Yang Chan clenched his weapon tightly, staring at the huge monster, and secretly complained in his heart: "How could I encounter such a powerful monster here? It's so unlucky!"

His men were already scared pale, but under Yang Chan's pressure, they had to bite the bullet and prepare for the battle.

The monster took heavy steps, and every step made the ground tremble slightly. It opened its bloody mouth and let out a deafening roar.

Yang Chan shouted: "Let's go together!" He rushed to the monster first. His attack fell on the monster, but it was like tickling, and did not cause any damage to the monster at all.

Seeing this, the men were even more panicked, but they could only rush up. For a while, the light of various weapons and vitality flashed in the passage.

The monster waved its huge claws and easily knocked several men away, hitting the wall and their life and death were unknown.

Yang Chan was anxious, but helpless. He dodged the monster's attack while looking for the monster's weakness.

"Am I going to die here today?" A trace of despair flashed through Yang Chan's mind.

At this moment, he suddenly found that the monster's abdomen seemed to have a weaker defense.

"Focus on attacking its abdomen!" Yang Chan shouted.

Upon hearing this, everyone turned their attacks to the monster's abdomen.

The monster felt pain and attacked more frantically, but everyone's attacks also had some effect.

Yang Chan panted heavily, praying in his heart that he could defeat the monster as soon as possible, open the mysterious stone door, and obtain the secret treasure of the True King.

Yang Chan gritted his teeth and continued to launch a fierce attack on the monster's abdomen, with sweat dripping down his cheeks.

His men also tried their best, pouring all their vitality into their weapons, and rays of light continued to shoot at the monster.

The monster roared angrily, and the wounds on its body continued to increase, and blood splattered. But it still did not give up resistance, and its huge tail swept over, and several men were unable to dodge and were heavily knocked to the ground.

"Hold on! We're about to succeed!" Yang Chan shouted at the top of his lungs.

However, the long battle consumed their physical strength and vitality, and the strength of their attacks gradually weakened.

Yang Chan was extremely anxious: "We can't fail like this!"

Just when they were almost exhausted, the monster's movements suddenly slowed down.

Yang Chan's eyes lit up, and he seized this opportunity, using the last of his strength to hit the monster's abdomen with all his strength.

This blow finally made the monster fall to the ground and stop moving.

Yang Chan collapsed to the ground, gasping for breath: "Finally, we got rid of this guy."

The men also collapsed on the ground exhausted.

After resting for a while, Yang Chan stood up with all his strength and said: "Don't dawdle, find a way to open the stone door quickly."

Everyone began to look for mechanisms around the stone door again. At this time, they all hoped to open the stone door as soon as possible and find the secret treasure of the True King.

Yang Chan watched his men groping at the stone door, and he dragged his tired body to join them.

"Be careful, don't miss any clues!" Yang Chan said while panting.

But after searching for a long time, they still didn't find any traces of the mechanism.

Yang Chan frowned, feeling irritated: "Is there no mechanism in this stone door, and it needs other special methods to open it?"

Just then, a subordinate said: "Sir, the runes on this stone door seem to have a pattern."

Yang Chan hurried over to observe carefully, but he couldn't figure it out after looking for a long time.

"Never mind, try to input the vitality according to the arrangement of these runes first." Yang Chan said, and then injected the vitality into one of the runes.

However, there was no reaction.

Yang Chan became more and more anxious: "Let's try, one rune at a time!"

The men followed suit, but there was still no effect.

"What should I do?" Yang Chan punched the stone door, feeling frustrated.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered the various restrictions and dangers he had encountered before, which seemed to be related to the properties of Yuan Qi.

"Maybe it takes Yuan Qi of a specific property to open this stone door." Yang Chan thought of this and began to try to mobilize Yuan Qi of different properties to inject into the rune.

When he injected a stream of ice-attributed Yuan Qi into a rune, the stone door suddenly shook slightly.

Yang Chan was overjoyed: "It's a good idea, keep going!"

Everyone followed Yang Chan's instructions and injected Yuan Qi of different properties.

Finally, the stone door slowly rose, and a dazzling light shot out from the door.

"Success!" Yang Chan shouted excitedly, and walked towards the door impatiently.

As soon as Yang Chan stepped into the stone door, he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

I saw a huge treasure house inside the door, and all kinds of rare treasures exuded a dazzling light.

"This... is this the secret collection of the True King?" Yang Chan's voice trembled with excitement.

