Everyone panicked, Fang Yue stopped, thinking to himself that it was not good.

"Don't run around, form a circle, and defend back to back!" Fang Yue shouted loudly.

But the panic spread quickly, and the crowd was in chaos.

Fang Yue frowned and tried to distinguish the attacker's position.

Suddenly, he felt a strong wind coming from the right, and he waved his sword to block it without hesitation.

"Dang!" The sound of metal collision rang out, and Fang Yue's arm was numb.

"Which evildoer is attacking here!" Fang Yue shouted angrily.

However, the only response he got was a series of sinister sneers from the fog.

At this time, the mysterious black shadow attacked again, and Fang Yue responded with all his strength, but it was difficult to see the other party's figure clearly.

In this chaos, the white-clothed swordsman flashed and chased in the direction of the black shadow's attack.

Only a fierce fight was heard, but the situation was still unclear.

"Everyone calm down, don't lose your composure!" The bald monk read the scriptures loudly, trying to calm everyone down.

But the situation was out of control, and people kept falling in the fog.

At this critical moment, Fang Yue's mind turned quickly. He shouted loudly: "Light the torch, maybe it can dispel the fog!"

Hearing his words, everyone woke up as if from a dream, took out the fire sticks from their arms, and lit the torches in their hands.

As the number of torches increased, the fog faded a little, but it was still unclear in the distance.

Fang Yue held the sword tightly, staring at the surroundings to prevent the black shadow from attacking again.

The fight between the white-clothed swordsman and the black shadow became more and more intense. Suddenly, a scream came, and then it returned to calm.

Everyone's heart was in their throat, not knowing whether the white-clothed swordsman won or the black shadow had the upper hand.

At this moment, a figure staggered out of the fog. It was the white-clothed swordsman. His body was covered with wounds and his clothes were stained red with blood.

"This black shadow is very powerful, everyone be careful!" The white-clothed swordsman said with a heavy breath.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone concentrate their strength and break out in one direction!"

Everyone rushed in the direction Fang Yue pointed after hearing this.

However, the black shadow seemed to have anticipated it and launched another attack, and several more people fell.

"This is not a solution!" Fang Yue was anxious.

At this time, the bald monk suddenly put his hands together, and bursts of Buddha light emanated from his body. Wherever the Buddha light went, the fog gradually dissipated.

Everyone finally saw the appearance of the black shadow. It was a mysterious man covered in a black robe. His face could not be seen, only a pair of eyes emitting cold light were exposed.

"Die!" Fang Yue shouted and rushed towards the black shadow first.

Fang Yue rushed towards the black shadow like an arrow from a bow, and the sword in his hand swung out a sharp light. The black shadow sneered, flashed, avoided Fang Yue's attack, and slapped his palm with his backhand, and the palm wind whistled.

Fang Yue dodged sideways, turned his sword, and stabbed the black shadow again. The black shadow was not in a hurry, and used strange body movements to deal with Fang Yue.

At this time, other people also joined the battle, and the lights of various weapons and spells intertwined.

The black shadow gradually felt the pressure increasing. He suddenly shouted, and a strong dark aura emanated from his body, forcing everyone to retreat.

"Humph, you think you can compete with me?" The black shadow taunted.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth and said, "I will definitely take you down today!"

After that, he raised his sword again and fought a desperate battle with the black shadow.

Just when the two sides were deadlocked, the white-clothed swordsman supported his body and rejoined the battle.

"I'll help you!" The white-clothed swordsman shouted. Although he was seriously injured, his swordsmanship was still sharp.

Under the joint efforts of Fang Yue and the white-clothed swordsman, the black shadow gradually showed signs of fatigue.

At this moment, Fang Yue seized the opportunity and stabbed the black shadow's flaw with a sword.

The black shadow wanted to dodge, but it was too late, and was stabbed in the shoulder by Fang Yue's sword.

He roared and wanted to fight back, but was suppressed by the siege of the crowd.

In the end, the black shadow was defeated by the crowd and fell to the ground.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us here?" Fang Yue asked.

The black shadow just sneered, then closed his eyes, and his breath was gone.

Everyone looked at each other, wondering where this mysterious black shadow came from.

"Anyway, let's move on and find the secret treasure of the True King." Fang Yue said.

Everyone nodded and continued to walk up the mountain.

At the same time, Yang Chan, the champion of Da Chu, had already gone deep into the secret treasure of the True King.

