Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1879: Nine kings

"Even if the chance of survival is less than one tenth, but after all, there is still a glimmer of life, but if I don't do it, it will die. The strength of the demon flower that reaches the king of God has far exceeded. The national guardian of the Pingtian Kingdom, with my current strength, only rely on this pair of swords to fight for a chance."

"In addition, even after the combination of the two swords, I fell to the end of the game, but this demon flower will never be better, will inevitably pay a heavy price."

Jian Chen is known for his voice and his eyes are firm. Now he has nowhere to go.

The power of the colorful demon flower, even if he casts his sword, can not pose a threat to him.

Because the strength gap between the two is really too big.

"If the two swords are combined, this demon flower will die, but the master you" Ziqing sword spirit sighs.

Two purple-blue swords appeared in the top of the sword dust, breaking through the seven-color poisonous obstacles, straight into the sky, exuding a dying power.

Moreover, under the control of Jian Chen, these two swords are gradually approaching and will be merged into one.

Suddenly, as the two swords are constantly approaching, there is gradually a horrific power to destroy the earth, and more and more


Strong, chaotic, and the whole piece of the void here is trembled violently.

This pressure is really too strong. In front of it, it seems that even this world is trembled and fearful.

"What is this?"

The seven burials are tightly bound by the roots of their swords. In its eyes, the sword dust is just a weak existence of a cockroach, and it is really vulnerable. However, at this moment, the horrible atmosphere of the ruined land from Jian Chen is to make it involuntarily tremble, an unprecedented fear, quietly spread throughout it.

Because of it at the moment, smelling a breath of death, this breath is so close to it.

"Damn, what is this secret technique, it is so terrible, I feel creepy." The bald-headed man who took the sword dust armor came out of the cave again, and his eyes were so large that they couldn’t believe it. Staring at the sword dust, full of horror.

"This outsider is showing a secret law to destroy the earth and destroy the land. Seven burials, what are you still hesitating, and quickly kill him, don't let his secret technique be brewed." In the distance, a foot is high. The huge old tree took the roots of the tree and walked quickly. On the thick trunk, an old face emerged, and the wrinkles on the face had been squeezed into a piece, and the face was dignified.

This turned into a demon's old tree, and also has the strength of the king's kingdom. Like the seven burials, it is not an ordinary **** king. It is much more powerful than the national guardian of the Pingtian **** country.

The appearance of this old tree is still brewing. The sword dust that is trying to make the two swords together is a pupil. I did not expect that there are three gods in the deepest part of the seven yin mountains.

"Seven burials, kill him"

“Hurry up”

However, this has not stopped. The hidden kings of the seven yin yin mountains are more than three. From the old tree, several figures have come out from the thick colorful poisonous scorpions. amazing.

"Eight gods!"

This time, even Jian Chen has been stunned. Among the small seven yin yin mountains, there are actually eight gods and kings.

At this moment, a rumor came, only to see a scary python with only the thickness of the bowl, but the body was long. The small eyes were also full of dignified colors staring at the sword dust. .

On the back of this very slender python, there is a gold, a silver and two silk threads that have spread from the beginning to the end.

"Gold silk snake!"

When Jian Chen’s heart was shocked, he instantly recognized that the body had only the thickness of the bowl. However, the snake that was several thousand feet long was the same family of Nubis, the golden silk silver snake.

The strength of this golden silk snake has also reached the kingdom of God.

"Nine kings!" Jian Chen’s heart was bitter, until now he knew what kind of place he had come to, and there was a nest of gods hidden inside, all of them strong in the field of highly toxic. .

In the next moment, Jian Chen will make a long whistling sound in the sky, and the body will have a strong purple-green light, and make every effort to make the two swords merge.

The combination of the two swords, with his current strength, can not be completed in an instant, and requires a brewing process.

But now, Jian Chen simply wants to let the two swords complete the merger in a flash.

In his mouth, there is already blood spilling. The combination of the two swords is too horrible. If the merger is not completed, he will suffer the power of counter-attacking.

"Even if I am buried here today, I have to pull a few to cushion the back." Jian Chen has been holding the heart of death.

At the same time, the seven burials also fully attacked the sword dust, trying to stop the sword dust and the sword.

Suddenly, the sudden changes, a soft light descended from the sky, breaking through the seven-color poisonous obstacles, forming a mask to cover the sword dust.

This layer of reticle seems to be weak, but it is extremely powerful. When the attack from the seven burial forces hits the mask, it is impossible to break this thin film-like mask.

"Who is the power of a strong law?" The seven burials sent out the whirl of thoughts, and the flowers of the size of a hundred feet were gently swaying, and each petal was quickly closed, and a powerful energy was brewing.

This reticle can block its attack, the strong is not the mask itself, but the power of the law.

The other eight gods of the seven yin yin mountains are also slightly changed, and all eyes are on the mask in front of the sword dust, and the face is serious.

Jian Chen naturally noticed the sudden change. He stared at the soft light that surrounds him, and his face showed a hint of joy.

This soft light, he is very familiar, familiar with him so that he instantly remembered a shadow of the wind.

"Quickly stop this secret, although I don't know what this secret is, but its power is far more than your current strength. If you use this method, you must pay an unimaginable price."

In the ear of Jian Chen, a familiar voice came.

With the voice, a woman wearing a long white dress and surrounded by bright moonlight is slowly descending from the sky.

She is full of beauty and glory. A round of bright moon hangs behind her, making her look like a flying fairy in the moon, extraordinary and refined, not touching the fireworks. The momentum radiated from the body is even vast, like a sea, covering the entire seven yin yin mountains, very terrifying, so that the heavens and the earth are trembled, and the winds are surging.

Her indifference was slowly swept away from the nine princes, such as the Seven Funerals, with a bit of contempt, just like watching nine ants.

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