said, "If we cross the river, we may be able to escape their pursuit."

Immediately, Fang Yue summoned up his vitality, wrapped the two women together, and turned into a breeze that crossed the hundred-foot river in an instant.

Fang Yue and others had just crossed the river when the enemies behind them chased them to the river.

The general looked at the rushing river and shouted angrily: "Damn it, let them run away!"

Fang Yue and others did not dare to stop and continued running forward. After running for a while, Zhu Linlang gasped and said, "It's not an option to keep running like this. We have to find a way to get rid of them completely."

Although these pursuers were not very strong, they did not pose any threat to them.

But these pursuers won’t be able to kill them, and they can’t just kill them all the time.

Princess Dachu said: "There is a swamp not far ahead. We can use the terrain there to confuse the enemy." She thought that this might be their only chance to get rid of the enemy.

Fang Yue's eyes lit up: "This is a good idea, let's speed up." A glimmer of hope rekindled in Fang Yue's heart.

The three of them soon arrived at the edge of the swamp. Fang Yue observed the terrain and said, "We acted separately and deliberately left different traces to confuse the enemy."

He was nervous and focused, hoping that this plan would succeed.

So they split up and entered the swamp, carefully avoiding dangerous areas and deliberately creating confusing footprints and traces.

The enemy chased them to the edge of the swamp and saw many messy traces. They didn't know which direction to pursue.

The general hesitated for a moment and decided to divide his troops into several groups to search.

The general was anxious, fearing that his target would escape again.

Fang Yue and others quietly hid in the dark, observing the enemy's movements.

When he saw the enemy spread out and gradually fell into the predicament of the swamp, Fang Yue showed a smile: "The opportunity has come, let's take the opportunity to leave quietly."

His heart was filled with joy and thankfulness.

They carefully avoided the enemy and walked towards the distance.

After walking for a long time, Zhu Linlang was sure that he had gotten rid of the enemy. He breathed a sigh of relief: "Finally got rid of them."

The big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Princess Dachu looked at Zhu Linlang who was relaxing and said, "Don't be too happy yet, we are not really safe yet." She always had a string in her heart, knowing that dangers along the way might come again at any time.

Fang Yue nodded in agreement, looked around with vigilant eyes, and said, "Everyone, proceed carefully." He was also secretly vigilant in his heart, not daring to be careless in the slightest.

The three of them continued walking and soon entered the valley. As soon as he stepped into the valley, Fang Yue felt something was wrong. He just wanted to warn him, but it was too late.

There was only a "click" sound, and a thick miasma instantly rose from the bottom of the valley and spread quickly.

"No, it's miasma!"

Fang Yue shouted, "Quickly activate your vitality and block your breathing!"

He screamed in his heart that it was terrible. He didn't expect that there was such a dangerous miasma hidden in this valley.

Even with his Yuan Qi cultivation, he still felt like it was being corroded.

This miasma is anything but simple!

Upon hearing this, Zhu Linlang and Princess Da Chu immediately mobilized their vitality with all their strength to try to resist the invasion of the miasma.

Princess Dachu frowned and said to herself: "This miasma is so powerful, I don't know how long it can last."

While resisting the erosion of the miasma, Fang Yue observed the surrounding environment and looked for a way out.

"Follow me, go this way!" Fang Yue relied on his intuition to lead the two women in a direction that seemed thinner.

However, with every step forward, the pressure of the miasma increases. Zhu Linlang's face became paler and her vitality was exhausted too much.

"I...I can't hold it anymore." Zhu Linlang said with a trembling voice.

Fang Yue was anxious and encouraged loudly: "Linlang, hold on!"

At this moment, they found a huge rock in front of them, and there seemed to be a cave behind the rock.

Fang Yue said without hesitation: "Go into the cave and take shelter!"

The three of them moved to the front of the cave with difficulty. Fang Yue took the lead to enter and check, and found that the miasma in the cave was relatively weak.

"Come in quickly!" Fang Yue pulled the two women into the cave.

After entering the cave, the three collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

Fang Yue looked at the miasma outside the cave and thought in his heart: "This miasma is so weird. It must not be natural. Could it be another conspiracy of the enemy?"

No, this is not a poisonous miasma that can be created by human power.

This should be natural!

Princess Dachu gasped and said: "If it is really a natural formation, then this place must be an extremely dangerous place, and we need to be more careful. It is indeed the secret place of the True Network. With such natural dangers, I don't know how many greedy people can be blocked." people!"

Fang Yue nodded and said: "What the eldest princess said is absolutely true, but now that we have reached this point, we can only deal with it carefully."

Zhu Linlang regained some strength and stood up: "Then what should we do next? We can't be trapped in this cave forever."

Fang Yue thought for a moment and said, "Let's look in the cave first to see if there are any other exits or anything we can use."

The three of them began to explore the cave, and with the faint light, they discovered some strange carvings on the walls of the cave.

Princess Da Chu carefully observed these carvings and said: "This seems to be some kind of ancient writing or symbol, maybe related to the secret of this cave."

Fang Yue came closer, looked at the mark and said, "But we don't recognize it, and we don't know its meaning."

