The eldest princess of Da Chu formed seals with her hands and chanted something. A powerful light of ultimate move gathered in her hands, and then blasted towards the monster's belly.

"Bang!" The light hit the monster's protective barrier, causing a strong ripple, but the barrier was still intact.

"What can we do?" Everyone became more and more anxious.

Fang Yue's eyes became more and more determined, and he said loudly: "Let's concentrate our strength and attack together!"

After listening to Fang Yue's words, everyone gathered their strength together.

Yang Chan panted and tried his best to inject his vitality into the sword.

"Attack!" Fang Yue gave an order.

Everyone's attack blasted towards the same place in the monster's belly again.

This time, the protective barrier finally had a crack.

The monster felt threatened, twisted its body wildly, and spewed a powerful flame from its mouth.

"Be careful to avoid it!" Fang Yue shouted.

Everyone dodged, and the flames raged in the passage.

Taking advantage of the gap between the monster's attacks, Fang Yue took the lead again and rushed towards the monster's belly.

"This time we must succeed!" he roared.

Everyone's attacks were concentrated again, and the cracks were getting bigger and bigger.

Finally, the protective barrier was broken, and everyone's attacks fell directly on the monster's abdomen.

The monster roared in pain and fell to the ground.

"Success!" Everyone cheered.

However, before everyone could breathe a sigh of relief, a powerful energy wave suddenly burst out from the monster's body.

"No, everyone be careful!" Fang Yue shouted.

This energy wave shook everyone away.

Fang Yue found that Yang Chan was taking advantage of the chaos to escape to the exit.

"Yang Chan, don't run!" Fang Yue ignored the pain on his body and chased after him.

Yang Chan looked back and ran faster.

Fang Yue chased after him, his breathing was rapid, but the obsession in his heart made him unwilling to give up.

While Yang Chan was running wildly, he cursed inwardly: "Damn Fang Yue, I can't get rid of him no matter how hard I try."

The hurried footsteps of the two echoed in the passage.

"Yang Chan, you can't escape!" Fang Yue shouted.

Yang Chan gritted his teeth and continued to run desperately.

At this time, they came to a fork in the road.

Yang Chan chose the left passage without hesitation.

Fang Yue rushed in without hesitation.

The passage was filled with a pungent smell, and some unknown liquid flowed on the wall.

"What is this place?" Yang Chan was shocked.

Fang Yue didn't care and was about to catch up with Yang Chan.

Yang Chan was anxious, and suddenly, he found a secret door in front of him.

He rushed in without thinking.

Fang Yue followed closely.

Behind the door was a huge cave full of intricate stone pillars.

Yang Chan shuttled between the stone pillars, trying to avoid Fang Yue.

Fang Yue's eyes were fixed on Yang Chan, constantly changing direction, chasing him closely.

"Yang Chan, you can't fly today!" Fang Yue roared.

"Fang Yue, you are courting death!" Seeing that he could not escape, Yang Chan was furious. He turned to face Fang Yue, waving the sword in his hand and stabbed at Fang Yue fiercely.

Fang Yue dodged sideways and easily avoided the attack, "Yang Chan, today is your doomsday!"

Yang Chan's eyes were red, and he looked crazy, and his moves became more fierce and fierce.

Fang Yue responded calmly, and the sword in his hand also hit back mercilessly.

The two fought fiercely in the cave, with sword shadows interlaced and sparks flying.

"Die, Fang Yue!" Yang Chan shouted, performing a trick, and the sword shone brightly.

Fang Yue was not afraid at all, "Just relying on your tricks!" After saying that, he raised his sword to meet him.

Fang Yue and Yang Chan's swords collided with each other, making a sharp sound that echoed in the huge cave. Every move of Yang Chan was full of anger and despair. His sword skills were like a storm, trying to defeat Fang Yue in this final showdown.

Fang Yue seemed calm and composed. He moved flexibly between the stone pillars, skillfully avoiding Yang Chan's fierce attacks. Each counterattack was precise and powerful, just right to dissolve Yang Chan's killing moves.

Yang Chan's sword was as powerful as the wind, rolling up gusts of air, and the surrounding stone pillars were scraped by the sword energy. He gritted his teeth, and the veins on his forehead bulged, "Fang Yue, I will make you die under my sword!" As he said, his sword moves became more and more fierce, piercing Fang Yue's vitals.

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with a trace of determination, "Yang Chan, you have done many evil things, and today is your end!" The sword in his hand danced like a silver dragon, constantly colliding with Yang Chan's sword, splashing a series of sparks.

The battle between the two became more and more intense, and Fang Yue's clothes were cut by the sword energy, but his eyes became more and more determined. Yang Chan's breathing became more and more rapid, and his moves gradually lost their initial sharpness.

