Fang Yue tightened his grip on the hilt of his sword and glared at Yang Chan. The air around him seemed to freeze due to his anger.

"Yang Chan, do you think you can take away the true king's secret treasure? You are too confident!" Fang Yue said coldly.

Yang Chan smiled contemptuously, and the treasure box in his hand emitted an even more dazzling light, seeming to echo his will.

"You won't know until you try it whether you are confident or not." Before Yang Chan finished speaking, he flashed towards the exit of the stone chamber.

"Don't even think about escaping!" Fang Yue shouted, followed closely by everyone, and a chase started in the twisting passages of the secret.

In the passage, light and shadow are intertwined, and there are many mechanisms, but Yang Chan seems to know this place well and can always avoid traps cleverly. Fang Yue and others have to chase while dealing with sudden crises.

"How does he know the location of so many agencies?" Zhu Linlang asked puzzledly while dodging the arrows flying towards him.

"This person has been planning carefully for many years, and he has joined forces with the mysterious old man. He has obviously obtained a lot of information." Princess Da Chu analyzed.

Fang Yue frowned, secretly anxious in his heart. If Yang Chan was allowed to escape with the treasure box, all his efforts would be in vain.

"We must find a way to stop him!" Fang Yue gritted his teeth.

At this moment, there was a sudden roar from the front, and a huge stone door slowly fell, cutting off the passage.

"No, it's a trap!" Fang Yue stopped in a hurry, but it was too late. The stone door slammed shut, isolating them from Yang Chan.

"What should we do?" Zhu Linlang asked anxiously.

"Calm down, Linlang." Princess Dachu comforted her calmly, "Although we are temporarily blocked, we are not in a desperate situation. Yang Chan has a treasure box with an obvious goal, and his understanding of the agency may also become his constraint. We As long as we find the agency's control room, we may be able to reopen the door, or even set up an ambush to take back the treasure box in one fell swoop."

When Fang Yue heard this, a trace of determination flashed in his eyes: "Yes, we can't let his conspiracy succeed. Let's split up. Some of us will continue to look for the mechanism, while the other part of us will try to find other channels. We can always find a way to catch up with him."

After hearing this, everyone nodded and quickly dispersed to perform their respective tasks. Within the stone chamber, their firm and rapid footsteps echoed, each sound carrying their desire for victory and their unyielding will.

At the same time, Yang Chan was galloping in the passage on the other side, with a proud smile on his lips.

"Hmph, Fang Yue and the others are just wishful thinking if they want to catch up with me." Yang Chan was secretly proud of herself.

However, his joy did not last long.

As he went deeper into the passage, the surrounding environment became more and more strange, and an invisible pressure enveloped him.

The mountain of vitality in the body suddenly disappeared without a trace!

Yang Chan was shocked: "What's going on? How could my vitality suddenly disappear?"

He stopped and tried to mobilize his energy, but there was no response.

"Is there a mysterious power that suppresses vitality in this passage?" Cold sweat broke out on Yang Chan's forehead.

At this time, the sound of the stone door closing at the rear was faintly heard, and Yang Chan became even more nervous.

Yang Chan was so anxious that he knew that with his vitality suppressed, he would be unable to deal with any sudden attacks or obstacles.

He looked around, trying to find the source of this mysterious power, but the light in the passage was dim and the stone walls were covered with ancient runes, making it even more strange and unpredictable.

"We must find a solution as soon as possible, otherwise not only will the treasure box be saved, but I may also be in danger."

Yang Chan secretly thought, and he began to try to use his mental power to sense this force that suppressed vitality, hoping to find its rules or weaknesses.

At this moment, a faint light suddenly appeared in front of the passage. The light did not seem to belong to this oppressive space, but came from another unknown realm.

Yang Chan's heart moved and he decided to move in the direction of the light. Maybe there would be the answer he wanted there.

At the same time, Fang Yue and others were also searching nervously.

A group of people, led by Princess Da Chu, carefully studied the runes on the stone wall, trying to find the key to opening the mechanism;

The other group of people, led by Fang Yue, explored in depth along the branches of the passage, hoping to find a secret path leading to Yang Chan's location.

As time passed by, the tension between the two sides reached its peak.

Although Fang Yue and others encountered traps and traps many times, with their firm belief and tacit cooperation with each other, they gradually approached Yang Chan's position.

Yang Chan cautiously approached the light, her heart full of anxiety.

When he finally walked to where the light was, he found that it was an ancient formation that was emitting a faint light.

