Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2266: Just lose, don't win?

"Boom!" At this moment, a huge roar of sound came from the ring, only to see the energy shield around Wencheng's body, under the attack of the rain of the light against the dust of the sword, finally It is broken, powerful energy fluctuations, turned into an invisible shock wave, pushing Wencheng's body backwards and backwards.

"You turned out to be... you turned out to be ...." Wencheng's look was covered with an incredible look. He pointed at the sword dust and was so shocked that he couldn't speak.

The rain of the light that he showed out was actually Changyang, which was repaired by Yuan Dan, who took control from him and was attacked by Changyang. Is there any reason?

After Jian Chen broke the shield of Wencheng, the action was not hesitant. He was close to Wencheng, and the sword of the Holy Light in his hand went straight to Wencheng.

Wen Cheng’s face changed slightly. In his opinion, the reaction of Jian Chen was too fast, and the attack was too rapid. In the face of the sword of the Holy Light, he had no time to display the light and resist, and immediately condensed together. The wing of the Light of Light flies backwards.

His combat experience is obviously far worse than the sword dust. Just such a small error, let him completely occupy the upper hand posture from the beginning, and it has been extremely passive.

And Jian Chen, is the pursuit of victory, chasing after the Wen Wencheng, the sword of the light of the hand is not merciless, and in the blink of an eye arrived at the chest of Wencheng.

Wen Cheng has changed his face. Although he also has some combat experience, he has never experienced such a tense battle. After Jian Chen seized the opportunity and broke out with a stormy offensive, he immediately became confused. In the midst of anxiousness, it is directly a lazy and rolling, and the danger is dangerous to avoid the sword of the Holy Light.

But even so, the white robes on his body were cut by a sword of the Holy Light and a long crack, the original white robes, which were stained with dust.

After climbing up from the ring, Wencheng’s face has become a bit of a blue, and the lungs are almost blown up. Just after that, for him, but to roll off his dignity, let him in the future in the Temple of Light, it is difficult to raise his head.

"Changyang, I swear, I will make you regret it." Wen Cheng gave a low roar, and also condensed a sword of the Holy Light, to the speed of the sword as soon as he could reach.

The speed of this sword of the Light, in the eyes of Wen Cheng, has indeed reached the limit speed that he can exert. Confidence, even some ordinary three-color Yuan Danming Master, can not escape their attacks.

However, in the eyes of Jian Chen, it is still as slow as a snail, but this time, Jian Chen did not choose to avoid, but deliberately made a gesture of unprepared defense, with his body hard to bear this blow.

Moreover, when the Sword of Light is about to shoot him, he has secretly adjusted the power of chaos in the collective, and turned it into a sharp blade with the power of chaos, actively piercing his chaotic body.

This makes Wencheng's sword of the Holy Light, which is not skewed, stabbed the wound that was made by the force of chaos on Jian Chen, and gave the body of Jian Chen to the hole.

Jian Chen, in spite of his own injuries, shrouded himself with a layer of bright sacred power, and the sword of the Holy Light in his hand also pierced Wen Cheng’s body.

"Ah!" Wen Cheng suffered such severe pains, and immediately issued a painful scream, his body hurriedly retreat, and opened the distance with Jian Chen.

The corner of Jian Chen’s mouth showed a sneer, and under the movement of a thought, behind the body of Wen Cheng, a sword of the Holy Light emerged out of thin air. Wen Cheng’s retreat directly hit the sword tip of the Sword of Light. Immediately, a sound of screaming pain was heard.

Jian Chen’s eyes were cold, and he stepped forward. The sword of the light in his hand was lifted above his head by his head, and he burst into a dazzling light. When he was about to fall into the text, a voice suddenly came into his ear. .

"Changyang, I am just new, this battle, you only lose, don't win!"

The new justice is at the height of condescending, and it is ordered against the sword dust, and the tone is unquestionable.

Of course, he is speaking like a sword dust in a way that is transmitted by sound, and he is not afraid to be heard by some insignificant people.

After the sound, the new justice is holding his arms and standing confidently in his face, as if he had already decided that Changyang would not dare to disobey his own orders.

After all, he is a nine-star genius of the Temple of Light. Such an identity is indeed a powerful shock for many ordinary disciples.

"Changyang, I am Xin Cin, you can force a tri-color Yuan Dan's bright sage to be so embarrassed, it is already an amazing achievement, this battle, still end in a draw." Another nine-star genius Xin Bing is also a voice to Jian Chen, but the tone is not as tough as a fair new.

Listening to the sound of just new and Xin and Cin, Jian Chen’s heart sneered, his current sense is beyond imagination, and the two nine-star geniuses and the Wang Tianfeng peak gambling, he How do you know?

If you change to others, the nine-star genius who is about to become a new Son will naturally not dare to offend. But they are confronted with Jian Chen.

"Hey!" Jian Chen did not pay attention to the fair new and Xin Cing, between the white mans, the sword of the light in the hands, brought a light of the light without hesitation, and gave Wencheng an arm. Come down.

Wen Cheng suddenly made a pig-like scream and scream, the pain of the heart, so that his entire body could not help but screamed, almost fainted directly.

In this scene, the bright sacred priests who watched the battles around Fujian and Taiwan were all stunned. Many people were stunned by the **** means of the sword.

After all, these bright sages, unlike those who are warriors, have all experienced battles, and some have come out of the blood of the corpse, and have long been used to **** scenes.

On the other side, the fairness with the main station of Wangtianfengfeng, the face is also a bit ugly, he has a gloomy face, his eyes staring at the sword dust, and his heart is secretly angry: "This Changyang really doesn't know how to be good. If you are a disciple of Yuan Dan, you dare to disobey my orders, hehe."

Xin Cing is also slightly frowning, looking at the eyes of Jian Chen, it is unpleasant.

"This Changyang, it is more and more to my stomach." A white-haired Wang Tianfeng peak said with a smile, looking at the eyes of Jian Chen, the color of appreciation is not disguised.

"Changyang, still not fast to stop, this battle, you must lose." Just new again to Jian Chen voice, this time, his tone became fierce.

However, for his voice, Jian Chen was deaf to the ear. He came to Wen Cheng in one step and grabbed the collar on the chest of Wen Cheng. His eyes stared coldly at Wen Cheng, whose tone became pale and papery because of severe pain. The cold said: "Wencheng, I don't have much hatred with you, but you shouldn't do it. You shouldn't think about my little sister. This is what you have to say to my little sister." After the end of the game, Jian Chen raised his slap and hit the face of Wen Cheng.

PS: Chapter 2.

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