Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1766: The tenth layer of chaos (four)

At the deepest part of the mine, the sword dust sits in the void, and the power of the rich and pure source is condensing from the surrounding, and the speed of its collection is even faster than the speed absorbed by the sword dust. The power of the source that condenses around the body of the sword dust has almost reached a level of materialization, and even formed a skeleton that is completely condensed by the power of the source, surrounded by the sword dust.

After all, the place where Jian Chen is now is in a small top grade Shenjing vein. Around him, there is a huge amount of hard-to-calculate top grade Shenjing hidden in the rock, which is equivalent to being placed around him. Full of Shenjing, absorbed, the speed is of course amazing.

The body of Jian Chen is like a bottomless pit that can never be filled. It is crazy to absorb the power of this incomparably pure source. As the power of the massive source was absorbed by him, and then refining, his chaotic inner Dan was also growing bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although the speed of Chaos’s growth is seemingly slow, it will grow a small circle in a whole day, but this speed is incredible for the sword dust that has been practicing the chaos for so many years. The energy of absorbing the yin and yang sacred stone was even too much faster than the energy he used to absorb evil spirits.

Because, this time he absorbs the power of the pure source contained in the top of the gods, not only absorbs it very easily, but also refining, but also saves a lot of trouble.

It is precisely because of this that this made him spend only three months of cultivation here, the chaotic inner Dan in Dantian, from the size of the pigeon egg he used to raise with 20 eternal gods. The size of the egg today.

"According to such a speed, I am afraid that within a year, my chaotic inner Dan can reach the ninth layer of extremes." Jian Chen secretly thought, while at the same time there was a hint of excitement in the heart, this is the body of chaos Ten-tiered expectations.

The ninth layer of chaos can only make his cultivation equal to the realm of the gods, but once it breaks through and enters the tenth floor, his cultivation will be directly promoted to the realm of the gods.

Although the tenth layer of chaos is still unable to make his cultivation reach the height of the Lord God, the increase in combat power brought to him is enormous.

Because the body of the tenth layer of chaos, only the physical defense of the body can reach the degree of fear of the gods, even if he does not do any protection, stand there and do not evade, the gods do not want to hurt him. One thousand.

The chaos of the tenth layer is really too strong, the ordinary **** of heaven, even if you try your best to hit the sword dust, don’t want to cut a layer of skin on the sword dust, unless their attack can reach Only beyond the limits of the chaotic body can we break the defense of the sword dust chaos and let the sword dust see the blood.

This is the power of chaos!

But the cultivator of the chaotic body, once it reaches the realm of the realm, can be called invincible in the current realm. Only the same level of challenges can be challenged, and those peerless arrogants who are also invincible in the same order are qualified and chaotic. The practitioners of the body fight for the front, but they also lose more and lose more.

Of course, this is invincible in the same order, and it is not that the real world is the first in the same world. There is no enemy in the whole world. As long as the opponents in the same realm can crush 99% of their opponents and have the ability to leapfrog, they can be called the same level of invincibility.

Because in the same realm, the people who can be their opponents are too few and too few, even looking at a continent, looking at a big star, such people are countless.

In the process of Jian Chen cultivation, the Heiyun Mountain Range was as usual, and the people of Dong'an County did not come to interfere with the sword dust. This point is somewhat unexpected.

However, when the sword dust is not known in the cultivation, he can safely cultivate here after occupying the Shenjing mine in the Heiyun Mountain Range, so that the family forces in Dong'an County did not interfere with him. Everything is because of ice. I told you about the words of Nanyun.

In a blink of an eye, it is another year and three months. Now, Jian Chen has been practicing in the Heiyun Mountain for a year and a half.

This year and a half of cultivation has finally made his chaotic inner Dan in Dantian reach the size of his fist and the ninth layer of chaos. This speed is far faster than he did when he was practicing in Tianyuan.

However, Jian Chen did not stop, continue to madly absorb the power of the surrounding, and finally after half a month, the chaos of his chaotic inner Dan in Dantian exceeded the limit, in one voice The roar of the roaring sound blew open, and the chaos of the chaos was filled with the violent and devastating atmosphere in the dust of the sword. It suddenly made the body of Jian Chen tremble violently, and his face became pale in an instant. The forehead was covered with cold sweat.

There is even a drop of chaotic blood with a weak energy fluctuation, which penetrates from the pores of Jian Chen's body and dyes the sword dust into a blood person.

The body of chaos, every time you advance to experience a painful refining body, but the same, each time the promotion, the strength of the body will produce a qualitative leap.

The power of chaos is too overbearing. Without a strong flesh, it is simply unable to accommodate the power of chaos. Therefore, every breakthrough is the power of chaos becoming stronger, and the balance maintained with the flesh is broken. It hurts the body when running in the body, so it will bring great pain.

Only the flesh is promoted along with the power of chaos, and becomes as powerful as the power of chaos, so that the force of chaos does not harm the flesh when it runs in the body, in order to eliminate this pain.

This is the drawback of the chaos of the day after tomorrow. If it is the body of innate chaos, there will be no pain in the refining body, and it will not experience the suffering of the eighteen times.

A few days later, a white dusty sword dust out of the mine hole. And this small top grade Shenjing vein, in just over a year, lost all the crystals and became a normal mountain range.

Just a moment before Jian Chen just walked out of the mine, a few miles away, Shen Jian, sitting on a mountain peak with his knees, suddenly opened his eyes and his body flashed. He saw his knees sitting on the top of the mountain suddenly disappeared. When it appeared again, it was already standing in front of Jian Chen.

Shen Jian’s eyes flashed in the eyes, and he stared at Jian Chen in a blink of an eye. Because of the difference in the practice of Jian Chen, he did not even see whether the strength of Jian Chen broke through, but only felt vaguely. The breath of Jian Chen seems to be much stronger than before.

And it looks like a rather delicate body, which also seems to contain a very horrible and powerful force.

“Breakthrough?” Shen Jian asked in front of Jian Chen.

Jian Chen smiled lightly and said to Shen Jian: "Do you attack me and try?"

Wen Yan, Shen Jian’s eyes flashed in the eye, and as a crisp sword screamed out, the black and black flowing clouds appeared in his hands, and Shen Jian held the Yunyun sword, accompanied by the power of the kendo law. Under the lightning, a sword was stabbed toward the sword dust.

Because Shen Jian knows how powerful the strength of Jian Chen is, this sword does not use his skills, but he does not have the slightest effort to use it.

With the martial law of his late gods, he realized that the power of this attack was no longer weaker than that of the gods in the early days of the gods. Even compared with those of the ordinary gods, they are even stronger. .

Because he understands the law, it is one of the strongest martial arts in the three thousand rules! Mobile phone users please visit

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