"What kind of formation is this? Is it the source of suppressing my vitality?" Yang Chan frowned and thought.

He didn't dare to touch it rashly, so he could only observe the surroundings carefully.

On Fang Yue's side, they found some strange traces at a fork.

"This seems to be left by Yang Chan." Fang Yue said.

"That means we are on the right track." One of his men said.

Fang Yue nodded and led everyone to quicken their pace.

Just as Yang Chan was meditating hard on the formation, he suddenly heard footsteps coming from behind him.

"No, is it Fang Yue and the others who are chasing us?" Yang Chan's heart tightened.

He didn't have time to think too much and decided to hide and observe the situation.

The figures of Fang Yue and others gradually appeared in the passage.

"Everyone, be careful, Yang Chan may be nearby." Fang Yue reminded.

Everyone was alert and moved forward slowly.

At this time, Yang Chan was hiding in the dark, his heartbeat accelerated rapidly.

He held the treasure box tightly, thinking: "We must not let them take the treasure box away."

Fang Yue and others continued to move forward, and were about to approach Yang Chan's hiding place.

At this critical moment, there was a sudden violent vibration in the passage.

"Be careful!" Fang Yue shouted.

Everyone stabilized their bodies, and saw cracks appearing in the surrounding stone walls, and gravel fell one after another.

"What's going on?" Zhu Linlang exclaimed.

Fang Yue looked at the chaotic scene and had a bad premonition in his heart.

Just as everyone was panicking to avoid the gravel, Yang Chan also took the opportunity to quietly move his position.

"Everyone find a safe place to hide first!" Fang Yue commanded loudly.

Everyone hid in a relatively stable corner.

Fang Yue dodged the falling rocks while thinking: "This vibration is strange. Could it have triggered a more powerful mechanism?"

At this time, Yang Chan was hiding in another place, thinking secretly in his heart: "While they are busy, I have to find a way to leave quickly."

He carefully observed the situation around him, trying to find a way out.

The vibration gradually subsided, and Fang Yue and others came out from their hiding place.

"Keep going, we must find Yang Chan!" Fang Yue said.

Everyone continued to move forward, but the passage seemed to become more complicated because of the vibration just now.

"This road seems to be wrong." Zhu Linlang said.

Fang Yue frowned: "Be careful, don't get lost."

Yang Chan, on the other side, accidentally walked into a secret room.

The secret room was filled with a mysterious atmosphere, and strange lights flickered on the walls.

Yang Chan looked around vigilantly: "What place is this?"

Just when he was puzzled, the door of the secret room suddenly closed, and a low buzzing sound was heard around.

Yang Chan's heart tightened: "Is there another danger?"

At this time, Fang Yue and others were still groping forward in the passage. Can they find Yang Chan? Can Yang Chan escape from the secret room safely? How many unknown dangers are waiting for them in the secret collection of the True King?

Fang Yue led everyone to move forward carefully in the complex passage, and every step was full of vigilance.

"Everyone pay attention to your feet and surroundings, be careful of new mechanisms." Fang Yue reminded.

Zhu Linlang nodded and said: "This passage is more and more confusing. I really don't know how Yang Chan ran."

Fang Yue's eyes were firm: "No matter what, we must find him."

Yang Chan in the secret room was nervously watching the changes around him.

The buzzing sound became louder and louder, and the light on the wall began to flicker more violently.

Suddenly, several huge vines stretched out from the wall and swept towards Yang Chan.

Yang Chan dodged quickly, swung the sword in his hand, and tried to cut off the vines.

"What the hell is this!" Yang Chan cursed.

Vines kept coming, making him overwhelmed.

On the other side, Fang Yue and others seemed to hear a noise coming from a distance.

"Could it be Yang Chan?" asked a subordinate.

Fang Yue thought for a moment: "It's possible, let's speed up."

They quickened their pace and rushed in the direction of the sound.

At this time, Yang Chan was already a little powerless, and his body was scratched by vines.

"No, this is not a solution." Yang Chan was anxious.

Just when he was about to collapse, Fang Yue and others finally rushed to the door of the secret room.

"Yang Chan, you can't escape today!" Fang Yue shouted.

Yang Chan saw Fang Yue and others, and his heart sank.

Facing the siege of Fang Yue and others, Yang Chan's eyes flashed with disdain.

"Humph, Fang Yue, even if you have more people, so what? I must get this treasure box!" Yang Chan gritted his teeth and said.