At this moment, Zhu Linlang found a stone emitting a faint light in the corner.

"Look, what is this?" Zhu Linlang shouted.

Fang Yue and Princess Dachu hurriedly walked over. Fang Yue picked up the stone and looked at it carefully: "This stone is a bit strange, maybe it is a key object."

At this moment, a low roar came from deep in the cave.

"No, there may be other dangers in this cave!" Fang Yue looked solemn.

The three of them suddenly became nervous, clenched their weapons, and stared warily into the depths of the cave.

The low roar was getting closer and closer, accompanied by a strong air current that made the clothes of the three people rustle.

Zhu Linlang's voice was trembling: "This... what kind of monster is this?"

Princess Da Chu took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down: "No matter what it is, we can't back down."

Fang Yue's eyes were like a torch, staring at the darkness ahead, and said: "Everyone, be careful, prepare to meet the enemy."

Suddenly, a huge figure rushed out of the darkness. I saw that it looked like a tiger, but it had a pair of huge wings, and it exuded a frightening aura.

Fang Yue took the lead in attacking and stabbed the monster with his sword. The monster dodged sideways, flapped its wings, and a powerful force knocked Fang Yue back several steps.

Zhu Linlang took the opportunity to swing the soft sword, and the sword stabbed the monster like a spiritual snake. The monster roared angrily and spurted a stream of flames from its mouth. Zhu Linlang quickly dodged it.

Upon seeing this, Princess Dachu stretched out her palms and rushed towards the monster with a powerful energy. The monster seemed to feel the threat, turned around, and rushed towards Princess Dachu.

Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang rushed to the rescue and started a fierce fight with the monster.

The monster is so powerful that the three of them are gradually at a disadvantage. Fang Yue was anxious and suddenly thought of the shimmering stone in his hand.

"Maybe this stone can restrain this monster!" Fang Yue shouted and threw the stone at the monster.

The moment the stone came into contact with the monster, a strong light emitted, and the monster roared in pain.

Taking this opportunity, Fang Yue and others launched another attack and finally drove back the monster.

The three of them were exhausted, but they did not dare to relax at all, and were alert to whether the monster would attack again.

Fang Yue breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It seems we are safe for the time being. We have to hurry up and think about what to do next."

Zhu Linlang sat down on the ground and said, "I really have no strength. This journey is really thrilling."

Princess Da Chu gasped and said, "Let's rest for a while to regain some strength and then make plans."

Fang Yue nodded and began to look around, trying to find some useful clues.

Because he always felt something was wrong in his heart. The location depicted on the animal skin map seemed to be somewhat different from the situation here.

Fang Yue frowned and murmured to himself: "This place is full of weirdness. Have we found the wrong place?"

Zhu Linlang listened and said, "It's impossible. We followed the map all the way. How could we go wrong?"

The Princess of Da Chu pondered for a moment and said, "Perhaps there are secrets in this place that we haven't discovered yet, which leads to some deviations from what is shown on the map."

Fang Yue continued to observe the surroundings. Suddenly, he found that some of the marks on the cave wall seemed different from what he had seen before.

"Look, these marks seem to be changing." Fang Yue said in surprise.

Zhu Linlang and the Princess of Da Chu came over and observed carefully.

Zhu Linlang wondered, "Is this a hint from some kind of mechanism?"

The Princess of Da Chu said, "Maybe it has something to do with the method of opening the secret treasure of the True King."

Fang Yue said, "Anyway, let's study it first."

As the research deepened, Fang Yue felt more and more confused. The description on the map showed that this should be the location of the secret treasure of the True King.

But the terrain here is not consistent with the description on the map, and there are miasma and monsters here that are not described on the map.

Combining this information, and the easily given up champion of Da Chu, Hou Yangchan

Fang Yue finally determined that this animal skin map must be fake.

Moreover, the reason why the Great Chu Internal Guards were able to track them was definitely because of this animal skin map!

Yang Chan had tampered with it.

Fang Yue's face was gloomy, and he said, "We were tricked by Yang Chan. This map is a trap!"

He immediately told Zhu Linlang and the other two about his guess and what he had experienced in the past few days.

After hearing this, Zhu Linlang was so angry that her eyebrows were raised: "This Yang Chan is really abominable. He actually harmed us like this!"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the Princess of Da Chu: "He did this to take the secret treasure of the True King for himself. But we must not let him succeed."

Fang Yue clenched his fists and said: "Now we need to get rid of the pursuit of the inner guards as soon as possible, and then find the real location of the secret treasure of the True King."

Zhu Linlang asked: "But where should we go?"

Fang Yue thought for a moment and said: "Since this map is fake, we can only rely on our own judgment and experience. Leave this cave first, and then look for clues from the surrounding environment."

The Princess of Da Chu nodded in agreement: "That's the only way. But we still need to be careful along the way to prevent any more accidents."

The three packed their luggage and walked out of the cave carefully. Outside the cave, the sunlight was a little dazzling. They squinted their eyes and observed the surrounding terrain.

Fang Yue pointed to a mountain in the distance and said: "That mountain looks quite strange. Maybe we can find some clues there." (End of this chapter)

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