Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2218: a transaction

"Mo Tianyun's predecessors, you seem to know very well about the Temple of Light."

Wen Yan, Mo Tianyun showed a meaningful smile, said: "The Temple of Light, I have been there many times, I have also gone to their temple, so the information on the Temple of Light, mastered More."

"It seems that Mo Tianyun's predecessors and some of the high-level temples of the Guangming Temple are very sympathetic." Jian Chen secretly thought, immediately after his heart moved, and then asked: "Mo Tianyun predecessors, then you do not know how to Entering the Light Tower?" Since Mo Tianyun knows the top of the Temple of Light, what he knows is naturally above his teacher's chill, if he can know from Mo Tianyun that he can enter in the most convenient way. The Light Tower, that is also a good thing for Jian Chen.

Mo Tianyun indulged, saying: "Every time the opening of the Tower of Light requires at least two deputy priests to personally take shots, so this holy tower is not intended to enter. The easiest way, It is you who worship a deputy lord as a teacher and let the deputy lord open the sacred tower for you alone. This is the easiest way for you. Once your talent is known to everyone, there must be many deputy lords. Willing to take the initiative to accept you as a disciple."

"After all, one color Yuan Dan has become a holy warrior, you are the only one in this million years."

"In addition, the Temple of Light is about to be selected for the new Son. Once the Son is selected, the Tower of Light will be opened once. Every Son can bring nine people into the Tower of Light." Mo Tianyun tone A meal, like a smile, looked at Jian Chen, said: "You can choose to become one of the nine sons of the Son, follow the Son into the Tower of Light, this is the second way to enter."

"If not, then only choose the last method. The Holy Light Tower is opened once every five hundred years. Every time it is opened, it is open to all the sacred sages, and then exchanged for the Holy Light with personal merits and contributions. The cultivation time of the tower."

"But I don't recommend you to use the last method, because it is only two or three hundred years since the last time the Tower was opened. Therefore, you must wait at least two hundred years from the next opening."

Wen Yan, the sword dust brows slightly wrinkled, muttered: "Two hundred years, this time is indeed too long. And the first method will increase the risk of exposure of my martial arts, so to speak, put in front of my eyes Road, only to become a saint, choose from this one."

"It is not a simple matter to become a saint and a follower. In the history of the Temple of Light, every nine sons of the Sons are the kings of the gods. Although in recent years, There is no light sacred teacher in the Temple of Light in the Temple of the Light, but the sacredness of the Son is not lower than the beginning of the King. At present, the order of the sacred priest is only equivalent to a source. Mo Tianyun said that the meaning of the words is very obvious. With the strength of Jian Chen today, he wants to be the sacred son of the Son.

"It seems that if you want to be a sacred son, it will be a difficult thing for me to be present." Jian Chen’s face smiled. At this time, he did not know how to be good. I really have to wait for two hundred years.

Because there is really what he needs in the Tower of Light, in the Holy Light Tower, he even has the opportunity to gain more powerful exercises and techniques than the life of the Temple of the Light.

Because Mo Tianyun’s remarks have been revealed, whether it is the lord of the Temple of Light or the deputy lord, all of his life is from the Tower of Light.

So this holy tower, he has to go in.

But now the road ahead of him, only the third one works.

He worshipped the characters like the deputy, and he never thought about it. This will undoubtedly increase the risk of his exposure. Even if he can cover up the existence of Ziqing Sword Spirit, he does not have the full grasp of the identity of the hidden Wu Soul.

Being able to serve as the deputy lord of the Temple of Light, whose cultivation is far more than him, these characters, the cognition and understanding of the Light and the Holy Spirit, and the sentiment of the jihad law are enough to make the sword dust look up, he only A little bit of flaws will expose the risk of martial arts.

Can become the sacred son of the Son, the weakest need to repair the seven-color Yuan Dan, he has just become a one-color Yuan Dan, the difference is too far.

Xuan Ming, who was hiding in the True Tower, was one of the eight deputy priests of the Temple of Light. He did not consider the relationship through Xuan Ming, but he was also vetoed. Xuan Ming already knew that he was the identity of the military. If he was looking for Xuan Ming, he would not actively expose himself to the martial arts.

Seeing Jian Chen frowning, Mo Tianyun smiled and said: "If you are willing to be a sacred son, I have a good way."

"What is the solution?" Jian Chen immediately asked, as long as he can enter the Holy Light Tower, even if he is a sacred son, he is very willing.

Mo Tianyun waved his hand and suddenly there was a fist-sized light group.

At the moment of seeing this light group, Jian Chen suddenly felt from his own gods deep, and a desire that made him somewhat difficult to contain, so that he had an impulse to want to swallow this light group immediately.

Moreover, in this group of light, there is also a burst of feeling that makes Jianmo Yuanshen feel very comfortable. He just looked at a few eyes, and he had the illusion that his own power of the gods was rising and soaring.

"This is the soul of the strong, experienced and refined, the most pure soul of the soul formed after the removal of all magazines - the soul of pure spirit!" Jian Chen whispered, the soul of pure spirit, the space he harvested The ring just saw the description of the pure soul, so he recognized it at a glance.

"The soul of this group of pure spirits has made me have an impulsive impulse. It seems that this group of pure souls is at least tempered by the gods of the beginning strong." Jian Chen's tone is low. Said, the eyes are very complicated.

The strong-starters, in the sanctuary, are already standing on the top of the pyramid. These characters, once in his eyes, are all high-ranking figures. But now, he has seen a group of strong people from the beginning. The pure soul refined by the gods.

"The master of this group of pure souls is cultivated in an infinite state. Therefore, the richness of the spirit of the spirit of this group is enough to make any **** king tempted. This thing is enough to impress those people. The nine-star genius who is about to participate in the battle for the Son," Mo Tianyun said.

Wen Yan, Jian Chen's eyes flashed, showing hesitation, but in the end, he shook his head and said: "Predecessors, this thing is too expensive, I can not accept."

Mo Tianyun smiled lightly and said: "You can rest assured that this pure soul, I am not giving you away, I use this, plus other treasures, to make a deal with you."

"I don't know what the predecessors saw on me?" Jian Chen felt a tight heart and suddenly remembered the true tower of his body.

PS: Chapter 2, continue to write the third chapter.

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