Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1944: Unintentional disclosure

"Yan Shun brother, go, let's go to see this Princess Tai'an and the Five Emperors." After listening to the introduction of Yanshun's Princess to Tai'an Princess and the Five Emperors, Jian Chen's eyes are already brighter and brighter. Showing a look that is more urgent than Yanshun's emperor, hurried away.

His heart is very concerned about the old people of the South, and now he is trapped in the North, and he can't leave. Today, Princess Tai’an and the Five Emperors, who are in high position in the Xi’s dynasty, came to visit, which made Jian Chen see a glimmer of hope from the North.

Under the leadership of Yanshun Emperor, Jian Chen passed through one of the magnificent temples and finally came to a magnificent hall in the center of Xuan Dao Palace.

As soon as he entered the hall, Jian Chen saw a man and a woman. Two young people in their twenties were sitting in the temple and talking casually with the opposite Xuan Dao.

Among them, the woman has a deep-skinned geese, and the appearance of the moon is shy, and the body is filled with a noble temperament, which is extraordinary and unconstrained.

The young man is just right, his eyes are stunned, and his words and demeanor are naturally revealing a bit of majesty, but with an unquestionable decisive meaning, quite a bit of imperial demeanor.

Moreover, in him, there is a scent of emperors in the faint, and there is a sense of true dragon.

"It’s no wonder that the emperor appreciates the five emperors. If the five emperors are emperors in the future, they must be a generation of Mingjun Xiong." Jian Chen looked at the man and the woman in the hall and looked at it. Without knowing, he knew the two men. It must be the Princess Tai'an and the Five Emperors from the Weis Dynasty.

Especially the five emperors, at first glance, he gave Jian Chen a very deep impression.

Over the years, Jian Chen has also seen many Princes and Princes, but few people like the Five Emperors.

This made him, can not help but look at the five emperors.

Xuan Dao Shen Huang stood up, smiled and nodded at Jian Chen, and then introduced to Princess Taian and the Five Emperors: "Five Emperors, Princess Taian, this is a small friend of Jian Chen, from the South! ”

Hearing the words, the graceful Princess Tai’an and the imposing five emperors immediately stood up, all holding swords against the sword dust.

"Haha, you young people talked first, the emperor went to deal with some things first." Xuan Dao Shen Huang said very politely to both sides, and then left here with Yanshun Huangzi.

In a twinkling of an eye, there are only three people in the imposing temple, the sword dust and the five emperors and the Princess Taian.

"Sword dust, you don't have to call me five princes, so you seem to see the outside, my name is Xihao, you can call me directly." Five emperors smiled, then looked at the Princess Taian , said: "As for the Princess Tai'an around me, named Yunshui Narcissus, her identity is not only the Princess Tai'an of our Xi's dynasty, but also the daughter of the Yun family."

"On the cloud daffodils, the sword dust is directly called the daffodils." Tai'an princess has a shallow smile on his face, slightly daggering against the sword dust.

These days, Jian Chen has contacted many emperors of various dynasties and the princes of the various sects. He also has a rough understanding of the division of power in Yunzhou.

This Shangyun family, Jian Chen naturally knows that although the Shangyun family is not in the territory of the Xi's dynasty, it is also a famous big family in the northern region. Many ancient dynasties and big forces are a gift to the Shangyun family. Top three points.

Because the emperor of the Xi's dynasty today is from the Shangyun family.

Next, Jian Chen and the Five Emperors spoke freely, and the Five Emperors apparently wanted to win the sword dust. Therefore, when talking with Jian Chen, they completely put down their body as the emperor of the Xi’s emperor, just as an ordinary friend. Self-resident.

However, these five emperors are also very patient, although they want to win over the sword dust, but the words about the draw, but do not mention.

During the period, Princess Taian inserted two sentences from time to time, and humbly asked Jian Chen about the cultivation aspects. Whether in words or in demeanor, all of them expressed their admiration for Jian Chen.

"Zi Hao, Narcissus girl, it does not contradict each other. There are very important things that must be rushed back to the Southland as soon as possible. But now the entire northern region has been blocked by the emperor. I wonder if there is any way for Xiuhao and Narcissus girls. Let me rush back to the Southland as soon as possible?" After talking for a few hours, Jian Chen finally said his main purpose.

It is said that the brows of the Five Emperors and Princess Tai’an are all wrinkled. After a half-smooth silence, the Five Emperors opened their mouths: “Jian Chen, this thing is not easy to do. If it is in peacetime, I can be a sword dust. Brother opened the cross-domain transmission array of the Xi's dynasty. Even if the transmission array of the Xi's dynasty could not be used, I thought it would be possible to borrow the old dynasty from the northern region and some big forces to borrow the transmission array. ""

"Just now, Uncle Yunyun personally ordered the blockade of the entire northern region. With the prestige of Uncle Yunyun, in this vast and endless northern land, almost no one dares to disobey. Those ancient dynasties are absolutely afraid to open the transmission array. And even the transmission array of our singular dynasty was closed, if you want to use it, unless you have the permission of the old emperor or uncle Yun Yun."

Having said that, the five emperors laughed at themselves and said: "Jian Chen, don't look at me. I am now one of the emperors of the Xi's dynasty. But the old emperors of the dynasty, but not the emperors of ours can see I saw that, as for Uncle Ziyun, he is now holding up with the ancestors of the cracked Tianzong, and with the current temper of Uncle Yunyun, it is very likely that he will fight with the cracked Tianzong. At this time, looking for him will only cause Uncle's disappointment."

"Our cloud family cross-domain transmission array is also closed, Jian Chen, this thing, we may not help you." Princess Taian also said.

Wen Yan said that the face of Shen Chen’s face was disappointing. He said: "This is an embarrassment to the emperor. It’s too embarrassing. It’s really a slap in the face of those who chased him that year. The guardian of the dynasty was taken away by the emperor, and now he is going to deal with the top sect of the sect of the sect of the sect of the sect. This way, it is very unfavorable to the sacred dynasty. Moreover, the revenge of the emperor is also a lot of revenge. People are trapped here and can't leave." Jian Chen felt very helpless in his heart.

"Yeah, since the uncle has changed his temperament since he was in the position of God, he was not like this before. Unfortunately, in the dynasty, no one has discouraged the uncle, even those old emperors have no way to take their uncles. "The five emperors are also helpless, and there is a faint sorrow between the looks. Now the Xishi royal family, the strongest of the beginning has been killed by his uncle, and the whole dynasty is full of people's hearts, and it is difficult to be safe all day long.

I heard the words of the two people. Princess Tai’an sighed and her mood changed a little. She said with amazement: “In fact, you can’t blame your uncle. Everything has its own consequences. If those people did not stop for their aunts and parents. Hugh’s pursuit, so that my aunt lost her daughter, my uncle will not become like this.”

"What? Lost daughter?" Five emperors look a glimpse, even the sword dust is strange, looking at Princess Taian.

At this time, Princess Taian suddenly woke up, realizing that she said that she had missed her mouth, and suddenly she stunned her mouth.

Ps: Chapter 1.


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