Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2246: I do not need

"Do you want to surrender to me?" The black robe man stared at the fascinating fascinating **** of the great demon statue, and his mouth showed a slap in the face.

"Yes, I am willing to surrender to you, become your men, and do things for you with one heart and one mind." The Heavenly Demon Zun quickly said that he passed the Yuanshen and made the other two great Taishi strongmen of the Tianshi Dynasty. Hear clearly.

The faces of the two great-time powerhouses of this season have become dark and revealing the color of defeat.

"The demon sacred religion, the sacred sacred religion, the reason why my gods have fallen like this, all because of the offense of the sacred sacred religion. Heaven, you have harmed our whole heaven, oh, if you know so, when When you want to start with the Holy Spirit, we should stop you with all our strength." These two great powers are full of endless remorse, but they also understand in their hearts, support, regret can not change anything. .

Because Tianshi is finished, Tian’s many backbones and high-level forces are almost all concentrated in the palace, and as a result, all of them are dying under the terrible palm.

"As far as I know, in the celestial sacred religion, there is no one who is too strong in the beginning, except for you, and I am a strong person who has already reached the four heavens in the beginning. Once I have My joining is as powerful as the Heavenly Deity." The Heavenly Devil said, in order to survive, he is almost willing to do anything. Because he understands very well, if not, then waiting for him will be a terrible ending than death.

"You are right, except for me, there is no one who is too strong in the beginning of the sacred sacred religion." The black robe man whispered, and the gaze of the fascinating lord is still indifferent.

The Heavenly Demon Supreme gave a sigh of relief, but when he thought that the elders of the celestial sacred priests would accept their own resignation, the sacred sacred priests would be the elder elder’s next sentence, but another one would be the genius Go back to hell.

"Unfortunately, I don't need it!"

As soon as the voice fell, the head of the Great Devil's Reign suddenly exploded. A hand wrapped in magical air directly shattered his head and grabbed his **** in a very rude manner.

"No-" The screams of screaming screams, but this scream only lasted for a moment, and it was abruptly stopped. His gods disappeared in the hands of the elders of the celestial sacred religion, and were accepted. stand up.

Then, the elders of the celestial sacred priests turned to the other two great powers of the Tianshi dynasty.

"The demon sacred religion, and the little girl who is holding this little girl, is done by no one, and has nothing to do with us..." A Taishi mentor of the Tianshi dynasty sighed. The eyes are dim and the face is gray.

The demon of the demon is too embarrassed to say a word, a pair of eyes are cold and ruthless, without any emotion, and directly grasped the two glory of the gods.

Lost the gods, the two great Taishi strongmen of the Tianshi dynasty, the body suddenly fell out of power, and the strong breath that permeated them from them was also rapidly weakening, only a moment, between the heavens and the earth, They completely lost their breath.

"There is no big demon, it has fallen..."

"The other two of Tian’s have also fallen..."

"A generation of eternal dynasties, so in the middle of the finger, the smoke disappeared..."


In the northern region, outside the family of the gods, the strong peaks gathered here have sighed, and each one is very complicated.

These days, the Tianshi dynasty once pressured them to breathe, but now, such a powerful eternal dynasty, in this short period of time, from the state of the extreme, rapid decline It was not until the smoke disappeared. This huge change has caused a very strong impact on the hearts of all of them.

"Come on, pass on orders, all the personnel quickly dispatched, and went to the middle of the field to kill Tian's embers..." The peak of the peak of Fengtianfeng quickly came down, and then looked at the peaks and strongmen standing by, looking solemn. Said: "You, we are still waiting here, see the elders of the Heavenly Demon."

Hearing this statement, all the peaks and powers gathered here are full of shocks, and some people immediately exclaimed: "What do you say? The elders of the Demon Church are coming to us?"

At this moment, the faces of all of them have changed. Before they saw the elders of the celestial sacred elders, they were too elders to the celestial sacred priests. Some of them were just taboo, but now they are in their hearts. It is full of fear, and the heart is full of uneasiness.

Tongtian Fengfeng nodded and turned to look at the direction of the family of the gods. He said: "Please come out of Houston!" The voice of the peak of the peak of Tiantong was directly introduced into the depths of the family of the gods, a special trip for Tongtianfeng. Prepared in the small quiet courtyard.


In the southern domain, in the Tianyuan family of Pingtian Shenguo, in the Tianyuan family, Sheng Yu, wearing a white dress, is standing on the roof of the Tianyuan family, staring blankly at the rolling clouds that cover the entire sky. Whether it is the Tianyuan family, the Pingtian **** country, or even the entire southern domain, it is because of the existence of this magic cloud that covers the sky, and the black hand reaches out.

Within the Tianyuan family, as well as the streets and alleys of Dong'an County, the lights have been ignited everywhere, and the faint fire has been used to dispel the darkness around and provide some light.

