Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2221: The power of true chaos (1)

As soon as he heard that Yan Zun was too early, Jian Chen was a move in his heart. He was no stranger to the name of Yan Zhan Tai Shi. This is a monk who dared to cultivate himself as a supreme hand in the world.

When she was still in the lower bounds, Jian Chen first entered the ninth floor of the true tower. She saw a picture of a suspect that was really too beginning, and learned from her mouth that it was really too long to be slain by the first strongest in the world. After Xianzun was seriously wounded and returned, he was ambushed by Yan Zhan Tai Shi and the real Tai Chi.

At that time, Yan Zun began to want to take advantage of it. It was really too old to be hit hard. From the beginning of the real time, he won the ultimate feeling of the law of the fire. As a result, Yan Zun was too small to see it. It was really too Even if it is a heavy blow, it is still not what Yan Zun can handle.

In the end, he was really a singer, and he was really ruined by the hands of the gods. Even Yan Zun was too beginning to be ruined, and only the gods escaped.

Even so far, Jian Chen has not yet been determined. In the projection of the sheng ninth palace of the ninth floor of the true tower, the one who saw the self-proclaimed true beginning is really still It’s really too beginning to be made by the real tower, but one thing he can be sure of is that Yan Zun’s beginning to collude with his sneak attack is really too beginning, not a false rumor.

Otherwise, Xu Ran, who is a singer of his family, will not be implicated, and will be pursued by the gods of the Bi Sheng Tian Palace for millions of years.

"Mo Tianyun's predecessors, is this Yan Zun too strong in strength? Even the sword ancestors are so jealous?" Jian Chen asked about the information of Yan Zun Tai Shi.

Mo Tianyun nodded and said: "This Yan Zun is indeed very strong. In the Holy World, he is one of the few peak powers. It is only one step away from Taizun."

"But this is a maddening madness. It is rumored that he wants to make his own magical law into the final step. It is really too daring to start. It is really too strong, in the seven great respects of the sanctuary, However, it ranks among the top three. The strongmen at this level, let alone his Yan Zun has not broken through to the last step, even if he has entered the final step, becoming a world of supreme respect, it is impossible. From the beginning of the real time, I won the sentiment of the law of the fire."

"After the failure of the real start, this inflammation is too beginning, and the poisoned hand is extended to the ice temple, in an attempt to seek an opportunity from the ice **** to let him step into the final step.

Hearing here, Jian Chen suddenly sinks into his heart and said with a dignified look: "It seems that the person behind Nantiantian is the end of Yan Zun."

Mo Tianyun glanced at Jian Chen with a deep look. He said: "I know that you have a second sister named Changyang Mingyue in Tianyuan. If you have a way to contact her, you will pass this news to her so that she does not know the enemy. Before sufficient strength, he rushed back to the Ice Temple and cast his own net."

"Or, you can also let your second sister go to the Bishengtian Temple. At that time, under the main hall of the Bisheng Temple, the world’s chasing and killing ancestors began to sensationalize the entire sacred world, until later Yan Zeng began to hide deeply. When I got up, I couldn’t find the trace of Yan Zun under the Great Hall of the Bi Sheng Tian Palace. This made the pursuit of killing for many years come to an end."

Jian Chen nodded and his mood became a bit heavy. He was deeply worried about the fairy tales who had been away for many years. As for letting his second sister go to the Shengsheng Temple to find the main hall, he knows that this is absolutely impossible, because he has learned from the water rhyme blue mouth that a long time ago, his second sister had been with the Bisheng Tiangong. There was a conflict under the Great Hall. If the name of the second sister Changyang Mingyue was known to the second hall of the Bisheng Temple, it would be a blessing that she would not fall into the stone, let alone help.

"Let's do it, this is a red fire lotus, and I can't find a suitable candidate anymore except you, because there are some secrets that can't be known by anyone." Mo Tianyun has already come up with a speech. On the one hand, the slap-sized array came out.

This array is bronzed, and it is covered with incomparable mysterious patterns. Each line of the pattern is in harmony with the heavens and the earth. It seems to be intertwined with the heaven and earth avenues and is entangled in numerous laws.

"I am surrounded by this top-level array to ensure that when you have a pair of swords, there will be no breath leaking out, so as not to be detected by the strong people of the Holy World." Mo Tianyun waved the battle to the void. The big array of cloth will cover the place and be very cautious.

Jian Chen silently approached the net fire red lotus and Kun Kun, and Zi Qing Jian Ling, also at this moment, in the top of Jian Chen's head.

"Master, have you really decided?" Ziqing Jianling confirmed again that at this moment, the illusory faces of the two swordsmen were full of dignity.

Today, they have recovered a lot compared to the Tianyuan continent, and with the strength of their two swordsmen, the power is naturally greater after the merger, and naturally, it is also a stronger anti-phasing. .

Even they don't know whether the current Jian Chen can really withstand the counter-attacks after the combination of the two swords.

"I am absolutely perfect, purple, green, start!" Jian Chen's face is a decisive color.

Ziqing Sword Spirit looked at each other and said nothing more. The next moment, a strong purple and blue radiance suddenly emerged from Ziqing Sword Spirit and turned into two handles completely made of purple and cyan. The illusory sword of light is floating on the top of the sword dust, and the powerful swordsmanship is swept away, as if the void is being rendered into a field of swords.

Now the purple and blue swords do not have the sword body, but the combination of the purple and blue swords is no different from the sword body, because their combination is the strength of the two swords by Zi Zi and Qing Suo. Combining the two into one, the ones used are actually the original strength of the two sword spirits - the power of the yin and the power of the yang.

Chaos is divided into yin and yang, while purpura and Qingsuo are derived from the force of a scorpion to the power of the yin and the power of the yang. If their power is combined into one, it will reproduce chaos.

Jian Chen stood under the purple and blue swords, hands on the sky, raised his head above the head, and incorporated into the illusory sword of Ziqing Sword Spirit. His dantian chaos Nedan is crazy operation, a stock The chaos of the chaos is constantly being swallowed up, the sword dust is carried out, the defensive power of the thirteenth layer of chaos is maximized, and then the combination of his arms and minds controls the origin of the purple and blue swords. The force is slowly approaching.

Mo Tianyun stood in the distance, and he stared intently at the sword dust that was being carried out in the double swords. His expression was dignified.

Finally, under the efforts of Jian Chen, the power of Ziqing Sword Spirit truly merged into one, completely blended and evolved into a new power.

Suddenly, a wave of horror energy that seemed to open up in the sky suddenly broke out, letting the whole piece of emptiness tremble, and even the three thousand avenues that were intertwined, could not stop shaking.

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