Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1835: Inspiring soul

For a time, the auction venue was silent, and after Ody’s bid for the bidding price of the sword, no one bid.

Everyone's eyes are all gathered in the box that Odyssey holds in their hands, no exception, even from people who are at the main **** level. They are all flashing in their eyes, and they think about it in their hearts.

Odi stood quietly on the platform. She didn't feel any surprise for such a scene. Instead, she showed a sense of self-confidence on her pretty face.

This is the tranquility before the storm, the debut of the sword, is bound to push this auction event to a new peak.

Because the value of this sword will far exceed any item in the previous auction.

"Since no one has quoted it, then I have to open a head, 600,000 top grade Shenjing. You, who want to take the sword, but can't continue to silence like this, don't wait for the three channels. Counting down, this sword was photographed by me with 600,000 Shangpin Shenjing."

The strange silence did not last long, and it was intended by the voice of a middle-aged man with a full-fledged voice. With a bit of smile in his tone, he came out from a VIP room.

"This Xiongtai is laughing. After all, it is a sword. It is not a big thing for the main gods. But for me, having a sword, the meaning will be very significant. You have 600,000 top grades. Shen Jing wants to buy a sword, which is too much to humiliate the value of this sword. It is even more humiliating the master of the main **** who made the sword." The voice of the man just fell, then It was a voice coming from the VIP room, with a bit of femininity, and even a bit of disdain.

Then, this somewhat feminine voice paused, and the indifference quoted: "Red 霄 神 神, war family, bid for a million top grades."

"The people of the war family did not expect that the person in the box turned out to be from the War family."

"The War's family is not only the main god-level family in Akasaka, but also belongs to the kind of top-level big forces. The status of the Akasaka is equivalent to the sheep of the Pingtian Kingdom."

"Is that the only family in Akasaka who has two strong masters in the country?"

The name of the War family was heard, and there was a heated discussion in the auction room. Many people talked about the War Family, and they all showed a fascinating color in their eyes.

A double god, this is among the few gods in the neighborhood, but it is very rare, even counting all the gods in the surrounding world. It is difficult to find a double **** except the warring family of the Akasaka Kingdom. Family.

The reputation of the War family is not that big.

However, the most famous thing, this time, the nine people in the VIP box are from the main god-level family. Under the competition of treasures, they naturally will not sell the warrior family face of the Akasaka Kingdom.

"1.2 million top grade Shenjing"

"1.3 million top grade Shenjing"

The battle for Daojian is very fierce. Almost half of the main god-level families gathered here have participated in the battle for this sword. Because this sword has almost the ability to kill the gods, even if it is difficult to escape in the late days of the gods, such treasures will naturally be valued by these main gods.

The price of Daojian climbed rapidly and soon broke through two million tops. There have been some main gods who have given up the battle for the sword, but there are still a few who do not give in, and continue to increase the price.

Even some people began to report the name of their family, hoping to use the family's prestige to shock the competitors. But unfortunately, these main god-level families from different countries of God do not have much jealousy between them.

In the end, this sword was taken from the main god-level power of the nine-star **** country and bought at a high price of four million.

Such a price makes sword dust amazed. He learned a lot about the sword from the mouth of the gods' forbidden army. For the main god-level powerhouse, it would not be too difficult to make a sword. It only takes some time, the real The avenues that hinder the forces that carry the rules of the world are hard to find.

If he has a boulevard in his hand, wouldn't it be easy to earn millions of top grades?

Next, several items were sold, and each item was not a good one. Even for some main god-level families, it was a rare treasure. The transaction price was high and the lowest was dozens. Wan Shang Pin Shen Jing.

After all, this is the collection of the Eight-Party Emperor Chamber of Commerce, which took a hundred years to settle, and what can be taken up is naturally worthwhile.

"The brothers, the items that are auctioned next are also very precious. However, due to the special nature of this object, it is not allowed to be exposed to the outside world for a long time. It must be carefully sealed at all times before it can be preserved. The greatest value, you must be careful to see the brothers." Oudi hands holding a one-foot square ancient wooden treasure box, the treasure box is also blocked by heavy methods, with her voice, on the ancient wooden treasure box The array method was gradually unraveled, and suddenly, a strange scent was filled out from the ancient wooden treasure box.

This strange fragrance caused the vibration of the gods. At this moment, everyone in the auction hall felt that their gods were shaking uncontrollably, and a stock was refreshing, or The feeling of intoxication came from the depths of his head.

The sword dust sitting in the VIP room between the knees, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, revealing the strangeness, staring at the ancient wooden treasure box in the hands of Ody.

The ancient wooden treasure box was opened, and it was only inside. There was a lotus lying quietly. This lotus was only the size of a fist, it was dark as ink, and the nine lotus petals stretched out slightly, each on the piece. There are strange patterns, which are intertwined with the rules of heaven and earth, with a mysterious power.

Only showing a time of breathing, Oudi closed the lid of the ancient wooden treasure box, reactivated the above array, completely covered the breath of the soul-sucking lotus, and smiled: "This is the soul-sucking lotus, It is very rare, it is the best holy medicine for the treatment of the wounds of the Yuanshen, and it also has the effect of condensing the gods and strengthening the gods. The brothers who are sure to do all know the value of the soul-sucking lotus, then I will not say more. The starting price is 500,000 yuan.

"Inspiring the soul lotus, it is really the soul-sucking lotus, this big elder is saved." In a VIP box, a middle-aged man with a sword-browed eye stared at the ancient wooden box in the hands of Ody, tone Said tremblingly.

"This soul-sucking lotus is related to the life of the elders, so this time, we have to shoot it in any case." Next to the middle-aged man, there are three men of the same age, one of them. In a cold voice, the firmness of the gaze is revealed in the eyes.

PS: I continue to write the second chapter, but the update time of the second chapter is estimated to be somewhat late. Don't wait at night, read it in the morning.

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