Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 1945: After the emperor has

"Narcissus, what did you just say? My uncle lost his daughter in the pursuit of the year? How have I never heard of my uncle's daughter?" Five emperors stared at Princess Taian with a puzzled look.

It is well known that there is no regret for the emperor! Now it is suddenly a daughter from the mouth of Princess Taian, which makes the five emperors somewhat confused.

" don't ask again. If you let my aunt know that I will leak the news, my aunt will never forgive me." The five princesses were a bit messy and there were some looks between the faces. Panic, she was very aware of the news that she had inadvertently leaked out, and it was a big mistake.

Seeing the panic and fear of Princess Taian, the five emperors and Jian Chen were aware of the seriousness of this matter, so they did not ask much.

However, they are very thoughtful, but it is enough to analyze many results based on this little news.

"Jian Chen, Xi Hao, you should not say this thing well, this thing is still highly confidential in the dynasty, there are not many people who know." Princess Taian no longer has the same calmness as before. With a panic between the look, he said to Jian Chen and Xi Hao in a pleading tone.

"Do not worry, Narcissus, we will never say this thing, Jian Chen, you are right." Five emperors vowed to say.

Jian Chen also nodded and promised not to leak.

There was such a thing, Princess Taian no longer had the thought to stay in the Xuan Dao dynasty, and hurriedly and Jian Chen left, and then left heartlessly.

When Princess Tai’an left, the five emperors naturally did not leave alone. After giving a message to Jian Chen’s Yu Yu, they also left the Xuan Dao Dynasty.

The five emperors are very clever. They know that if they want to win over the celestial arrogance such as Jian Chen, the hope is very embarrassing. Therefore, he does not mention the thing in front of Jian Chen, but only cultivates the friendship between the two sides.

If you become a friend, then everything is much simpler!

Jian Chen sent the five emperors and Princess Tai'an to the emperor's capital before returning to his palace. In his heart, he also recalled the daughter of the emperor.

"I didn't expect the emperor to kill so many beginnings. It was just to avenge his daughter. It was just this revenge. When will it end? Let me go back to the South." Jian Chen’s heart is sitting in the dark. In the palace, my heart is very anxious.

However, at this moment, the body of Jian Chen suddenly shocked, and suddenly there was a thought in his mind that made him feel incredible. He immediately turned his mind and quickly analyzed it.

"The Xi'an couple have the latter thing. So far, no one knows about the Xi's dynasty. Even if the senior guardian of the Xi's dynasty has a high weight, the national guardian does not know, then it is certain that the emperor’s pregnancy will not be In the reign of the dynasty, otherwise, this thing simply could not hold back, and it was already rumored."

"Therefore, the reason for this emperor's pregnancy is mostly in the process of being chased by the emperor. At that time, it is more than two thousand years now..."

"Also, more than two thousand years ago, the Mofu government owner came back from a baby girl. In addition to a piece of jade with the word "Imperial rain", there is nothing else, and I have seen this jade. The material is extremely hard and very extraordinary. Even if I was the original, I couldn't destroy it. It can be seen that the person who can leave a word on this jade is very strong."

"On the right time, the surname is also right, and the gender is exactly the same. This is not the rain..."

At the thought of this, Jian Chen suddenly felt terrified and felt incredible.

Slightly hesitant, and then the sword dust suddenly looked at the direction of the Princess Tai'an and the five emperors, and began to chase up at full speed.

Beyond the emperor, a luxurious car is driven by nine different animals and is flying fast in the sky.

On both sides of the brakes, dozens of powerful guards are following closely, and the leader is a godly king.

At this moment, in this luxurious car, Princess Tai'an of the Xi's dynasty is sitting in the middle of the five emperors.

"Narcissus, can you tell me in detail what is going on here? When did my uncle have a daughter, why have I never heard of it?" Five emperors asked curiously.

This luxurious car is also a magic weapon with strong defense. The array of methods is all over, and the conversation inside can't be heard outside.

"This matter must be said from the time when my uncle and my aunt were chased and killed."

"At that time, my aunt and my uncle were caught in the enemy's pursuit, only to find out that I was pregnant, until the aunt gave birth to the child, because they could not protect their newly born daughter, so they finally had to I’m going to discard my daughter and hope that their daughter will escape.” Princess Tai’an said slowly.

"It turned out to be like this. I didn't expect that I had a sister in Xihao. Then, later, how was my sister, and there was no news?" The five emperors were surprised, and then asked with concern.

Princess Taian shook her head and looked awkward. She said: "At the time, my aunt and my uncle were very miserable. They fled throughout Yunzhou. Many times they were hit hard, and the situation was very critical. Even they didn’t know. Where did my daughter go, and now I don’t know how to live or die."

"Only after my uncle went to God, in order to report the original hatred, I offended too many people, so my uncle had the last thing, and I have never dared to speak out, for fear that their daughters would be found by the enemy first. Therefore, they can only send confidants. The whole Yunzhou was secretly looking for, but for so many years, there is still no news."

Speaking of this, Princess Tai’an looked at Xihaohao and said: “I am very aware of the seriousness of this matter. You must not say this thing.”

Xi Hao looked solemnly and nodded, said: "Narcissus, I know the size. I did not expect the reason for my uncle's temperament to become so hot and ruthless, there is still such hidden hidden behind, now, I am not at all I feel that my uncle is too much."

At this moment, the voice of a guard came in from the outside: "The five princes, Princess Taian, Jian Chen chased them up and said that there is something to see Princess Taian."

"Sword dust chased up? What is he going to do?"

The five emperors and the Princess Taian are all confused.

Soon, the luxury car stopped, the Princess Taian and the five emperors walked out of the brakes, all suspended in the high air and looked at the sword dust chasing the wind.

Jian Chen held a fist to the five emperors, and then said to Princess Taian: "Can Princess Taian, can you speak in one step?"

Princess Taian nodded and immediately flew to the distance with Jian Chen.

The five emperors stood shoulder-by-hand and stood in front of the chariot and looked at them from afar. It was very doubtful and muttered to himself: "Weird, this sword dust suddenly found the daffodils. What is it?"

In the distant sky, Jian Chen laid a sound insulation enchantment, and then took out a brocade box from the space ring. The look solemnly said: "Tai An Princess, there is something in the next, please also please this box Hand it over to the emperor or to the emperor."

Princess Taian took this brocade box curiously, took it in her hand and looked at it again. He asked: "Jian Chen, what is this?"

"It is a small gift that I gave to the emperor and the emperor, perhaps they will like it. But, the empress and the emperor must see the things inside." Jian Chen face serious, very solemn It seems to be a very important thing in the family.

"Well, I will personally hand it over to my aunt and my uncle," said Princess Taian, and then returned to the brakes and left with the five emperors.

Jian Chen did not leave, standing in the void and looking at the lost car. He said: "Yu Pei, although I made it out temporarily, the materials used are general, but in addition to the material, no matter the shape Still the above handwriting is exactly the same as what I saw from the rain. If the rain is really the daughter lost by the Emperor and the couple, they will naturally recognize it after seeing this jade."

"If not, then there will be no loss to me, and I will not be offended by the emperor and the emperor."

Ps: The second chapter is, the chapter of yesterday was added. Today, the update is here first, everyone is good night.


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