Fang Yue performed the Spring and Autumn Cicada Kung Fu, with the shadows of his palms flying and majestic momentum. Yang Chan continued to fight back with her weird body skills and ruthless moves.

The battle became more intense, and the earth and rocks in the valley were lifted up by the force and splashed everywhere.

The men on both sides were also fighting fiercely, and the scene was chaotic.

Li Mu commanded everyone and cooperated with Fang Yue to encircle and suppress Yang Chan's old troops.

Although they had the numerical advantage, all of Yang Chan's old troops were ruthless and fearless, and the battle fell into a stalemate for a while.

Fang Yue knew in his heart that Yang Chan must be dealt with as soon as possible in order to break the deadlock.

He focused his eyes, gathered his energy into his palms, and attacked Yang Chan with all his strength.

Yang Chan felt this powerful force and his face changed slightly, but he did not flinch, but gritted his teeth and resisted.


There was a loud noise and the two separated again. A trace of blood spilled from the corner of Yang Chan's mouth, obviously she was seriously injured.

Fang Yue was also panting slightly, but his eyes remained firm.

"Yang Chan, your defeat has been determined, why don't you just surrender without mercy." Fang Yue shouted loudly.

Yang Chan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a crazy look in his eyes.

"Fang Yue, it's not that easy for me to surrender. Even if you die, I will hold you on your back."

After saying that, Yang Chan rushed towards Fang Yue again, and the aura on his body became more violent.

Fang Yue did not dare to be careless and concentrated on dealing with Yang Chan's crazy attack.

In the fierce battle, Fang Yue gradually found Yang Chan's flaws.

He seized the opportunity and hit Yang Chan's vital part with one palm.

Yang Chan groaned and fell to the ground, unable to get up again.

When Yang Chan's old troops saw their leader defeated, their morale was immediately in chaos.

Li Mu took the opportunity to lead the crowd to subdue them all in one fell swoop.

Fang Yue looked at the subdued Yang Chan and his old troops, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

This difficult battle is finally over.

He knew that there were still many things to do next, including bringing Yang Chan and others back to the palace for trial, and working hard to calm the tension between the two countries.

Fang Yue looked at the subdued Yang Chan and his old troops, and he breathed a sigh of relief. This difficult battle is finally over.

He knew that there were still many things to do next, including bringing Yang Chan and others back to the palace for trial, and working hard to calm the tension between the two countries.

However, just when Fang Yue was about to order Yang Chan and others to be taken away, suddenly a black shadow struck like lightning. The powerful aura made everyone's hearts tremble. Before they could react, the black shadow had rolled up Yang Chan and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Fang Yue's expression suddenly changed, and he shouted angrily: "Chase! We must not let Yang Chan escape." Everyone immediately took action and chased in the direction where the black shadow disappeared. But the black shadow was extremely fast and soon lost its trace.

Fang Yue frowned, his heart filled with anger and doubt. Who rescued Yang Chan at this time? What is their purpose?

Li Mu came to Fang Yue and said solemnly: "Master Fang, we are in trouble now. Yang Chan has been rescued, and our efforts may be in vain."

Fang Yue took a deep breath and said calmly: "No need to panic. We have determined that Yang Chan is the murderer. Even if he is rescued, he cannot escape from our hands. We must find his whereabouts as soon as possible and bring him to justice. By law.”

There was unquestionable determination in Fang Yue's words, and his eyes seemed to be able to penetrate the fog and look directly at the unknown future.

When Li Mu heard this, although he was worried, he couldn't help but be infected by Fang Yue's calmness and determination, and his expression softened slightly.

"Master Fang is right, we cannot lose our position just because of a temporary setback."

Li Mu clenched his fists, as if to cheer himself up, "We must act immediately to track the mysterious black shadow and find Yang Chan's hiding place."

Fang Yue nodded. He looked around and found that although the battle in the valley had ended, there was still a tense and depressing atmosphere in the air.

He knew that although the battle was over on the surface, the real contest had just begun.

"Li Mu, you immediately lead a group of people to follow the direction in which the black shadow disappeared. No matter what, you must find the trace of the black shadow."

Fang Yue's voice was low and powerful, and every word seemed to carry great weight.

