Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2220: Net fire red lotus

"Little brother, what have you been doing lately? How can you always look like you are grimacing? If you have any unhappy things, you can tell the sisters and sisters. Maybe the sister can help you." Bai Yu whispered to Jian Chen’s ear and said softly. Exhaled like a blue, the body exudes a refreshing and pleasant body fragrance, full of concern.

Even Han Xin saw that there was something wrong with Jian Chen. He also simply asked a few words and did not delve into it.

Zhuo Feng, still a cold and faint look, a gesture of indifference to Jian Chen.

Finally, three days passed. On this day, Jian Chen deliberately took a leave of absence from Han Xin’s teacher. Instead of going to the top of the mountain, he stood outside his own Dongfu and waited quietly for the arrival of Mo Tianyun.

"Little teacher, younger brother, it turns out that your Dongfu is here, you can find you. You say you, choose a cave, how can you choose this remote place, the bad sister I am looking for, and here So chaotic, there are weeds everywhere, can this place be used as a cave house?" At this moment, Baiyu flew slowly from a distance under the cover of a bright force.

"Little sister, how come you?" Looking at the white jade that was already standing in front of him, the sword dust brows slightly.

White jade wrinkled his nose and revealed his dissatisfaction. He said: "What little sister, you should be called the second division, I said, before you can exceed my strength, I am not allowed to call my little sister."

Bai Yu circled the sword dust, staring at the pair of bright big eyes staring at the sword dust, said: "Little brother, you are not normal these days, and you have not listened to Han Xin teacher this morning. The sister is caring for you, so I will come to see you."

"Thank you, my sister is concerned, I am fine, I am going to retreat, and my sister is still going back." Jian Chen said, then he turned into Dongfu, and the guardianship method opened, blocking Baiyu.

In his heart, he was worried about the little spirit all the time. It was really unintentional to talk with Bai Yu.

Standing outside the cave house of Jian Chen, Bai Yu looked at the gate of Dongfu, which had been shrouded in formation. He was very dissatisfied with his mouth and shouted: "Good heart is like a liver and lung, hey, I know this, I will not come to see you."

When Bai Yu left, Mo Tianyun's figure appeared quietly here, and then a flash, he had already passed through the low-level array of Jian Chen, who did not know at the gate of Dongfu, and entered the Dongfu.

"Mo Tianyun's predecessors, can we set off?" As soon as he saw Mo Tianyun, Jian Chen's look suddenly rose.

"The longer the delay, the more dangerous the little spirit is, and it should be late. Let's go now." Mo Tianyun said, then he grabbed the shoulder of Jian Chen with one hand, and the other hand took out a simple symbol. After the activation of the symbol, immediately there was a force of transmission to vent, and the figure wrapped around them disappeared.

When Jian Chen appeared again, he had already come to a vast starry sky. He knows that he has moved away from the wilderness. At the moment, he is not far from the wilderness.

"Don't the predecessor of Mo Tianyun's predecessor be trapped here?" Jian Chen secretly thought that his eyes were flickering, and carefully looked at every place in the void, but he did not see the half-point. come out.

At this moment, the void that was not far from them suddenly burst into disarray. I saw a huge space crack suddenly appearing. Under the gaze of Jian Chen, a meteorite rushed from the crack in the space. come out.

At the moment of seeing this rock, Jian Chen’s gaze was suddenly condensed, because on the rock, he was sitting on the knees with an old man with a long sword.

This old man, although it seems ordinary, does not have a little breath out of his body, but Jian Chen has felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere from this person.

This person is a great sword ancestor!

However, for the ancestors of the sword, Jian Chen has only heard of it and has not seen it with his own eyes, so he did not recognize the identity of the ancestors of the sword.

"The three passers-by, are you satisfied?" Mo Tianyun glanced at the ancestors of the sword sitting on the rock, sitting calmly.

The sword ancestors are full of red light and full of energy. It can be seen that his mood is very excited. He said with pleasure: "Satisfied, satisfied, very satisfied, this time, I owe you a big favor."

"This person, you will soon be able to return." Mo Tianyun smiled lightly, and immediately he single-handedly slammed in the void in front.

Suddenly, the original quiet void suddenly began to distort and form a door full of space.

"Let's go in!" Mo Tianyun greeted the ancestors of the sword, and then walked in with the dust of the sword.

In the door of this space, there is a space of total emptiness, no stars, no light, and looking into the darkness.

The ancestors of the sword left the meteorite and crossed the time and space. Only one step appeared in the small world. The eyes looked around for four weeks. "I didn't expect that there is still such a small and solid world hidden here. If you don't look carefully, It is really hard to find the existence of this small world."

The ancestors of the swordsman looked at Mo Tianyun and said: "Don't your deity be trapped here?"

Mo Tianyun nodded. He reached out and pointed forward. He said: "The wall of nothingness in front, you must have felt it. This wall of nothingness has formed a strong fortress, trapping my deity in it, you Just break the wall of nothingness."

Jian Chen’s gaze also looked to the front, but there was still no discovery. Even if he used his own knowledge, he found nothing.

"It seems that this wall of nothingness, without a certain strength, simply can not detect its existence." Jian Chen heart secretly.

"This wall of nothingness is equivalent to the solidity of a Chinese artifact. With the strength of your deity, it is not difficult to break this wall of nothingness. Why should I shoot?" The sword ancestor stared at the front. The wall of nothingness looked for a moment, and asked doubtfully.

"It's not as simple as you think, let's do it." Mo Tianyun took the sword dust back far away and opened a long distance with the ancestors.

The stalwart ancestors slowly nodded. The next moment, an incomparably strong sword spurted out from him, and the sleek long sword behind him was also shining with glare, like a scorching sun. Shining in the sky, the darkness of this dark void is rendered white.

The sword ancestor holds a long sword and stabs it directly.

This sword, like a rainbow, seems to pierce the whole void, with a heart-wrenching terrorist force on the wall of nothingness ahead.

"This is the power of Jian Xuanjing Dacheng, take a good look." Mo Tianyun looked at the ancestors of the sword, whispering against the sword.

"Jian Xuan Dacheng realm of the Kendo strong?" Wen Yan, Jian Chen heart and soul shocked, eyes staring at the old man in front of the moment, asked: "Mo Tianyun predecessor, who is this person?"

"He is the ancestor of your sword, but in the future, he will not find you any more trouble." Mo Tianyun said with a clear air.

Just then, a deafening roar came suddenly, accompanied by a fiery flame venting out, emitting a red sky and shining the darkness of this dark void.

I saw that the wall of nothingness has been crushed by the ancestors of the sword. However, in the wall of nothingness, there is a group of eternal flames burning in the air, seemingly burning the void, emitting horrible heat.

Seeing the flame hidden in the wall of nothingness, the face of the ancestors of the sword was changed, and the look suddenly became more dignified than before. He shouted: "This is the sacred fire of the lotus. You are too ignorant." The net fire, the red lotus, and the Kun Kun are trapped?"

"Yes, this battle has been trapped for tens of thousands of years, but the people in the main battle are not Yan Zun." Mo Tianyun said.

The ancestors of the swordsman looked dignified. His eyes stared deeply at the glare of the sky in front of him. Shen Sheng said: "If it is really Yan Zun, you can't stick to it now. But this is a red fire lotus. It can be solved by non-power."

"The next thing is given to us." Mo Tianyun said, sitting on a gesture of asking for the sword ancestors.

The ancestors knew that the next thing didn't want to let them see it. He didn't hesitate. He nodded. He looked at the sword dust deeply and turned away.

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