Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang knew that although they had temporarily thwarted the conspiracy of the royal elders, they still could not take it lightly.

They began to rectify the order of the palace and strengthen the protection of the Shenjing formation.

"Fang Yue, now the royal elders have been subdued, but we cannot let our guard down. The Shenjing formation is the foundation of the Wei Dynasty, and we must ensure its safety." Zhu Linlang said seriously.

Fang Yue nodded: "Yes, we must strengthen the guards around the formation, and at the same time select loyal and reliable people to assist us in management."

They first dealt with the royal elders who participated in the conspiracy.

Some of the elders who were extremely evil were imprisoned, while some of the elders who changed their attitudes were given certain opportunities to contribute to the development of the dynasty under supervision.

At the same time, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang began to select talented and loyal people to join the team guarding the Shenjing formation.

They set up strict selection criteria to ensure that every selected person has sufficient strength and loyalty.

In the process of rectifying the order of the palace, Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang also paid attention to communication and contact with the people.

They knew that only with the support of the people could the Wei Dynasty be truly stable and prosperous.

They sent envoys to various places to understand the needs and sufferings of the people and take measures to solve them.

At the same time, they also encouraged the people to actively participate in the construction of the dynasty and contribute their own strength to the future of the Wei Dynasty.

As time went on, the Wei Dynasty gradually restored its former prosperity and stability under the governance of Fang Yue and Zhu Linlang.

In this way, a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Shenjing, deep in the dungeon.

"Are you Yang Chan? I haven't seen you for a few days, but you look like this. If I had known this earlier, I would not have come to save you!"

In the depths of the Shenjing dungeon, a mysterious figure stood in front of a dark and damp cell. In the cell, a dishevelled man raised his head weakly, with a hint of surprise and confusion in his eyes.

"You... who are you? Why do you want to save me?" The man called Yang Chan asked hoarsely.

The mysterious man snorted coldly: "Hmph, do you think I am willing to save you? If you are not still useful, you will just rot in this dungeon."

Yang Chan struggled to stand up, but his weak body made him fall to the ground again. "No matter who you are, since you are here, take me away from here. I can do anything for you."

The mysterious man narrowed his eyes slightly, thought for a moment and said: "Okay, but you must remember that from now on, you are my person. If you dare to betray, you should know the consequences."

Yang Chan nodded quickly: "I will be loyal and never betray."

Seeing this, the mysterious man raised a barely perceptible smile at the corner of his mouth, as if he was satisfied with Yang Chan's obedience. He slowly approached the cell, took out a small key from his arms, and skillfully opened the cell door.

"Get up, Yang Chan, your fate will be different from today." The mysterious man said, reaching out to help Yang Chan up, although the latter's body was still weak.

Yang Chan barely stood up with the help of the mysterious man, and his eyes flashed with complex light - both desire for the future and fear of an unknown fate. But he knew that he had no way out at the moment, and could only seize this opportunity that might change his fate.

"Thank you for saving me, sir. Yang Chan is willing to swear allegiance to you until death." Yang Chan's voice was weak, but his tone was firm.

The mysterious man nodded, turned and walked towards the exit of the dungeon, and at the same time said, "Remember, your value depends on what you can do for me. Now, follow me."

Yang Chan followed closely behind, and every step seemed extremely difficult, but his heart was burning with unprecedented determination. They passed through the tortuous and dark dungeon corridors and finally came to a secret exit. The mysterious man opened a mechanism, and a ray of light came in from the outside world, illuminating Yang Chan's dirty face.

When they walked out of the dungeon and stepped into the streets of Shenjing, Yang Chan could hardly believe his eyes. The breath of freedom and the warmth of the sun made him feel like he was in another world.

"You will be assigned to live under a new identity. The past Yang Chan is dead." The mysterious man's voice sounded in Yang Chan's ears, with unquestionable authority, "From now on, your name and your past will be erased, and you will become a brand new existence, for my use."

Yang Chan did not respond, but just followed the mysterious man silently, with mixed feelings in his heart. He knew that he had embarked on a road of no return, but he also understood that this was the only chance he could seize to change his fate.

