The warrior in black shook his head: "I don't deserve your advice, I just want to have a fight with you to see how strong you are."

Fang Yue's heart moved, he was also looking for an opponent to test his strength, so he readily agreed: "Okay, since you are so interested, Fang will accompany you to the end."

The two stood opposite each other, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

The two did not attack, but the strong vitality in all directions began to fluctuate violently.

Fang Yue and the warrior in black faced each other quietly, and the fluctuations of the vitality around them became stronger and stronger, as if a storm was coming.

The air seemed to become heavy, and the depressing atmosphere made people's heartbeats accelerate.

Fang Yue narrowed his eyes slightly, concentrating on feeling the changes in the surrounding vitality.

He could sense the powerful aura emanating from the warrior in black, this was an opponent that should not be underestimated.

He secretly mobilized the vitality in his body to prepare for the upcoming fierce battle.

The warrior in black also looked solemn, and he was also carefully observing Fang Yue's every move.

He knew that Fang Yue's strength should not be underestimated, and this competition would be a tough one.

He held the sword tightly in his hand, waiting for the best time to attack.

As the fluctuation of the vitality became more and more intense, the tension between the two reached its peak.

The leaves around were rustling in the fluctuation of the vitality, as if playing a prelude to the upcoming battle.

Finally, the black-clothed warrior broke the silence first.

He flashed and rushed towards Fang Yue like a ghost, waving the long sword in his hand, bringing up a series of sharp sword energy.

Fang Yue was not afraid at all. He quickly dodged sideways and swung a palm at the same time. The powerful qi and sword energy collided with each other, making a loud noise.

The battle was about to break out, and the two had a fierce duel between the mountains.

The black-clothed warrior missed the first blow, and immediately changed his body shape and swung the sword again. "Fang Yue, today I will let you see my true strength."

Fang Yue's eyes condensed, and his hands danced, creating layers of palm shadows to resist the sword energy. "Hmph, use whatever skills you have."

"Your Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill is indeed powerful, but I am not a pushover." The swordsman in black became more and more fierce, and the sword shadows were like weaving, attacking Fang Yue like an overwhelming force.

Fang Yue's figure was like lightning, moving freely among the sword shadows. "Your swordsmanship is also good, but it's a pity that it is not enough to defeat me."

The black-clothed warrior snorted coldly: "Don't be too confident, take my move." As he said, the long sword in his hand shone brightly, and a huge sword energy whistled out.

Fang Yue felt this powerful force and did not dare to neglect it. He quickly mobilized the vitality of his whole body, pushed out with both palms, and a powerful energy met the sword energy.

"Boom!" With a loud noise, the two took a few steps back.

"I didn't expect you to be able to take my move." The black-clothed warrior showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Fang Yue smiled slightly: "Your strength also makes me look at you with new eyes. However, this competition is not over yet."

The black-clothed warrior nodded: "Okay, continue." He rushed forward with his sword again.

The two fought back and forth, and the battle became more and more intense. The surrounding mountains were shaken by the aftermath of their battle, and the soil and rocks flew and the trees broke.

"Although your swordsmanship is strong, it is too strong and easy to reveal flaws." Fang Yue said while fighting.

The black-clothed warrior retorted: "Your palm method is not impeccable. As long as I find an opportunity, I will definitely defeat you."

"Then it depends on whether you have the ability." Fang Yue said, and suddenly increased the speed of attack, and the palm shadow attacked the black-clothed warrior like a storm.

The black-clothed warrior hurriedly resisted, but it was still a bit strenuous. "You are really powerful, but I won't give up easily."

"You have backbone, but backbone alone is not enough." Fang Yue continued to attack.

After a fierce battle, both of them were a little tired. But their eyes were still full of fighting spirit.

"Today's battle is very enjoyable." The black-clothed warrior said.

"Indeed, such a competition is very beneficial." Fang Yue responded with a breath, with a satisfied smile on his face. He glanced around, the mountains were in a mess because of their fight, but this is the unique way for warriors to communicate, to hone their skills and improve themselves through actual combat.

"Your swordsmanship contains deep internal strength, and every strike is amazing and impressive." Fang Yue praised, with a bit of sincerity in his tone.

The black-clothed warrior heard the words, and the corners of his mouth curled up with a smile: "It's the same for you. Your Spring and Autumn Cicada Skill is also extraordinary. The palm wind has the beauty of both flexibility and strength. It is rare in my life."

