Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1921: God sneak attack

Jian Chen chased the escape map and left the battlefield.

However, the tens of thousands of people of the celestial sacred sect have already been destroyed by the sword dust. The sacred sacred soldiers who have been killed have reached more than 10,000, greatly alleviating the pressure on the side of the gods, and let the gods of the gods, You can draw more gods to resist the remaining tens of thousands of people.

On the plain far from the battlefield, Jian Chen exerted a word of lightning, and the body was lightning. He had already caught up with the map of self-escape, and directly grasped the image in his hand.

On this map, it was apparent that the rear hand was arranged by the celestial sacred religion. At the moment when Jian Chen seized the map, there was a powerful force venting out and trying to break free from the palm of the sword.

At the same time, the array seems to be drawn by a mysterious force. Although it is tightly held in the hand by the sword dust, the speed is still not stopped. It is almost all the way to the sword dust and galloping away. Very fast, between the moments, it has already passed the Wanli Mountain River.

In a short period of time, Jian Chen was dragged away from the battlefield by this picture. However, he still has not given up. For this picture, he is determined to win.

I saw it in his palm, the powerful force of chaos radiated with a devastating atmosphere, and wrapped the palm of the sword dust together with the map.

At the same time, there is a law of kendo that comes from the void and surrounds the sword dust.

With the power of chaos and the power of the laws of the kendo, Jian Chen has a two-pronged approach to suppress the power of the array.

Finally, the resistance of the array became weaker and weaker, and finally it became quiet and quietly lying in the hands of Jian Chen, seeming to have lost all power.

However, Jian Chen still dare not take it lightly. He has never seen a map that will run on his own. In order to prevent accidents, he has not revoked the power of chaos and the law of kendo.

However, at this time, Jian Chen’s face changed slightly and suddenly looked up at the sky.

I saw it in the sky, and several flags were turned into beams, and they descended from the sky at lightning speed. In a moment, a large array was formed around the sword dust, which shrouded the square and trapped a space, trapping the sword dust. Inside.

When the formation was launched, the sight of Jian Chen’s eyes immediately changed suddenly. It appeared in a long desert of yellow sand, and the heavens and the earth became a line, and they could not see the head.

At the same time, behind the sword dust, a very incomparable knife suddenly appeared, the power of terror was compressed above the blade, with the power of cutting space, unrelentingly headed toward the head of Jian Chen.

This knife is not only fast, accurate, and sturdy. It wants to directly smash the soul of the sword dust, and the power contained in it is even vast and terrifying. This piece of emptiness is distorted.

The knife and the tactics are almost simultaneously launched, and they want to kill them when they are not ready.

However, Jian Chen has long been a thing of the past. When he saw the flag falling from the sky, he already had a warning.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the mans flashed and his face became very dignified. He didn't hesitate. The Chaos Nei Dan swallowed a lot of chaotic power in an instant, and instantly showed the power of Chaos to the extreme.

At the same time, in the sword of his hand, the power of chaos burned like a flame, and accompanied by the power of a layer of kendo, he did not hesitate to go behind him.

Jian Chen knows how strong his sneak attack is. Therefore, this blow is his full force, and his strength is unreserved.

The strength of the eleventh layer of chaos is finally revealed at this moment.


In the roaring sound, the stunned rainbow sword collided with the knives behind him, just like two comets collided together, causing a violent big bang, and the horrible energy aftershocks, the space of this array was fierce. Distorted.

After a blow, the body of Jian Chen flew away and there was blood overflowing from the corner of his mouth.

He had previously suffered the attack of the god-level runes without any precautions. This is the body of the wound. Although the injury was suppressed, it did not heal.

Now, he is hard-hitting with such a strong person, and naturally it is also involved in the injury in the body, which makes him more serious, and his mouth overflows.

The body of the sword dust is like a fallen leaf. After floating for hundreds of meters, it floats up and stands, with no expression on it, and staring coldly at the front.

I saw there, and there was a man with a long knife in his face, with a mask on his face.

This mask exudes strange fluctuations, which not only make people's knowledge impossible to penetrate, but even cover the atmosphere of the person wearing it.

And the strength of this person is the true king of God!

The king of gods, among the kingdoms of God, belong to the most powerful, and their status is extremely noble and admired by thousands of people.

Even among the ancient dynasties, the King of God was a cross-walking figure. In the royal family, it belongs to the category of worship. Among the top sects like the Lingsong, it is a high-ranking elder.

"You are not the person of the Holy Spirit, who are you?" Jian Chen was suspended in the air, spit out a bloody, silently running the power of chaos to heal, staring sharply at the opposite person.

The practice that this person has cultivated is not the sacred sacred religion. Moreover, if the **** king of the celestial sacred religion wants to kill himself, why should he cover up his true face, so his heart is interrupted to the person in front of him, and he is the king of the king of his own.

Judging from the behavior that he even covered up with breath, it is obviously worried that some breath will leak and will be recognized by himself.

Opposite, the mysterious **** king with a mask, a pair of naked eyes staring at the sword dust filled with horror, said: "The old man looked at you, I did not expect you to become so strong, the front bears the old man The blow was only suffered from some minor injuries."

"As for the identity of the old man, you don't need to know, just need to understand that the old man is enough to kill you."

The **** king with a mask no longer speaks, the voice just falls, his figure appears in front of the sword dust like a teleport, and the long knife in his hand carries the strength of the vast sea without hesitation to the head of Jian Chen. .

He still wants to do a hit and kill, clean and clean up the sword dust.

Jian Chen screamed in the sky, a long hair without wind, and the momentum of Haotian radiated from him, showing all the strength to fight.

This space has been trapped and trapped in this world, making it a solid prison and cannot escape.

Therefore, he only has to do his best to fight.

In the sword dust, the set of gods has been put on. In the face of a trapped king of the king of the king, he is already the body of the wound and he must go all out and cannot have any reservations.

"Da Luojian!"

The sword dust pinches the sword, and when he comes up, he exerts the sword of the big sword. The golden sword is not only containing his feelings about the kendo, but also the power of the eleventh layer of the chaos.

Eventually, the power of this sword spirit broke through the limits of the Lord God in an instant and entered the king level.

In the face of the amazing blow of Jian Chen, the face of the **** of the mask is also shocked, he can clearly feel how powerful this sword is, can not help but let him send out Marvel, is this really the power that a Lord God should have?

However, although he was very impressed with the strength of Jian Chen, he did not show mercy with his hands. The long knife in his hand touched the sword of Da Luo with the power of destruction.

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