Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1836: Leijia

"Unfortunately, the elders are still in the late days of the gods. The gods of the gods were devastated decades ago. It hurts his origins. Even if he uses the spirits to heal the wounds of the gods, he is afraid that he will not be able to enter the main state. The resources that Lao Zu Ken spent on him are only the top three, but it is still in the sentiment of the great elders for the family. Now I only hope that the introduction of this soul will not cause too much. The competition for many people. Although the three million top-quality Shenjing we brought is reasonable enough to buy the soul-sucking lotus, but the fear of more people, let the price of the soul-sucking rose." Third place The middle-aged man said, with a bit of worry.

"Hey, we must get our hands, even if the soul-sucking lotus is bought by other people, then we have to let him buy it, and take it away." The fourth middle-aged man said coldly, There was a glimmer of gaze in the eyes.

At the same time, in the rest of the auction room, there are also some people from the main god-level forces who are holding a heart in the soul-stricken lotus.

The Tiandi Dibao for the treatment of Yuanshen's wounds is quite a few in the sanctuary, but most of them are just some common items. They are not useful for the high-level powerhouses. The high-level heavenly treasures like the Evangelion are extremely It's rare, whether they need it now or not, it can be played in a family.

Only a few bids, the price of the soul-sucking lotus has climbed to a million top quality Shenjing, people from the main god-level forces are clear about the precious and value of the soul-sucking lotus, have participated in the auction, do not want to miss.

"1.2 million top grade Shenjing"

"1.3 million top grade Shenjing"

"One hundred and eighty thousand top grades"

Seeing that the price climbed so quickly, the four middle-aged men in the VIP room couldn’t sit still, and immediately one stood up and stood in front of the window of the VIP room: "You, we are from Jinyun The people of the Lei family, our great elders of the Lei family have been extremely traumatized, even to the critical moment that is about to threaten life, and this strain of souls is urgently needed. And this time we flashed the four brothers out. The ancestors have also explained that, in any case, we must get this life-threatening lotus to save the life of the elders, so please also invite you to reluctantly cut love, let this strain of the soul of the lotus to us, we Lei family is grateful, and now our Lei family bids for 2.5 million top grades, so the price will not humiliate the value of the soul-sucking lotus."

"The Lei family of Jinyun Shenguo, this is a very great big family. It is said that the Lei family of Jinyun Shenguo had a **** king in 100,000 years ago, but later the top strongman Inexplicably disappeared"

"I didn't expect the four brothers of the Thunder to come in person. The four of them are the four kings of the Lei family. The strength is very strong. It is said that the four brothers master a set of combo techniques. After joining forces, they can even cross that huge one. Tiankan, which is superior to the main gods, is very powerful."

As the words of the four brothers of the Thunder are heard, the bidding sound of the soul-sucking lotus has also stopped for a while, and the price has been stuck on the 2.5 million Shangpin Shenjing reported by the four brothers of the Thunder, and no one has bid for a long time. .

The people gathered here are from different neighboring countries of the gods, and the main god-level forces that are hindered by national borders. The mutual jealousy is not so strong, but it means that the strengths of the two sides are not much different.

But the Lei family of the gods of the gods is an exception. This is a very powerful and very enchanting family. Even if there are obstacles in the national border, few people dare to offend the Lei family.

Even the top-family sheep family in the Pingtian Kingdom is very jealous of the Lei family.

"Lee family in the gods of the gods?" Jian Chen sat quietly in the VIP room, and couldn't help but recall the news about the Lei family in the exchange with the mystery.

For Lei family, even the mystery is a bit jealous. Because Lei Jia’s rumors of a strong king of the gods appeared 100,000 years ago, it has almost been confirmed to be true, but only for some reason later, the **** king’s strong and strange disappearance, there is no news so far.

Moreover, the disillusioned **** of the missing king of Lei family does not talk about it. It is only the Lei family itself that has a very powerful and terrible strength.

Legend has it that the Lei family comes from a very mysterious ancient royal family. It has a unique blood flow in its body. It is naturally intimate with lightning. Everyone who is a Lei family becomes a god. The law is one of the most aggressive in the three thousand rules, juxtaposed with the laws of kendo and destruction.

Moreover, the people of Leijia, the use of the law of lightning, is more sophisticated than others, as if the entire Lei family is the darling of lightning, has a congenital advantage.

In addition to these, there is also an important factor, Lei family, is also a powerful family with two main gods sitting in the town!

"Since Lei family urgently needs this strain of soul-sucking lotus, then our Chu family will give up this soul-sucking lotus."

"We Pai Yunzong also gave up this strain of soul-sucking lotus"

"Dengtiange gave up this strain of soul-sucking lotus"

Many of the main god-level forces have given up, and almost all of them have reported their names, in order to show goodwill, and dare not provoke Lei.

The faces of the four brothers of the Thunder are gradually showing a smile, and they are greatly relieved. However, when this smile has not lasted for a long time, it is stopped by a calm voice.

"I have three million top grades, this strain of soul-sucking lotus, I also need it very much." The sword dust sitting in the box is finally quoted. Inspiring the soul, he is determined to win, because this is the hope that makes Kea wake up.

The people in the field were quiet, everyone looked at the box of Jian Chen in the direction of the sound. Unfortunately, the windows of the box were closed and there was a way of isolating the gods, unless the people inside would like it, otherwise, the people outside. God knows that it will not be explored.

Xi Yu and Mo Yan are also sitting in the box in a leisurely manner, watching the dragons fighting in the auction venue with great interest. At the moment when the sound of Jian Chen’s voice came out, the look of the two of them suddenly became a stiff .

"Treasure sister, this seems to be the voice of the sword dust master. You said that the sword dust homeowner should not be here." Mo Yan squinted with a pair of eyes, staring at the rain, but immediately a pretty Yan became excited.

The rain quietly nodded and said softly: "Yes, it is the voice of the owner. The owner has disappeared for decades. It was only a few days ago that there was news that he was in the Wangmu Temple of Duanmu God. I did not expect that he even came to the emperor now. In the city, and also participated in this auction event."

PS: Please pay attention to Happy Public WeChat: xinxingxiaoyao110, which is the full pinyin of my pseudonym plus an alarm call, some of the latest updates on the update, Xiaoyao will tell everyone through the public WeChat from time to time.

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