Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1483: Ninth floor

Although these three swords are only equivalent to the attack power of the source, there is still a trace of the power of the kendo in the sword, which is reserved for the sacred sacred priests, although the power of the kendo fell to the swordsman for the reasons of the years. The situation is far less powerful than the heyday, but it is higher than the sword yuan, so that each of these three swords has the power to kill the ordinary source.

The three swords are all out, even if the spirit of the eighth floor of the tower is unable to withstand, the body collapses directly.

However, the red robe boy did not fall, and the thin mist that remained in the air began to surge, and once again, it condensed into a figure of a red robe boy. This figure is light, almost invisible, even burning. The body can't do it.

"I didn't expect that there are four swords that are dead in the old man's body, not just one, but the four swords are just right for the four swords of the dead old man. Now your sword has run out. The ninth floor of the deity looks at you if you deal with it, the ninth floor will be your real place of burial, and the deity will wait for you on the ninth floor." The red robe boy gave a cold laugh.

Jian Chen did not speak, holding a purple sword, a wave of swords immediately shot, the red robe boy's figure of the smoke disappeared.

Subsequently, Jian Chen did not rush to the ninth floor, but sat on the eighth floor and let his state return to the peak. After all, the ninth floor is the most powerful one of the true Talings. It may have entered the realm of the gods, even if the four swords on his body can still exert two strikes, but Jian Chen does not have full grasp to kill Taling, there is a possibility that there will be a fierce battle. ”

"If the ninth floor is really true, the tower spirit really has the strength of the realm of the gods, then I am in front of him, even if I add the purple and blue swords, I am afraid that he will be killed by him under one face. My current strength is in God. There is no such thing as a struggle in front of the interface. However, this is true that Taling is not without weakness. His biggest weakness is that once energy is exhausted, it will not be replenished. Its energy is a little less, and its shape is subject to Once created, it will lead to its strength reduction. As a result, after I enter the ninth floor, I only need to use the four swords of the sacred sage to reinvent the shape of the first time, so that it can make its strength. Falling, when its form is created to a certain extent, it will fall into the realm of God."

Sword dust sitting there and closing his eyes and contemplating, but in his mind, he evolved his own battle on the ninth floor with the true Taling. These battle pictures are analyzed from various angles and conceived. And he also added all the means that he knew to be true, and finally the result was that he had a battle with the spirit of the ninth floor of the true tower, not without victory, mainly to see the silence. Defeat the immortality of the four swords.

"Unfortunately, all these four swords have been used by me once. There are only two strikes in the original source. If you have three hits, the odds will reach eight levels." The heart sighs, and the heart is very helpless. The eighth layer is really Taling. The strength is not what he can deal with. If he does not use the sword left by the sacred sage, he will not go to the first. The nine floors will even fall on the eighth floor.

"But I also have one of the biggest cards. The only regret is that the cost of using this trick is too big. I can't afford it, but if I really face the crisis of life and death, I am in a desperate situation. Then I can only use this trick." Jian Chen's eye-catching flash, double swords, is his last life-saving means, but also his most unwilling to play a trick.

This time, Jian Chen adjusted his interest here for half a month, not only adjusted his state to the peak, but also in his mind, he also came up with a variety of ways to deal with the ninth layer of the spirit, made The most adequate preparation.

After half a month, Jian Chen grew up and finally set foot on the ninth floor of the true tower.

Just stepping on the ninth floor, not waiting to see the scenery around, Jian Chen's figure is immediately flashing away, and suddenly left here, to prevent the spirit of the ambush at the entrance to attack themselves.

Everything is calm and calm, and it is the bleak world of the ninth floor of the tower. The silence is a little scary. There is no life. The sword dust is full of alertness suspended in midair, and the police watched it around, and the heart felt quite unexpected. Zhen Ta Ling, did not wait for himself to come up at the entrance as he guessed the ambush, and then attacked himself.

"Is it true that the ninth floor is really Taling, with enough control to deal with me, I simply do not bother to attack." Jian Chen thought in his heart, the look suddenly became a dignified.

At this time, at the end of the distant horizon, suddenly a flash of gold flashed, reflecting the small half of the sky, became a wonder in this desolate world.

Jian Chen stared at the golden light in the distance, hesitated for a moment, then Yu Kong flew over, and the purple sword and the Qingsuo sword were suspended in the top of the sword dust, and the purple and blue colors flashed, and the thunder was ready at any time. A shot of preparation.

When Jian Chen came to the birthplace of the golden light, he found that it was an incomparably huge palace, emitting a dazzling light, and there was a horrible pressure. The palace was a bit illusory, and it seemed to be able to see the palace. Behind the scene, this palace is just a projection, not an entity.