"Yes, Master Fang!" Li Mu responded, immediately turned around and left, leading a group of people and hurriedly disappearing into the valley.

Fang Yue stayed where he was, staring at the direction where Yang Chan was rescued, with many thoughts in his mind.

He knew that the mysterious black shadow would never appear for no reason. What was their purpose?

Is it to rescue Yang Chan, or to disrupt their vision and cover up a larger conspiracy?

Fang Yue stood there, lost in thought. His eyes revealed deep worry and vigilance, as if he was pondering an extremely complex puzzle.

The surrounding soldiers were waiting for his orders quietly, their faces full of nervousness and uneasiness. This sudden change caught them off guard, but they became more confident in each other and believed that he would be able to find a solution to the problem.

Fang Yue took a deep breath and tried to calm down. He knew that now was not the time to panic. He had to keep a clear mind in order to face the next challenge.

"Come here!" Fang Yue suddenly shouted loudly.

A soldier immediately ran over and said respectfully: "What are your orders, sir?"

"Immediately send someone back to the palace to report the situation here to His Majesty. Please ask Your Majesty to send more troops to help us hunt down Yang Chan." Fang Yue said decisively.

"Yes!" The soldier took the order and left.

Fang Yue looked at the soldiers leaving and prayed secretly in his heart. He knew that this hunt would be extremely difficult, but he couldn't give up. For the stability of the Wei Dynasty and the peace of the people, he must find Yang Chan and bring him to justice.

At the same time, Li Mu led the men and horses to follow the traces of the black shadow in the valley with difficulty. They moved forward cautiously, not letting go of any possible clue.

A thin layer of mist filled the valley, making it blurry. Li Mu had to slow down and observe the surrounding environment carefully.

Suddenly, a soldier discovered some strange footprints on the ground. The footprints looked new, obviously made recently.

"Master Li, look here!" the soldier shouted excitedly.

Li Mu immediately walked over and observed the footprints carefully. He found that the shape and size of these footprints were somewhat similar to the dark shadows they had seen before.

"Follow these footprints!" Li Mu said decisively.

Everyone immediately took action and continued to move forward in the direction of the footprints. They don't know what dangers there will be ahead, but they only have one belief in their hearts, that is to find Yang Chan and complete their mission.

As the tracking progressed, Li Mu and others found that the footprints became clearer and clearer, which filled their hearts with hope. They quickened their pace, hoping to find the hiding place of Heiying and Yang Chan as soon as possible.

However, just when they thought they were about to find their target, a powerful aura suddenly came from the front. Li Mu and others were shocked and immediately stopped.

They looked ahead warily and saw a black figure slowly coming out of the mist. The aura of this black shadow is more powerful than before, making people feel chilling.

"Are you looking for me?" The shadow's voice was low and hoarse, like a demon from hell.

Li Mu and others held the weapons in their hands tightly, their eyes full of vigilance.

"Who are you? Why did you want to rescue Yang Chan?" Li Mu asked sharply.

The black shadow let out a burst of sinister laughter: "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that you will never catch Yang Chan."

After saying that, the black figure flashed and appeared in front of everyone in an instant. The powerful momentum was so oppressive that everyone could hardly breathe.

Li Mu was not afraid and commanded the soldiers to get into formation and prepare for battle. "No matter how powerful you are, we will not back down."

The black shadow snorted coldly, waved his hands, and a powerful energy swept over him. The soldiers raised their shields to resist, but many were still shaken back a few steps.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Li Mu personally rushed forward and started a fierce battle with the black shadow. He used all his strength and sharp swordsmanship to try to force the black shadow back. However, Sombra's strength was far beyond his imagination and he easily neutralized his attack.

"You just want to stop me? You are simply overestimating your capabilities." The black shadow mocked.

Li Mu gritted his teeth and persisted, thinking that he must delay time and wait for Fang Yue's support. He kept looking for flaws in the black shadow, hoping to find a chance.

Just when the two sides were in a stalemate, Black Shadow seemed to have lost patience. A trace of fierceness flashed in his eyes, and a more powerful aura suddenly burst out.

The black shadow danced its hands, and black energy flew out like sharp blades, sweeping towards Li Mu and the soldiers. Li Mu and others tried their best to resist, but in the face of this powerful attack, their defense seemed so fragile.