Fang Yue saw the right moment, dodged Yang Chan's stab with a sideways move, and stabbed Yang Chan's shoulder with a backhanded sword. Yang Chan hurriedly returned to defend, but was still a step too slow, and his shoulder was scratched by Fang Yue's sword, and blood instantly stained his clothes red.

"Ah!" Yang Chan screamed and staggered. But he still held on and swung his sword at Fang Yue again.

Fang Yue did not give him a chance to breathe, and his sword moves continued, pressing towards Yang Chan like a surging river. Yang Chan gradually found it difficult to resist and could only retreat step by step.

"Yang Chan, give up, you have no way to escape!" Fang Yue shouted loudly.

But Yang Chan still refused to admit defeat, "Fang Yue, even if I die, I will not let you succeed!"

Yang Chan saw that he was defeated, and he made up his mind to activate the dark power in his body.

His eyes turned red like blood, and an evil aura emanated from his body. Black mist rose from his body.

"Fang Yue, you forced me to do this!"

Yang Chan roared, his voice became hoarse and distorted.

Fang Yue's heart trembled, and he felt the sudden surge of evil power in Yang Chan, but he still did not flinch, "Yang Chan, no matter what means you use, you will not escape defeat today!"

Yang Chan wielded the sword wrapped in dark power, and each sword carried a heart-pounding power. The surrounding stone pillars collapsed under the impact of this power.

Fang Yue responded calmly, retreating rapidly to avoid Yang Chan's violent attack.

"Humph, Fang Yue, die!" Yang Chan shouted, and the sword came like a storm.

Fang Yue focused his eyes and saw the flaws in Yang Chan's moves.

He saw the right moment, took a step forward, and stabbed the sword in his hand straight into Yang Chan's chest.

Yang Chan dodged sideways, but due to the rampant dark power, his movements were not as flexible as before.

Fang Yue's sword slashed across his arm, leaving another wound.

"Ah!" Yang Chan cried out in pain, and the dark demon power also showed a brief disorder.

Fang Yue took this opportunity to launch a more fierce attack, with heavy sword shadows, covering Yang Chan.

Yang Chan fought hard, but the backlash of the dark demon also made him miserable.

"Fang Yue, I won't fall easily!" Yang Chan roared, trying to make a final struggle.

However, Fang Yue's offensive became more and more fierce, not giving Yang Chan any chance to breathe.

Under Fang Yue's continuous strong attack, Yang Chan finally couldn't hold on, the sword in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and the whole person collapsed to the ground.

"Yang Chan, you are defeated after all!" Fang Yue panted, walked up and snatched the treasure box from Yang Chan's hand.

Yang Chan's eyes were full of resentment and resentment, but he was powerless to resist at this moment.

Just when Fang Yue thought everything was settled, a black shadow suddenly flashed by and took Yang Chan away in an instant.

Fang Yue only felt a flash in front of his eyes, and when he reacted, Yang Chan had disappeared.

"Damn it, who is it?" Fang Yue shouted angrily.

But there was no other response except his voice echoing around.

Fang Yue helplessly clenched the treasure box in his hand, thinking: "Although Yang Chan was rescued, the treasure box was finally obtained, so it is not a complete loss."

He observed the surroundings vigilantly, then turned and walked towards the exit.

Fang Yue had just taken a few steps towards the exit when there was a commotion behind him.

He looked back and found that it was the various people who were originally with him, and now they also began to think about the treasure box.

"Fang Yue, you can't monopolize this treasure box!" someone shouted.

"That's right, everyone has paid so much for the True King's secret treasure, and everyone who sees the treasure box should have a share!" another person echoed.

"Yes, the secret treasure of the true king should belong to our Great Chu Dynasty!" The master of the inner guard of Great Chu stood up and said sternly.

Fang Yue glared at him and shouted: "You ungrateful people, you just fought with the monster, but you were so brave, but now you come to snatch the treasure box!"

The master of the inner guard of Great Chu sneered: "Fang Yue, don't say more, hand over the treasure box, and I will spare your life!"

Zhu Linlang stepped forward and said angrily: "You shameless people, if it weren't for Fang Yue, how could we defeat the monster? Now you repay kindness with hatred!"

The eldest princess of Great Chu also said: "Stop it! Killing each other for a treasure box, how can it be!"

However, everyone was so greedy that they couldn't listen.

"Stop talking nonsense, do it!" I don't know who shouted, and everyone rushed forward.

Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang and the eldest princess of Great Chu stood back to back, ready to fight.