His men also rushed in, their eyes wide open, full of greed and surprise.

Yang Chan rushed to a shelf with mysterious magic weapons and reached out to take it.

At this moment, a powerful forbidden light lit up and bounced him away.

"Damn it!" Yang Chan cursed and tried again, but was still blocked by the ban.

"Sir, these treasures seem to be protected by restrictions, and it's not easy to take them." A subordinate said.

Yang Chan gritted his teeth: "Let's work together to break these restrictions!"

Everyone began to look for clues to break the restrictions, but at this moment, a sinister laugh sounded in the treasure house.

"Hahahaha, Yang Chan, do you think the true king's secret can be obtained so easily?"

Yang Chan was startled and looked around cautiously: "Who is it? Come out!"

"I've been waiting here for a long time." A dark figure slowly walked out from the corner.

Yang Chan shouted angrily: "Who are you?"

The black shadow sneered: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you can't take away this true king's secret treasure!"

After saying that, the black shadow flashed and attacked Yang Chan.


But at this time, all the people from all walks of life in the Hundred Thousand Mountains who were attracted by the True King's Secret Treasure saw the pillar of light rising into the sky in the distance.

For a moment, all forces were ready to move and rushed towards the direction of the light pillar.

In a valley, a group of mysterious people in black costumes were moving forward rapidly. The leader looked gloomy and said: "Speed ​​up, we must not let the true king's secret treasure fall into the hands of others!"

Elsewhere, a swordsman in fluttering white clothes stood with his sword on his back, looking in the direction of the light beam, his eyes showing firmness: "These treasures should belong to me." After saying that, his figure flashed towards him like a white lightning. Goal runs.

In a swamp, a short but extremely agile gang of thieves is struggling to move forward.

The leader of the thieves, with greed in his eyes, shouted to his brothers behind him: "Brothers, work harder, the treasure is just ahead!"

Deep in Shiwanda Mountain, in an ancient temple, a bald monk clasped his hands together and recited scriptures in a low voice.

When he saw the pillar of light, he slowly opened his eyes, and a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "Amitabha, this is an opportunity, I should also go and take a trip."

After that, he picked up his Zen staff and strode out of the temple.

In the camp of the inner guard of Dachu, General Zheng learned about the appearance of the light pillar, and his expression changed drastically: "Sure enough, I have been fooled by Yang Chan. Set off immediately and move forward at full speed!"


Fang Yue and the other three were also on their way at this time.

Fang Yue frowned and said: "All forces on this road are rushing towards the True King's secret treasure. We must speed up, otherwise we will lose the opportunity."

Zhu Linlang gasped and responded: "But we are exhausted, can we still catch up?"

Princess Da Chu's eyes were firm: "No matter what, you can't give up."

Suddenly, a rapid river appeared in front of them, blocking their way.

That's all. At this moment, in the river, a giant green dragon disappears and appears.

Fang Yue frowned slightly and said, "It's actually a demon dragon!"

Fang Yue's heart tightened and he shouted: "Everyone, be careful and move back quickly!"

However, the green dragon didn't give them a chance to dodge. It opened its huge mouth and a stream of dragon breath spurted out, approaching Fang Yue and the others.

Fang Yue quickly swung his sword and displayed a sword energy barrier, trying to resist the dragon's breath.

With a loud "Bang!", the sword energy barrier instantly shattered under the impact of the dragon's breath, and Fang Yue was knocked back several steps by the powerful force.

The giant dragon was also hit by a huge force and flew hundreds of feet before stopping.

With one blow, both sides were evenly matched.

However, Qinglong is obviously good at controlling water. If he fights Qinglong in this big river, Fang Yue will obviously be at a disadvantage.

Fang Yue knew this very well, his eyes were solemn, and he was thinking about how to deal with it.

Qinglong didn't give Fang Yue a chance to breathe, and launched another attack. It stirred the river water and formed a huge whirlpool, trying to draw Fang Yue into it.

Fang Yue retreated violently, avoiding the suction of the vortex. At the same time, he concentrated on observing Qinglong's movements, looking for its flaws.

"We must find a way to lead it to the shore!" Fang Yue thought to himself.

He deliberately provoked Qinglong and fought and retreated towards the shore.

Qinglong was angered by Fang Yue's provocation and chased after him desperately.

Finally, Fang Yue successfully led Qinglong to the shore.

At this time, Qinglong had left the river and his strength was slightly weakened.