Screams came one after another, and the soldiers fell one after another. Li Mu felt sad and angry, but there was nothing he could do. The black shadow's attack came like a violent storm, and he couldn't resist it at all.

Soon, Li Mu was also seriously injured and fell to the ground. His eyes were full of unwillingness and despair. Looking at the cold figure of the black shadow, he knew that his and the soldiers' efforts were in vain.

The black shadow looked at the corpses on the ground and let out a sinister laugh. "You guys who overestimate your capabilities, this is what will happen to you."

After saying that, the black shadow disappeared into the mist again, leaving only a bloody and messy battlefield. At this time, Fang Yue was still on the way here and knew nothing about the tragedy that happened here.

As Fang Yue led his troops on the way, he felt a hint of uneasiness in his heart. He quickened his pace, hoping to meet Li Mu as soon as possible.

When Fang Yue finally arrived at the place where Li Mu and the others were tracking, the sight in front of him shocked him. Bodies were lying on the ground, the ground stained red with blood, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of blood.

Fang Yue's eyes turned cold instantly, he clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was filled with anger. "Black Shadow, I will tear you into pieces!"

He knelt down and checked the soldiers' injuries, only to find that most of them had died. Only Li Mu still had a weak breath.

Fang Yue quickly injected vitality into Li Mu's body, trying to stabilize his injury. Li Mu slowly opened his eyes and saw a trace of relief in his eyes when he saw Fang Yuehou.

"Master Fang...that too powerful...we...failed." After saying that, Li Mu fell into a coma.

Fang Yue gritted his teeth and said, "Li Mu, hold on. I will definitely avenge you."

Fang Yue stood up, his eyes burning with anger. He looked around, feeling grief, anger and determination intertwined in his heart. He knew that now was not the time to be immersed in sorrow. He must find Heiying and Yang Chan as soon as possible to seek justice for the dead soldiers.

He ordered his men to place the bodies of the soldiers properly, and then began to carefully analyze the situation at the scene. Although the aura left by the black shadow was weak, Fang Yue relied on his keen perception to capture some clues.

He found that the aura of the black shadow seemed to be mixed with a special energy fluctuation, which was different from any kind of power he had encountered before. Fang Yue's heart moved. Could it be that the black shadow came from a mysterious organization?

Fang Yue decided to continue tracking this special energy fluctuation. He led the remaining troops and cautiously advanced through the valley. Along the way, they were alert to possible dangers and did not miss any suspicious signs.

As the tracking deepened, Fang Yue found that they gradually entered a more mysterious area. The fog here is thicker and the surrounding environment is becoming weirder. But Fang Yue did not flinch at all. He firmly believed that as long as he persisted, he would definitely find Heiying and Yang Chan.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound from the front. Fang Yue immediately stopped and signaled his men to stay alert. They quietly approached the source of the sound and discovered a cave hidden in the mist.

There was a mysterious atmosphere exuding in the cave, and Fang Yue had a strong premonition in his heart that the black shadow and Yang Chan were probably here. He took a deep breath and slowly walked into the cave.

The cave was dark and damp, with a faint light flickering on the walls. Fang Yue moved forward cautiously, always prepared to deal with possible dangers.


At the same time, there is a blessed land filled with endless evil spirit.

Yang Chan looked at the mysterious black figure in front of him, his eyes full of doubts and vigilance. The black shadow exuded a heart-stopping demonic aura, as if coming from an endless dark abyss.

"Yang Chan, you only need to follow my plan and you will get everything you want." The shadow's voice was low and hoarse, as if it contained endless magic power.

"Your plan? Who are you? Why do you want to save me?" Yang Chan asked.

The black shadow moved slightly, and the surrounding demonic energy became more intense. "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you obey my orders. Your mission has not been completed yet, continue to provoke a war between the two countries and plunge the Wei Dynasty into chaos."

Yang Chan frowned, feeling a little hesitant. "I have already failed once, and now Fang Yue and the others are hunting me down with all their strength. I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to complete your mission."

"Hmph, you have no choice. If you disobey my orders, you will pay a heavy price." Black Shadow's tone was full of threats.

Yang Chan gritted her teeth and said helplessly: "Okay, I will continue to act according to your plan. But you must ensure my safety." (End of Chapter)

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