Yang Chan looked at the treasures in the room, and although he was excited, the existence of the ban made him unable to succeed.

"This ban is so powerful, how can I break it?" Yang Chan frowned and fell into deep thought.

Just as he was thinking hard, he suddenly heard a subtle sound.

Yang Chan instantly became alert, tightened his weapon in his hand, and shouted: "Who?"

However, there was no response from all around.

Yang Chan walked cautiously in the direction of the sound, and saw a secret door slowly opening.

A mysterious old man walked out from inside, with a deep and elusive look in his eyes.

"Young man, it's not that easy to get the secret treasure of the True King." The old man said slowly.

Yang Chan looked at him vigilantly and asked, "Who are you?"

The old man smiled slightly: "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I can help you break these restrictions."

Yang Chan was suspicious, but there was no other way at this time, so he could only say: "If you can really help me, I will reward you handsomely."

The old man shook his head: "There is no need to express my gratitude. It's just that I need a share of the treasure in the secret."

Yang Chan gritted her teeth: "Okay, as long as I can get the treasure, it doesn't matter if I share it with you."

The old man nodded with satisfaction and began to break the restriction.

On the other side, Fang Yue and others encountered new traps as they continued to go up the mountain.

"Be careful!" Fang Yue shouted, and sharp spikes suddenly appeared on the ground.

Everyone fled and the scene fell into chaos again.

Fang Yue was worried while facing the trap: "I don't know how Yang Chan is progressing in the secret."

At this time, all forces are struggling to explore the true king's secret treasure. It is surrounded by dangers, but it is still unknown who owns the real treasure.

Just as Fang Yue and others were trying to deal with the ground thorn trap, a huge stone suddenly fell from above their heads.

"Everyone, be careful with your heads!" Fang Yue reminded hurriedly.

Everyone hurriedly dodged, and a few of them were unfortunately hit by rocks and fell to the ground injured.

Fang Yue was so anxious that he swung his sword vigorously, trying to cut off the falling stones.

At this time, Zhu Linlang discovered the rules of the mechanism and shouted: "Fang Yue, you can avoid it by jumping in a specific order!"

Upon hearing this, Fang Yue quickly led everyone to act according to the method Zhu Linlang said.

After some difficult evasion, they finally got rid of the threat of rocks temporarily.

"We can't be so passive anymore, we have to find the core of the mechanism and destroy it!" Fang Yue said.

Everyone began to carefully look around for the core of the mechanism.

Deep in the secret, Yang Chan was anxiously watching the old man break the restriction.

"Why isn't it better yet?" Yang Chan couldn't help but ask.

The old man said without looking back: "Don't worry, this restriction is extremely complicated and takes time."

At this moment, the restriction suddenly shined brightly, and a powerful force rebounded, knocking the old man to the ground.

"This" Yang Chan's face changed drastically.

The old man stood up, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said, "It seems it's not that simple. We have to find another way."

Yang Chan clenched her fists, feeling unwilling to do so.

At the same time, Fang Yue and others finally found the core of the organization.

"This is it! Let's attack together!" Fang Yue shouted.

Everyone launched their strongest attacks one after another, and the core of the mechanism finally stopped functioning under the impact of powerful force.

"Great, let's move on!" Fang Yue said.

They quickened their pace and approached the core area of ​​the secret cache.

At this time, other forces are also constantly breaking through numerous obstacles and approaching the deepest part of the True King's secret treasure.

Fang Yue and others moved forward cautiously and encountered several waves of small agency attacks along the way, but they were all resolved by their quick reactions and tacit cooperation.

Finally, they came to a wide hall, in which stood several huge statues. The eyes of the statues seemed to be watching their every move.

"Everyone, be careful, it may not be easy here." Fang Yue reminded.

Before he finished speaking, the statue suddenly moved and hit everyone with its huge fist.

Everyone scattered to avoid, and Fang Yue raised his sword to face one of the statues.

"Cang!" The sword collided with the statue's fist, and Fang Yue was shocked to the point of pain.

"The power of this statue is amazing, don't fight it forcefully!" Zhu Linlang shouted.

Fang Yue knew better and began to look for the statue's weaknesses.

At this moment, Princess Da Chu discovered that the feet of the statue seemed to move slowly.

"Attack their feet!" Princess Da Chu shouted.

Everyone responded and concentrated their efforts on attacking the statue's feet.

After a fierce battle, the statue finally stopped moving.

