Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1939: Battle fly river

This killing is directly caused by the sharp drop in the surrounding temperature, which is like a thousand years of ice.

On the prosperous street, it is already crowded with people. However, under the savage murder of the middle-aged man in white, everyone feels chilly, full of chills, and involuntarily retreats, even the Lord God. The same is true for the strong.

"God king!"

Numerous people have secretly exclaimed, looking at the gaze of the middle-aged man in white, full of fear from the heart, mixed in it, there is a hint of envy and yearning.

The kingdom of God, for them, is the realm of dreams and the pursuit of their lives.

"Who, who is this, who is this hand?" The white king of God was so angry that he was roaring in a low voice, but immediately, he locked his eyes in the shop where Jian Chen was.

Because there are still a few disciples of Ganyunmen lying on the ground, the blood has been paved into a carpet, giving off a **** smell.

In the shop, the Princess of Stars and the Princess of the Blue Princess all showed a look of innocence. Some of them had a schadenfreak on the eye of the sword, and they came out of the inn with their own guards.

However, the two of them did not go far, but stood in the distance and looked at it with enthusiasm.

The white king of the gods also recognized the star princess and the blue princess. His eyes were tight on the two princesses, and he stared at Jian Chen with a sharp eye.

At this time, Jian Chen also put away the illusory star stone from the shop, looking at the white king of the gods as if to kill the general eye, but it is calm, calm and self-confident.

"Is you hurt Zhou Chu?" The eyes of the king of white clothes are extremely terrible. With the voice, a sly weather that belongs to the king of the king of the kings exudes from him, like a mountain, generally pressed against the sword dust.

At this moment, it was a powerful momentum that came from me. I saw a middle-aged man wearing a armor and a mighty man in the void.

In the distance, there are a large number of banned armies wearing armor that are coming quickly here.

"It is the general of the Guards of the Emperor's Guards."

The middle-aged man in the armor just appeared, and there was a loud exclamation around him.

Kim’s face appeared blankly here, his eyes swept away Zhou Chu, who was almost abandoned, and his brow immediately wrinkled.

He knows exactly how special Zhou Chu’s position in Ganyunmen is. Among the two ancestors of Ganyunmen, one of them is Zhou Chu’s elder, and now Zhou Chu suffered such a heavy blow in the emperor. As the general in charge of the order of the emperor, it will be difficult to blame.

General Kim’s face became gloomy in an instant, his eyes glanced, and when he was about to ask the murderer, he suddenly found the sword dust, which made him look a glimpse.

The keen intuition made him subconsciously understand who the culprit was, and suddenly felt the first two big, I don't know what to do.

The people on both sides have a big background, and no one can offend.

"Yes, people are hurting me. Don't you ask me why I want to hurt people?" Jian Chen stared at the white king of the white, and said calmly.

"Sword dust little friend, Feihe brother, this is afraid of some misunderstandings, please please do not look for it, and wait for the results of the investigation to be clear." General Jin spoke up, he was originally imposing, fierce, But now it can only slow down the tone of persuasion.

"Misundering? Hey, Zhou Chuxian has been hurt like this. No matter what misunderstanding, it will turn into hatred. General Jin, you don't need to say more, no matter what background behind this person, you must hold it for this. Pay the price." The white king of God said coldly, the attitude of General Jin, how to make him not see the background of Jian Chen is not easy.

But they did not worry about who they did.

"Since you have turned Zhou Chu into a waste person, then I will also abolish you, and then I will wait for the ancestral door and hand it over to my ancestors." The white king said, with the voice, he pointed a little at the sword dust. .

This point, he led the power of the law between heaven and earth, a powerful law belonging to the kingdom of God instantly condensed on this finger, turned into a sequence of **** chain hit the sword dust Dantian.

"Not good, retreat!"

The white king of the gods shot, and a group of people around the crowd who saw the excitement changed their faces and fled.

The king of the king shot, the power is too strong, with their strength, even if this emperor has a strong array of protection, but if the distance is too close, it will still suffer from the fish pond.

General Jin’s heart is full of bitterness. He does not think that Jian Chen will be the opponent of Feihe, but behind Jian Chen, he also occupies a terrible existence, so he will never let Jian Chen out of the accident.

However, just as the Golden General wanted to block the Fei River, suddenly a powerful sword came from below, which made the Golden General look a glimpse.

I saw a golden sword mang, with the terrible energy fluctuations that made the generals of Kim directly move toward the white **** Wang Feihe.

Behind this golden sword, Jian Chen holds a sharp rainbow sword, just like a long sword, the whole person is wrapped in a strong sword, followed by a golden sword, with a Going forward to the Feihe.


The golden swords and the flying river's law chain touch, just like two comets colliding together in high-speed flight, they are smashed in the deafening roar, turning into a horrible energy aftermath in all directions. Go and go.

In the imperial capital of the Xuan Dao imperial dynasty, there was immediately a pattern of appearances that completely isolated this energy aftermath, so that it could not hurt the emperor itself.

In the eyes of the Feihe River, there was a flash of brilliance, and the stunned color in the eyes of Jian Chen. With the breath, he naturally knew that Jian Chen was not a strong king of the gods, only the peak of the Lord God.

A main god, who actually blocked his blow and did not fall, made him feel unbelievable.

The attack of Jian Chen obviously did not stop. After the smashing of the sword, he held the sword of the rainbow, and the sword and the sword merged. The powerful swordsman had already rushed through the area where the energy was raging, and the thorns to the Feihe In the twinkling of an eye, it is already near the front of the Feihe River.

"It turned out to be the master **** on the main **** monument!" Feihe said coldly, facing the attack of Jian Chen, without any confusion, his calm and calmly waved his own palm, directly grasping the sword of the dust .

The corner of Jian Chen’s mouth showed a sneer, and the force of the kendo law and the power of chaos suddenly broke out from the sword of the stunned rainbow, and the force of the law of the layer wrapped around the palm of the river was broken.

Without the protection of energy, although the Feihe River is a strong king of the kings, how can it resist the sharpness of the Jinghong sword with the flesh and blood?

The sword dust arm used force, and the shocked rainbow sword cut through the palm of the flying river. With a touch of blood, it stabbed out from the palm of the flying river and pointed to the heart of the flying river.

In the eyes of Feihe, the glare of the glare, at this moment, his gaze became extremely horrible, mixed with it, and there is a thick shocking color.

In the next moment, a long sword appeared in the hand, and the long sword danced, turning into a residual image and hitting the sword of the dust on the lightning dust at a lightning speed.

"Taiyi sword!"

The reaction of Jian Chen is also very rapid. The hand is smashed, the body and the sword are combined, the **** and the sword are melted, and the sword is gathered to form a sword. It directly hits the river.

In the meantime, the whole body of Jian Chen seems to be transformed into a powerful sword, which exudes the power of heaven!


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