Fang Yue sighed in his heart: "I didn't expect that I would have to face this mob again after dealing with Yang Chan."

The battle broke out instantly, with swords and sabers interlaced.

Fang Yue's figure was as fast as lightning, and he swung the sword in his hand. Each sword was fierce and forced the approaching enemies to retreat.

Zhu Linlang's swordsmanship was tricky, and she specialized in attacking the enemy's flaws.

The eldest princess of Da Chu cast a spell, and a beam of light shot at the enemy, relieving the pressure on Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

But the other side was outnumbered, and Fang Yue and others gradually fell into trouble.

Just as Fang Yue and others were struggling to hold on, four masters suddenly walked out of the crowd, their eyes were sinister and their momentum was overwhelming.

"Fang Yue, today is your death!" The leading master said coldly.

After that, the four surrounded Fang Yue in a corner and launched a fierce attack in an instant.

One of them held two axes, and the axe wind whistled, and chopped down towards Fang Yue's head.

Fang Yue dodged sideways and raised the sword in his hand to try to block the fierce attack.

Another person wielded a long whip, which was as flexible as a snake and wrapped around Fang Yue's legs.

Fang Yue's footsteps turned sharply to avoid the entanglement of the long whip.

The third master held a long spear, and the tip of the spear flashed with cold light, piercing Fang Yue's chest.

Fang Yue blocked the spear with his sword, and felt his arm numb.

The last person was good at boxing, and his fist was fierce, attacking Fang Yue's back.

Fang Yue could not care about much, so he could only jump forward and barely avoid the punch.

The four people's attacks were closely coordinated, making Fang Yue exhausted.

"Humph, Fang Yue, let's see how long you can hold on!" The master with double axes laughed triumphantly.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth, sweat rolled down his forehead, but his eyes were still firm.

"Even if I die, I won't let you succeed!" Fang Yue roared, swinging his sword again to meet the attack of the four people.

Zhu Linlang and the eldest princess of Da Chu wanted to help, but they were entangled by other enemies and could not split themselves.

Under the siege of the four masters, Fang Yue's wounds continued to increase, and blood stained his clothes red.

His breathing became more and more rapid, and his physical strength gradually failed.

Just when Fang Yue was almost exhausted, a melodious flute sound suddenly came from the cave.

The sound of the flute was crisp and melodious, but it also carried a mysterious power, which made everyone present stagnate.

The four masters who besieged Fang Yue couldn't help but show a puzzled expression and slowed down their attack.

Fang Yue took the opportunity to take a few breaths and tried to adjust his state.

As the flute sound continued, a figure slowly walked out of the darkness.

This person was dressed in green, with a stern face, holding a jade flute in his hand.

"Who is this sacred? How dare you mess up here!" The master of Da Chu's inner guard shouted angrily.

The man in green smiled slightly and did not answer, but the sound of the flute in his hand became more and more urgent.

I saw that those who had besieged Fang Yue and others suddenly seemed to be controlled by something, and they all held their heads and groaned in pain.

The faces of the four masters changed drastically. They wanted to get rid of the influence of the flute, but found that their internal strength began to become disordered.

"What kind of magic did you use?" The master with two axes glared at him.

The man in green stopped playing and said lightly: "If you do too much evil, you will die. Today is your retribution."

Fang Yue looked at the man in green, full of doubts in his heart, but he also knew that this was not the time to ask.

"Thank you for your help." Fang Yue bowed and said.

The man in green nodded slightly, "Follow me, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time."

After that, he turned and walked in one direction.

Fang Yue, Zhu Linlang and the eldest princess of Da Chu looked at each other and followed the man in green.

The man in green led the way in front, with light and fast steps. Fang Yue and others followed closely, not daring to slack off.

The passage was filled with an eerie silence, with only the sound of footsteps and slightly heavy breathing.

"May I ask your name? I will remember your help." Fang Yue asked tentatively.

The man in green did not turn around, but said lightly: "Let's leave here first."

Although Fang Yue had many questions in his mind, he did not say anything more.

Suddenly, three forks appeared in front of him.

The man in green paused for a moment and chose the one in the middle.

"This" Zhu Linlang hesitated.

"Believe him." Fang Yue said.

Everyone continued to move forward, and the atmosphere around them became more and more gloomy.

"Where does this lead to?" The eldest princess of Da Chu could not help but say.

The man in green remained silent, but he quickened his pace.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind blew, bringing a hint of chill.

"Not good, something is happening!" Fang Yue vigilantly clenched the sword in his hand.

In the darkness, a group of shadows slowly walked out, their faces could not be seen clearly, but they exuded a dangerous aura.

"Be careful!" The man in green finally spoke. (End of this chapter)

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