Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2073: Against the artifact (2)

Artifacts, for many gods, can not be met, even belonging to the legend, it is rare to see. The exposure of the artifact in the hands of Mr. Shu, immediately became the focus of the audience, attracting everyone's attention. Many of the gods gathered in the surrounding, one by one, looking at Mr. Book's eyes began to flash, there is a heat hidden in the heart, but after measuring the strength of both sides, in desperation, they have to press down The hot inside is hot.

In their eyes, Jian Chen is already a very powerful and terrible figure. The king of the gods on the throne of the gods does not come out. It is difficult for someone to be his opponent. At this moment, Mr. Book holds the artifact, which is in the hearts of the people. Already a stronger person than the sword dust.

"Under this, the sword dust is difficult to fly..."

"The power of artifacts is simply not the king of God can compete, the sword dust they will die..."

"Just hope that this person called Mr. Book is not too much. They eat meat, so let us give us a soup..."

Many gods and gods are sighing. No one thinks that Jian Chen will be the opponent of Mr. Shu. After all, the power of the artifacts can not be underestimated. This is the first time that the power is so powerful that the momentum is so earth-shattering. Can people resist?

For a moment, Jian Chen was shrouded in a terrible black wind, sharp like a knife, with a horrible force that could tear the sky around the speed of the sword dust, not only prevented the sword dust from leaving, but also in this stock Under the black wind, the sword of the sword dust suddenly became dim, and the clothes worn on the body became tattered and turned, leaving a lot of marks.

This black wind is really terrible. Rao is hard to resist with the chaotic body of Jian Chen. I saw numerous scars on his body. The skin is cracked, the skin is fleshy, and the blood of chaos flows out. In a blink of an eye, it became a blood man.

Seeing Jian Chen as soon as he came up, he ate such a big loss. Standing in the heart beside the five emperors, he was also anxious in his heart. He said in a tone of pleading: "Five princes, Jian Chen saved my life after all, I beg you to see me in my face." On, let go of the sword dust. As long as you let go of the sword dust, your kindness, I will remember it all my life."

It is said that the eyes of the five emperors are even colder. Yunxin’s pleading for this is not only that the five emperors’ efforts to kill the sword dust are reduced, but they are becoming more and more intense.

"I have already given the opportunity of Jian Chen. It is his own ignorance and death." The five emperors are very cold.

Wen Yan, Yun Xin’s gaze suddenly flashed a trace of despair. Her eyes glanced deeply at the five emperors around her, and she secretly thought: "Jian Chen, I am not a person who is ungrateful, your kindness to me, I I will remember that if you die here today, then I will swear that I will avenge you in the future."

In the rear, Yun Lianqing’s heart is also a deep sigh. Among the gods of the Yun family, he has the best relationship with Jian Chen. He can face this situation and he has no way.

"Artifacts, but that's it!"

At this moment, surrounded by the black wind, in the eyes of many people, the sword dust that could not be held for too long, suddenly gave a cold drink, and saw the best samurai sword held in his hand, suddenly Blooming out of the sword and mans, turned into a huge practising sword.

The sword is like a waterfall, the gas is flowing through Changhong, and there is a chaotic force full of devastating breath.


The sword gas is in contact with the black hurricane. Under the violent collision, the two powerful forces make a deafening roar, while the sword dust is taking the opportunity to get rid of the black wind and step out.

At this moment, although Jian Chen seems to be in the blood, miserable, but only Jian Chen knows that his injury is only a skin injury, and there is no injury to the bones.

After all, his chaotic body has stepped into the twelfth floor. With the defense of the flesh, it is not weaker than a top-level defense device.

Moreover, when he stepped out of the range of the black wind, the bruises on his body were also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"A terrible resilience..." The surrounding gods naturally saw this scene, and they all took a breath and stared at the sword dust with a monster-like look.

Mr. Shu is also a pupil, and his look has become a serious point.

However, at this moment, a strong golden light condensed from the sword dust, and Da Luo Jianqi instantly formed, and shot at the book. At the same time, Jian Chen's swords are one, immediately following the suffocation of the big Luo Jian, with a rush to the book.

