Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2120: Identifying identity

Although the light beam emitted from the beginning of the eyebrows has a certain defensive power, but the defensive power is not too strong after all, under the attack of so many generations of gods, it will not last long.

But at this moment, under the traction of the light beam, the five emperors were being pulled and flew toward the statue's eyebrows. Although the speed was not fast, it was never slow enough to successfully enter the statue before the beam shattered. Eyebrows.

"The statue of Taishi is indestructible. He must not let him enter the statue of Taishi. Everyone will try his best to stop him with artifacts." There is a great king of the king who is drinking, and suddenly, the pressure of a stock belonging to the artifact is filled. Many generations of gods have never taken into account the loss of the power of the source, and have used artifacts.

There are too many gods in the hands of the gods. Oridona and Shuiyunlan are completely unmatched in their fighting power, and they can’t fully take care of them. Suddenly, a wave of powerful attacks is played from various artifacts, and the five princes are covered. The beam of light trembled violently, revealing a broken image.

At this time, the five emperors had come under the guidance of the light beam and came to the statue's eyebrows and will soon enter the statue.

His eyes suddenly opened at this moment, and there was an unspeakable joy and excitement in his eyes. He looked around and looked around the dying kings who were originally unattainable in his eyes. At this moment, they were red with a pair of eyes rushing toward them. When he is greedy and wants to take possession of his own creation, his heart is filled with a kind of pleasure, and he can't help but laugh loudly.

"Ha ha ha ha, this prince is destined to return to life, and is loved by the sky, so there will be such a chance. This is the creation of the prince, and it is the way of the emperor's journey to the sky. You, you still have to fight for it, and the destiny is irreversible. It is irreversible..." The five emperors laughed at the sky, and he knew that he had accepted the Taishi heritage and was a foregone conclusion. He was surrounded by many generations of gods and could not stop himself. Because of his light curtain, he can also support three breathing time, and he can enter the statue with just one step.

The five emperors turned a gorgeous turn in the big laughter, and looked at the image of the eyebrows that was already close at hand. In his eyes, there was a whirlpool in the eyebrows of the Taishi statue, which contained a strong space fluctuation. He knew that he only Need to enter this vortex, it will be sent to the statue body by the power of transmission inside, or sent to an unknown space created by Tai Shiqiang, no one can disturb yourself.

The five emperors raised their feet with a proud color on their faces and were preparing to step in.

However, at this moment, the original dimness, only in the twelve-layer world shrouded in moonlight, suddenly became extremely bright, just like a white.

I saw two swords of the size of a finger, and burst into a ray of light like the sun, all the way to the horror of the horror of many generations of gods, one after the other, arranged in a straight line toward the five The emperor shot.

At this critical moment, the sword dust that has been hiding in the dark has been shot. He will never look at the five emperors into the statue, so at this last moment, he shot two swords without hesitation. gas.

And the third Xuanjianqi, has also been ready to go, can be played at any time.

The speed of Xuanjianqi is incredible, breaking through the obstacles of space and time. In a flash, it appears in front of the Five Emperors. When the Five Emperors have not reacted, the first Xuanjianqi has already hit the beam.

Suddenly, the light curtain trembled more and more, it was subjected to the attack of many great gods, and it was almost on the verge of collapse. At this moment, it was hit by Xuanjian, so that the beam was immediately covered with fine cracks. Such as spider webs generally spread away.

Then, the second Xuanjianqi also hit the beam, and the sudden beam of light burst.

The second Xuanjianqi, but did not dissipate as a result, although the loss of too much power, but still a third of the power has survived, making this second Xuanjian glory.

But it did not lose speed, with a third of the remaining power, turned into a beam of light, piercing the five emperors' eyebrows beyond the speed of lightning.


The five emperors immediately made a painful scream, the muscles of the face were twitching, and the gods had already suffered.

Moreover, since the light beam that shrouded him had been shattered by Xuanjianqi and lost the traction of the beam power, his body could no longer remain in the air and fell from the high air.

Because no one can keep the floating around the statue of Taishi, losing the traction and protection of the beam, the five emperors naturally cannot maintain the level of the level with the Taishi statue.

All of this happened between the electric and the Flint. From the sword dust, two sacred swords were blown out, and the Xuanjian gas broke the precarious beam, and the process of injuring the five gods' gods occurred only in an instant.

Because the speed of Xuanjianqi is too fast, it is almost the point where all the gods in the field will be innocent.

"That....what is that....."

"The white light seems to be two swords, but it doesn't seem like it. It's too fast, it's completely invisible, and the gods can't catch it..."

Around the world, all the gods and gods were bursting with a sigh of relief. From the two sacred swords, all of them felt a deadly threat.

Such a horrible speed, if they are deliberately targeted at them, then they are spared.

On the other side, Shui Yunlan and Oledona are also over the head, looking at the direction of the black sword, with a touch of dignity.

Under the deliberate search of the two of them, even if the sword dust is hidden, it is difficult to escape the perception of both of them.

Therefore, Shui Yunlan and Oridona, naturally found the culprit of shooting Xuanjianqi, a burly man with a light upper body and sharp eyes like a sharp sword.

However, while seeing this burly man, Shui Yunlan and Oliverna have different looks. The rhyme blue is still a face of indifference, cold and not mixed with the slightest emotional color.

Olidona was gazing at the eyes, and the eyes looked at the eyes of the big man in a blink of an eye, and they said in a heart: "That eyes..."

The man with the upper body, the fierce light at the moment, gave Oledona a familiar feeling.

Just looking at the completely unfamiliar big man, Ollidona was a little confused at the moment, I wonder why he would have a familiar feeling.

Far away from the battle circle, Mr. Book looked at the broken beam, screaming at his head and screaming at the five emperors who fell from the air, and instantly became stunned, staring at the sky with hatred. The direction of the sword gas can no longer maintain the gentle and elegant manner, twisting the face and making a heartbreaking roar: "Sword dust, it is you, it is you, I did not expect that you not only did not die, but also Destroy the opportunity of the five emperors to step into the sky, and we will never stand with you."

Although Mr. Book did not really recognize the identity of Jian Chen, but he was very vocal about Jian Chen's sword, but his memory was still fresh. He only saw the identity of Jian Chen in a moment.

"Two friends, please also kill the sword dust. From then on, you are the most distinguished guests of our Biluo Dynasty. We will be the guest of the two princes." Mr. Book is facing Olidona and Shui Yunlan asks for help. At this moment, his hatred of Jian Chen has reached a point where he can no longer be added.

Seeing that the five emperors are about to gain the fortune of the day, from then on, the whole blue sky will rise, and the result will be sneaked by Jian Chen at this last moment.

This makes Mr. Book hateful, hateful in the heart, simply can not eat the meat of Jian Chen, drink the blood of Jian Chen.

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