Very quickly.

The military officer in charge of the assessment made the distribution of the fifty martial arts candidates.

The person Fang Yue fought against was the 38th ranked stone lifter, a bearded warrior with an old look.

Judging from the ranking, this person's stone lift should be over 1,100 jin.

There was a difference of 200 jin between him and him, and the gap was obvious.

"This warrior seems to have learned sword weapons, and now he uses fists, I'm afraid he can't exert too much of his strength."

Fang Yue took a look at the warrior, and from the calluses on the man's knuckles and other marks on his hands, he judged that this person's martial arts style.

There was no way, in the martial arts examination, the actual combat ability was stronger, and those who learned weapon martial arts would suffer more.

However, if the strength was strong enough, the ranking would be higher when lifting the stone.

Then the difference in strength was enough to make up for the difference in weapons for fists.

After all, it was a new measure of the Wei court. Although the martial arts examination was simple, there were also many problems.

Two-on-two battles, ten groups at a time.

Soon it was Fang Yue's turn.

He and his opponent went up to the ring, exchanged names, and began to prepare for the fight.

"I am Wang Renjia from Chenwang Village, please hold back, Master Fang."

Although Wang Renjia ranked low, he did not look worried at all, but full of confidence.

After a little preparation, Wang Renjia looked eager to try.

"Fang Yue from Daliushu Village."

Fang Yue smiled slightly and returned the greeting with a fist.

After getting ready, the military officer in charge waved his hand, and the two began to fight immediately.


"Sir Liu, although this is only the first time the court has held a military scholar examination, Xiahe County is full of talents, and all the martial arts students have performed well. This is all due to Sir Liu's meritorious governance!"

In the center of the stands, a white-haired official saluted Liu Zheng with a smile. Judging from the shape of his official uniform, this person is a civil servant.

In fact, there was not much suspense in the battle, it was just to decide the ranking.

The officials of Xiahe County who were watching were just there to supervise, and in fact most of them did not pay much attention to the fight.

"Zheng County Magistrate, please speak if you have something to say." Liu Zheng said coldly.

Zheng Sancai stroked his beard, and was not angry because of the stiffness in Liu Zheng's words. He smiled and said:

"Although such two-by-two assessments have avoided too many casualties. But it is inevitable that some people will not accept the ranking and will inevitably complain to you."

Liu Zheng heard this and looked at Zheng Sancai next to him:

"Well, if you are dissatisfied, you can choose to challenge the one with the higher ranking. But if the challenge fails, the result will be cancelled and the one with the lower ranking will take over."

"Your Excellency is wise! In this way, we can have the best of both worlds. Your Excellency is really wise!" Zheng Sancai was also thick-skinned, and he was obviously much older than Liu Zheng.

But because the other party had a higher official position, he did not hesitate to flatter him and did not blush at all.

After the proposal was accepted, Zheng Sancai straightened his body, looked at a gray-clothed candidate who was taking the test, and nodded inconspicuously.


After a while.

The duel between Fang Yue and Wang Renjia also reached the final moment.

Familiar with Wang Renjia's moves, Fang Yue began to exert his strength, and with a few moves, he forced his opponent into a corner.

Then he threw a move of hungry tiger descending from the mountain.

This punch is the killer move of the White Tiger Fist, and it is quite powerful.

The opponent's strength is not as good as his. If he takes a punch, he will definitely be seriously injured.

But if he dodges, he will have to fall off the ring.

Whether he dodges or not, the result is already determined.


At this time.

Wang Renjia seemed to know his situation. Seeing that he could not win, he was ruthless.

He took a deep breath and exerted his strength without regard for the consequences.

Facing Fang Yue's strong attack, he did not dodge or avoid. Obviously, he was ready to use his body to resist this move.

At the same time, Wang Renjia's attack also fell on Fang Yue.

It was a life-and-death fighting style!

Fang Yue was a little surprised. He didn't expect that this man would not dodge even if he was seriously injured.

However, he really thought that he could force him to retreat with this move!

He was already at a disadvantage. If he really fought hard, his fist would fall on the opponent first, which would directly disperse the opponent's strength.

In this way, even if the opponent hit him, it would not cause much damage.


The next moment, Fang Yue's fist was imprinted on the opponent's body.

The 1,300-jin force burst out, and Wang Renjia's skin, which had been honed like cowhide, only slightly relieved some of the strength.

Then, with a click, the sound of broken bones sounded.

Wang Renjia flew out.

"This time, Fang Yue wins!"

The military officer in charge of the examination announced the result. Wang Renjia, who was not even knocked out, did not die on the spot. Someone took Wang Renjia away to heal his wounds.

This kind of person who can't see the situation clearly is not young. It's really unwise to take a risk when there is no chance. Moreover, after this injury, he will never have the opportunity to participate in the martial arts examination again.

Fang Yue walked down the ring with an expressionless face and came to the edge of the training ground.

Then he looked at a young man in gray who was fighting on the ring.

And at this moment, the man's eyes seemed to sweep over unintentionally.

The two looked at each other and then looked away.

"Ahem, so, did you arrange that punch that Wang Renjia didn't care about his life!"

Fang Yue couldn't help but cough, and his face turned three points pale.

Just now, he seriously injured Wang Renjia.

But in fact, Wang Renjia's last punch also hit him.

But as he thought, Wang Renjia's strength was dispersed by him, and the power of the opponent's punch was less than 300 kilograms.

Such power may easily seriously injure or even kill ordinary people.

But for the many martial artists who participated in the assessment today, it is nothing at all.

As long as it is not a vital part, it is just a painless injury.

But just now, Wang Renjia's fist landed on him, but it reversed his blood.

So much so that at this moment, there is a feeling of almost losing strength.

At this moment, recalling Wang Renjia's force and obviously unfamiliar strange techniques.

Fang Yue has a feeling in his heart, that is, this person must have known the blood and qi transportation route of the White Tiger Fist before, and can also use special techniques to hit this node, causing great damage to those who practice the White Tiger Fist.

However, even Fang Yue did not know this.

Because the blood and qi transportation node cannot produce such an effect by hitting it casually.

Otherwise, if it can be effective at will, who would dare to learn this technique?

Wang Renjia can use this special technique, obviously it is not his own ability, but someone told him.

Then, this person, who just fought desperately, was obviously instructed by someone!

Thinking of what Chen Chengan said before, could it be that this gray-clothed young man who is also a disciple of the White Tiger Boxing Gym instructed him?

Please read it again! ! !

The following reading in the past two days is very important. The new author here begs all readers to read it again.

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