"However, the Great Wei Dynasty is surnamed Zhu after all, I hope you don't cross it!"

Fang Yue heard the words, raised his eyebrows slightly, and smiled: "Your Excellency is too serious. Fang knows his identity, how could he do anything beyond it."

"But, who are you?"

The black-clothed warrior heard the words, and the corners of his mouth smiled more deeply. He shook his head gently, and it seemed that he did not intend to reveal his identity immediately.

The black-clothed warrior was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "You will know my identity in the future. Today's competition has given me hope for the future of the Wei Dynasty. You, Fang Yue, are indeed extraordinary."

Fang Yue's eyes flashed with doubt, but he did not continue to ask.

"Your Excellency is too kind. This competition also made me realize that I still have many shortcomings and need to continue to practice and improve."

The black-clothed warrior nodded: "Yes, the road of martial arts is endless. I hope that next time we meet, you can reach a higher level."

After speaking, the black-clothed warrior turned around and wanted to leave.

Fang Yue looked at his back and felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart.

Who is this mysterious warrior in black?

Could it be that this person is also a member of the Wei royal family?

Fang Yue stood there, looking at the retreating figure of the black-clothed warrior, and the doubts in his heart became more and more intense. If this person is really a member of the Wei royal family, then what is the purpose of coming here to discuss it? Is it simply to test your own strength, or does it have a deeper meaning?

Fang Yue thought for a moment, but couldn't figure it out. He shook his head and decided to put the matter aside for now.

No matter where this person comes from, as long as he is powerful enough, he has nothing to fear!

Fang Yue turned around and returned to the palace. Although he was full of doubts about the warrior in black, he knew that the most important thing at the moment was to deal with the situation at Shiwandashan.

Fang Yue turned around and returned to the palace. Although he was full of doubts about the warrior in black, he knew that the most important thing at the moment was to deal with the situation at Shiwandashan.

At the same time, a small town in the Shiwan Mountains on the border of the Wei Dynasty was brutally massacred.

At the same time, a small town in the Shiwan Mountains on the border of the Wei Dynasty was brutally massacred. The mastermind behind this massacre was Yang Chan and his old subordinates.

Yang Chan led his old men into the small town like ghosts and carried out bloody operations under the cover of night. Their purpose is very clear, which is to further intensify the contradiction between the two countries and let the flames of war burn brightly.

The residents of the small town were awakened from their sleep, but faced with the sudden attack by Yang Chan and others, they were helpless to fight back. There was no trace of pity in Yang Chan's eyes, only coldness and determination. He knew that only through such extreme means could he complete the task assigned to him by the mysterious man.

The old tribesmen killed wantonly in the city and robbed property. Fires shot into the sky, and screams echoed in the night sky. This once peaceful town instantly turned into a hell on earth.

After the massacre, Yang Chan and his old men quickly evacuated the scene and disappeared deep into the Shiwan Mountain.

Their actions were like a fuse, quickly triggering a strong reaction between the two countries.

The troops on the border between the two countries have entered a state of high alert, and the cloud of war hangs over Shiwan Mountain.

Yang Chan, on the other hand, was hiding in the dark, observing the development of the situation, waiting for the next opportunity to act.

In the Wei Palace, Zhu Linlang was furious after learning the news that the small town was massacred.

She frowned tightly, her eyes burning with anger. "Who is so cruel? The truth must be found out as soon as possible and the victim must be given an explanation!"

Zhu Linlang immediately summoned ministers to discuss countermeasures. Everyone looked solemn, fully aware of the seriousness of this matter. "Your Majesty, this matter is likely to trigger a full-scale war between the two countries. We must deal with it cautiously." A minister said worriedly.

Zhu Linlang nodded slightly, "Yes, we must find out the murderer as soon as possible and strengthen the defense of the border. We cannot let such a tragedy happen again."

She turned to look at Fang Yue, "Fang Yue, what do you think of this matter?"

Fang Yue pondered for a moment and said: "Your Majesty, it is likely that someone deliberately provoked a dispute between the two countries. We must find out who is behind this as soon as possible, otherwise the situation will become increasingly difficult to control."

Zhu Linlang nodded, "You are right. Fang Yue, I order you to lead a team to Shiwanda Mountain to investigate this matter. We must find the murderer and calm this storm."

Fang Yue took the order and left, his heart full of determination. He knew that this mission was difficult, but he had to complete it.

On the way to Shiwanda Mountain, Fang Yue kept thinking about various possibilities. He knew that Yang Chan was probably related to this matter, but he could not rule out that other forces were behind it.

