Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1880: 皓月出手


The tone of Jian Chen is full of surprises. He never imagined that in this moment of distress, the fairy who has left for decades will appear here, and the strength is strong. Escaped from the end of the wood **** Wang Dongfu.

Nowadays, she is only a layer of defense under the cloth, and it can easily resist the attack of the seven funerals.

The fairy tales appeared here, and Jian Chen knew that the dangers he faced at the moment would be solved. He did not hesitate at the moment and immediately gave up the two swords.

At the same time, Ziqing Sword Spirit is also secretly exerting strength to assist Jian Chen and make every effort to separate the two swords that will be merged together.

In the meantime, Jian Chen suffered a strong counter-attack again, his face became pale, without a trace of blood, his face was wilting, and there was a weakness.

The combination of the two swords, the power of counter-attack is too strong, just the process of combining, when not fully combined, it has already caused Jian Chen to suffer such a serious trauma.

If he is the body of chaos, the body is very powerful, and the rest of the people will suffer such damage. Even if it is not dead, there will be only half life.

"We are the people of the Huangyang Emperor of the Blood Yang Dynasty, sir, who are you? Which family does it belong to?" The seven-footed petals of the seven burial have been tightly closed, sending out a wave of thoughts, and the voice is full of dignity. .

At the same time, the other eight gods hidden in the depths of the seven yin yin mountains also came at the same time. Some of these people have become adult-type, some are still the same as the seven burials, and still maintain the body of the plant.

They stood with the seven burials, and everyone's eyes were all brushed together on the moon fairy, and the look was very serious.

The moon fairy did not pay attention to the nine kings of the meeting, but turned his head and stared at the sword dust. He frowned: "When I left, did I give you a jade symbol for communication? Why did you encounter danger? Don't pinch the jade to inform me? If I happen to be here, you are afraid that you will die."

Wen Yan said, Jian Chen’s face showed a bitter smile, saying: “There is a face of me, but there are nine gods. Although I can’t see their exact strength, they must have surpassed the early days of the king. In just a few decades, I don’t know where the strength of the fairy has recovered. If you call it is not an opponent, then it is not harmful to you."

"And, the time is so short, if the fairy is far away from my position, even if you ask for help from the fairy, I don't know if the fairy can arrive."

"It’s polite. It’s good. The strength of these nine people has reached the late stage of the gods. The strength is strong. It is indeed not comparable to the early days of the gods.” To Jian Chen, said: "This is a healing medicine for God's class. You can take it quickly."

"God-level medicinal herbs?" Jian Chen secretly swears, God-level medicinal herbs, is already a **** Dan, far more than the elixir, each grain is worthless, many gods have never had such a level of Dan medicine.

Unexpectedly, I haven't seen it for a few decades, and the fairy tales have even come out with the god-level medicinal herbs.

"God is back to you, sir, please also leave quickly." The bald man was more unwilling, and unwilling to throw out the arrogant armor in his hand, said with a blank expression.

The reason why Dotti is so simple to return to the gods is because this armor has been broken and the value is greatly reduced. And he also saw the power of the fairy moon, and could not offend a powerful enemy for a broken armor.

The moon fairy has passed the gods, and a faint color is revealed in his eyes. Then he will hand the gods to the sword dust and say: "Sword dust, you should not come here for no reason, because it is looking for What?"

"Nice" Jian Chen illustrates the purpose of coming to the seven yin mountains.

I heard that Jian Chen came here to find the treasure of heaven and earth that healed the Yuanshen. The opposite of the nine great kings of the kings, each face changed.

"Looking for the Tiandi Dibao to heal the wounds of the Yuanshen, you really came to the right place." The fairy of the moon smiled lightly, staring at the opposite king of the gods, and said: "According to the knowledge of this fairy, your hands are just right. There is a cloud of flowers, which is a god-level product. The most important function is to heal the wounds of the gods. Secondly, it can also be used as a nutrient for cultivating avenues."

"Hello, what do you want to do?" The nine gods of the seven yin mountains became stunned and full of vigilance.

"The meaning of this fairy, you should understand, do you hand it over, or do you want this fairy to come in person?" The fairy of the moon said calmly and calmly.

"The virtual cloud is the thing of the Nine Emperors. You, are you sure you want to **** the things of the Nine Emperors? You know, the Nine Emperors are the most promising people to visit the **** emperor, even the Promise. Give the Nine Emperors a few thin faces." The old tree spoke up and wanted to let the fairy goddess retreat.

"Who is the Nine Emperor? This fairy has never heard of it, but today the fairy wants more than just a cloud of flowers, but also the avenue of flowers planted here." Yu Yuexian said.

When I heard this, Jian Chen almost understood that the nine gods in front of him were sent by the nine emperors of the immortal dynasty of the southern region. The purpose was to cultivate avenues here.

And the moon fairy, apparently for the boulevard.

"I just don't know what this avenue is? It looks very precious." Jian Chen's heart is dark.

"The avenue flower is very important for the nine emperors. If you want avenue flowers, then you will only step on the bodies of our nine people." The old tree said quietly.

The face of Haoyue Fairy sank and said: "If this is the case, then I have to let the fairy come in person."

Suddenly, the fairy tales of the moon are full of light, like a huge moon, the holy and soft moonlight shines down, dispels the thick seven-color poisonous obstacles around, and spreads the entire mountain. A layer of silver.

The nine kings of the kings of the king, at this moment are shrouded in this moonlight. This moonlight seems to contain the power of the years, which can reverse time and space and reverse the past and the future.

Under the moonlight, I saw that the faces of the nine of them were changing at a rapid pace. In the transition to a young age, the old and the seven burials, the original huge body, were also shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In them, there are incredible things happening at the moment, as if the time they have experienced in this life is rapidly retreating from the present to the past.

What is even more horrifying is that even the strength of their nine people is now rapidly declining, from the late period of the king of the gods to the middle of the gods, and then the early days of the gods.

"This is a supernatural power. It's not good. She used the magical powers to let us go back to the past." The nine kings of the seven yin yin screamed, and their faces changed.

"Hello, do you really want to **** the things of the Nine Emperors? The Nine Emperors will not let you go, even if you are a Promise, you can create a lot of trouble for you with the power of the Nine Emperors." Say loudly.

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