Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 69 - Dungeon Break (1)

In the office, Aanya, Professor Aleister, and a few others were conversing on an important topic. Usually, Aanya has no place here, but considering her position as the student president and once an elite student, others thought her input would be required to make the decision.

"I know what you fear, uncle," Aanya said to Aleister. "In the past, when you stopped me from going to the trial, I think it helped me a lot in the time to prepare my strength, but that does not mean I did not resent you for wasting my time. I know you are looking out for the freshmen, but you have to consider their position as well.

"I reckon there are two students in the freshmen year who could go against anyone in the second year."

"I have considered all this," Aleister said. "But you of all people know in the second trial, they will not just contest against people of the lower planet, but the people of the mother world as well."

A few of the other teachers joined him on that topic. Their claim was the same, if their students go against the elite of the mother world, there will be one outcome. They will lose miserably. They all have gone through all this and know how miserable a feeling that was. 

It was so easy for him if the students of each year were mostly normal, but unfortunately for him this year there were more than two students with the highest level of talent, and more they were not people who like to take a breather much. He even has complaints about the dungeon travels, some were actually wanted to try the dungeons without the help from the teachers.

"We know that a few of the students of this year are special," Professor Sarah added. "But if we give in to their complaint and send them to the trial this time around, it would only be wasting their potential. I'm sure with just training them for half a year more, they could surprise even the people of the mother world."

The others agreed with it as well, while Aleister looked at Aanya to see if she had anything else to say.

"I don't know if all of you know about the stories that were going on in the circle," Aanya started. "Supposedly, in the trial zero, a few of the scions of the mother world got in and tried to monopolize the trial for some unknown gain. It would have gone all according to their plan, but unfortunately, a youth from the lower planet not only stopped them, but did something so embarrassing to one that he actually lost the will to become a guardian.

"I'm not sure how much of the story is true, but I'm sure none of you can deny that someone from the lower world went to the trial with zero experience and got the first spot even with the involvement of the mother world."

The room turned silent, and Aleister knitted his brows. He was about to open his mouth when the door of the room opened as well as a transparent screen opened in front of many of them.

Roan came into the door, dressed in a breastplate and other armours. "We have a situation now," he said. His eyes drifted off towards Aleister and then saw Aanya standing up. "I will need help from Head Professor Aleister and Aanya to teleport out a good number of people to the location."

"What happened?" Aanya asked, knitting her brows. Unlike the others, she did not get the notification in the status window, as she was still away from becoming an actual guardian, as well as she was not entirely affiliated with the Federation or the Academy association.

"A Grade-3 dungeon break in the fourth ring," Aleister said, and his brows were knitted as well. "The Dean is away and so is Murphy. How many men do you have?"

"We have about fifty guardians, including the academic staff available," Roan said and eyed the others in the room—a few of them nodded in understanding. "The Federation sent the help request just now. They could not send the people within 30 minutes, so requested immediate help from the academy . . ."

In the academy only three people are known to be able to use mass teleportation to faraway places. It was the dean, head professor Aleister and the student president Aanya. Since the dean was away, they could only work with the other two, though Aanya, as not being an actual guardian, was not supposed to be there.

A glittering white light rose from Aanya's silver bracelet and immediately her body was covered by thick white mystic robes—even the professors looked at it in awe. Not everyone's father was the best artificer of earth, nor was everyone born with a silver spoon like her. The equipment and robes she was wearing were even unique in the mother world, and it would not be wrong to say there was another piece like this there.

"I'm ready," she said among the gazes. "Where should I teleport to?"

Roan gave her a look and nodded to Aleister. "Come with me," he said, and brought Aanya with her.

The others have to prepare first before leaving with Aleister while he chose to go with Aanya and the guardian who were already prepared.

The sky was showering with heavy rain and the deafening roars of lightning. It was an awful time for a dungeon break in anywhere, much less in the third ring, with common people living everywhere. 

"Supposedly, the dungeon would break at any moment," Roan continued to fill her in about the situation as they walked. A window appeared before his eyes, and he tapped it a couple of times to deliver the location to Aanya.

Aanya looked like it was about one thousand and five hundred miles from here. If it was any general situation, it would really be difficult for her, but any natural situation like this storm has another effect as well. It creates a rift between the space nodes more than usual, making it easy for her to use the loophole. They could say not everything was bad about the storm.

They approached the field where a dozen more figures were waiting, dressing in combat form. There were even a couple of air carriers as well though it would take more time to start up and reach the space they were leaving for.

"Aanya," Roan said and the silver-haired girl nodded.

She stood before everyone and sucked in a cold breath in the rain. The academy ground eliminated any time of long-range teleportation from outside to inside, but the opposite was not true.

She put her palm together and white rays of light formed slowly. The vibration rose as she enlarged the space with warping noise and shock wave. She stepped away a couple of metres away as a circular teleportation gate appeared.

Roan nodded to her and led the men inside. Aanya was the last of the ones to go before the circle collapsed.

The dozen men appeared before the abandoned building in the fourth circle. And with the overflow, even the worst of them could guess there was something wrong with her. Other than them, there were other people there, though they did not appear to have come that much earlier. People like Aanya, or Professor Aleister, who could mass teleport were hard to find.

These people were preparing for the safety of the civilians. They had already brought in dozens of pillars to build a mana barrier outside the building so the monster could not run amok in the safe haven though they did not know it they could prepare it within the time. They even took the safety measure to evacuate people close to the reason even though it was storming heavily.

"It's inside," Aanya muttered, and Roan nodded—he could feel it, too. Though the dungeon had not broken, they could feel the momentum of mana was rising. Perhaps because of the storm, but it could lead to an even more difficult situation if this goes on.

Roan commanded half of the men to help set up the barrier, and with the rest, he went towards the inside. He saw Aanya was not leaving and; she had a white futuristic handgun in her arm, glittering a little.

"My abilities will be useful," she said before Roan could ask her to go.

"You will listen to every one of my commands like them," Roan said, thinking what type of problem he will be in if something happens to this girl.

"Yes sir," Aanya said and left with the other men.

They moved straight towards the centre of the disturbance, and when they were in the middle of the path, a building shook. Most of them knew what this meant, the dungeon broke.

"We have to stop as many of those chaos beasts from approaching the people making the barrier," Roan shouted. "Let's go."

It took them another ten seconds or so to reach the place where monsters were coming from, and the sight that welcomed them made all of them shiver.

It was not because the monster that was coming from the gate was huge, nor because they were high levelled, but just the fact that they were like flies—moving swiftly in the air. It would be even difficult to finish the monster that could flight than a monster of huge sizes.

That was not all, there was actually a human figure in the chaos of flies, killing them from the ground with blood all over his body. It was the masked figure, the masked vigilante and he seemed to notice their arrival as well.

"I did what I could, now it's yours turn."

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