The mysterious man took Yang Chan through the streets and alleys of Shenjing, and finally came to a seemingly ordinary house. The mysterious man opened the door with ease and took Yang Chan in.

The house was simply decorated but mysterious, revealing a mysterious atmosphere everywhere. The mysterious man took Yang Chan to a room, opened the door and said: "From now on, you will live here. Have a good rest and recover your strength as soon as possible. After you recover, I will assign you a task."

Yang Chan walked into the house and looked around. Although the house was simple, it was clean and tidy. He sat on the bed, with a lot of thoughts in his mind. He didn't know who this mysterious man was, nor did he know what tasks he would face in the future, but he knew that he had to adapt to this new identity as soon as possible and serve the mysterious man.

In the following days, Yang Chan tried hard to recover his strength. The mysterious man would send food and medicine from time to time to help him recover as soon as possible. As time went by, Yang Chan's body gradually recovered, and he began to look forward to the tasks assigned to him by the mysterious man.

Finally, one day, the mysterious man appeared in front of Yang Chan again. "Yang Chan, your body has almost recovered. Now, it's time to do something for me." The mysterious man looked at Yang Chan with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

Yang Chan stood up and said respectfully: "My lord, please give me your orders, Yang Chan will do his best."

The mysterious man nodded slightly and said: "I need you to return to the Ten Thousand Mountains and provoke a dispute between the two countries."

Yang Chan was shocked when he heard this. Provoke a dispute between the two countries?

This is not a trivial matter. Once it is not handled properly, the consequences will be disastrous.

But isn't this exactly what he wanted to do before!

Yang Chan took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness and doubts in his heart, and his eyes gradually became firm. "Sir, I will do my best and live up to my mission."

The mysterious man nodded slightly, "Very good, remember, your actions must be secret and cannot be detected. After the success, you will get everything you want."

Yang Chan clasped his fists and saluted, "Thank you, sir, Yang Chan will definitely live up to your trust."

Then, Yang Chan began to carefully plan his actions. He knew that the terrain of the Shiwan Mountains was complex and the situation on the border between the two countries was delicate. The slightest carelessness would lead to unmanageable consequences.

He first disguised himself, mixed into the caravan on the border, and quietly entered the Shiwan Mountains.

Along the way, he carefully observed the situation on the border between the two countries, looking for contradictions that could be used.

At the same time, Yang Chan secretly summoned his old subordinates in the Shiwan Mountains. These people used to be his confidants and were full of expectations for his plan.

They were scattered all over the mountains, hiding their identities on weekdays, and once they were summoned, they quickly gathered.

"Sir, we have finally waited for this day!" A burly old subordinate said excitedly.

Yang Chan looked at them with a firm light in his eyes. "Yes, we have waited too long. Now, it's time to act. However, we must act cautiously and not reveal our identities and purposes."

The old subordinates nodded one after another, indicating that they understood.

They began to secretly create trouble on the border between the two countries according to Yang Chan's plan.

They took advantage of the terrain to attack the other side's border posts, rob supplies, and even assassinate the other side's officials.

As time went on, the situation on the border between the two countries gradually became tense.

Both sides began to strengthen border guards and sent more troops and spies.

However, Yang Chan and his old subordinates shuttled through the mountains like ghosts and were never discovered.

In the Sutra Pavilion of the Great Wei Palace, Fang Yue had been in seclusion for a long time. He was immersed in the study of the Spring and Autumn Chan Gong and the bronze bell secret treasure he had taken from Yang Chan.

In the Sutra Pavilion, the candlelight flickered, reflecting his focused face.

The bookshelves were full of ancient books and secret books, and the air was filled with the smell of old paper and ink.

Fang Yue slowly opened the secret book of Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill, and his fingertips gently slid across the yellowed pages.

He knew that this skill was profound and profound. If he could understand it, it would have an immeasurable improvement on his own cultivation.

He closed his eyes and began to carefully comprehend the secrets in it. The vitality in his body also flowed slowly, as if it had some subtle resonance with the words in the secret book.

At the same time, he also cast his eyes on the copper bell secret treasure beside him.