Fang Yue sneered, "Yang Chan, you are already at the end of your strength, but you are still stubborn. If you hand over the treasure box obediently, maybe you can still save your life."

Yang Chan laughed: "You want me to hand over the treasure box, it's just a dream!"

At this time, Zhu Linlang said: "Yang Chan, don't be stubborn, the secret treasure of the true king is not something you can take alone."

Yang Chan glared at Zhu Linlang: "Stop talking nonsense, come and grab it if you have the ability!"

The Princess of Da Chu said: "Yang Chan, don't think we are afraid of you."

Yang Chan waved the sword in his hand and said loudly: "Then come on, let's see who can laugh last!"

Fang Yue said no more, and attacked Yang Chan with a sword.

Everyone followed, and for a while, the swords and shadows were intertwined. Although Yang Chan was injured, he still fought hard and his moves were fierce.

Fang Yue's sword moves like the wind, and each move is aimed at Yang Chan's vital points: "Yang Chan, you can't escape today!"

Yang Chan dodged Fang Yue's attack and hit back: "Fang Yue, don't be too confident!"

Zhu Linlang waited for an opportunity on the side, saw Yang Chan's flaw, and stabbed with the sword. Yang Chan was startled and hurried back to defend.

The eldest princess of Da Chu also used her moves, and rays of light shot towards Yang Chan. Yang Chan dodged left and right, looking a little embarrassed.

"Do you think you can take me down like this?" Yang Chan roared, desperately resisting the siege of the crowd.

However, his physical strength gradually failed, and his movements became slow.

Fang Yue took advantage of the situation and slashed Yang Chan's arm with a sword. Yang Chan felt pain and almost dropped the sword in his hand.

"Yang Chan, give up!" Fang Yue advised again.

Yang Chan gritted his teeth, but his eyes were still full of stubbornness: "Impossible!"

Just then, a low roar suddenly came from the secret room, and the whole space began to tremble.

"What's going on?" Someone shouted in horror.

Fang Yue and others stopped attacking and looked around vigilantly.

The ground of the secret room slowly cracked, and a huge monster slowly rose from the ground.

"This is..." Everyone took a breath of cold air.

Yang Chan was also stunned by this sudden monster.

The monster was huge, like a hill, covered with hard scales, flashing with strange light. Its eyes were like burning fireballs, and a burning breath spewed out of its mouth.

"This monster looks difficult to deal with!" Zhu Linlang's face was pale.

The eldest princess of Da Chu looked solemn: "Everyone be careful, don't act rashly."

Fang Yue held the sword tightly, staring at the monster: "Let's see where its weakness is first."

Yang Chan didn't care about fighting with Fang Yue and others at this time, and faced the monster with them vigilantly.

The monster seemed to be enraged by the intrusion of the crowd, and took a huge step and rushed towards them.

"Scatter!" Fang Yue shouted.

Everyone dodged in all directions, and the monster's big feet stepped heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

Fang Yue took advantage of the gap between the monster's attacks and jumped onto the monster's back, trying to find its weakness.

"Fang Yue, be careful!" Zhu Linlang shouted.

The monster noticed Fang Yue's actions and shook its body violently, trying to throw Fang Yue off.

Fang Yue grabbed the monster's scales tightly and stabbed it with the sword in his hand.

But the monster's scales were so hard that Fang Yue's sword could not penetrate.

Seeing this, Yang Chan no longer hesitated, waving the sword and rushing towards the monster's legs, trying to restrain it.

The Princess of Da Chu performed her moves again, and rays of light shot into the monster's eyes, trying to interfere with its vision.

Under the coordinated attack of the crowd, the monster became more angry and its attack became more fierce.

"This is not a solution. We must find its fatal weakness!" Fang Yue shouted.

Just when everyone was in trouble, the monster suddenly stopped attacking and raised its head to roar.

Its abdomen began to flash with strange light.

"Is that its weakness?" said one of his men.

Fang Yue's eyes were stern: "Whether it is or not, it's worth a try!"

Everyone mustered up their courage again and attacked the monster's abdomen.

Everyone's weapons were directed at the monster's abdomen, and for a while, the light was intertwined and the sword energy was crisscrossed.

However, the monster seemed to have noticed their intentions, and the light in its abdomen suddenly became stronger, forming a protective barrier to resist all the attacks.

"No, this monster is on guard!" Zhu Linlang exclaimed.

Fang Yue frowned: "Don't stop, keep attacking!"

Yang Chan also gritted his teeth and chopped at the monster's legs desperately, trying to distract its attention. (End of this chapter)

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