Changsheng: My qualifications improve a little bit every day

Chapter 6: Ning Xiang straight to the point

"Anu, it's all because of my mother's uselessness, it's all because of my mother's uselessness."

"Mom, don't cry, don't cry, Anu is not hungry, Anu is not hungry."

Just after walking a few steps, he heard the crying of the mother and daughter behind him.

Fang Yue became more and more upset, he stamped his feet, but he couldn't be cruel after all.

He untied the smallest grass carp from the straw rope and went to the door of Yu's house.

"Yu, bring a basin."

The widow Yu, who was miserable and desperate, heard the words, with disbelief in her eyes, but her body moved mechanically.

She came to Fang Yue: "Brother Yue, you..."

Fang Yue ignored her, threw the fish in his hand into the wooden basin, and then left without looking back.

Widow Yu stared at the grass carp with its gills opening and closing in the wooden basin, and when she came to her senses, she quickly looked at the boy who had walked away.

She wiped her tears and hurried home with the fish: "Anu, mother will cook fish soup for you."



After returning home, Fang Lan looked at the four grass carps in her brother's hand, and her expression changed instantly.

"Brother, you went to the river to catch fish. How can you go to the river alone? It's too dangerous. Are you injured?"

Fang Lan immediately looked Fang Yue up and down.

"No, sister, I'm fine."

"I didn't go to the river. I caught these fish. Look, this is not a fishing rod."

Fang Yue hurriedly explained, but her heart was full of warmth.

This sister of hers didn't look at the fish first, and she wasn't happy because she could eat meat.

The first thing she did was to care if he was injured. It was obvious that she valued her brother very much.

"It's good that you're okay, it's good that you're okay."

Fang Lan patted her chest, and then she was relieved, and then she quickly filled the wooden basin with water and asked Fang Yue to put the four fish in.

Next, the two siblings discussed how to eat the fish, which was needless to say.

After a while, Chen came back.

Even though Fang Yue said it again and again, he still checked Fang Yue carefully from head to toe. After making sure that Fang Yue was not injured and there was no sign of wetness on his clothes, he began to praise Fang Yue.

At noon that day, Fang's father and eldest brother had a much richer lunch.

The wild vegetable soup of the past was changed to fish soup, and each person ate half a catty of fish.

However, while the family was enjoying the food, they also sternly warned Fang Yue that he could go fishing in the future, but he must not go into the water.

Otherwise, they would not eat the fish Fang Yue caught.

Seeing his father, mother, brother, and sister treat him so well.

Fang Yue was filled with infinite emotion. Although this world is not full of food, it is really good.

He also has to protect this happiness well.


In the next few days, Fang Yue would fish in his spare time while herding cattle.

And because of the increase in qualifications, his fishing skills are getting better and better.

There are many gains every day.

However, Fang Yue didn't fish a lot, just two or three fish a day.

It was enough for his family to eat, and more would be a waste.

Of course, he had been walking along the road in front of Widow Yu's house these days.

After all, if he had a harvest every day,

it would be bad if he had fish to eat every day and was seen by the villagers.

It's not the lack of fish that is worrying, but the inequality. Although the people in the countryside are simple, there is definitely no shortage of red eye disease.

When the time comes, rumors will spread, and I'm afraid it will have a bad impact.

This is an era where reputation can kill people.

Of course, it was only when he passed by Widow Yu's house occasionally.

It was inevitable that he would give her a fish because of his soft heart.

Of course, it was only a few times.


Ten days later, at noon.

Fang Yue finished fishing early that day and lay on the big bluestone to enjoy the cool.

[Time flies, God rewards hard work, aptitude +1]

The familiar words appeared in front of him, and Fang Yue didn't care at first.

But the next moment, the words did not disappear as usual.

Instead, it changed again.

[Current Qualification: 10 (One in Ten)]

[Note: One in Ten, you can already stand out among the ordinary people, but that's all. ]

The next moment, Fang Yue seemed to feel a strange warm current in his body.

But when he carefully sensed it, he found nothing.

Just think it's an illusion.

"One in Ten!"

"The Qualification Evaluation has actually improved!"

Fang Yue couldn't help but sit up and look at the light screen in front of him.

Qualification Improvement,

Qualification of One in Ten!

Although this evaluation is not high, it is much better than that mediocre.

Fang Yue immediately prepared to try fishing.

He can only use this fishing technique to verify it now.

Thinking of this, he immediately jumped up, walked a few steps to the river, and grabbed the fishing rod beside him.

The slender and tough fishing rod fell into his hand, and Fang Yue looked at the turbid river bay in front of him.

For some reason, he actually had a feeling in his heart that he would definitely be able to gain something with this rod.

Without any hesitation, Fang Yue immediately cast his rod into the water.

His movements were smooth and seamless, as if he had practiced them thousands of times.

Sure enough, in just a moment.

Fang Yue only felt the fishing rod in his hand suddenly sink.

And the fishing rod in his hand was pulled into the river, which made Fang Yue feel exhausted.

Fang Yue immediately exerted force, and the fishing rod in his hand instantly tightened like a bowstring of a full moon.

At this time, the originally calm water surface was turbid with waves.

"Wow, it's a big one!"

Through the turbid waves, Fang Yue vaguely saw a two-foot-long figure.

It was obviously a big one!

If it were usual, there would really be such a big fish on the hook.

He would probably give up and try to get the fish off the hook.

After all, the fishing rod in his hand was too simple and it was difficult to cope with this degree of pulling.

If it was damaged, it would be bad.

But today, he obviously had a different feeling.

He might be able to catch this fish without damaging the fishing rod.

Immediately, he was determined in his heart.

Fang Yue began to wrestle with the giant fish, and various techniques of unloading and controlling force were used by him.

By twisting his body, the pulling force was reduced.

Gradually, as time went by, he slowly gained the upper hand.



"The lower body is strong, the upper limbs are coordinated, and the method of using strength to release strength is obviously crude, but there is a shadow of 'strength'."

"This kind of talent and understanding can only be ranked below average."

At this moment, under a willow tree not far away.

Fang Hu stood facing the wind, holding a roe deer in his hand, but his eyes went through a distance of more than ten feet and looked at Fang Yue on the river bank, muttering.

"Dad, what are you looking at?"

At this time, Fang Ergou walked over with a silly look.

Then he followed Fang Hu's direction and looked at Fang Yue, whose half body was gradually tilted towards the river bend.

Immediately, the bow and arrow and pheasant in his hand fell to the ground.

He stepped forward and ran, shouting:

"Ah, Brother Zhi, why are you so upset again!"

"Brother Zhi, don't move!"

"Don't jump into the river!"

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