Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1767: separate

However, in the face of Shen Jian’s sword, Jian Chen did not make any protection. His face had a faint smile. He stood with his hands and stood still. Looking at this posture, he even wanted to rely on the flesh to counter the sinking. This blow of the sword.

Shen Jian’s Liu Yunjian stabbed the sword dust on the chest with a screaming sword, and the powerful sword gas filled the air. The clothes on the sword dust instantly turned into powder, and even a piece of rag did not remain. Showing his half body that doesn't look so strong.

The black cloud sword is bursting out with a strong sword, and the sharp sword tip is tightly attached to the chest of Jian Chen. However, it is incredible that Jian Chen has suffered the sword of Shen Jian with his flesh and blood. He has not suffered any injuries. Shen Jian is even stronger than the ordinary gods in the middle of the ordinary, even Jian Jian. The layer of skin was not pierced.

The swordsmanship on the flow of the sword is also unable to hurt the sword dust.

This scene suddenly made Shen Jian’s pupil shrink suddenly, revealing a look that he could not believe. He knew early that Jian Chen’s body was very strong. When he was in Tianyuan’s mainland, Jian Chen and Xiong Zhong played against each other. The strength was obviously not as good as that of Xiong Zhong. However, with his physical strength and super resilience, he made him hard. The bears were defeated by the loss.

Later, he launched a fierce battle in the sky outside the sky, and the battle star was played in two halves. At that time, the strength of his sword completely suppressed the sword dust, and finally the sword dust was strong and beyond imagination. The resilience of the game is in jeopardy with his defeat.

It’s just that Shen Jian didn’t think of it anyway. Today’s body of Jian Chen would be so powerful that it’s incredible, and one of his own efforts, he couldn’t hurt him.

This made Shen Jian’s heart very shocked.

Looking at his intact chest, Jian Chen nodded with satisfaction and said: "According to my estimation, the middle of the gods have completely injured me. Only when the attack reaches the end of the gods can we break open. My physical defense."

"A good and powerful body!" Shen Jian took back the Liuyun sword, couldn't help but scream, did not do any protective movements, and relied on the strength of the flesh to withstand the mid-term strike of the gods, such a scene, let alone It is impossible for the Lord God to do it, even if it is a king of the king, it is impossible to do it, and even some of the beginnings are impossible.

Although the gods are threatened by the strong power of the main gods, even the king of the kings, it is because the power of the Lord God and the king of God is much stronger than the gods, even the law of comprehension is stronger than the gods, the Lord God, the God King only It is necessary to use the power of the source and the force of the law to lay a layer of defense outside the body, and the gods are already difficult to break.

If they don't take advantage of the power of the source, and the power of the law, it is only a flesh to face the mid-term strike of the gods, let alone the Lord God, even if it is the king of the king, fear is to be a sword Throughout the body, and even some weaker starters, it is impossible to withstand the attack of the gods in the flesh.

Unless they also have a practice of refining, the body is particularly strong.

Because of this, both in the sacred world and in the Tianyuan Continental, there are some peerless strongmen who are seriously injured, and they are obviously weakened by some of them, even by small people who are regarded as ants.

This is precisely because their flesh is too fragile. If you lose the powerful cultivation, even some weak beings that they regard as ants can pose a life threat to them.

But the dusty body of Jian Chen is an exception. With the strength of his current chaos, even if he is hit hard, even if he is unconscious, lying there, it is impossible to kill him in the middle of the gods, or even It is impossible to leave any wounds on the body of Jian Chen.

"With my current strength, I have the confidence to face the late stage of the Lord God, even if I can't beat the late Lord God, but with the strength and resilience of the flesh, and healing the holy medicine, I can also squat for a while. The only thing I regret is that I am The light of the Holy Power is currently unable to keep up." Jian Chen said, full of confidence. His light and holy power is still in the ninth order, which is equivalent to the Holy Emperor. But now his physical strength has reached the heavenly state, and the ninth-order light and holy force has been hard to help.

Shen Jian also nodded with deep sympathy and said: "If your light sacred power can keep up, your healing speed will definitely be more against the sky. The enemy may not have time to leave a second wound on you. Your first wound has healed, unless it is someone who is too strong in strength. Otherwise, others can't beat you."

"Right, why can't your bright holy power continue to improve?" Shen Jian once again asked, the flaws of the light of the Holy Power, also made him feel that the sword dust is somewhat defensive in defense.

The sword dust brows and reveals contemplation. "My bright light has never been able to go further since the light of the Yuan Dan. I used to listen to the fairy god, and after the bright Yuan Dan, it was full of seven colors. Gather the soul tree."

"This blooms seven colors of flowers, condenses the soul tree, because it is the realm behind the light of the Holy Spirit. Only these realms have never appeared in the Tianyuan continent, I know very little from the mouth of the fairy, so I don't know the seven colors of flowers. What is going on in the soul tree?"

Shen Jian indulged for a moment and said: "I think what you lack now is only the practice of cultivating the light of the Holy Spirit. When you find the practice in the future, the light of the Holy Spirit will continue to improve."

"I also think that there is no reason for the practice." Jian Chen agrees that he lacks not only the follow-up exercises to cultivate the Holy Spirit, but also the skills related to Wu Soul.

Gently shook his head, Jian Chen did not think about this, now I think these are useless, and immediately waved, the two top-sized Shen Jingjing suddenly appeared, heavily squatting on the ground, making a dull sound.

Jian Chen got three pieces of the top-level Shenjing in the Dongfu of the Duanmu God Wang Apprentice. At this moment, he took the two sides directly. He pointed to the two sides, and Shen Shen said to Shen Jian: "I have to go immediately. At the crucial moment, you can also help a group of 皓月仙子. Shen Jian, the two sides of the top grade Shenjing you take, you can get the Imperial City to exchange the Chinese product Shenjing to enhance their own strength."

One of the top grades is crystal, the length, width and height are one meter high, and a standard size crystal, length, width and height are about one centimeter, so one crystal, equivalent to one million standard size crystal. If the two tops Shenjing are exchanged, they can be exchanged for a full 200 million standard size Zhongjing Shenjing.

Shen Jian is also welcome, and has simply accepted the two tops.

If the two sides of the top grade Shenjing he directly absorbed, fear that even the gods can not break through in the middle, but if you take it to the Chinese product Shenjing, the amount of exchange is enough for him to cultivate to the late Tianshen.

Since then, Jian Chen and Shen Jian have made their first separation for a long time after they came to the Holy Land. Jian Chen went straight to the Dongfu of the King of Wood, while Shen Jian took the two sides. Go to the Pingtian Kingdom.

Although the two sides of Shenjing are very precious, but with the current strength of Shen Jian, as long as they do not meet the strong power of the main deities, no one can threaten him. Mobile phone users please visit

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