Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1922: Sneak attacker

A loud noise, the sword of the Dash of the sword was beaten by a masked god, and the raging energy was raging, and the void was shaking.

The **** of the mask with the radiance of the whole body shines, he protects the body with the power of the law, and easily withstands the attack of energy aftermath.

After a blow, he immediately launched a second strike, rushing to the sword dust at lightning speed. The long knife in his hand had a terrible energy cohesion, and suddenly took the force with the law.

In the eyes of Jian Chen, the glory of the eyes, the gaze became very fierce, as if there was a sigh of sighs from his eyes, it was shocking.

He was filled with the power of chaos. In the face of a **** king, he not only did not have the slightest fear, but he was wary of the sky. In a roar, he held the stunned rainbow sword and rushed straight up, fighting with the masked **** king. .

I have to, the chaos body breaks through the eleventh layer of the sword dust is very powerful, not to mention the invincible in the main god, even if this moment facing the **** king strong, the injured body can compete with it.

The two played very fiercely, the sky was broken, the sun and the moon were dull, and the powerful energy aftermath was raging in the battle. The storm was shocked.

The masked **** king is more and more shocked at the moment. The more he fights, the more unbelievable. The strength of Jian Chen’s strength is far beyond his expectations. He has the ability to fight with him for so long, not only Not falling into the wind, but also fighting more and more brave.

The blood on Jian Chen’s body seems to be not his own. It is obviously hurt very much, but it seems that it looks like an injured, and the breath is not seen.

"The reason why Jian Chen has such a terrible power, everything is given by his eccentric power. What power is this, so powerful, obviously not yet at the level of the king of God, but can barely compete with the king of God"

"What is the anti-day practice, can only cultivate such a powerful force to come out." The **** of the mask with a heart turned sharply. At this moment, he also had a strong curiosity about the practice of Jian Chen.

"Can't delay, you must speed up the battle, so as not to regenerate." Long-term attack, which makes the mask **** Wang heart is also a little anxious, immediately heart-to-heart, immediately cast a war.

Suddenly, the power of heaven and earth came, and the masked king of the gods held the long knife in his hand above the head. The inexhaustible power quickly condensed, and the whole space became muted.

In a short moment, the mask of the **** of the gods was brewed, and the long sword in the hand with the power of terror to the extreme, accompanied by the power of the heavens and the earth, directly went to the sword dust.

One knife is out, the heavens and the earth are eclipsed, the sun, the moon and the stars are dim, and the terror power condensed on the long knife is turned into a torrent, and the power of destroying the earth and destroying the land goes straight to the sword dust.

The power of this attack is terrible. The place where the knife is worn, the space is distorted, the power of the source is broken, and it seems that it wants to tear the space. On the ground, there is even a huge gap that is bottomless.

The face of Jian Chen became extremely dignified. This is a warfare technique exerted by a strong king of the kings. His power is strong and he feels a huge crisis.

"Taiyi sword!"

Jian Chen hand-kneaded swords, body and sword, God and sword melt, Jianqi gathered, to become a sword, turned into a huge and awkward sword gas shot.

At the same time, on top of his head, a sword-sized sword with a finger suddenly appeared.

As soon as this sword appeared, it gave off an earth-shattering sword, which was terrible.

But at this moment, because the mask gods show their skills, accompanied by a world of power, so the sword's edge is not conspicuous.


The power of the king's display, the power is too strong, the two just confronted, the sword dust is the blood of the mouth spit out, the set of gods worn on him, there is also a white on the chest Scratches.

Although the armor does not have the power of the artifact, but its own sturdiness is still there, so the warfare of the king of the gods in front of him can not cause the damage of the gods.

However, all the power of this attack has been transmitted to the body of Jian Chen through the gods. It is only the powerful anti-seismic force that makes the injury on Jian Chen even more serious.

However, at the moment of the confrontation, the small swords that condensed on the top of the sword dust head turned into a white mans, passing through the raging energy storm at a speed faster than lightning, and directed directly to the mask. God's eyebrows.

The speed of this sword is too fast, and it is concealed by the power of the heavens and the raging energy storm, so that the mask **** does not have the first time to notice, when it is detected, it is too late.


The finger-sized sword gas directly hits the eyebrow of the mask god, leaving a blood hole between the eyebrows.


The **** of the mask with a scream of pain, the power of the gods condensed on him quickly dissipated at this moment, even the long knife held in his hand fell to the ground, his hands licked his hair and painfully The screams, his face has become pale.

The mask on his face was also broken in the sound of "砰", revealing an old face hidden under the mask.

This is an old man with wrinkles on his face, but at this moment, his facial muscles are twisting, and the pain from the gods makes his body tremble violently.

"I didn't expect to bear a mysterious sword. His gods have not yet dissipated. The king of God is really strong." In the distance, Jian Chen paled up a face and climbed up from the ground, silently running the power of chaos to heal, slowly This **** king is coming.

In him, there is constant blood and low, and as he advances, he leaves a **** road.

Soon, Jian Chen came to this **** who was suffering and screaming.

However, when he saw the face of the god, the look was a glimpse, and immediately became cold.

He thought that he would attack his **** king. It is very likely that he was one of the three elders of the spiritual sect. After all, after the palace fan sneaked with a god-level rune, he and the spirit of the sect had already complained. deep.

Therefore, it is reasonable for the three elders of the Lingling to kill themselves.

However, he never imagined that he would be trapped here by the trapped squad, and then the **** king who launched his own lore was actually this person.

"Taiyun Daozong, my sword dust and you have no enmity, I do not know why you want to kill me." Jian Chen eyes staring coldly at the old man, the tone is unusually cold.

This old man is one of the elders of Taiyun Daozong.

For this sneak attack on the **** king, there are many kinds of speculations about Jian Chen. Some people think that it may not be the person of the spiritual sect, but other forces. But never imagined that it would be the elder of Taiyun Daozong.

Among the main halls in the fortress, Taiyun Daozong is among the many forces. The only one who shows his kindness to himself is to stand on one side with himself and jointly suppress the elders of the Lingzong.

Ps: The status has not been adjusted yet, but please rest assured that after I am in good condition, the update will return to the level of the previous few days.

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