Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2166: Finished perfectly

"I will continue to practice for a while in Shenyin Daozong. Although the rejuvenation of the magical music of today's magical sounds can make me inherit the inheritance of the three ancestors in the past, in the Shenyin Taoist, there are also many three ancestors. The various notes left, these will be of great help to me.” Shangguan’s eyes looked at Jian Chen, and the two eyes seemed to be able to capture the heart of worry, saying: “You are in the sea. There is such a big storm in the shrine, and it is also because of your reasons that many generations of gods have lost the opportunity to get the Bohai Palace. There are already many people who remember you outside, the road behind you. It will be very difficult, you have to be careful."

Jian Chen said with a smile: "The curtain, you can rest assured, I am not so easy to die. Yes, this is a move, the key moments to keep the life, you must collect "Sword dust took out a space move from the space ring and handed it to the hands of Shangguan."

"It turned out to be a mover, where did you come from?" As soon as I heard the move, Oridona, Reddy and the nights were surprised.

"This 挪 挪 挪 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 可 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪 挪

The introduction of the people, let the Shangguan dynasty also understand the preciousness of the move, the heart can not help but touched, pushed the 挪 挪 move, and looked worried: "Jian Chen, this 挪 挪 挪 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你 你I need him more than I do."

"I still have this one, you have to accept it anyway. If you have this life-saving rune on you, I will be more secure." Jian Chen said firmly, there is no room for negotiation. .

"Well, I will accept this one move. But don't forget, we promised Xiaobao in the first place, and will pick him up within ten thousand years." Shangguan squint looked at the sword deeply. dust.

When mentioning Xiaobao, Jian Chen couldn't help but think of the children who were waiting for their return in Tianyuan, as well as the relatives and brothers of You Yue, Huang Wei, etc., and there was a deep thought in their hearts.

At this time, Jian Chen and others only felt that the line of sight suddenly changed. Their group of people had been taken away from the twelfth layer by a mysterious force that suddenly appeared, appearing in a sense of vicissitudes. Among the huge stone caves.

Sudden changes, suddenly shocked everyone, showing the color of vigilance.

"No need to be nervous, it is the spirit of the Bohai Jingu Shrine." Jian Chen said that in this Bohai Palace, there are only those who have such great ability, and only have the ability to control everything here.

"Sword dust brother!" Xiao Man’s voice passed from afar, only to see her and the spirit of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, the old man who was only four feet tall appeared silently next to Jian Chen. Excited looking at the sword dust.

The spirits of the Bohai Jingu Shrine, a pair of small eyes, are staring at the East, and the five gods standing behind the Naruto from time to time, the eyes are flashing, and I don’t know what to think.

"Small man, have you succeeded?" Jian Chen looked at Xiao Man with a smile.

Xiao Man nodded and said excitedly: "I have already mastered the most basic functions of the Bohai Jingu Shrine. Jian Chen brother, do you know, I feel like I have already merged with the Bohai Shrine now, I am always there. I can feel the change of it. This feeling is really wonderful. Just, I heard that I want to completely control the Bohai Palace by my own strength, and there is still a long way to go."

"Right, the spirit, you quickly take out the inheritance in the Bohai God Palace, this is my agreement with the brother of Jian Chen." Xiao Man said to the spirit.

The instrument nodded, and he had already learned about it from the small savage mouth, and immediately grabbed the palm of his hand. Suddenly, in the entire Bohai Jingu Shrine, all the inheritance places left by the strongstarters, the various arrays outside are forbidden to be broken at the same time. The various inheritances that have been stored for hundreds of years are At the same moment disappeared without a trace.

When these disappearing inheritances reappeared, they have already floated in front of the spirits of the Bohai Jingu Shrine.

In the Bohai Jingu Shrine, the spirit is almost omnipotent, and can control the power of the Bohai Jingu Palace arbitrarily, unless it is the level of power that exceeds the existence of the Shangpin artifact, the sea **** palace, otherwise it is impossible to escape from him. Palm heart.

Therefore, the various elements of the beginning of these mixed elements, as well as the weaker ones of the Promise of the Promise, are naturally invisible in the face of the Spirit.

"There are five inheritances of the beginning of the mixed yuan, and a total of eighteen inheritances of the Promise. Since this is the command of the little master, then these inheritances are taken away." The spirit said, he looked at the various floating in front of himself. Inheritance, full of a complex feeling.

Jian Chen is not tempted, and all these inheritances, which are almost everyone's eyes, are collected.

These traditions and manifestations are also different, either inherited through space rings, or inherited through statues, and some are condensed into a stream of consciousness, stored in a colorful and colorful beads.

Without exception, each inheritance is equipped with a space ring.

"Ridi, stop the night, according to the agreement, these are yours." Jian Chen also divided the three layers from these inheritance to Ruidi and the night, this is the agreement between him and the two of them.

Looking at the inheritance of a mixed element in front of himself, and the inheritance of several kinds of infinite beginnings, both Riddy and the night are very heart-felt, but they do not immediately accept it, but they are hesitant.

In the end, Riddy and the night were just one person who received a kind of inheritance of the Promise, saying: "In fact, we have not made much effort. If we really accept the third floor, we will suffer. So, It’s enough for me and the night to get a one-of-a-kind inheritance."

"If our dragons and phoenixes are shallow and shallow, we really need these things to supplement them. We will definitely not charge you any compensation." The night said, there was some helplessness between the looks.

After receiving the things, Riddy and the night ended up leaving.

Immediately afterwards, Olidona also left here, she will return to the Protoss as soon as possible, and tell the God of War what happened in the Poseidon Palace.

"Brother, since you don't want to go back to Peterson Palace with me, then I won't force you. Then I will go to Yunzhou and go to the Tianyuan family you created to see if you have anything to ask me. With it," Mingdong said.

Jian Chen hesitated, and then handed over all the inheritance he had obtained in the Bohai God Palace to Mingdong. He took some of the gods from the space ring and said: "You bring these things to Tianyuan. Go to the family and see if they are suitable for these inheritances."

"Well, you can rest assured that I have a measure of my own. This time, I will stay in your family for a while. Therefore, you don't have to worry about the safety of the Tianyuan family. If you want to shelter a family, there is still no problem." Mingdong vowed to say that in his current status, he does have such qualifications and enthusiasm.

PS: This is the chapter that made up yesterday. I continue to code the code. The time in the next chapter is estimated to be somewhat late.

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