Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2119: Water rhyme strength

Jian Chen did not go to the eighth floor space personally. After releasing the news, he watched the ninth floor space and looked at the entrance of the eighth floor space to the ninth floor space at a great distance.

"Sure enough, as I expected, these generations of gods who stayed in the eighth floor space, in the face of the beginning of the inheritance, also have possession." Looking at the space from the eighth floor, the wind is rushing The dying of the gods who went to the sword, the mouth of the sword dust can not help but reveal a sneer.

He sent a message, the main purpose is to provoke the generation of the gods in the eighth space. Because these sacred gods are all coming to the small man, and have the mind to obtain the entire Erhai Shrine, their own strength is naturally very strong, and the name inscribed on the throne of God is relatively high, there are many It has already squeezed into the top 100, even ranked in the top ten, and its combat power is very against the sky.

On the twelfth floor of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, although there are also the great gods on the throne of the gods, their rankings are almost at the end. Among the generations of the gods, they are relatively weak, so they are in the water blue and Olido. Na's hands are vulnerable.

At the moment, the superstar gods who have caught up from the eighth floor space have a world-wide difference compared with the twelve-story people.

When those gods and kings went away, Jian Chen also emerged from the body, still maintaining the body and shape of the sturdy and strong, converging his own breath, followed by, and rushed to the twelfth floor.

When Jian Chen returned to the twelfth floor space, it was a powerful energy storm that raged, and the terrible pressure filled the world, giving people a feeling of crushing the sky.

Some of the great gods from the eighth floor space have already participated in the war, making the war here have been staged to an extremely fierce level, smashing the earth and destroying the earth, making the world horrified, like the end of the world.

From the eighth floor space, the power of the gods is extremely powerful. Everyone has the qualification of the king of the gods. Under the joint efforts of the people, they are inseparable from the Olympics and Oliver Blue. Minute.

Oliverna is surrounded by green shackles, exudes a sly life, and the rich laws of life surround her, so that she has an immortal body, many generations of gods, and even can not hurt her.

Because she controls the law of life, the breath of life is too strong, unless she meets an opponent whose strength is close to her, otherwise it will be difficult for her to be injured.

Oridona alone blocked more than 30 generations of gods.

But Oledona is also a charity. In the face of these gods, she is only resisting and restraining. She has no shackles and hurts any of them.

On the other hand, compared with Oliver’s compassionate heart, the water rhyme blue is cold and bloodless, and her body is cold and cold, so that the world is frozen and the whole boundary is turned into a glacier. Her indifference is incomparable, like a god-killing, not soft, has injured many famous gods, if they do not escape, if there is no other person to contain, fear that there is already a **** of the gods in the water blue The hand.

"This woman, who appeared in the eighth floor space, did not rely on any external force to stand on the lava. I did not expect her strength to be so strong..."

"Who is this person, the power of one person, has blocked so many generations of gods, and it seems to be more than enough, obviously not yet full of power, among those who besieged her, but there are many enchanting people in the top 100. ......"

"The coldness of the ice that she is in control is really terrible. I have never seen such a terrible icy temper. Even the forever heroes of the throne of the throne of God are not willing to confront each other.... .."

"In the top ten of the throne of God, except for a few two or three, each one is very mysterious. I know too little information to guess her identity..."

"Don't this woman be the number one green hill in the throne of God..."

"Impossible, rumors that the first green mountain of the throne of God is a martial art person, but the use of Wu Soul, although I have not seen what Wu Wu Li is like, but obviously it is impossible to be the power of ice.. ...."


In the distance, among the great gods and kings from the eighth floor space, many people did not take the shot, standing in the distance and watching, all of them exclaimed, everyone was shocked by the powerful strength of the water blue. In the bottom of my eyes, there are taboos or dignified colors.

"Five princes, you must succeed, you must succeed..." In the distance, Mr. Book stared at the five emperors who were covered by the light beam, and his heart was abnormally nervous. Nowadays, he has already taken a **** and the family of the cloud to stay away from the battle circle, and to protect everyone with a black fan.

Because of that battle, he couldn't get it.

"You will not succeed, you will never succeed, yes, there are so many generations of gods here, they will not watch you take away the inheritance..." Yunxin also meditated in his heart. Cursed. She has secretly vowed that she will avenge the sword dust in the future. Naturally, she does not want the five emperors to succeed, and even refuses to see the five emperors die here.

Suddenly, a Tianwei belonging to the artifact passed, and a great **** king held a sledgehammer, exuding the fluctuations of the artifacts and swaying into the water blue.

There is no change in the water rhyme blue light, no panic, and the white jade-like jade palm is wrapped in a thin layer of ice crystals, crystal clear, directly hit by a palm.

This palm, the momentum is like a rainbow, there is a world of heaven and earth, only my unique spirit.


In the loud noise, the artifact in the hands of this sacred **** was blown out by the blue water of the water, and even the **** of the dynasty spurted a blood, and the body flew out.

Moreover, on the way of flying backwards, a thin layer of ice crystal spread rapidly on his body. In an instant, his whole person turned into a lifelike ice sculpture. When it fell to the ground, the whole body was like a piece of ceramic. It seems that the fall has become a crush.

This is the real broken bone!

"God, she actually picks up the artifacts by hand..."

"The strength of this woman is really terrible, even the artifacts are not afraid..."

This scene makes all the sacred gods around the world violently jump. If the realm of the non-hydraulic blue is indeed the kingdom of the gods, they even suspect that they have met a strong starter.

At this moment, the beam of the five princes suddenly became brighter, emitting a radiant glow like the sun, shining the whole world, seeing a space ring, flying quickly from the beam of light, when that When the space ring was placed on the fingers of the five emperors, he seemed to have officially gained some kind of recognition. The body sitting on the ground with his knees and knees was slowly moving toward the statue's eyebrows under the traction of this beam.

"The ring is out, start!"

It is also at this moment that those gods who have not participated in the battle, under the glimpse of the eyes, have chosen to do it at the same moment, and everyone’s body has turned into a residual image, rushing to the five emperors with the mighty power of the heavens. With a hot light, it attacked the beam of the five princes.

The inheritance of Taishi was too tempting for them, and even if there were water rhyme blue and Oledona resisted, they did not back down.

Suddenly, with all the sacred gods, the aftermath of the battle broke out and climbed to a new height again, extremely fierce.

Because there are so many gods in the world, there are hundreds of them. Even the top 100 gods have dozens of them. Oridona and Shuiyunlan can't stop all of them. This leads directly to Many generations of the gods have come to the light curtain, and the light curtains are trembled violently.

PS: Chapter 2 is coming. Write a little card, while writing and conceiving details, stop writing all the way, until very late to complete the chapter.

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