"Good!" The darkness of the heart of Sheng Yu, extremely shocked.

"Sheng Yu Huhuang, because it has become stronger in the killing process, and grows under the blessing of the enemy's endless blood, it is not like you are now, slowly practicing in a calm and comfortable day, you are finally only one The flowers growing in the greenhouse can't support a day."

Just then, a voice passed behind the holy feather.

This sudden sound made the heart of Sheng Yu shocked. He suddenly returned to God and saw a man wearing a black robe appearing silently behind him.

He is in black, blending with the darkness around him, and seems to have been integrated into the whole world.

Sheng Yu’s footsteps immediately stepped back a few steps. He looked up and looked at the entire group of Tianyuan’s family. He exclaimed: “How did you come in?”

"This method can indeed block the footsteps of the strong players, but it can't stop me." The man in the black robe said in a faint tone.

At this time, Sheng Yu’s light hole pierced the darkness, and finally saw the face of the black robe man, which suddenly shocked his heart.

" are..." Sheng Yu glared at the black man with a pair of eyes, and the look was incredible.

"Presumably you have already guessed my true identity, yes, all your guesses are correct." The black robe man said.

"That... how do I call you?" Sheng Yu quickly calmed down, his eyes said complicatedly.

"Mo Tianyun, this is my real name, not a pseudonym." The black robe man said, immediately, his eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Shengyu, and said in an extremely harsh tone: "We are holy Yu Huhuang is one of the most powerful blood vessels between heaven and earth. It is directly chasing the ancestral dragons, and the power and infinite potential hidden in our bodies, only experienced life and death again and again, stepping on the blood of the corpse The sea, baptized with the inexhaustible blood of the enemy, can be completely awakened. You stay in the Tianyuan family, without the battle of life and death, for you, it is nothing to lose, in the end, it will only waste your blood. force."

Mo Tianyun’s words are powerful and he is educating the younger generation with the attitude of the elders.

Sheng Yu was trained to be ashamed and said: "I know, I stay here, just want to wait for my brother to come back."

"Your brother?" Mo Tianyun stunned, but immediately his pair of eyes became very deep, and the color of the deduction was flashed in his eyes. For a moment, he already knew who the brother of Sheng Yukou was. "Sword dust is all right now, you don't have to worry about him. Next, you should go where you should go."

"Our holy feather tiger emperor, should have been a fairyland person, not a holy world, we will soon return to the fairy world, revenge and hate, by that time, I hope that you already have a certain degree of self-protection." Mo Tianyun said As soon as he talks about revenge and hate, he will find it difficult to remain calm and his emotions will fluctuate slightly.

Immediately, he took out a symbol to Sheng Yu and said: "This transmission will send you to a place, and then guide you to a broken interface. It is the site of the Lingxian world, the environment is extremely bad. If there is a crisis, if you don't pay attention, you will be in danger. But the crisis is always accompanied by the opportunity. It is a good place for you. When you are ready, let it pass."

"In that place, there are quite a few strong starters, and after you have passed, I will not give you any assistance. Everything depends on you."

"Don't make the blood of Sheng Yu Hu Huang shame..."

Leave the sign, Mo Tianyun's figure will disappear quietly, come without a trace, go without a trace, enveloped the array of Tianyuan family, for him, it describes the virtual.

In the northern region, outside the family of the gods, those who stand on the top of the continent, the strong peaks, are silently standing here waiting quietly, many people are full of tension.

Houston, wearing a **** robe, is also in the crowd, standing quietly on the main side of the peak.

At this moment, a figure dressed in black, who seems to have completely integrated into the darkness, appears quietly outside the family of the gods. He stands with his hands and is separated from the top of the family of the gods.

This person is Mo Tianyun!

His arrival immediately made the pupils of these peaks shrink, and each look became extremely dignified.

"You are finally here!" Tong Tianfeng peak eyes staring tightly into the figure in the darkness, said in a dignified tone.

Mo Tianyun’s gaze did not look at the crowds of the peaks gathered here. Instead, he stared at Houston, who stood on the side of Tongtianfengfeng’s main body. His mood was violently fluctuating, deep in the eyes, and even revealed. There is an excitement and expectation that is hard to hide.

But soon he calmed down, and his eyes fell on the forefront. He was wearing a white robe, a fairy-skinned bone, and a crane-faced Tongtianfengfeng. He said: "In these years, thank you for your care. ""

The main person of Tongtianfengfeng took a deep breath and slowly said: "I saved him that year, everything is for the whole of Yunzhou. I can't bear to look at Yunzhou's life."

"My thing with Tianshi, so far, the next thing will be left to you to solve it." Drop this sentence, Mo Tianyun no longer said, hand wave, a magic bubble Houston disappeared.

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