On the way to Shiwanda Mountain, Fang Yue walked side by side with his accompanying deputy general Li Mu. The two had an in-depth conversation while rushing on the road.

Fang Yue frowned and said in a deep voice: "Li Mu, what do you think of this mission? The whereabouts of Yang Chan and his old subordinates are mysterious. Do they really dare to provoke a dispute between the two countries?"

Hearing this, Li Mu nodded solemnly: "Master Fang, Yang Chan is insidious and cunning. If he really wants to provoke a dispute, it is not impossible. But we also need to be vigilant to see if there are other forces secretly adding fuel to the fire."

Fang Yue nodded slightly and looked deeply: "You are right. In this investigation, we must be careful not to miss any clues. At the same time, we must remain vigilant to prevent unexpected events."

Li Mu responded and then asked: "Master Fang, if we really encounter Yang Chan and his old subordinates, how do you plan to deal with it?"

A hint of coldness flashed in Fang Yue's eyes: "It's a thunderbolt kill!"

The two talked all the way, constantly analyzing various possible situations and coping strategies.

They knew that this mission was difficult and dangerous, but they were also full of determination and confidence.

A few days later, Fang Yue and his party arrived at the small town on the edge of Shiwanda Mountain. The sight in front of them shocked them: the city was in a mess, fires were shooting into the sky, corpses were everywhere, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

Fang Yue's face was solemn, and he knew the seriousness of this massacre.

Fang Yue's face was solemn, and a strong sense of anger and responsibility surged in his heart. He knew very well that this massacre was not only aimed at this small city, but also a provocation and threat to the Wei Dynasty. He must find the mastermind behind the scenes, seek justice for the victims, and fight for the stability and dignity of the Wei Dynasty.

He immediately ordered his men to start investigating, collecting evidence and looking for witnesses. At the same time, he also sent capable spies deep into Shiwanda Mountain to track the traces of Yang Chan and his old tribe.

After some efforts, they finally found some key clues and evidence, pointing to Yang Chan and his former subordinates as the masterminds behind the massacre.

Fang Yue clenched his fists, his eyes burning with anger. "It's Yang Chan! How dare he be so bold."

Li Mu stood aside with a serious look. "Sir Fang, now that we have identified the murderer, what should we do next?"

Fang Yue pondered for a moment and said, "We must find Yang Chan and his former subordinates as soon as possible to stop them from continuing to do evil. At the same time, we must inform the troops on the border of the two countries about this matter to let them be vigilant."

So Fang Yue led the team to continue to go deep into the Shiwan Mountains. They followed the clues and were careful along the way, guarding against possible dangers.

In the Shiwan Mountains, Fang Yue and others encountered various difficulties and obstacles. The steep mountains, bad weather, and mysterious beasts all brought great challenges to their actions. But they did not retreat. With their tenacious will and superb martial arts, they approached Yang Chan and his former subordinates step by step.

Finally, in a remote valley, they found the traces of Yang Chan and his old subordinates. Fang Yue immediately ordered to surround the valley and prepare for a fierce battle.

Yang Chan noticed the arrival of Fang Yue and others, and a sneer appeared on his face. "Fang Yue, you finally caught up. But do you think you can catch me easily?"

Fang Yue looked at Yang Chan coldly and said, "Yang Chan, you have committed such a crime, today is your doom."

The two sides were on the verge of a fight, and the atmosphere was extremely tense. The old subordinates behind Yang Chan also showed their weapons, ready to fight to the death with Fang Yue and others.

Fang Yue was not afraid at all. He waved his hand, and the team behind him was also ready. "Yang Chan, you provoked disputes between the two countries for your own selfish interests and massacred innocent people. Today I will definitely bring you to justice."

Yang Chan snorted coldly: "Fang Yue, don't be too confident. You may not be my opponent now."

Fang Yue's eyes were stern, "Yang Chan, you have done so many evil things, and you dare to be so arrogant. No matter what means you have today, I will take you down."

Yang Chan laughed, "Then come on, let me see how capable you are." After that, Yang Chan took the lead and rushed towards Fang Yue like a ghost, waving the weapon in his hand, bringing up bursts of sharp wind.

Fang Yue responded calmly, dodged Yang Chan's attack sideways, and quickly counterattacked. The two fell into a fierce battle again, and the people around them also joined the battle, and the valley was suddenly filled with shouts of killing. (End of this chapter)

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