This secret treasure has always made him curious since he took it from Yang Chan.

He carefully observed every detail of the copper bell, trying to find the hidden secrets from it.

He stretched out his palm and gently stroked the surface of the copper bell, feeling the strange energy contained in it.

As time went by, Fang Yue gradually immersed himself in the study of Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill and the copper bell secret treasure, forgetting the disturbances in the outside world.

His cultivation was also improved unconsciously, and the vitality in his body became more and more mellow, as if he could break through the bottleneck at any time and reach a higher level.

In the Sutra Library, Fang Yue continued to immerse himself in the exploration of the Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill and the Bronze Bell Secret Treasure. With the in-depth understanding of the skills and the continuous research on the secret treasure, the vitality in Fang Yue's body surged like a surging wave.

He felt as if he had merged with the surrounding heaven and earth, and every breath could absorb the essence of heaven and earth. The vitality rushed through his meridians, constantly impacting the acupuncture points and meridians that had not yet been opened.

Fang Yue's body began to emit a faint light, which became more and more intense, illuminating the entire Sutra Library. His breath became more and more powerful, and the air around him seemed to be oppressed by his momentum and trembled slightly.

Suddenly, Fang Yue opened his eyes, and two sharp rays of light shot out of his eyes.

He stood up, waved his hands lightly, and a powerful force swept out instantly, shaking the surrounding bookshelves slightly.

"This Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill is indeed extremely mysterious, and the bronze bell secret treasure contains amazing power." Fang Yue whispered to himself, with a satisfied smile on his face.

He could feel that his strength had made a qualitative leap, whether it was strength, speed or perception, it had reached a new height.

Now he had the confidence to face any challenge.

Fang Yue decided to walk out of the Sutra Library to test his own strength improvement.

Fang Yue came to a mountain outside the city, and the mountain wind whistled, blowing his clothes. He stood on a high place, overlooking the land below, with a look of confidence and calmness in his eyes.

He closed his eyes slightly and felt the natural atmosphere around him.

The flow of the wind, the rustling of leaves, the chirping of birds, everything was clearly transmitted to his ears.

His perception ability has reached an amazing level, able to capture the slightest changes in the surroundings.

Fang Yue slowly raised one hand and waved it gently. A powerful energy shot out instantly and hit a rock several stories high in the distance.

The rock shattered and turned into countless fragments and scattered.

He nodded with satisfaction, feeling very pleased with his improved strength.

Fang Yue stood quietly on the mountain, with a surge of pride in his heart. He knew that his current strength was enough to cope with many challenges, but he also understood that the road ahead was still full of unknowns and dangers.

He raised his head slightly and looked at the sky in the distance. Between the blue sky and white clouds, it seemed that countless secrets were hidden waiting for him to explore. He took a deep breath and decided to continue to hone himself and prepare for the upcoming greater challenges.

Fang Yue began to shuttle between the mountains, using his newly improved strength and speed to move as fast as lightning.

Sometimes he flew over steep mountains, sometimes he shuttled through dense woods, constantly challenging his limits.

Just as Fang Yue was immersed in his thoughts, he suddenly sensed an unusual breath.

This breath was obscure and subtle, as if someone was secretly watching him. He immediately stopped, concentrated his mind and began to carefully sense the movements around him.

A moment later, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He had already noticed the source of the breath, that was a warrior hiding in the dark, with good strength, but obviously not coming to be his enemy.

Fang Yue was curious and decided to take the initiative to unveil the veil of this mysterious warrior.

He flashed and appeared like a ghost in the warrior's hiding place.

I saw a warrior in black clothes and a stern face standing under a big tree, staring at Fang Yue sharply.

"Who are you, why are you spying on me here?" Fang Yue asked calmly.

The black-clothed warrior narrowed his eyes slightly, looked Fang Yue up and down, and after a moment slowly said:

"Are you Fang Yue? As expected, your reputation is well-deserved, and your strength is extraordinary. I am not here to spy, but I heard about your deeds and was curious, so I came to see it."

Fang Yue nodded slightly, with a hint of vigilance in his eyes: "In this case, what advice do you have?" (End of this chapter)

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