Chaotic Sword God

Chapter 2247: Religious evacuation

Outside of Yunzhou, there are more than a dozen men and women of different ages who are quietly suspended in the void. The eyes of all of them are staring at the horror magic cloud that wraps the whole piece of Yunzhou. It reveals an excitement and excitement that is difficult to conceal.

Doped in it, there is also a worship and respect from the heart.

These people are the top leaders of the celestial sacred religion. Among the eight elders, apart from the elders, the remaining seven elders have come here, and each one is filled with the atmosphere of the strongest.

In addition to their seven elders, there are four other men who are unusually tall and burly. They are dressed in black, standing with their hands on their face, cold and faceless.

These four men are all sharp-eyed, killing and shooting in both eyes, revealing a thick **** smell, and the strong momentum emanating from them is obviously better than the seven elders. Be too powerful and too much.

Even among the seven elders, some people looked at the eyes of these four men, revealing a hidden taboo.

Because these four men are the remaining four of the five major wars of the Demon!

But whether it is the seven elders or the four major wars, at this moment, they are silently suspended without saying a word, seemingly waiting for something.

At this moment, a powerful magical power suddenly appeared in front of the seven elders and the four majors. Through this turbulent and tumultuous magic, it seemed to be able to see a figure covered by magic.

"The subordinates meet the elders!"

The emergence of this group of magical powers immediately made it possible for all the celestial sects of the sacred sects here to gather and respectfully bow down and salute.

"Before the elders, Yunzhou not only destroyed a branch of my teaching, but even the elders suffered heavy losses, almost degenerate, and the war demon is even more destructive. This hatred is not shared, please ask the elders to order, Let me wait for the blood to wash Yunzhou."

"Please ask the elders to order, let me teach the army to wash the cloud in Yunnan..."

The four major wars will be said in Qi Qi, murderous, and each one has a very strong **** atmosphere.

The five major wars, love and brotherhood, like a life and death brother, now fallen one person, which naturally makes the four major battles will hate the sky.

"The Heavenly Devil has been destroyed by me, the Tianshi Dynasty is also in name only, and the things in Yunzhou are here..." The elders who were covered by the magical spirit said in a tone that they could not be placed, as if his words were imperial It is the will of heaven and earth, and there is no objection at all.

"I will follow the elders' ego!" The four major wars will be in harmony with each other. In the face of the elders of the celestial sacred religion, they can only obey, and there can be no doubts at all. Even if they are very unwilling, they dare not say more. words.

"Qi'an elders, one of the three deputy priests of the Yunzhou branch, Huai'an, has betrayed the sacred sacred religion. His subordinates have sensed that Huai'an is still alive. Please ask the elders to order Huai'an." A woman standing behind the seven elders wearing a black armor said with respect and respect.

This woman has a world-famous sorrow and a world of fascination, and her words and demeanor show a fascinating charm. The black armor worn on her has not destroyed her. A touch of beauty, but added a bit of unique charm.

This woman is the head of the Seventh Army, Yaxilian!

The elders of the Demon Church indulged in the meeting, and then slowly said: "Huai'an this person, someone will find him revenge, you do not need to pay attention. From now on, I teach to evacuate Yunzhou, things in Yunzhou, you can not tube."

"Follow!" The high-level sages gathered here are all in one, and despite the doubts, why should they give up Yunzhou, but no one dares to ask more questions.


Next, the situation in Yunzhou was instantly reversed, and the demise of the Tianshi dynasty's peaks and strong powers caused the strength of the Tianshi Alliance to be greatly damaged. Next, the remnants of the Tianshi Alliance were led by Tongtian Peak, and many top families joined forces to suppress Suddenly, it was lost.

Soon, the middle domain was lost, and the remnants of the Tianshi Alliance, under the leadership of four Taishiqiang strongmen, rushed to the south of Yunzhou, laying a heavy squad, preparing for the southern domain as the final Defense line, resisting alliance attacks led by Tong Tianfeng.

The alliance formed by several top forces on the side of Tongtianfeng has suffered huge casualties in the previous war. The middle power was under the annihilation of the four immortal dynasties, and the loss was heavy. Therefore, the Tianshi Alliance was dealt with at this moment. The rest of the embarrassment seems to be a little powerless, and can't afford the loss of further expansion. Therefore, in the case of the coffers of the Tianshi Alliance, the pace is very slow.