Fang Yue saw the right moment and used all his strength to strike. The sword glowed brightly and stabbed straight towards Qinglong's vital part.

Qinglong hurriedly dodged, but was still stabbed in the side by Fang Yue.

It roared angrily and pounced on Fang Yue again.

Fang Yue nimbly dodged sideways, and at the same time struck a sword with his backhand, leaving another wound on Qinglong's body.

Qinglong's attacks became more and more crazy, but Fang Yue relied on his agility and firm will to save himself from danger time and time again, and continuously dealt Qinglong effective blows.

After a fierce struggle, Qinglong finally gradually lost his strength and his movements became sluggish.

Fang Yue seized this opportunity and used his final trick. The sword was like a rainbow and penetrated Qinglong's body.

Qinglong fell to the ground with a crash, and Fang Yue collapsed to the side from exhaustion, breathing heavily.

"Finally solved" Fang Yue murmured to himself.

After killing the green dragon and obtaining the dragon soul from the green dragon, Fang Yue seemed to be showing signs of a breakthrough in his six-turn true spiritual skill.

Fang Yue felt the power surging within his body and was overjoyed: "The power of this dragon soul is indeed powerful. It may help me break through the bottleneck of my technique."

He immediately sat down cross-legged, running his skills, trying to absorb the power of the dragon soul.

The surrounding vitality gathered crazily towards Fang Yue, forming a huge vortex of vitality.

Fang Yue's body trembled slightly, with a painful and determined expression on his face.

As time went by, Fang Yue's light became stronger and stronger.

"Break it!" Fang Yue yelled.

A powerful force burst out from his body, and the dust around him was shaken up.

Fang Yue slowly opened his eyes, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes: "Sixth Turn True Spirit Skill, finally broke through to a new realm!"

At this moment, he felt full of strength.

Fang Yue stood up, looked in the direction of the True King's Secret Treasure, and said: "Now, I am more confident to deal with the next challenge."

After that, he flashed and ran quickly towards the destination.


Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang and others ran all the way and soon arrived at the foot of the mountain where the True King's Secret Treasure was located.

At this time, many people had gathered at the foot of the mountain, and various forces were staring at each other.

A burly man saw Fang Yue and shouted loudly: "Boy, do you want to get a share of the pie too?"

Fang Yue glanced at him coldly, did not respond, and continued to walk up the mountain.

The man felt ignored, and was furious. He swung the giant axe in his hand and chopped at Fang Yue.

Fang Yue dodged the attack easily by moving sideways, and then swung his sword with a sharp sword wind, forcing the big man to retreat again and again.

"Humph, you overestimate your own ability!" Fang Yue snorted coldly and continued to move forward.

The atmosphere on the mountain became more and more tense. Seeing Fang Yue's extraordinary skills, other forces secretly raised their vigilance.

At this time, the group of mysterious people in black tights also arrived.

The leader glanced at everyone and said, "The secret treasure of the true king is for those who are capable. You must think clearly. Besides, the champion marquis Yang Chan has already entered it first. We can't waste our strength here!"

When everyone heard that Yang Chan had entered first, there was an uproar.

"This Yang Chan actually took the lead, damn it!" Someone said indignantly.

"Then we must hurry up and not let him take the secret treasure alone!" Another person shouted anxiously.

At this time, the leader of the thieves' gang rolled his eyes and said loudly: "Everyone, why don't we join forces to enter the secret treasure first, solve Yang Chan, and then fight for the treasure with our own abilities, how about it?"

Everyone fell into a brief silence, as if thinking about the feasibility of this proposal.

Fang Yue thought to himself: "The situation is getting more complicated, we have to be careful."

The swordsman in white clothes stood up at this time and said: "We can join forces, but I don't believe in you people."

The bald monk clasped his hands together: "Amitabha, joining forces at this time may be the best strategy."

In the end, the various forces temporarily reached an intention to join forces and prepared to enter the True King's secret treasure together.

Fang Yue mixed in the crowd, vigilantly observing the actions of the people around him.

Everyone began to slowly move up the mountain. The atmosphere was solemn along the way, and no one knew what they would encounter after entering the secret treasure.

Just when they reached the halfway point of the mountain, a mist suddenly spread, and everyone's vision was greatly obstructed.

"Be careful of fraud!" someone shouted.

At this moment, several screams were heard. It turned out that several people walking in front were attacked by something and fell to the ground and died. (End of this chapter)

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