Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2265: Chiba Purple Lotus

Wencheng, standing under the ring, listened to the fair newness, which is like a normal tone, and suddenly a flash of cold in the eyes. But at this moment, when the new and old sons of the Temple of Light are alternating, the new Son is born from the five nine-star geniuses. At this juncture, it is impossible to provoke any one. A nine-star genius.

Therefore, in the face of a fair new attitude, Wencheng, despite his anger in his heart, never dared to show it. Instead, he had to squeeze out a smile and hug his fist: "Since the new gentleman has opened his mouth, I am a literary student, I will go on the lessons of the martyrdom. I don’t know the long and thick sun." After that, Wen Cheng jumped and jumped to the platform.

Opposite, the sword dust looks like a poisonous snake, and the skin smiles at the Wencheng. He said: "Wencheng, you are a bright sacred trio of the three-color Yuan Dan, and I also listened to the younger sister and said that you have touched the jihad rule. The threshold is gone, you must never lose in my hands."

"Hey, it's up to you!" Wen Cheng snorted, facing the sword dust that could easily defeat Lian Yan, he did not dare to have the slightest intention, took the initiative, hands and hands, the light of the Holy Spirit surging, condensed into a white The light beam hits the sword dust.

The appearance of Jian Chen has also become cautious. In the Temple of Light, he can't reveal the identity of his own warrior. Therefore, he can only use the cultivation of one-color Yuan Dan. With such a weak cultivation, he is better than himself. The two realms of Wencheng, so that he can not be taken lightly.

On the back of Jian Chen, the Wing of the Light once again appeared. He left a residual danger in the original place and dangerously escaped the attack of Wen Cheng, and approached Wencheng quickly.

"I want to deal with me in the way of dealing with Yan Yan? You are too naive, let you smash the power of the three-color Yuan Dan." Wen Cheng snorted, his milky white light shone and condensed into a huge white shield. , shrouded him in the whole person.

And he is standing in the shield and attacking the sword dust unscrupulously.

Jian Chen uses the speed of the wings of the light to show off the dexterity of this continual attack. Several swords of the Holy Light come out and hit the white shield around Wencheng.

However, the sword of the Light of Light from the sword dust can only make this shield shake a few times, and it cannot be broken at all.

Jian Chen’s eyes condensed, and the dark road said: “This article is worthy of the bright sage of the three-color Yuan Dan. He stands here and only needs defense. I will be difficult to break. The strength of one-color Yuan Dan is indeed too weak. ""

"But if I use the jihad rule, I can break this shield with a single blow. It’s just that the one-color Yuan Dan has realized the jihad rule. This is really a shocking thing, although I have the mask of Mo Tianyun’s predecessors to cover it. I don't worry about being recognized by the strong people of the Temple of Light, but it is not too good to be too dazzling. Therefore, the law of jihad can never be used."

"The Rain of the Light!" At this moment, Wencheng sang low and a thick layer of light bloomed from him, condensing into a white spot around the body of his body, densely packed with layers of squeezing. Full of the air, and then like a storm and rain, with a sharp gas shot in all directions, the entire platform will be covered.

Under such an intensive attack, the speed of the sword dust is fast, and there is no way to escape. However, he is not confused. The three swords of the Holy Light revolve around him, forming a sword-opening path, and the future light of the Holy Light. The rain hit became a smash.

Every drop of the rain of light, the power is amazing, the sword of the light of the sword dust will soon be broken, but the sword dust with his super control of the light of the Holy Power, always able to regain in the first time Gather a new sword of the Holy Light.

Suddenly, Jian Chen reached out and pointed out the three swords of the Holy Light that were condensed in front of him. They immediately lined up and then turned into a white light, passing through the gap between the rain of the Holy Light. Shot on the white shield around Wencheng.


In a roar, Wencheng's shield was violently shaken, and its light was dimmed at a rapid speed. The energy in the shield was rushing.

Wen Cheng's face changed, immediately weakened the control of the rain of the Holy Light, and began to fully stabilize his shield.

However, at this moment, the light in the eyes of Jian Chen flashed and became extremely fierce. The next moment, I saw only a part of the rain of the light that was shot at him, and it stopped hard around his body. Then no longer continue to attack the sword dust, but turned into a white light reflected back, attacking Wencheng.

This part of the control of the Light of the Light, was robbed by the hard dust of the sword.

"Unbelievable, it is incredible, the bright sacred teacher of one color Yuan Dan can actually control the bright magic of the three-color New Year's Day sacred sage. It is unbelievable." Outside the Taiwanese, the peak of the peak can not help An exclamation.

"This Changyang's control over the light of the Holy Power is even more terrible than I thought." Xin Bing said with no expression.

Just new and nodded, and said: "It is the same, but fortunately he is only a one-color Yuan Dan, and is not a jihadist celestial division, otherwise, fearing that this year's sacred battle, we will have more A strong opponent."

"Only a nine-star genius is eligible to participate in the battle of the Son. He can only be a one-star genius." Xin Bing said.

Hearing this statement, Wang Tianfengfeng shook his head and said: "He is more than just a star genius."

"Yeah, although I don't know if he is a nine-star genius, it is absolutely impossible to be a one-star genius. It is a pity that he missed the right time and missed the participation in this sacred battle." Just said, then look. Looking at the peak of Wang Tianfeng, said: "The peak of the Lord, the battle between the two, who do you think will win?"

"It's hard to say, it's not easy to make a conclusion now." Wang Tianfeng said seriously.

Just new and mysterious smile, said: "In this case, it is not as good as how I gamble with the peak? If you gamble this battle, who of them will be the ultimate winner."

Wen Yan, Wang Tianfeng peak revealed a bitter smile, said: "It seems that you are still staring at the Chiba purple lotus in my hand, but this Chiba purple lotus continues to be placed here, I am afraid that the other three nine-star genius, also I will come to the door one by one, and so on, then I will throw it out early, the troubles behind the province. Just new, among them, who are you gambling?"

"I will gamble on the Wencheng of the three-color Yuan Dan. I don't believe that this person is called Changyang. I can also use the one-color Yuan Dan to defeat the Wencheng of the three-color Yuan Dan." Just look at Wencheng and continue to say: " If I win, the Chiba purple lotus in the hands of the peak owner belongs to me. If I lose, I will give it to the peak owner with a drop of soul liquid."

"I also want this Chiba Purple Lotus. This gambling is also a me. I will gamble on their draw. If I win, I will return to Chiba Purple Lotus, just new, the peak owner, you have no opinion." Another nine-star genius Xin Bing also said.

This time he and the fair new, are all in order to look at the Chiba purple lotus in the hands of the peak of the peak, naturally will not miss this opportunity.

"It seems that I can only gamble that Changyang won." Wang Tianfeng peak revealed a helpless smile.

Because they are not optimistic about Changyang to win, the gap between the three-color Yuan Dan and the two-color Yuan Dan is huge, but they know that this Changyang can defeat the two-color Yuan Dan, but it is impossible to defeat three. Color Yuan Dan, it can be a great deal to be a draw.

What's more, Wencheng has already touched the threshold of the jihad rule. Although it is not a jihadist celestial division, the combat power is much stronger than the ordinary three-color yuan.

PS: Chapter 1

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