Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2165: Three ancestors

"It seems that everything is beyond the heights of the Eighth Highness." The attitude of Yunxiaoyan is very respectful. She is very cautious in the face of the Eighth Hall of the Shengsheng Temple, which is incomparably superior in status.

Even if she is the princess of the Qianlian Dynasty, her status is also unusual, but it is still difficult to maintain a calm attitude.

Outside the Bohai God Palace, Qingpeng Wang still did not give up the information of the murderer who killed Mocheng. He was a very short-guarded person, and he was unruly. He had a wild brutality hidden in his bones. He had always been highly hoped by him. Mocheng was killed, which gave him the urge to find the forces behind the murderer.

However, some of the descendants of the gods came out from the Bohinj Palace. From the mouths of these people, Qingpeng Wang finally knew the murderer who killed his disciple, Mocheng. He was a man named Mingdong.

The identity of Mingdong and the Bisheng Tiangong was exposed at the last minute, and the gods who came out of the Bohai Palace were leaving early, but they did not know the five people who followed the Mingdong. The strong is the **** of the Peterson Palace.

Therefore, in addition to knowing a name, Qing Peng Wang knows nothing about it.

"Ming Dong, good, good, very good, dare to kill this disciple of the king, no matter who you are, this king can never let you live alive, and the forces behind you, dare to condone you in the Bohai God Palace. As a result, after the king has checked your identity background, the king will personally go to a trip." The voice of Qing Peng Wang's indifference came out, the cold killing, the void seemed to solidify.

I don’t know if he knows that Ming Dong is the identity of His Royal Highness, and he still dares to speak out this rhetoric.

On the twelfth floor of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, near the four statues of Taishi, Shuiyunlan, Oledona, Mingdong, Ruidi and Zhiyue, etc., still sitting here like a stone carving, they are motionless. In full strength, restore your own spirit.

However, at this moment, a quaint and light voice suddenly came, and the sound of the pleasant sound seemed to contain an infinite magical force, wearing a golden cracked stone, which could break through all obstacles and clearly play in the heavens and the earth. .

In this twelfth space, there are dozens of gods who are also recovering the spirits. Many of them are surrounded by heavy arrays. However, this sound has penetrated effortlessly. These arrays have awakened everyone in this area.

For a time, everyone gathered here opened their eyes and turned their eyes to the same place.

I saw there, the Shangguan singer in the purple dress was closing his eyes and sitting on the treble piano on her lap, the thirty-six strings, and now they jumped and played. A subtle sound like a fairy.

The sound of the music echoes, it seems to be in the interpretation of the world, there is a kind of mysterious and mysterious avenue of the avenue, more exciting, only two breaths, including water rhyme, all eyes are revealed They are fascinated by the color of the drunk, they seem to be unknowingly, they are completely photographed by the sound of the piano, and they sink into it.

Also at this moment, in the eyebrows of Mingdong, there was a simple rune that flashed away, and the sound of the soul was taken by the sound of the sound, and suddenly woke up.

"Scorpion!" Mingdong sang low and looked at the official screen with a look of surprise.

"Don't worry!" Shangguan curtain slowly opened his eyes, and said calmly, immediately saw her jade-like white jade finger, gently pressed on the strings.

Suddenly, the strings that bounced off immediately stopped, and the breathtaking sounds of the strings were abruptly stopped.

"This is the two demon songs inscribed on the demon jingming piano. I just want to see the power of the two demon songs, and will not hurt any one here." Shangguan Muer said, the beauty of the two souls In the middle of it, there is a color of surprise that is difficult to hide.

She finally awakened the spirit of the sleep of the celestial melody in the piano. When she was in the lower bound, she was initially recognized by the celestial melody, and she had been in control of the celestial melody for many years. Now that the instrument is awakened, she has no natural resistance to her. She regards her as the ancestor of the three ancestors and has successfully confessed to the Lord.

