The second test was over soon.

Here we are, the top thirty have been selected.

Fang Yue was promoted, so naturally he was still in thirteenth place.

According to the assessment process, in fact, now, the first Wu Xiucai imperial examination in Xiahe County is about to come to an end.

"You have passed two rounds of assessments and become the first batch of martial arts scholars in our Great Wei Dynasty and Xiahe County."

"It's just that Wen Wu is first and Wu Wu is second. If everyone present is not satisfied with their rankings, they can challenge Wu Xiucai at the top. If he wins, he will replace the former's ranking, and if he fails, this time The assessment results are invalid.”

But at this time, the military attache in charge of the assessment spoke.

The words fell,

The surrounding martial arts scholars who were still immersed in joy suddenly exuded fighting spirit in their eyes.

Obviously many of them are dissatisfied with their ranking this time.

However, after hearing that the challenge has failed, they will lose their status as Wu Xiucai. There are not many Wu Xiucai who actually take action and challenge the stone lifting and achieve higher results.

Anyway, the treatment is almost the same. Unless you can get first place, it doesn't mean much, but the consequences will be very serious.

For a while, most of them gave up. In the end, there were only a few Wu Xiucai who really wanted to challenge those at the top.

"It turns out that there is another hand, so now I can be sure that it was that person who shot behind the scenes." Fang Yue couldn't help but look at the young man in gray not far away.

Is this matter also part of this person's plan?

It seems that this person has a lot of energy and can influence the government to temporarily add new regulations to the assessment of Wu Xiucai.

From this point of view, this person must have a good background and can even influence the examiner.

Well, this young man named Wang Teng is probably very powerful in Xiahe County.

Fang Yue looked slightly cold, thinking in his heart what if this person took advantage of this opportunity to challenge him.

When the time comes, should I use seven percent of my strength to injure him, or should I use my full strength to take the opportunity to destroy this person?

While Fang Yue was thinking about it, six people had already chosen to challenge the ranking.

Among them is Wang Teng!

And his target was clearly Fang Yue.

At this point, Fang Yue was completely sure that this person was plotting against him.

"Mr. Liu, I have something that I am unhappy with."

At this moment, a discordant voice sounded.

Chen Chengan stepped out from the crowd of martial arts scholars and came to the center of the stand, looking firmly at Liu Zheng in the center of the stand.

The latter's eyes were slightly stern and his brows were slightly furrowed. He was a little curious, but more severe. He was obviously very dissatisfied with Chen Cheng'an who suddenly jumped out.

However, this person was Wu Xiucai, who was ranked eighth. Although Liu Zheng didn't like this person's lack of discipline, he couldn't get angry in public.

"What's the matter? But it doesn't matter." Liu Zheng asked.

"Sir Liu, the people of Xiahe County are already suffering terribly due to the increase in taxes this year, and their livelihood is in decline. There are also cruel officials who deceive the superiors and deceive the subordinates, increase taxes without authorization, and force good people to become bandits! I only hope that you will put the people first and punish them. Such lawless and cruel officials deceive the superiors and oppress the common people!”

Chen Chengan's voice was not loud, but just after he finished speaking, there was already a lively atmosphere in the Xiahe County Wu Xiucai examination room.

It suddenly became quiet.

Whether it was the military attache of the Yamen or the dozens of martial arts scholars present, they were all stunned by Chen Chengan's words.

Perhaps some of them are from poor backgrounds.

But who has made it this far, whose life is not much better than that of those mud-legged people.

After all, martial arts training costs money. If nothing else, just eating meat every day can deprive many families.

Ordinary small landowners would have difficulty supporting a warrior if they had no other income.

Therefore, they are actually in the same class as the lowest farmers.

That person is not looking up with his head up, who would lower his head to look at those farmers.

It's good if you don't bully them on weekdays. Who would make the decision for the farmers!

"Hmph, be brave!"

"Arrogant, a child with a yellow mouth is talking nonsense, why don't you beat this person out with a stick!"

"Yes, yes, his assessment results should be cancelled, and this person should never be allowed to take part in the imperial examination!"

When the officials around him heard this, their expressions changed greatly, and they immediately scolded him.

Even Fang Yue was a little shocked at this moment. He didn't expect that this person would say these words at this moment.

However, Chen Chengan's expression remained unchanged and his eyes were still fixed on Liu Zheng in the center.

"If the barbarians from the north invade and don't increase taxes, how can the court fight? Are they going to let the barbarians invade and bleed for thousands of miles!"

"Hmph, you are not allowed to talk about the national policy of the imperial court! I am still young, so I take back what I just said and pretend that nothing has happened!"

Liu Zheng spoke, his tone was calm, but there was an undeniable harshness.

"It is stated in Taizu's imperial edict that students have the right to make suggestions and will not be punished for their words. A student can still do this, and so can a scholar of this martial arts! Now I use these words to admonish you. I hope you will think twice!"

Chen Cheng'an, however, was unyielding. He immediately clasped his fists and spoke again.

As soon as this statement came out, everyone's expression changed, but as expected, no one around them dared to refute it.

It's been a while.

Liu Zheng's eyes were cold: "Okay, what a martial scholar! Since you said so, then in the next one month, three groups of tax collectors will be at your disposal. I only need to pay the full amount of taxes and pay to the court. If not, then I will make up for it. military service."

After the words fell, Liu Zheng flicked his sleeves and left the school grounds.

Only a group of people were left looking at each other.

Fang Yue couldn't help but sigh at this moment that Chen Cheng'an was so bold that he even brought out Taizu's imperial edict.

At that time, Taizu of the Wei Dynasty rose up in the troubled times of the Five Kingdoms. He rejected the barbarians in the north and conquered the Hu and Qiang in the west. He calmed down the troubled times and established the Wei Dynasty.

At that time, when the dynasty was first established, government orders were not smooth, and many officials in various places violated laws and disciplines.

Therefore, Taizu issued a decree to supervise the people with the people of the world.

As the saying goes, I issued this edict to indicate misfortunes and blessings. People at all levels have the right to make suggestions and will not be punished for their words.

Although hundreds of years had passed, Taizu Dagao no longer had such a great deterrent effect, but he did not dare to object openly.

Because even now, among the two capitals and thirteen state capitals of the Wei Dynasty, there are still rumors that Taizu is still alive! ! !


After such a commotion, Liu Zheng left.

Naturally, Wu Xiucai’s ranking challenge cannot continue.

The military attache who invigilated the examination asked everyone to go to the official's office to register information, make a new identity list, and include them and their immediate family members in the household's tax-free list.

By the time everything was done, it was already afternoon.

Originally, there would be a banquet at the county government after Wu Xiucai's assessment, but after something like this happened today, the banquet was naturally cancelled.

Fang Yue had no choice but to pay for a meal of mutton soup at a nearby stall before returning to his residence.

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