Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2164: Cloud smoke

For the murderer who killed the city of Mopeng, the murderer of the city, many of the initiators who gathered here, no one even recognized it.

Behind these inferior strongmen, there are a number of empty spaceships hovering in the sky, one with a veil on her face, and a graceful woman standing on the deck of a virtual spaceship, separated by a distance. I also saw the scene that Qingpeng Wang took in with the secret method.

However, when she saw the face of the murderer who killed Mo Cheng, Jiao Jiao suddenly shocked and whispered: "How could it be him."

The woman’s voice is extremely low, and it’s like a mosquito. The Qingpeng Wang has been paying close attention to the surrounding world. Even if it is separated by a long distance, with his current cultivation as the realm, even if he does not use the gods, he will hear the woman’s soft whisper clearly. .

I saw that the body of Qingpeng Wang swayed, and it crossed a distant distance, such as a teleport, which appeared on the empty spaceship where the woman was.

"Do you recognize this person?" Qingpeng Wang stared coldly at the veiled woman in front of her eyes. The terrible pressure was filled, and the empty spacecraft was crumbling, and countless arrays flashed out. The defensive power of the Nethership is played out.

However, under the pressure of Qingpeng Wang, even if this empty spacecraft launched the formation, it still gave people a feeling that they seemed to be broken.

"Peng Wang's predecessors asked for anger. This is the princess of our Qianlian dynasty. I also asked Peng Wang's predecessors to look at the Qianlian ancestors. Don't be a princess." An old man came to the masked woman. Said humblely. She is also a strong starter, but she is only inexhaustible.

"Hey, this king is in charge of the Qianlian dynasty or the Wanlian dynasty. This king asks you, can you recognize the murderer who killed this king?" Qingpeng Wang looked cold and stared at the veiled eyes. The clouds and smoke did not put the Qianlian Dynasty in the eye.

"Clouds and smoke see the predecessors of Peng Wang, but Peng Wang's predecessors misunderstood, the little woman does not recognize this person, and also does not know the origin of this person." Yun Yanyan with a huge pressure, difficult to say to Qingpeng Wang Xie Li.

"Hey, you are not a good fool of the king." Qing Peng Wang coldly said, the dawn is very incomparable. At the same time, the virtual spacecraft occupied by the clouds and smoke trembled fiercely. There were several dull explosions, and the defensive array of the spacecraft was crushed by the momentum of Qingpengwang.

The vain spacecraft in which the cloud smog is located is of a good grade. These defensive arrays are not low in level and can easily withstand the attack of the Promise, but in front of the Qingpeng King, it is still as fragile as a child's toy.

"Tell the king what you know about this person. There are many ways for the king to get all the things that Wang wants to know from you. You better not force the king to do it." On the cold body, his body murdered, making the surrounding voids become like a thousand years of ice.

On the Void spacecraft, whether it is the old man who has been repaired to the beginning of the Promise, or the veil of the veil of his face, under the oppressive pressure of Qingpeng Wang, it has become pale and white.

"Peng Wang predecessors, you are a senior of the predecessors, but regardless of your identity, bullying a weak woman who is only a king of the kingdom, if the matter is spread out, it is afraid to damage the prestige of the predecessors of Peng Wang." Just then, A soft female voice came over and saw a woman wearing a long red dress with a temperament and extraordinary appearance appeared on the empty spaceship out of thin air. This woman has a deep-skinned geese and a closed-moon shame, but she obviously converges on her own breath, making her look like an ordinary ordinary person at the moment, and she is calmly facing Qingpeng Wang.

Seeing this woman, Qingpeng Wang’s face was also slightly heavy, saying: “It’s the Eighth Highness of the Bisheng Temple, what? Eighth, this is a nosy?”

As soon as I heard the Eighth Hall of the Shengsheng Temple, here, all the strongmen who gathered here gathered their eyes together, and even the swordsman who sat on the rock on the knees could not help but pay attention. come.

Not long ago, under the Great Hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, he entered the Bohai Jingu Shrine in an invincible position. The unimpeded momentum of the day deeply shocked everyone's soul in the field. Therefore, under the glory of the hall under the hall of the Shengsheng Temple, as the Eighth Highness of her sister, even if it has not yet reached the top, it is also a jealousy for everyone.

"Pengwang's predecessors said that they are heavy, just happening. I also have some words to ask about Yunxiaoyan. I wonder if Pengwang's predecessors minded it?"

Although she was seeking the advice of Qingpeng Wang, in fact, she did not wait for the answer from Qingpeng Wang. She turned her head and said to Yunxiaoyan: "Clouds and smoke, I wonder if you mind going to sit in my temple." Saying, it is the momentum that wants to take the clouds and leave.

Invited by the Eighth Hall of the Eighth Heaven Palace, Yunxiaoyan and the old man have a feeling of being flattered.

"Hey, His Royal Highness, do you really think that you have a master sister supporting you, you can do whatever you want, don't you put this king in your eyes?" Qingpeng Wang said with a gloomy face. If you don't taboo under the hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, with his temperament, you will let a mixed element start to arrogate in front of you.

"Peng Wang predecessors, you are looking for the murderer to kill your apprentice, you can wait for him to come out from the Bohai Jingu Shrine, why not be innocent. Clouds smoke, let's go." Peter Sheng Temple Eighth Hall in Qingpeng Wang Just like a murderous gaze, I left the Void Warship with a cloud of smoke.

"Clouds, I want to know what happened in the Bohai Palace, you can tell me about your experience." In a magnificent temple, the Eighth Temple of the Bisheng Temple sits on a piece of jade and looks at the sky. Smoke, said: "You must not say that you have not been to the Bohai Jingu Shrine, although you are not from the Bohai Jingu Shrine, but there are things, you can't quite me."

It is said that the clouds and the smoke are full of bitterness. She knows that some of the priests of the Bisheng Temple are all supernatural. They master many ancient powerful mysteries and can understand many hidden things. In front of these people, even if they want to To conceal, I am afraid that there is no such ability, and even if there is no lying, the other party is clear.

"Returning to His Highness, my second body entered the Bohai Jingu Shrine, but it fell shortly afterwards. Therefore, there is not much to know about what happened inside the Bohai Jingu Shrine..." Under the Eighth Hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, Yun Yanyan simply did not dare to conceal, and told all the news he knew, including Ming Dong.

"This Mingdong is in the Bohai God Palace, but it is a big splash, but I can see that the causal line between you and Mingdong is not so simple as hatred. Your main body is coming from the Qianlian dynasty to the sea god. Palace, because it is also for the boy of Mingdong." said the Eighth Highness.

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