Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2219: Double sword

Nowadays, it has been a few days since he left Tianmingxing. After such a long time passed, his message of returning to the true tower has already been leaked out.

As a top-level artifact, the true tower is still in a state of being broken, but its value is still enough to make many top powers crazy, and the things that happen on the sky are the best examples.

Therefore, when Jian Chen heard that Mo Tianyun was looking for himself to make a deal, he subconsciously thought of the true tower on his body.

In addition to the real tower, he can no longer think of himself, and there is something that can be seen by Mo Tianyun.

"Predecessors, do you also take a fancy to the true tower?" Jian Chen asked, the value of the true tower, but far from the pure soul of this group can be compared, if Mo Tianyun really fancy really Tower, then how can he be good?

Looking at the serious expression of Jian Chen, Mo Tianyun could not help but reveal a bitter smile, said: "That is really a tower, but a hot potato, not everyone can get involved, if the heart of the Shengsheng Temple is pursued, look There are not many people in the entire sacred world. The deal between me and you is for you to shoot once."

"Let me shoot once?" Hearing this statement, the sword dust looks awkward and reveals the strange color. "Mo Tianyun's predecessors, with my strength, I am afraid to help you get busy with you."

Mo Tianyun shook his head gently and said: "You should never underestimate yourself. You have Ziqing Sword Spirit, although you are still weak in strength, even though Ziqing Sword Spirit has not recovered to its peak, but Once the purple and blue swords are combined, the power is also shocking, weeping."

Mo Tianyun looked at Jian Chen with a serious look: "And I, you need to have a double sword."

"No! Master, can't promise!"

"Master, never, double swords, the power of counter-attack is too strong, not to the point of the mountains and waters, and must not go this way."

Waiting for Jian Chen to speak, Zi Yan and Qing Su will immediately oppose, and the two swords merge. For them, the two sword spirits are already a dead end, and they are resolutely untouchable taboos.

Because the masters of their old masters have been succumbed to the utmost ruthlessness, they eventually died under the resurgence of the two swords, not to mention the sword dust.

The sword dust looks calm. He looks at Mo Tianyun and says: "Mo Tianyun's predecessors, can you tell me why? Why do I need a double sword?"

Mo Tianyun sighed softly. He stood up from the stone bench and stood on the edge of the weedy cliff. He looked up at the round moon in the sky, which was full of bright moonlight. He said, "Tell you anyway, you. I saw at the moment, actually one of my nine avatars, and my deity is trapped by a strong opponent."

"This method is powerful, but it is impossible to trap me forever. In just tens of thousands of years, I can break through this method with my own strength."

"Unexpectedly, there was a change in Yunzhou, and Xiaoling was robbed by the Heavenly Emperor's Heavenly Demon. The Heavenly Demon is the Devil, and the little spirit falls in his hands, at any time. It is dangerous, therefore, my deity needs to get out of trouble immediately."

"What, Xiaoling was robbed!" Jian Chen's face changed greatly, and suddenly stood up, his eyes became extremely sharp, and his heart rose.

In his mind, Xiaoling has long been regarded as his own sister, and he definitely does not allow Xiaoling to make a little accident.

"Mo Tianyun's predecessor, what is this big magic demon respect?" Jian Chen asked, his face was ugly.

"I just entered the four days of Taishijing, and it is not much weaker than the Qingpeng who chased you." Mo Tianyun said.

After learning the strength of the Heavenly Demon Respect, the heart of Jian Chen was a sinking, giving birth to a feeling of powerlessness. It was a four-day heaven in the beginning, which was an unattainable existence in his eyes.

"You don't need to worry, as long as my deity is out of trouble, this big demon is not enough to worry." Mo Tianyun said, the tone is dull, it seems that there is no such thing as a big demon in the eyes.

"In this case, then Mo Tianyun's predecessors, we will leave now, I will display a double sword to help you break the seal." Jian Chen said without hesitation, worried, very worried about the safety of the spirit.

"Master, the combination of two swords is too dangerous..."

"Master, never impulsive..."

Ziqing Sword Spirit kept persuading Jian Chen. In their view, Jian Chen had no need to let the two swords merge for this matter. The price paid was really worthless.

"Purple, Qingsuo, you don't have to say more, as long as it can save the little spirit, even if I pay the price of the big, I will not hesitate." Jian Chen said.

"You don't have to worry too much. The combination of swords and swords is not necessarily a bad thing for Jian Chen. Jian Chen cultivates the body of chaos, but according to my understanding of the power of chaos, even if he cultivates the power of chaos to The peak of Dacheng is also the power of pseudo-chaos, and the power of the open-mindedness of the two swords is the real power of chaos."

"The reason why the owner of the previous generation of Ziqing Shuangjian will be annihilated in that merger is because he has not cultivated the body of chaos, and can't bear the impact of the power of chaos. The sword dust is completely different, and he will display it. The combination of two swords can make him feel the true power of chaos." Mo Tianyun said to Ziqing Jianling.

After listening to this, Ziqing Jianling suddenly became silent. They also knew that Mo Tianyun actually said that it also makes sense.

Mo Tianyun looked at Jian Chen again and said: "Crack the seal, I still need to prepare for it. Some secrets, only you and I know, you must not let the third person know, you wait for me for three days, three days later, I will come. Looking for you."

Jian Chen nodded. He naturally knew that Mo Tianyun pointed out that it was their identity problem. Once they were exposed to the identity of the immortal world, the holy world would no longer have their place.

Subsequently, Mo Tianyun left, and walked quietly, so that Jian Chen could not find the trace.

After Mo Tianyun left, Jian Chen did not have any thoughts on cultivation. The little spirit was desecrated and fell into the hands of a magician. No one knows what her current situation is. This makes Jian Chen fidget and is very worried about Xiaoling. .

"This Mingdong doesn't know what he is doing. Didn't he leave for Yunzhou long ago? How can he let Xiaoling be taken away?" Jian Chen complained that this moment, even intends to immediately return the true tower. To the Bi Sheng Tian Gong, please ask the assistants of the Bi Sheng Tian Gong Temple, but after thinking twice, he still feels that Mo Tianyun is more reliable.

After all, Mo Tianyun, like him, is the kind of person who really cares about the little spirit.

The next three days, Jian Chen really realized what it is like to be a year. In these three days, he did not have the mind to practice. Every morning when he went to the top of the mountain to see Han Xin, he was a kind of absent-minded.

PS: Chapter 3 arrives, although the time has been delayed, but the three chapters that I said yesterday have all been updated. In addition, there is still a chapter today, just today, this time is a bit late, I have to go after the morning, brothers do not wait.

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