In another part of the secret cache, Yang Chan and the old man were still racking their brains to crack the restriction.

"Is there really no other way?" Yang Chan said impatiently.

The old man thought for a moment, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "Maybe we can use the power of those outside."

Yang Chan frowned: "What do you mean?"

The old man smiled slightly: "Bring them here and let them trigger some restrictions. Maybe we can find a way to break it."

Yang Chan hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.

So, Yang Chan deliberately touched some mechanisms and made a huge noise.

The other forces that were advancing heard the noise and rushed towards Yang Chan's direction.

For a time, the secret treasure became more lively, and various forces competed with each other in unknown dangers. The ultimate ownership of the true king's secret treasure became more and more confusing.

At this time, Fang Yue and others continued to go deep into the hall.

At the end of the hall, a closed stone door appeared, with mysterious lines carved on it.

Fang Yue observed these lines carefully, wondering if it was another difficult puzzle.

Zhu Linlang stepped forward and said, "This pattern looks very complicated. I don't know how to open it."

The eldest princess of Da Chu also looked worried: "If it continues to be delayed, I'm afraid other forces will take the lead."

Fang Yue took a deep breath: "Let's look for any mechanisms or clues together."

Everyone spread out and searched the surroundings carefully.

But at this moment, the stone door in front of him made a clicking sound and slowly opened.

A strong air flow surged out from the door, and everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back.

After the air flow subsided, Fang Yue looked forward first. Inside the door was a huge stone chamber. The walls were inlaid with countless glowing gems, illuminating the entire stone chamber as bright as day.

"Is this... is this the core of the True King's secret treasure?" Zhu Linlang said in surprise.

Fang Yue walked into the stone chamber carefully and observed the surroundings vigilantly.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble slightly, and a huge stone platform slowly rose in the center of the stone chamber.

On the stone platform was a treasure box emitting a mysterious light.

Just as Fang Yue was about to approach, an invisible barrier blocked his way.

"This is another obstacle." Fang Yue frowned.

The eldest princess of Da Chu said: "Let's think of a way to break this barrier."

Just as everyone was thinking hard, fierce fighting and shouting came from outside.

"It seems that other forces are coming soon." Zhu Linlang looked anxious.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth: "We must get the treasure box as soon as possible!"

At this time, one person found a stone slab engraved with runes in the corner of the stone chamber.

"Maybe this has something to do with breaking the barrier." said the subordinate.

Fang Yue immediately went over to check and began to study the runes on the stone slab.

Fang Yue stared at the runes on the stone slab with full concentration, trying to decipher the mystery.

"This rune seems to have some specific rules." Fang Yue muttered to himself.

The eldest princess of Da Chu came over and asked, "Do you have any clues?"

Fang Yue shook his head: "It will take some time."

Just as everyone was waiting anxiously, Fang Yue suddenly remembered the characteristics of the Six-turn True Spirit Technique he practiced.

This technique allows him to keenly perceive the flow and changes of Yuan Qi.

Fang Yue calmed down and slowly injected his Yuan Qi into the runes on the stone slab, carefully feeling the direction of the Yuan Qi.

He closed his eyes tightly, sweat beads on his forehead, and kept calculating in his mind.

Suddenly, Fang Yue opened his eyes abruptly, and a confident look appeared on his face.

"I understand! Everyone listen to my instructions and inject Yuan Qi into these runes in the way I said!" Fang Yue said loudly.

Everyone nodded and followed Fang Yue's instructions.

With the infusion of vitality, the rune light on the stone slab became brighter and brighter, and the invisible barrier began to tremble slightly.

"Try harder!" Fang Yue shouted.

Everyone gritted their teeth and increased the output of vitality.

Finally, the barrier made a crisp cracking sound, turned into dots of light and dissipated in the air.

Fang Yue was overjoyed, rushed to the stone platform in one step, and reached out to take the treasure box.

However, just as he was about to touch the treasure box, a black shadow rushed out from the side and took the treasure box away first.

"Who?" Fang Yue glared.

I saw a mysterious man in a black cloak standing not far away, holding the treasure box in his hand, and laughed sinisterly.

"This treasure box is not something you can touch." Yang Chan said.

Fang Yue looked at Yang Chan, his eyes full of anger: "Yang Chan, it's you!"

Yang Chan sneered: "The secret treasure of the true king belongs to the capable. Fang Yue, you don't have the ability to protect this treasure box." (End of this chapter)

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