Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1940: Amazing results

"A strong and powerful master!" Feihe was secretly shocked. The strength of Jian Chen’s strength made him feel unbelievable. He confronted him positively. Instead of falling into the wind, he injured him.

Looking at the blood between the palms, the face of Feihe became gloomy. This injury is nothing to him, but the shame is hard to wash for a lifetime.

"This person must be the top three on the main **** monument. Only such a fascinating figure can only have such incredible power." Feihe thought sharply, but the action in his hand was not slow, with his hands The seal was changed, and its long sword was immediately suspended from the chest by the air.

I saw a circle of extremely powerful spiral swords, with the rotation of the long sword, emitting powerful energy fluctuations, mixed with it, there is a world of power.

In the face of the attack of a main god, the hero of the Feihe Hall, the king of the king, actually showed his skills.

"Split-breaking land - a mountain style!"

Feihe sang low and the long sword flying fast on his chest, accompanied by an extremely powerful Luo Xuanjian lightning.

This blow, the power is very strong, when the long sword breaks, the spiral of the sword is oscillated in the void, and even this space has fluctuated, with a slight tremor.

In particular, the power of the heavens and the earth is even more so that the people who have already retreated far away, once again, stunned and quickly retreated.

The power of the king's display of the warfare, the power is so amazing, for those who are not even the Lord God, it is not necessarily seen for thousands of years.

Therefore, this pressure is naturally so that many of them have a kind of end as if they are coming.

General Kim also changed his face and hurriedly let Feihe stop. He knew the background of Jian Chen. Once Jian Chen was wounded and angered the terrible strong starter behind him, the fruit was unimaginable.

He heard that the powerful strong starter, in order to save the sword dust, borrowed a Tiandao disk to spend a precious three-color Shenjing to the far south, and also one of the nine corps of the Demon The head of the army took it back and let him be humiliated in public.

However, Feihe is deaf to the ears. He is a strong man, but he is hurt by a main god. If he does not let the other party pay some price, he is very angry.

"This is a big problem." General Jin’s heart was dark and he had no time to stop it.

Although he saw the strength of Jian Chen, he understood that Jian Chen had the same strength as the Shen Wang strong.

However, the power of the gods and kings who are free to shoot at will, compared with the display of combat skills, can not be compared.

And this warfare technique, the grade is not bad, is one of the most powerful combat techniques of Ganyunmen, the power is strong, even the Jin General must face it.

When it was said that it was late, at that time, in a deafening roar, Jian Chen played Taiyi sword, and it was already colliding with Feihe’s combat skills.

The onlookers felt the horrible energy storm erupted, and the entire ground was violently shaken. The sight of the Jian Chen and Feihe had been completely lost in sight.

The figure of both of them has been completely submerged by the violent energy aftermath.

"I hope that Jian Chen will not be hurt too seriously. Otherwise, how should I explain it!" General Jin prayed silently for Jian Chen in his heart. Time was too tight, and he could not stop it.

"One word lightning!"

However, at this moment, among the violent energy aftermath, a deep voice suddenly came.

Immediately, everyone saw only a white light, passing through the violent energy aftermath at an incredibly fast speed, and quickly disappeared into the distant sky.

This speed is so fast that countless people have not seen it clearly. Even if it is the strength of the king general of Jin, it can only be induced by the gods and the white light seems to have a long stretch of light. Blur figure.

After a while, the aftermath of energy raging between the heavens and the earth slowly dissipated, revealing the figure of Wang Feihe, the white god.

I saw the moment, the face of the Feihe was a bit pale, and the look was full of shock. He was staring at his chest with his sullen eyes.

His chest has now been dyed red by the blood of the gods, and there is a fist-sized transparent hole that penetrates the back directly from the chest, and the internal organs are broken.

The figure of Jian Chen has disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

General Kim stared at the transparent hole on the chest of the Feihe River. The look was also full of shock, and the waves of the waves were picked up.

Immediately, he immediately turned his eyes to the distance, only to see the direction in which the white light disappeared. The sword dust was just amazed by the rainbow sword. It was like a meteor, and a long sword light was flying behind it. the speed is very fast.

After only a few breaths, he returned to the field.

"What is going on? The young man, how did he suddenly go so far?"

"How did this young man leave?"

Among the crowds around the crowd, many people have voiced incomprehensible voices.

"God, blue sister, you see you look fast, the predecessors of the Yunhe Mountain are injured." The star who was watching the battle, not far away, stared at the injury on the chest of the flying river. Shaking the blue arm.

The blue-eyed princess’s gaze is also full of sluggishness, squinting at her own eyes, holding the cherry mouth, and being extremely surprised.

"Even if you face the main **** whose strength is weaker than you, you are also a reason to be a god. The Lord God is weak in the realm, but it is not arbitrarily insulted." In the air, the foot is shocked and the sword is staring at the flying river god.

The Feihe Shenwang suddenly raised his head and looked at the sword's gaze, which was extremely sharp, mixed with it, and even had a strong killing.

He is a **** of the gods, but he was wounded by a main god. This is a shameful shame. In addition, the words that Jian Chen said in a cold voice made the feeling of shame in his heart multiply, and gradually gave birth to a Killing.

Feel the murderousness of the King of the Flying River, the sword dust does not change, cold channel: "Injury in my hands, you do not have to feel shame, because you are not the first **** of God who is hurt in my hands. Before you, I personally killed a **** king, and still killed in a state of injury."

After listening to this, the eyes of the Flying River God suddenly showed a shocking color, and looked at the sword dust with horror, and could not speak for a long time.

Even the general Kim was shocked by the words of Jian Chen.

The main deity, even in the case of injury, killed a **** king, such a feat, if it is proclaimed, enough to spread throughout the sanctuary.

Because this is really amazing!

In the end, the eyes of the Feihe gods stared at the sword dust, and snorted, leaving Zhou Chu with a muddy body.

He was deeply shocked by the strength of the Lord God. He knew that even if he continued to stay, he would not find any benefit. The most urgent task was to rush back to Zongmen as soon as possible and report the matter.

The delay of this chapter update, I sent a notice on the WeChat public account, sometimes I can't send an update message on the webpage, I will tell you through prestige that some pros who have not yet listened to the signal of the singer can add a little happy. Weixin public number: xinxingxiaoyao110


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