"Is this the legendary demon two songs? It is terrible, even if you don't know it, you are controlled by the soul." The water rhyme blue is back, and the eyes that do not contain the slightest sensation are dignified. The meaning.

Olidona is also staring at the celestial melody, and whispered: "I have recorded in the Protoss of the Protoss, the three ancestors of the sacred Taoist dynasty can evolve the infinite world of heaven and earth, helping the direct avenue. When you realize the realm, it is more than a hundred times easier than usual, and there is also the ability to heal the damage of the gods. It is very mysterious. When the magic is out, it can reverse the rules, reverse the heavens and the earth, and control the soul of the beginning. This two demon songs is the most terrible means of the sacred Taoist dynasty. I didn’t expect it to be controlled by you now."

Ruidi and the night of the night are also a look of the Shangguan singer, because of the reasons of the dragon and phoenix, so for the legend of the three ancestors, they know not as detailed as the water blue and Ollidona, but just that short Lost, but they are very scared.

"The curtain, the spirit of the demon jingming piano is awakened?" Jian Chen also rushed to the electric engine, looking at the Shangguan screen with a look of joy.

"Well, in this space, there is a soul power that has not yet dissipated. After the soul has absorbed enough soul power, the spirit has already awakened." Shangguan’s face has a shallow smile on his face. Looking at this piece of heaven and earth, said: "After the awakening of the spirit, I realized the spiritual power that permeated here. It was the ancestor of the Bohai sect who was second only to the esteemed ancestors. Although he has already lost his mind, perhaps Because of the closure of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, or for some other reason, he still has a small part of the soul that permeates this space."

Upon hearing this, Jian Chen was shocked and immediately caught the mouth of Shangguan. Now the spirit of the Bohai Jingu Shrine has been awakened. If he is made aware that the Tianquing Qinqin is absorbing the soul of his old master, then no one knows what the consequences will be.

However, in the dark, Jian Chen is already communicating with Ziqing Sword Spirit, and wants them to learn the waking way of the celestial melody, and absorb the soul here to restore itself.

"Ten magic sound piano because of its particularity, so it can absorb the soul here, but we can't, we can hardly feel the existence of these soul forces." Ziqing sword spirit said helplessly.

The regret of Jian Chen’s face, if Zi Qing Jian Ling can recover some strength through the soul power here, it will be incalculable for his future help.

After hesitating for a moment, Jian Chen looked at the crowd and said: "The spirit has been removed from sleep, and Xiao Man will successfully become the new owner of the Bohai Jingu Shrine. I think we will leave here soon."

"Sword dust, then what are your plans for the next time?" Oledona asked, she did not care about the attribution of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, just to fulfill the will of the God of War.

"Jian Chen, let me go with me, go with me to Peterson Temple. My eight sisters are outside, and the master sister has just revealed that you just have to be with me, no matter if you are offended in the Bohai Palace. How many people, I promise that they will not dare to take you." Ming Dong said, the same attitude that is indifferent to the Bohai Palace.

The water rhyme blue is silent, she is now difficult to protect herself, and she dare not leave the gate of the Bohai Jingu Shrine. At this time, she can't help.

Rui Di and the night-night two, also did not speak, although the sword dust comes from their hometown, but Jian Chen has too many people who have been offended in the Bohai God Palace. Their dragon and phoenix sects are still shallow and can not provide any for Jian Chen. s help.

"Ming Dong, I have my own way to go, I will leave with the water rhyme blue through the transmission array in the Bohai Palace." Jian Chen refused the invitation of Ming Dong, he has his own pride and dignity, do not want Send people under the fence. Moreover, he has Ziqing Jianling in his body and he does not dare to go to the Bisheng Temple.

"Minger, you still go back to the sacred Taoist sect. In a short time, don't go to Yunzhou, stay in the Shenyin Daozong, but there is no small help for you." Jian Chen said to Shangguan, he also If you understand your situation, you will not dare to bring Shangguan.

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