Chaos Cycle: The Eye of Genesis

Chapter 70 - Dungeon Break (2)

Elior walked into the quaking dungeon, bearing the two sleek rapiers in arms. He was not sure what type of monster he would see inside. Whatever it was, he had to stop it before the guardians took the safety measure and could handle with the least amount of civilian casualty. 

Considering that this dungeon was barely a third grade one, he should be able to hold on here for a couple of minutes. Will a couple of minutes be enough for the guardian to reach here? Yes, if they had taken the protocol seriously, but that time was no way for them to take the safety protocol for the civilian. So, he has to bring them as much time as he could. 

But the moment he went inside the dungeon, his expression stiffened. There was a storm raging inside the dungeon, trying everything it could do to break the dungeon. He did not know if this dungeon could even hold on for five minutes now. 

Inside the dungeon was as dark as it could get, and the chaotic mana storm swirling and rising, a tornado of force was flying dust and ashes everywhere. After the first bad news, he got another one. The very moment he laid his eyes on the monster of the dungeon, he knew he got himself in the worst possible shit there was possible.

Elior's brows knitted together the moment he saw the monster of the dungeon. It was flying, and moreover, the sight of them told him it wouldn't be easy for him nor would it be for the guardians. It was the freaking corpse flies. 

With the help of the guardian system, he ran the general inspection ability and easily a window appeared before him, telling him about familiar flies. It was exactly what he thought it was.

[Target: Corpse Flies.

Corpse flies are undead creatures that live corpses or rotten flesh. They have deadly poison in their breath and could easily infect a guardian or apprentice of the same level. They came in various sizes, from only a foot large to several feet according to the order. To kill a corpse fly, one has to blast its head or sever its head from the body. They can regenerate very easily, providing humans or the flesh of other creatures.

Strength: Poison in their breath, Can create or manipulate wind to attack. Regenerative ability. 

Weakness: Fire attribute, Light Attribute, Spirit attack.]

It really was the corpse flies, he thought, looking at a couple of foot-long heinous looking flies flying in the air. They have big, hived-like eyes and an awful stretch to them. They instantly located him and rushed at him, making warping noises. 

In his previous timeline, he dealt with a lot of the flies like creatures, but the worse of them was already these corpse birds other than the soul-devouring flies. it might not be wrong to say flies are the monster he hates the most. 

Elior eyes vacated all the emotion but the coldness, and the rapier blazed in flame. He stood there, waiting for the monster to approach him. The ones that were coming first were of the lower level of the dungeon, and he knew it would still be difficult for him to hold on for more than a couple of minutes. This was a grade three dungeon after all, where the limit of chaos fiends level was Level 200. Though it's unlikely for a corpse fly reaching the limit of the level appearing here, it was, after all, it was barely on the level of a third-grade dungeon. 

Not to talk about a level 200 corpse fly, even a couple of level 100 corpse flies could make his life hell here. He might be barely stopped on at the third order, and if the number rose by only one, it's dead-end for him.

Elior enabled the berserker's ability and started massacring the flies that came in his way. With each successful move, his attack force rose by 2% though it cost extra mana, he ignored it for now. A couple of notifications came, telling him he had levelled up. These flies he was killing were at least of level 40 or higher. There was no surprise that he would level up.

Within a few seconds, his attack got the boost of 40% and it was only rising, though his mana was emptying easier as well. 

But reaching the next order here was a lost cause. It might have been possible if this was a general dungeon, where most of the flies did not want to get out as soon as possible. Even with him doing his best to stop the flies, a few of them had already escaped away from the gate. He could do nothing there, there were hundreds of flies there and more were approaching. He barely killed a couple of dozen so far, stopping as much as he could.

Abruptly, he felt a large discomfort on his back and a blade of wind moved towards him. Elior did not need to look to notice there was a corpse fly of higher-order incoming. His legs worked in creating as he flew away from the spot, but he did not have free time there as well as there were not only one flies of that size and order. Another one assaulted him with a high force of wind blade.

He guessed he was no match for the flies with a level of 100. As he did not have his attention on them, he did not even notice them coming at him. Looking like keeping even two minutes will turn into a deadly challenge.

Elior collapsed on the ground as dozens of the smallest one of the flies came at him to eat him. Grounding his teeth, Elior's eyes looked at the hideous flies coming to feed on him. Without considering for a second, he loudly clapped his palm once.

The space surrounding him shook and the flies that were close to him blasted all over the place. The ones at the back only felt the tremor and moved away.

Elior stood up with his rapier and brought out a couple of mana recovering portions from the pouch, running in. The bigger ones of the corpse flies were on him. The poison has already infected his system, and his abilities were barely keeping up with it. If he got more poison from the higher-order corpse flies, then it's game over for him. 

Barely managing to drink the mana recovering portions, he moved towards the chaotic mana tornado through two large corpse flies caught onto him. He could barely do anything other than run. He checked his status system to find that he had reached level 34 in between. 

He knew it was a terrible choice to jump into the tornado, but it was the only choice he had between life and death. the berserking currents of the tornado would tear his body, but the ones behind him will eat him alive. His choices were clear, getting torn or getting eaten.

in the next hundred tries, he would always choose to get torn rather than choose to get eaten.. Well, anyone in their right mind would choose that, though anyone with a right mind would ever get into this trouble in the first place.

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