"So, the qualifications have only improved a little, but they are actually so useful!"

Fang Yue strung the grass carp in the small puddle with braided straw ropes and wrapped them in lotus leaves.

Since gaining a little more qualifications, Fang Yue has discovered that although his fishing skills have not improved immediately.

However, during the process of fishing, his body naturally changed accordingly, and at the same time, various insights came into his mind.

He corrected his movements and streamlined the redundant movements that appeared during fishing.

Therefore, his fishing skills have improved visibly.

And all of this is the effect of adding that little bit of qualification!

Immediate and remarkable results!

"It seems that fishing is the right path. There should be no shortage of meat at home in the future."

Fang Yue thought about it and couldn't help but smile.

In this day and age, nothing makes people feel happier and more peaceful than having a full stomach.


Just after noon, the sun began to shine brightly.

He held the old buffalo in one hand and five grass carps in the other, and headed home.

Today I will eat two fish for lunch and two fish for dinner.

One is braised, one is made into soup, one is grilled, and one is steamed.

I caught a lot this time, so I have to try a few more ways to eat.

From now on, if I eat fish every day, I think I should be able to supplement my nutrition.

With this thought in his mind, Fang Yue quickly walked into the village, and his yard was already in sight.

Because he caught several fish this time, Fang Yue actually did not go the same way he usually did.

Instead, we took a slight detour from the edge of the village.

Otherwise, if you meet a clan relative in the village, they will inevitably see the fish in your hand.

At that time, whether to give or not to give is the question.

Fish, caught a lot.

There is also the worry of catching too much fish.

Of course, it's a happy pain.

After walking a few more steps, the sound of a girl crying came from ahead.

"Mom, I'm hungry, Anu is so hungry."

"Anu, drink some water and lie still. It will be fine when you wake up."

Fang Yue listened and looked towards a yard not far ahead that was even more dilapidated than his home.

Several clumps of fences surrounded two houses made entirely of thatch.

‘This is Widow Yu’s house? ’

Fang Yue looked through the holes in the fence and saw Widow Yu, wearing a gray sarong, holding a five or six-year-old girl under the eaves.

The Yu family is an outsider in the village. They settled in Daliushu ten years ago.

It is said that the ancestors of this family also produced scholars and high officials. Later, for some reason, their family fortunes declined and they were sentenced by the court to be sent to their Daliushu Village.

The family is in decline, and this family is an outsider.

Originally a family of three, they may have never done farm work. The family's life was very difficult. A few years ago, the man who headed the Yu family passed away due to illness.

Only the orphan and the widow were left.

Widow Yu is obviously different from the other women in the village. Her skin is fairer, her butt is as round as a cow's butt, and her chest is like two big carp, jumping with her movements.

Fang Yue is full of energy, not a predecessor who has not yet awakened.

Just these few glances made his blood boil.

‘My dear, with such a figure, no wonder some people in the village said that his man was killed by her! ’

No wonder, the head of the Yu family was skin and bones when he died.

Rao Shi Fang Yue prides himself on being 'well-informed', but this is the first time he has seen such a cheating and illegal body in reality.

Not to mention, this is ancient times, and this widow is not a technological product, she is purely original and natural.

It's really amazing to be able to grow so exaggeratedly.

Having such a person in the family can really knock the bones and suck out the marrow. With today's living conditions, you can't even eat meat a few times, and you can't replenish your consumption at all.

Not to mention the weak and sick, even normal people have to be sucked dry.

Since the death of Widow Yu's husband, rumors about Widow Yu's husband have spread in the village. Some people say that Widow Yu is a broom star, and whoever gets infected will definitely be in bad luck.

Fang Yueben was very disdainful of such rumors, but when he saw the real person today, he couldn't help but feel a little like this.

What a monster!

"Mom, I'm still hungry, Anu feels so uncomfortable!"

The little girl's voice was trembling, weak, and mixed with cries.

"Good boy, just be patient and you'll be fine. Just wake up and you'll be fine." Widow Yu also cried.

The voice is delicate and full of sorrow, which makes people feel anxious listening to it.

However, Fang Yue raised his feet and was about to leave. It was not his own business, so he should leave it alone.

If someone sees it, there will be a lot of gossiping village women in the village.

Who knows what will be said then.

If his reputation is ruined because of this, he will not be able to find a wife in the future.

However, Fang Yue didn't want to get into trouble.

However, trouble happened to find him.

"It's Brother Yue." Widow Yu saw Fang Yue, and she even saw the grass carp under the lotus leaf in Fang Yue's hand.

This graceful widow immediately stood up and walked to the fence in a few steps. She smiled longingly and looked at the boy who was only fourteen or fifteen years old in front of her.

"It's been rare recently. I heard that you were ill a while ago, but now you seem to be well. You, are you just fishing?"

Widow Yu raised her arm to smooth away a few strands of hair from her forehead, her exposed arms dazzlingly white.

I don't know how Widow Yu maintains her skin. She has planted two mu of thin land, but her skin is still very tender.

"Well, I was lucky today and caught a few fish." Fang Yue said.

Widow Yu's breathing became rapid. Because of this action, the distance between the two seemed to be shortened by a few inches.

"There are five fish, and they are all so big. Brother Yue is really capable!" Widow Yu admired sincerely.

But the eagerness in her eyes could not be concealed.

She did not continue to beat around the bush, but directly begged in a low voice:

"Brother Yue, can you lend me a fish? I will return it to you in two days. Do you think it's okay?"

After saying this, Widow Yu did not dare to look at Fang Yue. She just lowered her head, rubbed her hands, and paced anxiously.

"We haven't had any food at home for three days. My daughter is really starving. Brother Yue, please be kind. I kneel down for you."

"Yu, you..."

Fang Yue looked at the millstone shaking with the shaking of the other party's body, and couldn't help but admire it.

However, no one's family is well-off these days.

His family can only eat two meals, and he and his sister actually only have half a meal, which is not enough to fill them up.

Besides, this widow Yu is obviously a troublesome person.

It's better not to get involved casually.

At the moment, he could only refuse cruelly: "Yu, you, are you going to buy fish?"

When widow Yu heard this, the hope in her eyes was extinguished immediately. She could hardly stand and almost fell down.

"Mom, I'm hungry."

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