Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1482: Over the eighth floor

The sword dust spurted out the **** fog, and the body kept shaking. I saw it in the wound on his chest. The flesh and blood there quickly melted at the speed visible to the naked eye, and turned into a pool of blood.

This is the ruler's power left in his wound when the small tower penetrates his body. This force is full of devastating power. At this moment, it is constantly destroying the body of Jian Chen, if the chaotic body of Jian Chen is powerful and abnormal. , to prevent the speed of destruction of the rule power, I am afraid that his entire upper body has completely melted at this moment.

The small tower, after wearing the body of Jian Chen, exhausted the last force to dissipate. As the small tower dissipated, it suddenly revealed the passage to the fourth floor.

However, at this moment, Jian Chen suffered a lot of pain. The last force of the small tower in his body left a trace of the ruinous rule. The force of the sword dust is constantly licking the body of the sword dust, making the wound of the sword dust chest. The flesh and blood there is like a bite by thousands of ants. The power of chaos is extraordinary, but at this moment, it is difficult to prevent the filling of the rule power.

After all, his power of chaos is not a true force of chaos. It depends on the power of chaos in the fifth layer, and it cannot compete with the power of this rule.

Suddenly, Jian Chen endured a terrible scream with a severe pain, and the whistling sound shook the sky. There was an endless white light coming from the heavens and the earth. Now, he is concentrating his swords on his chest, using the power of the kendo and the wound. The power of the rules is counterbalanced.

Under the force of the kendo, the regular power in the sword dust wound was suddenly contained, and the power of two different rules suddenly launched a fierce competition. In the end, the ruin that belongs to the true tower spirit is full of destruction. The regular strength of the stamina is insufficient, and it is defeated by the kendo power of Jian Chen.

After cleaning up the rules of the body, Jian Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. For a short while, the wound on his chest, which was originally only the size of the bowl, has more than doubled, occupying more than half of the chest. The internal organs and flesh and blood have disappeared.

Despite the heavy injury, the body of Jian Chen still stood there as a stable mountain. The powerful body of Chaos made him suffer such a heavy life and still lived with vitality. His life was full, but his face was pale.

"It has been a long time since I have not suffered such a serious injury. The power of this rule is really terrible. In the next battle with the true Taling, we must be careful." Jian Chen muttered to himself, immediately doing it with his knees. The power of the light of the Holy Power to heal.

After more than a dozen breaths, the injury on Jian Chen was intact. The flesh and blood that had disappeared from the chest had re-growed. At this moment, he recovered to the peak of the battle.

Put on a clean set of clothes, Jian Chen carried the fourth layer with purple and blue swords. The fourth floor space is a vast expanse of vast mountains and rivers. In this mountain river, Jian Chen discovered that many have been withered. The Tiandi Dibao, and even many precious and precious elixir residues, are almost all over the mountains, and it is a medicine garden.

However, it is very disappointing that although it is a vast medicinal garden, there have been rare and precious medicines in the mountains and plains. However, these medicinal herbs are now destroyed and none of them are intact.

In the fourth floor space, Jian Chen also had a fierce battle with the true Taling. This layer was really a towering spirit, and the strength had to be a strong point. Although the sword dust finally won, it also suffered. More serious trauma.

Soon after, Jian Chen cured the injury and boarded the fifth floor space. This space is obviously a place where the strange animals are really too young. There is a huge skeleton and even no. The skeleton has reached a long distance. Even if it has been dead for many years, Jian Chen still feels a huge pressure from these skeletons. He is so overwhelmed that he can’t imagine how much these cheekbones are in front of him. powerful.

Moreover, these cheekbones were not weathered, and they still maintained the hardness of the bluestone, but in the near future, a battle with Jian Chen and Zhen Ta Ling was destroyed.

This time, after the sword dust will be killed by Taling, he has lost an arm, his body has been destroyed a little and half, and he paid a heavy price to win. The fifth layer is really not too weak. The strength of the late return to the source, coupled with his power to control a rule of destruction, has made its combat power close to its origin.

Next, Jian Chen Yong went forward and continued to cross the sixth floor, the seventh floor. The two layers of the true Taling, already have the strength of the source, if there is a dead **** inside the tower, there are four gods in the tower. Sword suppression, even if it is divided into nine by the sacred fairy, can not be restored in countless years, I am afraid that it can also explode the strength of the realm of the gods.

When crossing the sixth floor, Jian Chen had almost half of his life left, and the injury was extremely serious. He was strangled with the spirits for several hours before he was killed.