Jian Chen stared at the imposing palace in front of him. Although it was only a projection, it gave the Jian Chen a feeling of being above the heavens and the earth. With a momentum that was unique to me, the rules of heaven and earth were stepped on it.

"Beisheng Tiangong." Jian Chen's eyes fell on the huge plaque above the main entrance of the palace. There are four words on the plaque. It seems to contain changes in the rules. The mysterious world is contained in the words. He clearly does not know these. The word, but the moment he saw the plaque, his mind inexplicably emerged the word Peterson.

"The deity makes you die in front of the master's sky. You have no regrets when you die. Hahaha." A mad laughter was introduced into the ears of Jian Chen. With the voice, the figure of the red robe boy rushed out of the temple. Turned into a residual shadow and rushed to the sword dust. The strong pressure from him, let the sword dust feel like a big mountain carrying his body, the action has become somewhat sluggish, and there is a breath of death introduced into the sword dust. In the heart, let the sword dust be shocked.

At this moment, the strongness of the red robe boy gives the sword dust a feeling like the end of the day.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the gods flashed, and in the middle of the wave, they used the four swords of the sacred fairy. However, at this moment, he saw a sneer in the face of the red robe boy.

This silky sneer makes the Jian Chen pupil shrink suddenly. When the electric light flints, the sword dust seems to be aware of what is being, the hand that is thrown is unchanged, but the shot is not the sword of the sacred fairy, but by the ordinary The four swords of the swordsmanship changed out, and there was a sacred scent of the sacred sacred sacred spirits, which made these four ordinary swords look like the swords that the sacred sages left in the past.

Just as the four swords had just been waved by Jian Chen, then, with the arm of Jian Chen, another wave of the same sword was fired by him, and a total of eight stains were stained with a singer. The sword of the sigh of breath is also shot at the red robe boy.

However, this has not stopped. After the eight swords are fired, Jian Chen has applied the sword skills at the fastest speed. The Zijian sword immediately turns into a 100-meter-long sword, and the sword field is out, which will occupy the sword. Regionalized into another field, the body of the red robe boy was imprisoned.

The shape of the red robe boy came to an abrupt end, his posture solidified, and he was banned by the power of the sword field and did not score.

The eight swords that were stained with the scent of the sacred scent of the singer were shot at an incredible speed, almost at the same time wearing the body of the red robe boy, and then the 100-meter-long purple scorpion sword was also facing the head of the red robe boy. Under the shackles, the body of the red robe boy was split into two halves.

The shape of the red robe boy dissipated rapidly in midair, but on his face, he could not see a little bit of pain and unwillingness, but instead showed a strange smile.

The sword dust smashed the body of the red robe boy, and his face instantly became incomparably ugly. He said with a gloomy face: "This is a fake, not a real body."

"Ha ha ha, yes, it wasn't really the true body of the deity, but the energy that the deity condensed out. It's a pity that you wake up too late." Jian Chen's voice just fell, a familiar laughter is not far away When I heard it, I saw another red robe boy suddenly appeared. He walked out from the side of the Bisheng Temple. He has been hiding there, using the power of the Heavenly Palace to cover up his breath, thus blinding the purple spirit sword spirit.

"Sure enough, the deity is not expected, you still have the sword of the old man who died. If the deity is not cautious, condense an energy avatar to come and test, I am afraid that the deity has been hit hard now, but now your sword has been exhausted Do, the deity sees what you still have to fight with the deity, kill you, just a trick, even if you will become a taboo in the future, after all, it is to die in the hands of the deity." The red robe boy sneered again and again, his right hand against the sword dust suddenly One press, this press, suddenly there is an ancient tower appeared above the top of the sword dust, the ancient tower is tens of meters high, exactly the same as the true tower, exudes the breath that makes the sword dust so scared, and slams toward the sword dust Suppressed.

Suddenly, a terrible pressure came from the ancient tower, making the body of Jian Chen difficult to move. His feet were caught in the ground with this huge pressure. The bones of the whole body came. A burst of crackling sounds as if it was overwhelmed and shattered.

Moreover, on this ancient pagoda, there is a force full of ruinous rules. The power of this rule is stronger than that seen by Jian Chen in the following layers.

The dust of the sword dust is extremely dignified, and the momentum of the body is skyrocketing. Between the eyes and the flash, the purple scorpion sword immediately rushes to the sky with a stunned sword, and goes straight to the ancient tower. His right hand is a swaying sword. Spreading the spiral sword, creating a circle of cyan ripples spread out, wanting to weaken the power of the ancient tower,

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