Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2072: Against the artifact (1)

"Big brother, helped us." At this moment, Xiaoman’s voice came from behind, only to see that she had already woke up from the coma, was holding back the pain, biting A small white tooth slowly stood up from the ground, and the bright eyes were looking around with a bit of worry.

Since she was protected by a mysterious force, the injury suffered by Xiao Man has also recovered very quickly. Now she has recovered seven or eighty-eight, so now she has nothing to lose.

"Small man, you are fine." Ziyun came to Xiaoman with a stagger, full of concern and worry, and subconsciously extended his hands to Xiaoban, but could not touch the body of Xiaoman. The invisible eyes are invisible, and even the mysterious power that is difficult to sense even by the gods is blocked.

Xiao Man, apparently still does not know what happened to him. She looked around with hundreds of gods and kings, and a desperate gradual spread in my heart.

"Zi Yun sister, we are not difficult to escape." Xiao Man whispered, gray as the soil, the mood is very low, and immediately look at the back of Jian Chen, said: "Big brother, you go, don't worry We are."

"Small man, don't worry, you have been sheltered by this piece of heaven and earth in the Bohai Palace. No one can hurt you here. Even if your sister dies, you will never be in danger. Xiao Man, If your sister died here, then you must know how to take care of yourself." Ziyun said that the situation is not very optimistic, even if there is a sword dust here, she is not sure that she can survive.

"No, I don't want my sister to die. My sister has suffered so many grievances for Xiao Man. Xiao Man is definitely not going to let her sister have something to do. Even if it is a small death, she must not let her sister encounter any danger." There was tears in his eyes, and he said seriously.

Although the two of them, although there is no blood relationship, but the deep feelings, but already beyond the blood of the pro.

Because in the face of a real life-and-death crisis, even some brothers who are brothers and sisters may have to abandon their family, abandon their relatives and friends, and escape on their own. Xiao Man and Zi Yun will not do such a thing.

Jian Chen looked back at Ziyun and Xiao Man, and there was a hint of hesitation between the eyes, but in the end, he took the teeth and took it out. The original tower was originally in the hands of Jian Chen, but it was only the size of the fist, but when it was still on the ground, it had already become ten feet.

"Who said that you will die here, you two will hurry in. If you are fighting for time, maybe you still have a chance to survive. If you continue to delay, then I am afraid that it will be in a desperate situation." Jian Chen is facing Ziyun and Xiao Very low to drink.

"Sword dust, you still don't want to do nothing. You still can't see the form in the field. You can never take this little girl away today." Mr. Book is not in a hurry to stand on the opposite side of Jian Chen. Said leisurely.

"Sword dust, we are not interested in this little girl, we don't want to pass on the original source of the mixed yuan. You just need to take out the Tiandi Dibao obtained in the Shenyuan Garden and share it with the brothers. Our brothers immediately quit." In the crowd, There is a strong king who opens the mouth.

"Hey, that little girl does have some secrets, but I also have self-knowledge, knowing that no matter what the secret is, we are not allowed to participate, or let those generations of God to compete, I only inherit the origin of the mixed yuan. Interested..."

"Sword dust, don't be too naive, don't you think that with a tattered little tower, you can take them away..."

The gods around them sneered.

And at this time, there are two other figures from the distance, and they are one and the other.

Seeing the arrival of these two people, Jian Chen’s pupils shrank, and they were no strangers to them. One of them was the first city of Mocheng.

Mocheng is still in the main deity. Jian Chen did not put him in his heart. He just followed the old man around Mocheng, but he could not be underestimated.

Jian Chen also refused to care about the book, and he came to Ziyun's side with a flash of his body. He grabbed Ziyun's shoulder and said that she threw her into the tower, and then shouted at Xiao Man: " Don't lie, go in."

Xiaoman sees that Ziyun has entered the true tower. Naturally, there is no hesitation. It quickly rushes toward the true tower. It is only the mystery that protects her when she just wants to enter the gate of the true tower. The power appeared, forming an invisible barrier to block in front of Xiao Man, so that Xiao Manru could not enter the true tower.

"The little girl, because of the connection with the Bohai Jingu Shrine, the power of the Bohai Jingu Shrine is protecting her. And the tower, seemingly broken, but actually very extraordinary, if the old man did not guess wrong, that The tower can isolate the power of the Poseidon Palace. Otherwise, the power of the Poseidon Palace cannot prevent the little girl from entering the tower. Because the little girl has entered the tower, the power of the Poseidon Palace has lost its effect. "The goshawks who followed the city of Mocheng had a pair of old eyes staring at the little man, and then carefully looked at the tower carefully, revealing the color of thinking."

"This Poseidon Palace is a top-quality artifact. Although it is not spiritual, it is also very powerful. What level is that tower? Even the power of the Poseidon Palace is inseparable." Mo Cheng said with amazement.

"That tower is at least an artifact, because only the same artifact, regardless of the level of high and low, can isolate the penetration of the power of the sea **** temple." Goshawk said.

On the other hand, Jian Chen saw that Xiao Man could not enter the real tower. In the eyes, the mans suddenly flashed, and a cold voice immediately controlled the power belonging to the true tower.

The true tower has now been refining to the fifth floor by Jian Chen. He has been able to control the real tower, including the use of a force that belongs to the true tower.

This silk belongs to the power of the true tower. Although it is very weak, if it is used against the enemy, it will not have the effect of against the sky, but at some point, it can exert its miraculous effect.

I saw that under the control of Jian Chen, the power of this silk that belongs to the true tower suddenly spread, so that the whole tower of the true tower exudes a faint golden light. Every area that shines in the light seems to be a world of its own. It is like forming an independent world.

When this golden brilliance shrouded the body of Xiao Man, the mysterious power around Xiao Man’s body was suddenly isolated. Without the hindrance of this mysterious force, Xiao Man suddenly entered the true tower.

At the same time, the seal that remained in the sacred tower of the sacred ancestors began to wake up. All the sword marks on the sacred tower began to shine, and began to suppress the power of the true tower, just two breaths of time. The silk that is mobilized by the sword dust belongs to the power of the true tower, and it is suppressed by the seal left by the dead.

In an instant, the radiance of the true tower dissipated and returned to the ordinary.

With a wave of swords, the sword recovered the true tower at the fastest speed, and greeted Kaia, and the two of them flew away with lightning.

At present, this form is very uncomfortable for them. It is obviously not suitable for dealing with the Nine Emperors and others. If you continue to stay and let more famous gods come together, it will be more difficult to deal with.

"Sword dust, do you think you still have to go?" Mr. Book’s face showed a gentle smile, and the black fan of the artifact was already in his hands, gently swaying, the sun and the moon are dull, the sky is dim, the power of the source is It became abnormal and a terrible black wind suddenly appeared.

"Artifacts!" Around the world, many gods and gods screamed, and all eyes were solidified in the handle fan of the book, showing the horror.

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