Mr. Book looks calm and calm, very confident, there is a trend of my invincible, the hand of the artifact, the black fan gently, forming a hegemonic black wind will blow the sword.

When the sword of Da Luo was broken, the sword and the sword were united, and they had already galloped. The momentum was soaring, the war was amazing, and the whole sword was stabbed.

There is no change in the look of Mr. Book. In the face of the sword dust, this lightning-fast, powerful sword, he just crossed the fan in front of his hand and resisted the sword of Jian Chen.

Jian Chen and the book Mr. Battle, playing very fierce, the two played against each other, repeated collisions, repeated hard fights, the terrible energy fluctuations caused by the powerful powers, so many of the kings watching the battle Shocked.

Because of the two of them, whether they are holding artifacts, and they are repaired as a bookman who has already reached the peak of the gods, or holding the best saints, repairing the sword dust in the early days of the gods alone, the combat power is extremely amazing, so many gods The king was timid in the late period.

The kings of the gods gathered around are already retreating. Many of the early and middle-aged masters of the king of God are simply unable to bear the horrible energy aftermath of the two wars.

In particular, the black fan of the Scorpio in the hands of Mr. Shu, every time it is moved, it will form a horrible black wind. This strong black wind makes some gods unwilling to touch it later.

boom! boom! boom

In the high air, the sound of roaring is endless, and the strength of Jian Chen has not been preserved. He is full of force to fight the book, from the ground to the sky, and from the sky to the ground, spanning tens of thousands of miles, the fierce sword and the whistling The black wind is intertwined and blooms in the sky, like a beautiful fireworks. The aftermath of the horror of energy is even more fluctuating between the heavens and the earth, so that people far away from a million miles can clearly feel it.

Jian Chen has been scarred, and the blood of chaos has fallen from the sky. It has already become a blood man. He has fought with Mr. Shu, and he has fallen into the disadvantages.

Although Jian Chen seems to be very injured, but not only does not have a sense of weakness, but the more war and the more courage, the power of chaos, not only gave him super physical and resilience, but also terrible endurance.

Opposite, Mr. Book's look has changed from the initial carelessness to the present dignified color. His white clothes are now also contaminated with blood, which is his own blood.

The strength of Jian Chen is far beyond his expectations, because he found that even if he holds the artifact, it is difficult to kill the sword dust.

In the distance, Mo Cheng stared at the battle between Jian Chen and Mr. Shu with a serious face. After Jian Chen broke through the king of the gods, the strength of his strength was also far beyond his expectations.

Beside the city of Mo, the Goshawk is also staring at the battle between the two, slowly saying: "The person holding the artifact is not weak, with his strength, because it can be on the throne of God. Just the throne of God The total ranking is only 3,000. It only records the 3,000-strong king of the world's most powerful and climbs to the throne of God. It is not necessarily qualified to leave his name. He should not stay on the throne of God. The man named Jian Chen, who has just stepped into the kingdom of God, can be so fierce and frightened by such a strong war, which is really enchanting."

"This war, regardless of the outcome, the name of Jian Chen, will be known to many people..."

Below, Kea is silently watching the battle between Jian Chen and Mr. Shu, and did not shoot, muttering: "Sword dust suffers from the artifact. If the man named Mr. Shu has no artifact, the strength of Jian Chen will win. He is quite a lot, if the means are all out, because it is possible to kill him. The force that Jian Chen masters is very powerful. It is only this strength. How do I feel familiar, but I can’t remember it."

On the other hand, the five emperors of the Bilan Dynasty, his face became very ugly. Looking at the sword dust that went to the white heat with Mr. Book, he felt unbelievable in his heart and did not dare to accept this scene.

Mr. Shu's strength is clear, and there are artifacts in hand, even if he can't play the full power of the artifact, but in the Bohai Jingu Shrine is also a cross-walking character, but now, facing a first-time kingdom People, they can’t fight for a long time.

"Damn." Five emperors secretly concealed, until now, he realized that he had offended a terrible person.

Ps: The code words in these two days are very decadent. I am really sorry for everyone. I accept everyone’s criticism because I feel very embarrassed. The only thing I can do is to continue to work hard and upgrade the update.

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