On the seventh floor, Jian Chen has used all the means, not only wearing the silk of the ancient gods, but also using a dusty sword in the arm, and finally killing the spirit, otherwise he will be fierce. It’s hard to live.

However, fortunately for him, these four swords are not only a single blow, but according to Jian Chen’s estimation, these four swords, each can play three sources of power, three times, the power will be big In order to weaken, only the strength of the return to the source can be erupted. The more powerful the power is, the weaker the sword will eventually dissipate.

However, the silk of the ancient gods, although not against the sword dust against the attack of the source of the strong, but its toughness is still, with the protection of the ancient **** silk, Jian Chen can avoid the through injury, but the body has to withstand more violent The impact of power, even the chaotic body of the fifth layer of Jian Chen, is somewhat unbearable.

When the sword dust reached the eighth floor, he decisively took off the silk of the ancient gods. Although he had the protection of the ancient silk, he could be protected from the penetrating wounds, but with the strength of the eighth layer, it might be enough to cross the ages. God silk shattered his body.

The spirit of the eighth layer, the ambiguity between the gods and the madness is more prosperous, and there is also a fear of the sword dust hidden in it. This fear is strong and has penetrated into the soul.

This is already the eighth floor. Jian Chen came along the way and killed his other seven bodies. If his body is killed again, then only the only body on the ninth floor will be left. The layer of the body is also killed by the sword dust, then he will really disappear, although his ninth-level body is stronger, but he is not willing to take the risk.

At this moment, the tower inspired by the unprecedented crisis, this life and death crisis is stronger than the time when he faced the silence of the immortal.

When he faced the death of Xianzun, he was not his opponent, but at that time it was his peak state. It’s not too much to say that it’s not dead or dead. Therefore, the death of Xianzun can not kill him, only the suppression and seal, but now in this long period of time, the trauma suffered by it in that year can not only recover a little bit, but in the silence and seal of the countless years of the death of Xianzun Underneath, it has become weaker and weaker, and even today it is close to the point where the oil is running out. If he is killed in such a state, it will be the real demise.

After all, he can't really be like the Ziqing Sword Spirit.

"Being able to come to the eighth floor is a great honor for you. Today is your place of burial. You will never have the chance to go to the ninth floor. Here, it will be your fallen place. The deity wants to kill you." On the eighth floor of the true tower, the red robe boy was suspended in the void of hundreds of meters away from Jian Chen.

"Taling, are you still obsessed with it? If you don't surrender, you only have to disappear." Ziyan's figure turned out and said to the red robe boy, and wanted to make the final persuasion.

However, in response to him, it was the murderous intention of the red robe boy, and a blow formed by the destruction rule hit the sword dust. Then, the red robe boy danced with both hands, and hardly mobilized the power of the world inside the tower to prepare for display. The secret law, this time, the red robe boy used all his strength as soon as he came up, without any reservations, want to hurry and take off the sword dust here.

The sword dust looks dignified, and the red robe boy on the eighth floor of the true tower is equivalent to having the strength of the middle or even the late stage. In addition, he has mastered a rule of law, and the same rank has been a rare opponent. If you face it with the sword dust, even if you add the purple and blue swords, there is no chance of winning, even the ability to fight back.

Jian Chen’s right hand waved, and suddenly there was a sword light flashing. One of the four swords hidden in his arm suddenly flew out and turned into a white light, shining like a lightning bolt across the time and space. .

Then, the second hand of Jian Chen’s right hand was swung out, and the third time he waved out, respectively, shooting the sword of Xian Xian, destroying the sword of the sword, and using three swords at a time to deal with the red robe boy of the eighth floor of the true tower. The speed of each sword is fast and can't be described. It seems to cross the time and space, the limit of the distance of the breakthrough, and the red robe boy is approaching in an instant.

The red robe boy’s face changed greatly. This kind of swordsman was taught on the seventh floor. Although the power of Jianqi is far from being comparable to that of the dead, the present sword is enough for him. The fatal threat can be caused by the speed of the sword and the speed of the sword can not be described, so that the red robe boy can not afford to escape, can only watch the approach of Jianqi.

The first sword, the rule of destruction of the red robe boy, was broken, and only one-third of the force was passed through the red robe boy, so that the red robe boy made a scream and his expression was extremely painful.

Then, the second sword pierced the body of the red robe boy, which turned his body into a translucent state, and the secret technique that was about to be displayed was also forced to stop.

When the third sword hit him, the body of the red robe suddenly dissipated and became a thin mist.

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