They can't afford the consequences of a full-scale war, just as the Tianshi Alliance in the most powerful period, can not afford the same consequences of their life and death battle. The Tianshi Alliance has survived a few big beginnings. If it really fights for life, Tongtianfeng will pay a lot of money, even if it can drag a Taishiqiang strong person to bury.

At the beginning of the Tongtian Peak, it is natural that no one wants to be the funerary.

Therefore, they formed a stalemate with the forces formed by the remnants of Tian's.

In the northern part of Yunzhou, the royal family of the Xi’s dynasty was equally happy. The Emperor went to the Luoshen family to explain the internal chaos of the Xi’s dynasty. Under the intervention of the ancestors of the ruins of Tianzong and the ancestors of the four poles, Not as smooth as I imagined.

In addition, the Emperor Taizu of the Xi's dynasty cherished the blood, but also had no news, completely unknown.

Losing a mixed-powered nine-strong Tianqiang, this is a huge loss that cannot be estimated for the Xi's dynasty.

And the attitude of the family of the falling gods is unknown, which makes the royal family of the Xi's dynasty also in crisis.

In the war-torn state of Yunzhou, the only place that is still calm is the Tianyuan family.

The Tianyuan family, under this complicated environment of Yunzhou turmoil, is the only family power that does not worry that it will be affected.

Even the Pingtian Kingdom, in this turmoil, can not be so calm.

"The remnants of the Tianshi Alliance have fled to the South, and indirectly controlled the Blood Yang Dynasty?" In the Tianyuan family, Mingdong, who had just returned, also received news of the Tianshi Alliance's defeat, which made him The brow was slightly wrinkled.

"Uncle Shu, the law of Dong'an County needs to be strengthened. We have to declare to the entire southern region through this array of laws. Dong'an County is not a place where they can invade."

"As long as they don't invade Dong'an County, they will be troubled by how they love it. Even if the Nanyu area is turned upside down, it will not shut me down, but if you dare to come to Dong'an County, hehe." After the talk, Mingdong's gaze, suddenly Flashed a touch of color.

Uncle nodded slightly and immediately arranged.

Soon after, Sheng Yu suddenly bid farewell to the people of the Tianyuan family, and then activated the Fu Yun, who was left to him by Mo Tianyun, left the Tianyuan family and went alone to the site of Lingxianjie.

"A good and powerful symbol, this is the symbol, where did he come from?"

At the moment of the activation of the symbol, the uncle was touched, and suddenly he was puzzled.


Wasteland, Guangming Temple, Jianchen with white jade has returned to Feiyunfeng, and Feiyun Fengfeng, the main Hanxin, has long been waiting here for a long time. When he saw the return of Jian Chen and Bai Yu, Han Xinna Zhang with a little pale face of fortitude, immediately revealed a smile of gratification.

"Changyang meets the teacher!"

"White jade meets the teacher!"

Jian Chen and Bai Yu both greeted Han Xin.

Han Xin’s face has a feeling of pride that can’t be concealed. He said: “The matter of Wang Tianfeng has already been known to the teacher. Changyang, your performance is really amazing for the teacher. I am flying only Yunfeng, now only three of you, Which is your weakest strength, what I have never imagined is that among the three disciples, the weakest one is the one who makes me fly to Yunfeng to earn a full face."

During the speech, Han Xin has slowly raised his hand, and suddenly there is an incomparably pure light of the Holy Power in his hands. He said: "Changyang, you are hurt, come, and heal yourself for the teacher." Said, Han Xin's palm is pressed toward the chest on the sword dust chest.

Jian Chen quickly stepped back and said: "Thank you for the teacher's concern, the injury on the disciple, or let the disciples solve it themselves. Under the cruel competition environment of the sacred world, if anything needs to be troubled by the elders, then the explanation This person is destined to be a lifetime."

Han Xin nodded with admiration and said: "You said that it makes a lot of sense. If this is the case, then the teacher will leave. You should first recover from the injury. After you recover from your injury, you will fly to Yunfeng and have a message for the teacher. Ask you, by the way, because you should give some more advanced light magic skills to you in advance."

"In addition, for the teacher to personally evolve the jihad rules for you, I hope you can become a jihadist celestial division as soon as possible, and believe that you have this qualification."

"Remember, the jihadist celestial sect is our way to the strong, not a jihadist sect, after all, it is an ant..."

After leaving this sentence, Han Xin will drift away.

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